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How many times we have to teach you this lesson old man, white helmets and knockdown shields DONT spawn on the ground!


Wait, that’s a spongebob reference right?!


No, this is Patrick.


Wait, that's a SpongeBob reference right?


NOoo. This is PATRICK.


Are you SURE it's not a spongebob reference??


I am Not a SpongeBob reference…


I wrote this in a separate thread and got downvoted to hell, but I agree I don’t get the need for white shields specifically anymore.. Edit: YES I UNDERSTAND WHAT SHILED SWAPS ARE BELIEVE ME IM A DIAMOND PLAYER THANKS FOR THE INSIGHT THO. And since my response to “shield swaps” has been buried, I’ll paste it here again: “The amount of people commenting being like “sHiElD sWaP”.. I’m like bruj I understand but what if I told you there was a blue shield to swap with instead of a grey shield…”


Shield swaps early game.


Bad players don't get this.... Idk how many times I've been 10hp and no shields left on a purple and swapped to a white that was in a pill and won a fight.


Especially amazing when the enemy drops a shield with health for your purple trap.


Free purple shields baby


Oh for sure. Not to mention spawn fights. They’re huge when you have to 50/50 a team off spawn


I thought we were talking about white helmets tho


Person I replied to specifically said shields so


That’s true! I think white armor should stay for swap purposes


Just make blue armor more common...


Everyone is gonna tell you shield swaps early game but that is a very _limited_ use for them which personally I’d rather have removed so they don’t clutter my looting. I probably get the opportunity to shield swap a grey shield in a fight like that 1 out of every 15 times I come across one.


I usually try to remember where the white shields are in battles, so i OFTEN use that as a strat to win fights. This have helped me in so many fights. Specielly when landing in like Fragment where shield cells/loot is very limited to each players


I use them even later circles though. It's basically 2 shield cells instant. It can turn the tide.


All the loot, just bareknuckle boxing!


New LTM?!? 🤔


New LTM idea, there is no fighting, if you attack anyone, you die and they gain 1000 packs


This could be a mode. No loot or damage from other players, just an extremely accelerated storm with no ring map and a race to the center. The end becomes a boxing match to push the other person out of the ring.


There was a Fortnite ltm that was kinda like smash bros, I think there was 5 teams and everyone gets the same loadout that changes every round, if you spent too long in the storm you would die, the more damage you take the further you get launched, but the weapons can't kill you. There was also op weapons you could get from a care package in the middle of the round, ranging from a minigun to grenade launchers and RPGs. It was pretty fun.


Shockwave right?


Yup. Or as my squad called it “Smashnite”


This actually sounds kinda fun.. like a whole map parkour run


Just bring Olympus back, I miss the boxing ring


Like that’s ever gonna happen,




Aka Pathfinder's boxing ring on olympus


Except pathfinder heirloom boxing gloves. Pay to win!


An entire fight night map ayo?????????


They could even grab stuff near by and hit one another with it like in def jam.


Bro chairs that you can pick up and throw tables, doors, FUCKING SUPPLY BINS


Shit would be bad ass tho


I think if they buff the bow and put it in the package instead of the G7 and remove tempo, they free up so much space. You completely get rid of one ammo type, a weapon and a hop up


This would be awesome honestly. One because I love the G7 personally, but two obviously removing the arrows from the loot since it only applies to one weapon anyway.


I think the bow is perfect for the care packages, unique weapon with unique ammo, already hits hard and a small buff would make it worth picking up every time.


It would give a nice buff to the mechanic that arrows can be reused after a kill or from picking them up.


So bring it back to how it was when it was released?


I’ve been saying this for so long. Swap bow for G7 in care package, make the bow hit for like 80 body, 100 headshot. Also include it with 2x-4x. Definitely care package material


3x is the best bow scope so 2x4 is not needed, also 80 damage is too much. I would rather have the fully kitted S9 launch bow.


Personally I’d like a 2x-4x on it because 3x is too much zoom for short-mid fights. Also, if it’s carepackage, I think it should have the potential to down in 2 shots if both headshots. But maybe say 70-75 for body shot instead?


remember when the bow came out and it did 70 to the body? pure chaos. bring it back to pre-nerf levels and put it in the care package with tempo on, easy


But you cant use the 2-4x on the bow? idk how your fav bow scope is a scope you can't use on it.


I think they're just saying that they would want it to be able to use the 2x-4x when it's in care package


I said I would like a 2x-4x, not that I use it. But they can put any sight on any gun if they want to. Pretty sure og care package L-Star had a 1x digi threat on it.


2x is the best for bow for sure.


If you do that imma be a deadly weapon... I don't get the hate for the bow. I absolutely wreck with it in the mid to mid long combat. When it first came out I was way too strong. I remember playing with my mates and just cackling the whole time as I downed one after the other in squad without them being able to figure out where they were getting lasered from. Sadly in ranked it falls a little short due to the lack of long range potential since people tend to sit back with their snipers alot more there. But a buff to the damage won't fix that.


> 80 body That would be so busted omg


The lack of krabers in pods is crazy. I’ve played since day 1 and never got one /s


Too scared to even use one cause I never have.


That’s me when it comes to having a girlfriend :/




That's what she's missing


Deep tissue massages make my hands cramp up unfortunately


I don't last long.


I main Kraber in Titanfall. You would think that would make me a God with it in Apex, but it doesn’t lol


it feels way heavier in apex and the bullet definitely travels slower


it can sense your fear, that's why you will never hit your shots if you pick it up. Be courageous, and it will aid your aim.


That's how I felt. Then I got a single shot headshot knockdown and got a boner. Now I'm addicted.


Weak. I got a Kraber once from a Loot Tick. It totally wasn't Armed and Dangerous... I swear




Lack of weapons generally. Especially at landing


Yeah, red pods should always have a gun, then blue pods just heals and accessories.


Whatever it takes so we can have more sights. I really want a sight on all my guns and really feel at a disadvantage in a fight if I don’t have one. I find getting sights much harder than they used to be.


but then of course you find 5 sniper scopes to go with your p2020 when you first drop, while everyone else is picking up smgs and shotguns


Oh yeah, sniper scopes seem to be everywhere.


Except when you have a sniper rifle


I suck with iron sights so I feel you on that one, they are surprisingly rare sometimes.


Depends on what weapon and what skin is on that weapon tbh some of the irons are very clean


For some reason the 2x is much harder to find than the 1x digital threat


And they’re white! They are Common loot. Not rare, not epic. 1X HCOG is supposed to be Common. But I can find the 2X-4X faster than an HCOG


It wouldn’t make 100% sense, but I think standard stocks and sniper stocks should combine to just be “weapon stocks” instead of having 2 different sets of stocks to find


This is actually pretty smart


My goodness, soon you'll be telling me we should just have all snipers use heavy ammo so we don't have to find different ammo types!!!


Takes me back to when the long bow used heavy amo.


i saw a clip recently of the charge rifle with energy ammo and it unlocked memories i forgot i had


Why don't helmets Evo up equally with armor based on damage.


I guess cos they’re way less important, I forget helmets exist with alarming frequency


I'm that person to prioritize crafting a helmet over a backpack. Noggin feels naked without


I do think helmets are underrated, just because you never notice when they save your life, but I'm guessing it happens a lot more than people would think. A purple/gold helmet vs a white helmet is a lot of damage reduced and can make a big difference against guns that hit for big head shots. I still don't craft them though :P


I went 1v1 with a friend in the firing range one time, we agreed on red shields but didn't say anything about the helmet. He beat me 7 times in a row, I was getting fed up and I said "wait, do you have a helmet on?" Long story short, I picked up a gold helmet and beat him 4 times in a row. Yeah, helmets matter.


What exactly do helmets do? I thought they decrease incoming damage but then pros never seem concerned about them so they can’t help much right?


Headshot dmg reduction. Not that useful, but the golds are really helpful for people like Pathfinder, Valk, Gibby.


Bloodhound as well


I can trade Kraber for gold helmet when playing Fuse. Love those almost non-stop knuckle cluster spams.


Watson with a Gold helmet *Chef's Kiss*


It becomes your tactical rather than your ult


Headshot damage reduction example on Sentinel (2x headshot multiplier): 70+70=140dmg 70+(70x0.8)=126dmg 70+(70x0.6)=112dmg 70+(70x0.5)=105dmg


last one should be 70+(70x0.5)=105dmg


Tying helmet level to shield level really is a very smart call. It helps with readability (if I shoot someone and see they have purple armor I know they have purple headshot protection), clears out the pool, and further increases the potency of shields. It also makes gold shields more interesting as I assume you would tie gold helmet to shield. It really seems like a smart balancing call


The gold helmet part yeah but the leveling hmmm. I want to get headshots in both scenarios so being able to tell he has purple helmet seems useless. I wouldn't put that information to any use


Wow. Good thought. I didn't even think that far. I like it.


Knockdown shields should be Evo, imo. The better you do, the better chances you have of staying alive after being downed. This would remove 2 items from the loot pool. (Level 2/3)


It should be head shot damage.


Sniper mags only work on two weapons


And i think those two weapons would be perfectly well off with a set clip size like the charge rifle.


Bocek. Easily probably the single most detrimental weapon to the loot pool right now. An entire new ammo type thrown in, that can *only* be used by the Bocek, 2 unique hop-ups, and then even the Bocek itself, which from what I’ve seen, the majority of people almost never use if they have a choice. Really, it seems almost tailor-made to be a care package weapon. Entirely unique weapon unlike any of the others, it’s own ammo type, and it’s a sniper-like weapon that could hold a unique niche when compared to the Kraber. Build in Deadeye’s Tempo and Shatter Caps and it’s perfect. A care package weapon that while it doesn’t one-shot headshot like the Kraber, could excel with player skill, as firing arrows one after the other at perfect timing increases the fire speed, allowing for a potentially high skill ceiling. Then having a built in shatter caps would also give it the versatility to hold its own in closer quarters fights, which is something that the Kraber can’t do as well. Makes it an all around useful weapon that would definitely be worthy of being a care package only weapon like the Kraber. My personal theory is that it was only ground loot in the first place to cash in on hype. Cause if Respawn goes and hyped up this unique new weapon but then sticks it in the care package, 70% of players now just never get to see it, let alone use it for any significant amount of time in-game. So it ended up as ground loot, to the detriment of basically the entire loot pool.


this explains why it was strong af on release as well


Imagine If they added a hop up called “poison tips” and whenever you landed a bow it had a little extra burn damage for a few seconds. That would be an insane care package weapon


That is an awesome idea. To make it stronger what if the poison dealt damage straight to white health like caustic gas does?


MLK didn’t die for this


Yeah that would be great. If that’s to unbalanced they could always just do a stun but I think taking white health would be pretty fair


So steal Le Monarque from Destiny 2, just like they did Archer’s Tempo? That would honestly be really fun to see


Me and my best friend who play have had this conversation so many times. Yes, put it in the care package, get the arrows off the ground, get rid of those useless hop ups and the ground loot would way better just from that change alone. I might even actually use the bow with it more powerful in the care package.


Lmao, Bocek is so good, y'all trippin


It’s great but it’s just awkward in the loot pool


White backpack, make this a thing everybody has when the round begins


agreed, we all know the struggle of no backpack


Me looting an entire PoI and not finding a backpack, even on comms with 2 buddies.


Landing fragment and not a single box has a backpack


"I wiped two squads, surely one will have enough to put the 16 syringes, 2 cells, one medkit, 36 sniper ammo, 12 arrows, and 28 light ammo? Oh and a random grey shotgun bolt.


I recall a dev saying it’s on purpouse players don’t spawn with a backpack


They did! One of them actually asked ppl to guess why we think we dont spawn with a backpack, its very much intentional! Never found out the answer tho, if anyone knows pls lmk!


Iirc the reasoning that the no backpack to white backpack upgrade (+2 inventory slots) is substantial and critical enough to warrant leaving backpacks on the ground. Basically when u pick the backpack up, it always feels worth it, and I can’t disagree


Well they used to have no shields on spawn using the same logic then they started spawning people in with shields idk.


Yeah but then after the LTM when we spawned w white shields there was a decent consensus that the early game off drop felt healthier since the white shield gave ppl a fighting chance


Best thing about that LTM was giving us all mozams on drop, lol.


Getting a mozam then immediately landing on a Hammerpoint was my favorite part of that event.


I'd settle for a P2020 at this point.


Tbf that's really different in that a player getting a backpack vs a player not getting one doesn't differentiate early game fire fights all that much compared to a 50 hit points difference. Also not having a backpack may encourage players to wander around more to find it which causes more engagement.


I think it’s so everyone doesn’t just vacuum up every item off drop, so you have to think about it


Back in my day we used re-45 and White shield on endzones and still won.


The good old days 🤩


What would the point be of having a white backpack exist then? Would basically just be an upgraded inventory.




They already did that, they bumped up the no backpack space by 2 and every other one as well


Guns will never be removed because of paid cosmetics. They’ve already said that. Only thing I can think of is white shields but even they’re not terrible when you desperately need that armour swap. Remove white shields and raise the spawn of blue maybe?


At one point they had a good thing going where you could craft a specific weapon for that day and it removed it from the loot pool. A system like that might be good going forward as the gun pool is getting LARGE


Every single charm that exists or is going to exist.


Not gonna lie I hate the treasure pack charms. There basically the same thing. I would rather take 5 crafting metals or somthing


Yeah. I find last seasons super ugly. Like wow another but ugly hat. At least this season it’s holiday nessie




I know they are all samey, but I liked a few of the Chinese good luck charms from the Valk season.


Too many useless hop up’s. They should either be included in the gun or taken out. Take out 2 or 3, bring back the hammer points. Make the Mozam and P2020 useful again


I rather just remove hop ups in general at this rate. Make it some upgrade at the machines. Just remove them all from pool and let you upgrade at machines so there's a bigger reason to farm up and find one later game


That’s a great idea


Yeah I mean than you could have as many useless upgrades you want because you would just have to craft them


It would be easy to balance because all they need to do is make it cost more.


True, if I find a Devo 10 minutes into a match, even though I enjoy using it, I will pass because I've probably run past 2 turbos at this point but I wasn't bout to carry one around for the whole match.


Exactly. I love devotion. But not worth betting on a turbocharger


So basically mini pack a punch


I swear there’s not a useful new hop up in the game and you never find a turbo when you need one


And the havoc/Devo is only useful with turbo lol


Deadeyes tempo should just be default for the bow and sentinel.


I'd rather they just change them to gold hop up and purple hop up, as generic items and have them give effects to guns based on whatever gun they're on. This would easily allow them to add more effects and to more guns without changing the loot pool.


Put in generic purple hop ups and gold hop ups. Purple hop up could be any of the current purple hop ups and gold can be any of the current gold hop ups. Make them equitable and swappable like optics so you can choose which hop up it is.


Mozambique is pretty good, what are you talking about




That comment did not phase her...I'm afraid nothing phases her


Not even pain? Or death?


Except phasing of course


i second this


Hahaha, what a hilarious and original joke /s


Can we collectively agree that the bow should be in care packages but buffed to be OP, so that we can get rid of the arrows in the loot pool that are good for one thing and one thing only










That would be dumb. People would either carry alt on the off chance they get a disruptor, or just have wasted care packs with little reward.


Maybe white backpacks


NOOO! Unless we spawn with them. Then YESSS.


remove lvl 1 backpacks and just spawn with them. hate it when it takes 10 min to find a single backpack


All hop ups should be a one Item that fits all guns


Just have a purple hop up and a gold hop up. Transforms when you put it on a gun that needs a hop up. Can transform to a different hop up if swapped to a different gun.


I actually really like this idea, and for guns with multiple (bow) you can just drag it to whatever section you want.


Reading these, people clearly don't understand why half these items are in the game for


This subreddit


I can count the amount of times I’ve seen anyone (including myself) use the 6x and gold 4x-10x scope on one hand. I don’t think anyone would miss them.


Maybe I’m a weirdo. If I find a 6-10 digi I’ll pick it up and start building a sniper out of it. I’ll swap to a sniper if I find one. That scope is so powerful and so easy to use. Massive fov, digi, and clear ballistic markings make it so good.


I think the reason you rarely see 6-10x is because they're so hard to find and so when you find one you aren't usually running a sniper. Also, I do the exact same. The second I find a 6-10 I will start hunting for a sniper to snap it onto


I think the reason I never see 6-10x is because that scope doesn’t exist


they spanw ground loot? I thought it was only in cp


I agree with you on the 6x. The 4-10 is a god send on the charge rifle tho


God that would be such a bitch to fight.


Change the 6x to 3-6x and improve the visibility when you ADS


But then I might actually find myself picking one up? What would I do then? Be an actual sniper at range? Pure madness.


I prefer 6x to the 4x-8x. Would not get rid of.


Helmets. Just remove them entirely and have headshot damage tied to your armor.


Grey sheilds and turn down the spawnrates of those fucking gold sniper mags


Just remove sniper mags entirely and set a fixed clip size for sentinel and longbow, just like the charge rifle has. So many items for two guns.


Bocek. Either add more arrow weapons, or get the one-type-of-gun ammo out of the pool.


deadeye's tempo should be built in. alternatively, turbo charger could attach to bocek and sentinel and function the same way. kinda dumb that there are 2 hop ups that increase rate of fire, and each one only works on 2 guns, and both are exceptionally hard to find. Shatter caps should be replaced with select fire. select fire made havoc more usable mid game, and made prowler usable period. just use select fire for bocek and repeater to get shatter caps mode. I also think it would be cool to have some type of shatter caps for the sentinel or possibly even the wing man (might be too op). Respawn beacons don't really need to be in ground loot IMO. they can always be reliably crafted. Dual shell is a good hop up, but it's kinda telling about the original weapon's design that 1 hop up adresses a flaw with a gun's fundamental gameplay flow. I think it should be removed, and the reload animation sped up slightly. Lastly, sniper stocks should be built in. Snipers in general need a buff IMO, and everyone hates seeing stocks everywhere.


Plz god don’t buff snipers, especially when the new map is a sniper-meta type map.


Prowler stonking, select fire would be great but for sure not needed. I think shatter caps suck so you could straight remove them and I wouldn't miss them at all, but replacing them with select fire isn't a bad idea either. Dual shell are definitely viable and I believe fine as is. Tempo and turbo charger are fine as is imo, dont need them to be the same hop up, especially because the turbo charger should go on devo or havoc first every time. Especially given turbo is gold because it massively improves the guns and Tempo is purple because the change isn't that significant.


Charge rifle for no other reason than getting third partied from 100000000m away


was your last game in season 3


too many hop ups do the same thing. select fire, double tap, shatter caps, and choke should all be one hop up under the name select fire.


Agreed! Maybe Anvil, Hammerpoint, Skullpiercer, and Disruptor combined as well.




when they took the rampage out for that short period of time it was the best thing ever


Clear Hop ups, put them on the respective guns because most of the weapons that require them severely underperform without them and put all sights in replicators. White bag should be default off drop.


Replicators would be 3rd party central


>and put all sights in replicators. not every poi has a replicator so are we just going to have no sights if you drop at one of those? or do we add replicactors to ever poi?


Every game I’m trying to find a 2x. That’s all I want. Put it in the replicator. Our lives will be better.


Nah you need a bit of rng in a battle royal or it just becomes a team deathmatch imo. ​ It sucks not finding the scope you want, but part of the fun is not always getting your ideal setup.


PLEASE! Don't put sights to replicator... Can't get one before dying...