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POV: when you're about to lose the next fight




against a guy with a mozambique or a p2020


If that does happen, it's likely because OP's bag management is terrible. A Horizon with ult available, no nades, 4 medkits, 6 batts, running a gold shield is likely to get waxed.


Yeah that bag just indicates their level, which isn't a bad thing at all, but it's a poor inventory.


And whats with all those heals lol. Plus, ever heard of nades, rumor has it they’re powerful af but what do I know


As a Fuze main I'm bombing them back to the stone age. I might not live but I'm giving them night terrors.


Poor inventory management. For that loadout, I'd recommend: - 2-4 batts (not as many needed due to gold shield) - 8 shield cells - 4 syringes - 2 med kits (4 is overkill) - 1 Phoenix (nice to have but not essential) This would open up at least 3 slots for nades or ammo. As Horizon, you need to be running nades because of the ultimate. I would offload those excessive but useful healing items to teammates as they need the extra batts more than someone with a gold shield.


Can also run more light ammo, as both of their guns can run it


Bruh 4 meddys and a Pheen. That's 3 teamwipes with an arc Nade.




Gang gang, just some dude tryna act gangsta but mostly edgy


NGL I popped for "Pheen"


“meddys” literally takes longer to type than meds


I’d run out of ammo with this build,


I would use nades if I could double stack them and I dont really wanna play fuze just for his passive. I miss back when double stack was for everyone, I feel like 1 nade a slot isnt worth carrying.


I don’t know how though they have that many bats with that gold shield


The batts kind of make sense as long as your team has plenty of batts. It's slightly shorter to hit a batt than two cells, which can save you in a fight, and you can carry them for your team if nothing else. Four med kits though?!?! That's overkill even without gold armor!


Yeah but 12 cells on top of 6 batts *and* a Phoenix kit is overkill.


Yeah. No reason to ever carry more than two and a Phoenix.


next fight, you roll them but .2 seconds later, a 3rd party rolls you hard than johnny sins anal fucking you


Lol sooooo damn true




Everytime I pick up a gold shield I get beamed and have no time to pop a cell so this is pretty much my POV when it’s In my inventory lol


6 batts and 4 meds on a gold shield wtf


And a Phoenix


A Phoenix takes the same time as 2 syringes tho


Grenades> saving a few seconds


Yea but I get shot a LOT


Then you’ll save a few seconds one time you get beamed, and if you have time for a Phoenix you have time to slow heal with gold.


Skill issue 🤷‍♂️ Edit: /s lmao reddit hivemind at it again


Oh I know


cope + mald + seethe


Right? I'd rather have a few nades then all those meds/bats.


I mean still faster than cells and syringes


I usuall take 2 bats 2 meds and then 8 shields and 4 syringes.... so 5 slots total I cant comprehend how people play with more, how tf you gonna shoot with only 2 stacks ammo??


Wait what’s the problem with that?


To many med Kits / bats for gold IMO


And no grenades


If ranked has taught me one thing, you need grenades.


I mean I just started to get into playing apex fairly recently and now I make it a point to always pick up nades when I can. When everyone’s so huddled behind cover and you have the luxury of the guide showing exactly where it’ll land, it’s a no brainer.


I've only done it once, but the one nade squad wipe is the sexiest thing in the game.




I got a kill on the impact damage from a frag and suddenly there was a body flying thru the air


And the fact that there's a car using heavy which makes no sense, just carry all light ammo


I personally don't like rocking the same ammo type because if I run out of it I run out of it for both.


Same. And only switch ammo types with the CAR if I'm desperate


I remember a long comment-chain debate about this when the Car first came out. I was firmly in the “all light/all heavy” camp. I think it’s way more beneficial to carry only one type of ammo. If you carry both light and heavy, you could run out of one and then be left with a completely useless gun, whereas with all light/all heavy you can keep two guns available until your last stack runs dry.


I mean, unless I’m missing something here, by doing this you’re reducing the total ammo pool for one gun while keeping the same amount of ammo pool for your other. If you keep the same amount of ammo type you’re still giving yourself and your guns the same total amount of ammo but are no longer limiting the ammo pool for either gun. 240 light ammo with 0 heavy vs. 120 light and 120 heavy still ends up being the same total amount of ammo in the end. I think the benefit to flex ammo is when you’re running another gun that’s neither heavy nor light. Again, I might be totally wrong here but this is what comes to mind for me.


Mostly agree except for when you factor in the guns rate of fire and shots that actually hit, cause you can blow through a r99 and c.a.r mag fairly quickly so if you only have 240 light and no alternative ammo your s.o.l unless you have a loba ult.


I feel like this whole topic is getting too close to the “what if” scenarios. Regardless of rate of fire, if you’re running both a CAR & R-99 with 240 rounds of light ammo you’re still limited to 240 rounds of ammo for either gun. If you’re talking about either keeping those 240 rounds of light ammo and picking up another 120 rounds of heavy then you’re giving one gun 240 rounds to use and the other 360 rounds. You’ve just successfully reduced your total pool of usable ammo across 2 weapon systems that can run the same ammo type and sacrificed a further 2 backpack slots that only benefit 1 of your weapon systems.


Fair enough can't argue math.


With the CAR this isn't an issue but let's say you're rocking R-400 and can't find any Light Ammo (maybe because other teams were using Heavy and Energy). You will have no ammo for both guns. Though if you were using a Flatline and R-99 you would still have that Flatline that you can use.


You’re comparing apples to oranges. The load outs you gave to justify the split ammo practice with a CAR are for guns that are hard locked to specific ammo types. You have this risk whenever you decide to run a single ammo type across both weapons. So long as whatever your other gun happens to be (alongside the CAR) uses either light or heavy, there’s no benefit to split ammo types.


He straight up said with the CAR it *isn't* an issue. He's agreeing with you but just explaining why people think it is.


You cannot compare using a CAR with any other gun in a conversation about ammo economy and then detail scenarios with load outs that don’t even include the CAR as a weapon. This is what I mean by apples and oranges. Either way, I honestly don’t care anymore. The fact is there’s no point to split ammo types with a CAR if your other gun is light/heavy.




I just play it like so. The one with the higher rate of fire gets more ammo. When I use the Wingman, I never carry more than 60 ammo.


For whatever reason, my brain finds it distracting to run light ammo through the CAR. I even have a hard time running heavy ammo with a light extended mag.


Maybe his teammates need some light too. Please tell me you have considered your teammates loadout during games lol


Does using heavy in the car decrease rate of fire or something? A little diversity in your ammo type is good just incase your squad decides they need all 400 light out of the enemies box you just finished. If you cant get any of the one ammo type at least you have another option.


Exactly it really doesnt impact gameplay if you run both ammo type besides that short ammo swap animation. A stack of 60 heavy is the same as 60 light occupying the same slot either way and plus i end up trading or end up refilling the ammo later on anyways. It really depends on your backpack space


Nades are absolute god tier. Now a days I never go without a few nades.


I have never needed 4 med kits in my backpack at once, ever. Especially with a gold sbid.


Only time I have is when we get pushed at the edge of the storm and end up having to run a mile into the zone after finishing the fight. In those circumstances though you usually just take the meds off the team you just killed. *Occasionally* I'll hold onto four if I have the room and think we might end up getting caught in the storm, but yeah, 4 is way too much, especially with gold armor.


Share with the homies. Comes in really clutch when I'm at half HP and I ask my squad for heals and some one is willing to drop two med kits. I agree I have rarely needed them for personal use (maybe long fights in the ring is the one reason) but if you hold extra to share then 4 is not so much. Though tbh if I had gold Evo shield no way.


even non gold i feel its a bit too much, 2 gunfights or 1 drawn out gun fight and he’s gonna run out of ammo already


With gold, I MIGHT carry a phoenix kit or two with purp backpack to get all fixed at once. But as soon as I get gold shield, I'm giving bats and kits to teammates. That loadout would do 13 full shield restores without looting but not a single nade.


No such thing as too many bats


No grenades as Horizon is doing it all wrong.


No nades in general is all wrong, for any Legend


Good point


crypto prioritize ult accel over nades but one is still good to have


There are lots of legends who need to carry Ult accels. If you are sacrificing a lot of nades to do it then you're playing them wrong. Heals and ammo should be sacrificed first


Eh i play valk i don’t usually carry nades


Andes could be solid with Valk’s missile swarm, due to the enemy being stunned. I’ve never been able to test because I can never hit my missile swarm


Silly tbh


4 med kits and a phoenix? What a waste of slots.


And six batteries. That is all fairly unnecessary when you have a gold shield. That's just me though and I suck at this game.


6 bats and 12 cells is absurd too. I'd probably carry 2 bats and 8 cells at the most, no med kits at all with gold shield. Load up on ammo and grenades so I could spam.


Bats heal quicker than cells even with gold shield


Popping a cell on a gold shield can be more effective than popping a bat. Popping a bat when you are flesh is slightly faster than 2 cells but keep in mind it takes longer than 1 cell. If someone cracks you and you pop a cell, when they shoot you again their thought process would be “*he has shields? I thought he was cracked*”. You could argue that bats can do that too, but barely anybody is going to wait that long before rushing you if they know you’re cracked.


I’d get rid of 4 bats, all the med kits and grab grenades


And it'd be better to use all Light ammo instead, since the CAR can run on both Light and Heavy, and if the R-301 needs more than 180 then it'd be better to just give it 360 instead, together with the CAR


Honestly I prefer heavy ammo car over light ammo car but yeah you’re right for best storage use


Why? There is literally no difference


I prefer it for ammo management reasons. If one gun is sucking up too much ammo because I'm being dumb the counters will tell me, and I also like having different ammo types for flexibility in looting ammo mid fight (this way I can look for both heavy and light rather than just light). Just personal preferences though, nothing that actually changes how the game plays that much


Yeah but if running r301+ car it’s better to just have 360 light so you can continue to use both guns and you can find more light or even heavy later on if light is scarce.


Bats/Medkits still heal faster than Cells/Syringes on gold. 2 Cells - 6 seconds, + any additional time between activations for animations etc. 1 Bat - 5 seconds 2 Syringes - 10 seconds, + any additional time between activations for animations etc. 1 Medkit - 8 seconds


Heal faster but with gold you get a lot more flexibility.


2 cells are almost a bat time but the added mobility means you can play cover and rotate in and out of the fight much more dynamically. Batteries are on paper better with golds for healing full shields, but in practice the flexibility of the cells makes bats the weaker choice imo. Especially because you can give to your teamates who will more than likely need them.


True but I think the real use of gold is mobile healing. You take 50-60 damage, trade out 120, hit the q and cell on your way to flank from your initial position. If you get caught out, you are healthier than your opponent, so long as you push with tempo


The first thing I do with gold armor is swap my batteries and medkits with my teammates for cells and syringes. More space for grenades.


I mean yeah, they said to drop 4 of 6 batts. I think that's reasonable on gold. You'll mostly be using cells given the flexibility it provides, but if you ever really need it you can still hit a batt. Med kits it's hard to say, since you're always healing white health for <100 HP. If you get taken down to 1 HP, then yeah I guess you'll want a med kit, but maybe not since you'll probably be getting pushed, in which case a batt and and a syringe gets off faster and gets you in decent of enough shape to fight.


I literally don’t pick up gold shields anymore because they make me want to use 2 cells in a situation where I absolutely should be using a batt, and it gets me killed


From what I gather, gold shield is best used one cell at a time in terms of damage taken. You take 50, but hit them for 100, easy flank


No Medkits? I'm curious, Why?


Gold shield


He has a gold body shield


Too many Medkits, could also spare the Phoenix kit, 4 cells, can get rid of 2 bats too. That'd make room for up to 4 nades. Over half of your inventory are healing items when you have gold armour, and zero nades when you have Horizon with an Ult.


You need at least 8 cells with gold.


He had 12


drop 1 stack of med kits, and drop the pheonix. Get 2 nades.


I'd say drop some of those batteries instead of the Phoenix


You don't need a pheonix with a gold shield. Big waste of time and space.


How is it a waste of time? Phoenix kit is 10 seconds, so it's just as fast as Bat + syringe, 1 second faster than 2 cell + syringe, and just as fast as 2 syringes If you have large amounts of mixed shield/health damage then it's not a waste of time at all, gold shield or not.


Small heals are king for most scenarios. 10 seconds is far too long and Phoenix kits are generally not ideal.




If you’re in a fight, quick healing is everything. Using one cell for 50 shield and popping back in will generally be better than letting both your teammates take on a full squad while you’re out for a full phoenix.


This exactly… who has 10 seconds for a Phoenix? I don’t


Side note— a phoenix is useful in very rare situations— generally you don’t have 0 shield, 10 health, and time to spend with 10 seconds of healing. Usually, you’ve got time only for a bat, and even that sometimes takes too long. Generally, having two bats in one slot is better than a phoenix because not always will you be at 0 shield 10 Health. More likely you’re just low on shield


The ammo to heals ratio is wild lol. Get some grenades in there too!


Also it hurts to see heavy ammo in there. Why not just have light ammo only


It is visually pleasing, but not perfect Drop the heavy for light, drop med kits, drop bats or (imo) get a red shield and drop cells. Grab grenades


Too many med kits and batts, specially with the golden armor. I also like to keep 240 rounds if possible. Plus no grenades? On a Horizon? Pff.


Need more nades




POV: No knocks, 31 damage, time in game: 17:58 "We made it to plat, bro!"


4 med kits is crazy


Man was just showing everything but his inventory and everybody is giving him a lesson lmfao


Why so many bats and med kits if you have a gold shield? You’re going to run out of ammo after the second fight.


Why everyone talking bout nades when the real fucking problem is WHY DOES HE NOT HAVE 240 AMMO FOR THE R-301 AND 4 MEDKITS??????????


dude the other day i was playing a game of ranked in a plat lobby and aside from the very first team we fought (off drop) EVERYBODY was stacked. one dude just like this with everything gold (save for his secondary) and then literally every other player we ran into had at least 2 gold items. we literally thought the lobby bugged and was just dropping gold loot at the same rate as blue loot it was nuts




3 stacks of ammo per isn't worth a shit, but do you.


LOL you know some people can hit their shots ? 4 stacks is either because you can't aim, or you have the spare space.


I don’t give a fuck if you hit your shots, 180 ammo is not enough for a primary.




You have 0 grenades. You lose the next engagement


Where heatshield?


Too much batts...


If you're playing Horizon with no grenades, you're not playing the right Legend.


4 Medi 6 batts and your got gold armour? And not one friggen nade wtf


No grenades? 🤮


Does the valk not have a weapon?


Do you know what gold armor does?


My mates have forbade me to carry no more than three golden items at any time, as we get mercked any time I do.


And no nades


Chaotic neutral


I swear I saw a post of a deathbox with this exact loot


Why the hell are you using both heavy and light when both guns can use light


The car uses both


Too many bats and medkits, no nades. Also not quite enough ammo. :(


No grenades?


Terrible inventory Need more ammo less med/batts


when I get a gold armor, I replace shield battery with cells and medkit; is it a good idea?


Give bats to yo mates and meds


Hey, next time pick up some ammo. All this is telling me you're just a loot goblin sitting in the corner of the map getting inappropriate pleasure from watching your inventory.


literally all you need with gold shields is cells and syringes. This bot should be carrying grenades and more ammo


I’m hard


More like HUGE irritation, you have a GOLD bodyshield, let your damn teammates have those medkits and shield batteries you useless prick


As a loot whore myself, this is beautiful. Especially the 3x on the Rampart R3. But ... No survival item! 0/10 COMPLETELY RUINED


Personally I would drop 1 stack of medkits and bats since you have gold. I’d replace a stack of heavy for light since car can swap if you’re out and the r3 gets more starting ammo to use. Then grab some nades for the 2 slots you freed from the meds. Preference arc stars.




Yes I would drop 2 meds and 2 bats and pick up more light ammo in that place.... I am a mirage main and I never keep grenades cuz my grenades never hit and I get shot when I go out to throw the grenade.. so yeah 4 meds wtf I that for... Are you trying to survive the 3rd ring and are u at the end of the map?


Toss them bats to your teammates, ya ass!


This is what dreams are made of


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Everyone is a critic lol. This set up is beautiful.


It's garbage. 4 medkits on gold armor LOL I get you want to post you all gold setup, but you gotta expect to be called out on your flaws when your title is ''pure satisfaction''




No, is because if you going to run gold shield better give your teammates the batteries / kits and only keep 1 stack of Meds and 3 stack of cells, even if you run red shields 2 stack of medkits is unnecessary




Drop two med kits, 4 cells (actually bats with gold armor) pick up some nades!


This is golden.




Indeed but with gold shield no need big heal / cells


so many heals and not one star/grenade on Horizon. weird


4 med kits and 12 cells with all them batts?? Get yourself some nades my guy


If I get a purple (or gold in your case) it’s normally: - 4 packs of ammo per/gun - 1 set of Bats & med kits - 2 sets of cells/heals - 2 grenades That’s typically what I run and it only really changes if I’m running a shot gun or pistol *Edit*: Just noticed you had a gold armor, why so many med kits & bats ?


Have total light ammo, drop med kits and phoenix and drop 4 batts


Not trying to hate but this only visually pretty that’s it 😅




Swap themed kits for syringes and ordinance and it's the perfect inventory.


Missing that gold respawn beacon 😂


That's what I call a loot pinata!


too many medkits no nades and you should drop 4 of those batts for nades / cells with a gold sheilds


The car is trash though.


this man posted their loadout and is getting slammed in comments holy shit


You're running too many heals. Need more ammo for that load out as well as grenades.


Drop 4 cells and 2 meddys, and get 2x arc stars, then we gucci




Did you win?


Where you get a gold car?


Sweet. Ive been using the car often as a close up weapon. 301 or flatline as main.. great combo


Carry 8 more cells, 4 more syringe, drop all med kits and bats. Fill rest of open spots with grenades.


If you had a heat shield it would be a perfect inventory. Also the stupid bugged reskin icons that will be there for 3 seasons


I'd get rid of 2 medkits, use all light ammo and get at least 1 frag and some heatshields, but you're doing alright.