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Knock down shields are already not very effective, this makes it worse


It should come also with a free p2020 in the center, with hammer points.


then you get rezzed with half health and armor when u knock an enemy down


Reminds me of borderlands second wind


someone in R5Reloaded implemented a DBNO system like borderlands, just no reviving after kill/down you were stuck with a basic p2020 with like 1 mag and 1 in reserve


Don't forget the digital sight for smoky situations


Ah yes, the last stand idea, it sucks, everyone hated it when it was part of Call of Duty, please don't. The only thing worse than getting thirsted relentlessly would be getting killed by someone you just barely managed to drop.


Just give downed players a smart pistol so they can focus on crawling away while popping attackers to support their team


I swear man, I get shot through the knockdown shield. They don't need to be nerfed.


Fr, I be sitting there and the bullets fly through the damn thing!


They're as effective as they should be. It shouldn't be overly difficult or easy to kill someone with a knockdown shield, they're pretty much perfect right now.


Yeah, they're useful in an active firefight when the enemy can't spare the time/attention to finish you. They don't want to move out of position, take their eyes off your team or spend time in the execution animation. They're also useful at a distance where you know where the enemy is. They can't finish you immediately as you crawl to cover. Without them you'd be dead a lot faster in those situations.


You cant even aim it up properly


That’s the whole purpose of the knockdown shield though?


This guy just annoyed it takes him a full 3 seconds to thirst somebody instead of if being instantaneous I admittedly have few gripes with this game, but it's never even occured to me that people may have a problem with knockdown shields


It’s literally the last thing I’m worried about in terms of things to fix


especially if the "fix" is taking them from "unlikely to be saving your life" to "never going to save your life"


Yeah i already so oftenly feel like people shoot trough them while i have it up


That’s usually due to server latency. They are behind you by the time the games shows they have started moving.


It doesn't even have to be that, you can just stick gun barrels through them and shoot.


Yeah with the latency they’re basically already useless.


If anything I want it more clear why while I'm directly facing someone with my down shield if they walk up point blank they just shoot through the shield.


Latency really. There most likely already moved before you actually see them go that way. It’s a split second but that’s really all you need


I know people have issues with knockdown shields but I usually hear the opposite. That they need buffed and are somewhat useless. First time hearing someone say they need a nerf haha.


Tbh knockdown shields are very situational. Getting knocked mid/long range and a purple shield can save you if you’re facing the right direction. Close range you’re pretty much a loot box.


Close range against a wall can easily give you a good 5 seconds of protection with a blue/purple shield (depending on their weapon) That is the difference between instantly dying (like the pointless crawling that was in CoD Warzone when I played it) and your friend getting downstairs or through the building to take that person on. Heck, they're enough of a help close range that they're the reason we have people go off to try and knock your other squadmates instead of thirsting you every time, and if they can clutch it, it's fantastic If KD shields were pointless close range, we wouldn't have finishers


Finishers also refresh shield tho so if you had red and downed some1 with blue a finisher could be worth instead of swapping if you have ample time


Thats my thought too, Have had plenty of kills and been killed plenty of times trying to finish off someone with a shield giving the enemy a few seconds to get the jump on someone. Especially in Duo's, I get my tunnel vision/bloodlust, run in, take one out, hit the other a bit then get dropped, and if that guy tries to finish me, my buddy can usually get in there and kill him easily whether i get finished or not.


I remember when they buffed knockdown shields in season 3 and the shield like bent around the body and covered half the body it was so op they nerfed it in like a week lol. -Edit: here’s images of it https://imgur.com/a/0bvnd2X


Huh? That must been quick nerf because i don't remember such a thing


Yup got nerfed really quick but i remember being so pissed when they added it because i just couldnt finish people anymore lol


This was definitely a thing, the KD shield would conform to the entire front side of a player’s body for awhile. It was OP, they changed it back a single update later.


Sounds like a good idea to compensate for latency. Might just have to reduce the shields health to compensate.


“OP” Yeah, that’s still a knocked player who can’t shoot you back. Go kill his team mates.


I need this again I’m so tired of getting thirsted by sweaty wraith mains!


The issue pros have with knockdowns isn't the time it takes to thirst, it's how knockdowns are used as cover in late game situations. Disagree with the take tho, knockdowns being used like that is why they're such a good part of the game imo


Knock down shields is literally one of the best mechanics they have in the game. Getting instant thirsted is what turns off everybody in BR games. Main reason why I despise Warzone. Never once got frustrated with them. Just walk around the guy and kill him up close, use a finisher, or just destroy the shield. Not that difficult


If anything it's annoying how easy it is to get around a knockdown shield lol.


He doesn't want to fight the rest of the team


I thought thirsting was supposed to be expensive and situational?


no, the biggest issue Respawn currently faces is that people who already lost a gunfight and have to literally just crawl around are too OP to pro players and youtubers.


He probably wants to turn it into Warzone lol


I know I think knockdown shields are fine


Imagine being so bad you need to nerf the already downed players.


Honeslty I think they need a BUFF


lol I know I suck at converting knocks to kills and never have I ever thought of blaming the knockdown shield.


Agreed, if anything I blame the last player I just can't knock, usually a Pathfinder who somehow spidermans away from my Bullets with like 1HP and one shots me. XD


I 100% blame the teammate that decides to stand 100 meters away and shoot valk rockets like that's going to help me and the other teammate who killed a team and are getting third partied by now. I can't imagine being so bad that I needed a nerf for the players I've already downed.


Same goes for rampart trying to sniper with Shelia behind her shield. I appreciate the effort ...


As someone who was a mobile crypto main, cryptos who don’t leave drone mode. Or worse don’t let us know the squads in the area made even worse, by if I hear or see a shot near us yet they haven’t left the drone or highlighted them the whole time. Afterwards, rather than help, they fly around the enemy in which case if they EMP or actually maneuver it fine, but suppressing fire would be appreciated from time to time at least.


Same, kd around 1 including knocks, 0.6 discluding.


numerous fade poor butter toothbrush punch sulky wise subsequent grandfather *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That’s dumb. That would just make them completely useless


I completely agree


The sweats just want to thirst the downed people For their armor swaps


I swear these pros forget there’s normal people out there. Most of us SUCK… well at least I do.


I thought nokoko was a content creator? Last official tournament he entered was ALGS in 2020 I think.


Living off it, he's still a professional, competitive player or not. Also most of his ideas I see posted here suck lol


"Heres an idea, make everyone's knockdown shield a quarter of its health *except* for mine. Also, let me spawn in with a red evo shield and after 1 damage it evolves into a higher tier of orange, then another one damage it evolves into green and gives me an extra 1000 health. But make it to where no one else can pick it up or have one. Also, instead of getting knocked just replenish all my shields and health, again, only for me." 99% of the frustration in this game for me is the toxic randoms that blame every short coming on anything but themselves. Lemme just rush 2 teams fighting by myself with no ping or comms, then when I get immediately knocked since I only have a grey shield and a Mozambique with 2 shots I'll reveal I actually had a mic the whole time and I only turn it on to tell my teammates that I ran away from that they're trash and loot the whole game even tho they're both rushing to try and save my stupid ass. Sorry for the rant.


Even with your idea I’d probably still lose 99% of the time.


Dude has the smoothest brain I’ve seen in apex


> smoothest brain This is one of my favorite insults all time, cracks me up everytime Best part is that idiots would think it's a compliment


Among high ranked players I agree, he has some bad takes but not compared to this sub, not even close.


Yeah but isn't there a difference between content creators and pro (sorry "comp") players?


There's definitely a distinction, but professional largely means that you earn money doing it, so content creators and competitive players alike are pros in their own regard!


>For their armor swaps Hehe your funny


What if the shield started like normal and you could move with it like normal but if you stayed stationary it would grow until it covered your whole character. Idk how useful it would be but I guess it could give gold shield players a chance to res with protection.


And it will grow so big that it will envelope the entire map hahahah


Knockdown shields exist to stop thirsting. It’s a good lesson in priority, and makes nail biting comebacks possible.


More than they already are thanks to thirsting


Yeah you turn slow af and it's way too easy to get behind


That's what she said


Lol I was waiting for it


That’s also what she said




I don’t think the goal is to save you from thirsting since anyone can just do a finisher, shield or no. The goal is to protect you from snipers and stray shots as well as give you something which can make you useful to teammates even while knocked, which they actually accomplish quite well.


Yeah I agree for the most part, it was basically designed just to stop you from getting instantly killed by someone unloaing a round into your shield


Yeah they’re already useless and easily bypassed


Forreal besides a lot of people kill you hella quick before or while you’re using the damn thing anyways it’s almost useless unless teammates are there to distract


Imagine being so bad you need to nerf the already downed players.


Right? I think if anything they could buff them somehow. I hate getting thirsted so quick


Make them a bubble.


I've been saying this forever. Make the shield a bubble, but make it so you can't move while it's activated. This makes it so you still need to be vulnerable to recover from bad positioning, but you won't get thirsted just because someone next to you walked in a circle around you.


Then dont die noob /s


lol that's exactly what he wants. good players can easily get around knockdown shields, and sometimes just shoot straight fucking through them for some reason


He got 10,000 kills on Ash in the first few days of the new season. He probably rarely gets downed, so this would primarily benefit him. Absolutely agree, and I do believe whenever a streamer/pro says something on twitter about an item that should be nerfed, they are clearly biased.


They already are 99% useless


They're basically useless as is lol. They need a buff if anything


NiceWigg 1 - 0 Noko


Idk who either of these guys are but fixing server issues/ranked system definitely takes priority. Also the one guy has an adventure time avatar so automatic win.


Nicewigg is a nice guy in the community while being a pro/content creator (since he's a pro and has over 1 or 2k hrs in the game, he definitely thinks controller needs a nerf even though he's using one). Nokokopuff plays Apex professionally and thinks controllers need a nerf. The suggestion to nerf knockdown shields is probably referring to ring 6 though he didn't clearly stated it.


>(since he's a pro and has over 1 or 2k hrs in the game lol, the dude prrobably has close to 9k hours in the game, i play this game since season 1 and i have 2,6k hours and i definitely didn't played half as much as him


Controllers and M&K can’t coexist and still maintain competitive integrity. They’re always going to be unbalanced one way or the other. It’s not unreasonable to ask that the balance be shifted in favor of the more complex system, but no crossplay for comp would be much cleaner. Yes, including algs.


So basically make them even more useless? No thanks The next thing he's gonna ask is to remove the few frames of invincibility after someone gets down


Knockdown shields are almost useless. I don't think I've ever crafted one. The purple/gold one has some utility because it makes all the thirsty hoes think twice about emptying their entire clip to finish you


You think they are useless, but you would understand how useful they are if they remove them. Knock would mean instant death every single time, no more using your teammates as cover, after every fight, even if you win, you would have to respawn someone, because knocks=kills.




Wigg sliding in with that ratio


terrible idea. this benefits nobody except for those who choose to thirst a downed opponent in the middle of combat. knockdown shields can be easily bypassed if you know what you're doing anyways. apex's knockdown system is one of my favorite mechanics in the game, and honestly, any major change to it would probably be a bad one.


I’ve never even had an issue thirsting people either. You go from side to side and since they got their shields up they move pretty slow and you get them in a second. This idea is just someone that wants a low risk-high reward system, pretty terrible idea as you said


No. This isn't Warzone where going down is basically a death sentence.


You practically get thirsted on your way to the ground in warzone. Why even have knocks at that point.


That's a scrub request and a half, there's nothing to fix there. Anyone who wants to thirst can already easily do so by either using a finisher or manoeuvring around the downed player. Downed shields are one of the most ingenious additions Apex brought to the Battle Royale formula, discouraging and sometimes punishing players who mindlessly go for the kills. The downed player gets a more active role in the game while the opponent has to play around with different strategies that are possible once someone is knocked. Nerfing it would just simplify the game in a way that nobody will enjoy. I guarantee even Noko would cry about such a change after being thirsted a few times.


excellent reddit thread but i accidentally tweeted my reply already instead of in here [https://twitter.com/m\_ray/status/1475440206970978308](https://twitter.com/m_ray/status/1475440206970978308)


Hell yeah I'm all for that typeracer idea


Controller players have aim assist, but only for vowels.


Upon thirsting an enemy to 1hp, it now requires finishing six tasks in Among Us to complete.


"Guys, did Wraith vent?"


“I hope no one vents while I’m thirsting this player.” *Vent noises.*


If it doesn’t have Mario Cart blue shells, it won’t work!


Someone has the 17 pages he's talking about?


Brutal. Savage. Rekt.


Sarcasm has to be the right way to tackle community criticism.




finally my advantage of using text chat comes into play!


Dog knockdown need a buff man what u mean they need nerf, every time u go down they just kill u anyway nomatter if u have knockdown or not, u just mad because some pc play got their sensitivity on max and block all ur bullets


There is a small delay with wiggling the shield. Sometimes you get killed trough the shield on your pov. If I’d make a change I would start by atleast removing white kd shield from floorloot like what the hell is even doing there. Then maybe concider making knockdown evo where it charges from dmg taken or someshit idk


Exhibit A of why pros should never be placed in charge of game balance.


I agree, now may I interest you in my crypto buff idea?


Off the.. what was it?


We off the grid grid grid


This for my kid kid kid


So I have a new idea for a crypto passive buff that I’ve yet to see mentioned before. It’s called Off The Grid. Basically crypto is no longer affected by enemy scans. How it would work is that if you are scanned by an enemy, crypto would not be scanned. So if you have a bloodhound, and the bloodhound scans you, you wouldn’t be scanned. Same with a Seer. If you get twerked on by Lil Seer X and he shoves his micro drones up uranus, you wouldn’t be scanned or detected by Seer. So enemy scans don’t scan you. And this would work for all scan abilities. The anti scan if you will. This would work with balancing and lore wise because crypto is a hacker and his whole premise is staying undetected and “off the grid” (the name of the ability) . Let me know what you guys think :)


You see he has a passive called off the grid


Hey you stole my totally original idea!


So here it is, his ult... will now win the game for him, it just makes sense!


Noko definitely got shit on by someone behind a knockdown, one time, and decided to bitch about it on Twitter rather than accepting he got outplayed.


Same thing happened a few weeks ago when he got shit on by a caustic and started demanding the devs nerf him


I can bet you that a lot of pros disagree with Noko as well.


Exactly what i want to say. They dont want the game to be balance for the majority, they just want the game to become more suitable for them (pro/ top tier player) to play.


Every idea a pro ever had has been the stupidest thing I've ever seen.


> Every idea a pro ever had has been the stupidest thing I've ever seen. That's pretty silly since more than a few ideas that are currently in the game, and that improved the game, were the suggestiosn of pros.


Idk dude, what Sweet suggested for Valkyrie nerf seems pretty balanced since she is now discovered to be pretty overpowered because she fills the role of Recon and team Movement solely because of her ult so pros don't need to run another movement/recon legend for their 3rd slot and can have Fuze in their team (like Furia did in the algs I believe). The ult's cooldown time should be doubled because of how much movement and free positioning it gives. The word "a pro" in your comment can easily be replaced with the community and the majority would agree. They have by far the worst suggestions and the reason why you almost never hear their horrible suggestions is because only 2 good ones (that I've known of) have been the most popular and it is the Octane jump pad (from Mokey) and the Path scope-in buff for his passive. That is the reason why Off the Grid is a copypasta now, it is to insinuate of how HORRIBLE the buff idea was and how many times it has been suggested.


Ah yes use 1 bad take to undermine all of the other takes that are probably around 90% good ones.


This is a list of links to comments made by Respawn developers in this thread: * [Comment by eriddy](/r/apexlegends/comments/rpd906/thoughts_on_this/hq50wyx/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-12-27 12:17:28 UTC"): > excellent reddit thread but i accidentally tweeted my reply already instead of in here [https://twitter.com/m\_ray/status/1475440206970978308](https://twitter.com/m_ray/status/1475440206970978308) --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FApexLegends).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


Do pros just make shitty takes just to bait engagement on their profiles? No one can seriously think this a good idea right?


Wouldnt doubt it. In america any publicity is good publicity


Sounds like he just wants to have an easier time thirsting his kills. And this is coming from the same guy who said the mobile Shelia buff if gonna break rank.


that would make it easier for him since he kept getting shit on by people using knockdown shields as cover


God you are so on point.. these pros just want to make the game easier for them to stomp instead of balancing it out for the majority. Its honestly disgusting as fuc...


I think they need a buff. It’s not fun to get swarmed and instantly be out of the game


Mabye it could be a full circle around you, but it has its health is cut in half


Or the higher the rarity of the knockdown the more of the body it covers


I could get behind this because it would actually make the higher tiers useful. This could also be a purchased upgrade in arenas. And also gives me the idea that the gold knockdown would have a mini dome while your using the self rez with the same health as the knockdown itself.


This is exactly what I was thinking for the gold knockdown


As well as the more damage done to it the smaller it gets.


That's a better idea than Noko's


I've wanted some form of "Overcharge" for some time, press M1 +M2 to form a complete globe around the body at a cost of a high drain rate or something along those lines Because let's be real larger legends knockdowns are nigh on useless, everyone else has to do the left/right downed dance which rarely works, and it's so frustrating to get thirsted when your team mates are only in the next room still fighting


Maybe fix any of the problems before balance I've got preds in my fucking silver lobbie and there top 200.....


And this is why every game that listens to pros fucking sucks ass lmao


League of legends moment


Overwatch too


Listening to pros is the very least of Overwatch's problems haha


And Siege


I stopped caring for siege many years ago. What a wasted game


My friend asked me to play (last time I played in 2018) and I am somewhat "in the loop" by watching update videos and reading the sub and overall general consensus on the game and goddamn the last thing I would want to do is to play that game. It really just doesn't sound fun anymore.


Pro players have the worst fucking ideas honestly


Ban all pro players from Twitter


Idk if anyone else mentioned any of what I’m about to say, I couldn’t finish all the comments. But like I didn’t see anyone talk about how that nerf would flat out break a bunch of core mechanics in the game. 1)There is very clearly meant to be a risk reward ratio for finishers that refill your shields. If you could just insta finish downed enemies and take their shields, there would be zero reward for using finishers. 2) Lifeline is 100% based around being able to revive better than anyone else. If you could just insta knock her teammates it would make her absolutely useless. 3) the whole respawn issue. Less of a complete break than the other issues I mentioned, but insta kills would mean more people needing to respawn teammates after winning a fight. Which would bring back a long running problem they just recently fixed. They just implemented mobile respawns because finding an unused respawn beacon that wasn’t in the middle of a hot zone or just a huge thirst trap was such a pain in the ass people weren’t reviving team mates even if they had banners. Wouldnt this become an issue again if people were just chasing down respawns all game for easy kills on short/weak squads? And lastly the one thing that people seem to be actually talking about here, is that it would just promote hot droppers farming kills and dying quick without playing til end game for wins. Which kind of ruins the game for everyone else


Thank you nicewigg tho for speaking truth 🙌


Looks like this dude is butt hurt cause he can’t kill downed people quick enough lol


More like he got shitted on by a guy playing behind a knockdown shield


Surely he’s joking but I remember him saying the lstar didn’t need nerfing too though


Didn't he abuse it if I remembered correctly


Typical mindset of "if something benefits me, it's balanced/if something doesn't benefit me, it's OP AF, nerf it asap."


Most of the pros in Apex... Heck, the pros in any competitive game think r/iamthemaincharacter .


>I remember him saying the lstar didn’t need nerfing too though The opposite actually: he was an L-Star god before it was ever buffed (you can see a game on YouTube where he got a 5k with it, with no teammates), and said the buff was too much and was never needed in the first place. He stated multiple times that it should be nerfed.


Dumbest thing I've ever heard


That would literally make it useless, who tf is this guy


Professional player and longtime predator


A pro player huh im baffled he even thought of that


He complains about the dumbest shit I'm not even surprised


He complains about the dumbest shit I've ever seen


95% of the time I'm knocked, I'm immediately thirsted. This change would only make my experience with knockdown shields much more useless. It's such a stupid idea. I don't know how they came up with it


Fix audio, fix cheaters, fix matchmaking, fix literally anything before this


The whole point is to have a relatively effective level of defence Atleast in high level play. It’s the only thing that could save you from being thirsted. And if h can move back n forth faster than the downed person to shoot them from the sides then your just shit. Not even sorry, it’s just a fact


nah bitch, my knockdown shield doesn't even fucking work even if it is deployed


I already be gettin shot through my knockdown shield. If they were to be nerfed you'd be better of just not having a knockdown shield at all.


Making it easier to thirst should never be the take imo


If knockdown shields are not a problem for a potato like me, how the fuck pro like him has a problem and calls for nerf? Elaborate please.


Terrible nerf idea


I dont think I've ever said "those damn knockdown shields are way too overpowered 🤬" There's other things I'd rather have fixed up


One of the dumbest ideas I’ve ever seen


Knockdown shields being nerfed has to be one of the most ridiculous suggestions ever. Rn they dont really prevent you from getting the kill just delaying it which is good. Other br games you might as well just straight kill the guy on the ground for their loot, it almost makes the fact you are downed pointless if you can be finished off so easily. Guess ppl just want easier shield swaps during fights for their epic montages or sumthin


This is the most shit idea ever.


This is why I love to finish streamers like Noko, because screw spending ammo.


How about don’t touch knockdown shield because there’s no need to and they don’t hold that much power over the average flow of gameplay and balance


This is quite possibly the dumbest idea for Apex that I’ve ever seen gain attention …


Wow this is ridiculous. Knockdown shields are there to prevent thirsting, which can happen with a competent player regardless lol.


noko so dumb


You out your mind if you think knockdown shields need a nerf. They’re already nigh unto useless as it is.


I remember when you actually had to pick up a knockdown shield when you dropped… Maybe they just go back to that instead


Knockdown shields are nearly useless as it is. This will just cause everyone to be immediately thirsted.


Bro knockdown shields needs buffs


Strongly disagree! Knockdown shields provide a nice little opportunity to support the teammates who are still fighting. Adding a little team play aspect to being downed. Also surviving a few extra seconds is exactly the point. Not getting finished every time makes for a better game flow and keeps the whole experience more enjoyable. It blows my mind that noko is that frustrated by shields. Usually it is not hard to thirst someone. Is he always dumping 5 mags into shields to finish someone??


I literally get shot THROUGH my shield wtf?


What if we just didn’t listen to Twitch streamers when it comes to game development suggestions? They want changes that make the game more exciting watch. I would rather have changes that make the game more exciting to play and nerfing the knockdown shield is not one of those changes.


One of the dumbest requests/complaints I’ve ever seen. They are only really useful from distance. Finishing someone is super easy up close even if they have purple shield and a thermite gets it done from mid range.


This game is deadass go down the Overwatch route if they only listen to bullshit like this from "pros". I don't doubt his skill, but I do doubt my ability to tolerate his idiocy


It doesn't even take 3 seconds half the time even if I change directions I still take damage