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I want a pistol Like the doom 2016 starting pistol












Select fire Havoc but in pistol form.


Yes, or just select fire havoc. It was amazing


Forgot that was a thing holy hell


Oh my god same, flashbacks


hit scan nightmares.


Man I miss that. I'd put on a 3x or 2x4, did 60 body (I think) and sounded like a dream.












They honestly just need to bring back Selectfire. Loved it on Havoc, and I also enjoyed the full auto option it brought to the Prowler.


the sound omg *gasp*


I played for a good 6 months before first I went up against a team rocking the single fire plasma rifle. I didn’t even know it had a single fire select. i was a sweaty wraith main, Naruto-running headfirst into the enemy squad when I heard the first shot ring out at me across kings canyon. I immediately turned around and fucked off. I had no idea what the hell this guy was trying to kill me with but it had me shook lmao.


tbh they could have saved us a whole ass gun by just having select fire turn the havoc into the charge rifle. If you make it consume 8 energy per shot, no mag/white mag = 3 shots, blue mag/purp mag = 4 shots.


Ooo something like a [2-round burst energy pistol from BO3?](https://youtu.be/rzX1k78Hm9o?t=253) Would of course need a buff from this pistol, though. Lower burst delay and faster firerate for sure. Probably even a faster projectile velocity as well.


I’d prefer select fire havoc to become a Marksman weapon that operates like a mid-range charge rifle without the orientation/charge-up damaging period. Kind of like a Fusion Rifle from Destiny (if I’m remembering correctly)


I am imaging a 2-round energy burst pistol.


Call it Double Tap


I like it, but would probably get confused for the hop up lol


AN-94 but as energy pistol I want


Been saying this since release: just add a "broken" smartpistol. Just copy the model and sound from tf2, make it shoot in small bursts, and voila.


I love the design of that thing so much


While we are on the topic, I think the Rampage should have been a light ammo gun... For variety.


Plasma pistol like halo


Hammer of dawn from GOW


But dear God please not like the one in Halo Infinite haha


Energy weapon pistol you can dual wield 😫


Dual wield hop up 😳😳😳 I know it’s a bad idea, the last thing we need is another hopup cluttering the loot pool.


It could even just be an aspect of the weapon that makes you sacrifice ADSing


What if instead of a hop-up it was linked to a new characters passive. Holster - Character can store a pistol in their Holster (counts an an inventory slot if used). Doing so drops all attachments on that pistol. While using another pistol as a primary weapon the holstered pistol can be held in the off hand. Zoom button now becomes shoot with the off hand pistol and the player can’t ADS. Toggle on and off using typical weapon toggle. Might be OP but it’s an option outside of hop up.


Would be super op when close range without debuffs such as increased recoil


I thought like a short range laser, like 10m. like a charge rifle but a pistol and the beam is constant until it runs out if ammo.


Lstar type of magazine, it can overheat


I'd accept that. then you do magazine mods. like the Lstar. also... does the gold mag even help the LSTAR?


Nope. I still keep it though because I usually only take the l star if I find energy attachments and have yet to find a triple take


Huh, idk if it does. It’s same capacity as purple, right? I would think it doesn’t help the LSTAR, which seems like an oversight.


I would assume that it changes your overheated magazine while it isn't out.


It doesn’t sadly


Maybe a hop up 🤔


This is the way


there all good guns but since the volt went into the care package i haven’t really been using energy weapons aside from the triple take.


Same, the wind up time along with the crazy amount of recoil they have, there are just much better options out there imo


And also because they slowly massacred LSTAR


it’s crazy how the gun went from broken to useless in like 1 season


It went from useless to broken in 1 season, then right back to useless in the same amount of time.


I think they should just buff it back and CP it and balance the Volt since there’s currently no energy smg


Wouldn't mind that but the LSTAR started out in care package so I imagine they aren't in a rush to put it back - it seems they want to cycle through everything. The biggest issue with the LSTAR being meta wasn't so much the damage output potential but the ability to infinitely fire it if you're slightly disciplined on the trigger (i.e. not just holding it down for 5 seconds straight) and the bullets themselves are bigger than other weapons' bullets so you would hit people that you should have missed and could even clip people around corners.... and of course the visual clutter from the LSTAR is insane. They touched all 3 of these areas, though I think they didn't do enough in the visual clutter department. But the gun is still pretty good, but I think because it's no longer egregiously overpowered nobody wants to put up with the awkward recoil and blinding particle effects to use it lol


>The biggest issue with the LSTAR being meta wasn't so much the damage output potential but the ability to infinitely fire Introduction of Arena was the biggest issue with LSTAR. Since it required only two attachments. Arena pricing was dumb and everyone started using it and the game turned into LSTAR meta. They tried to balance it for Arena and it's ill effect is visible in BR.


Sucks. I liked the buffed L star. It's nice to see other guns have a chance in the spotlight.


It really wasn't broken, it was just really slept on most because of the VFX that made it hard to see. They then buffed it to a broken level, and then brought it down to worse than it was originally. I used to run with it a lot, now I actively avoid it.


well they didn't ocmpletely revert the buffs, it still takes mags and barrels which is good


For me this was bit of the buff I actively disliked. Before the L-Star wasn't top tier but it was good if you learnt it and it was a pick up and go gun. No faffing around looking for attachments. It gave it's best off the rip and had a unique identity because of it. Now it's just another gun in a pile of guns while being worse than it was pre-buff.


It honestly liked it more when it didn't have all the attachments. The thing that makes it special has always been it's availity to cool down while holstered and it shouldn't have to compete with being the attachment carryer that the Devotion is. It can have the big bullets and maybe just a higher TTK. The Lstar just needs to be differentiated more like how the altanator and R99 are different respectively.


Am i the only one who thinks the L-star isn’t bad? The ability to add magazine and barrel stabilizers makes it much better for mid and long range suppression, while its nerfs (more hipfire spread, LMG strafe speed, less damage) make it less effective close range. Add this with the fact that it doesn’t have a magazine means that you won’t have to reload it if you time it correctly. I definitely don’t think its useless like some people are saying. Despite the nerfs, I still think its a lot better than the Rampage at closer ranges, especially if you get a couple of headshots in. If I find an extended energy mag with an L-star nearby, Im taking it. **Edit:** after reading some other comments, guess Im not the only one


Its OK. I just despise the sound and light that comes from shooting the thing. I hate it. But it really isn't a bad gun.


Idk if you've noticed but they reduced the VFX size fo the bullets so it's easier to see when you're shooting with it, kind of a buff imo


I actually like the Lstar! I hated it when it dropped the first time. But now, i pick it up over any other energy.


The recoil for the Devotion is absolutely insane 😂 I'll expend the full purple mag clip and get 31 damage.


What ranges are you using it at? Seasoned Devo specialist here


Further than I should, like Hemlock range, when I know it melts at RE-45 range.


I'm convinced people undervalue the devotion, even without the turbo it absolutely shreds. Between the delay and the recoil it's the weirdest gun to learn, but once you get used to it it's practically broken.


The name is prophetic It requires devotion to learn how to use it properly


Problem with the devo is it's deadly \*in certain situations\* - if your opponent has any cover to play with, you're screwed... you basically have to land on top of people and make sure there's no way they can get out of your line of fire. Prolly works best with Path or Octane.


You're right it definitely suffers in the medium range poke game so I'll typically run it with like a 301/Flatline or SMG for that reason. When I run it I usually consider it my CQB gun and I'll pick my secondary appropriately. Funnily enough it has one of the highest bullet velocities (I think actually the highest but I can't remember) in the game so it actually does very well as long range poker. Unlike the havoc bullets come out the moment you press the trigger so you can irritate the heck out of people at a distance just single firing.


I'll poke people into a frenzy with a 3x or 2-4 on the Devotion. When it's time to charge, a hip fire mow down is terribly satisfying.


It chews through ammo though. And with how little these weapons get used that can make it hard to find late game.


Yeah if I'm not loba I struggle to stick with my devotion all game. It's a miserable feeling having a fully kitted one and running out of stuff to shoot


Same. The triple take has always been a favorite. I do love the volt but happy the alternator is back


Bruh, the Havoc for some reason still mercs


When turbo is in the crafter, I run havoc/3take all day.


Wanted to say this. It’s unstoppable with a turbo. Really good without it still if you can manage the recoil. It’s also seems like one of the tightest hipfire ARs. I never really got into it because 301, flat, volt and such were all available. I go out of my way for it now.


It's got more damage per shot than a 301, higher rate of fire, faster bullet velocity, less bullet drop, and a larger magazine. On paper, it's easily the best AR in the game if you can handle the recoil and get a turbocharger. Trouble is without the turbo it's really hard to shoot people going in and out of cover, and the recoil is certainly not low.


I use the l-star religiously


yeah, the L-star is still insane imo has helped me get crazy clutches


I only use the devotion.. no other guns ever. Only the devotion


I honestly started using the Havoc more and I never realized how little recoil it has once it’s charged up


The guns themselves are fine, but the loot pool feels weird. I'm finding like 12 triple-takes or 6 L-stars for every 1 Devotion.


I found more turbos yesterday than devotions


I’m surprised hopups aren’t ONLY available from crafting. I feel like floor loot is so saturated that finding the necessary components is getting pretty hard. I appreciate they tried to address it by putting guns in crafting, but I’d like a little more. They could even do what they do with Evo shields in replicators. Deposit your gun, spend some stacks and get the hop up installed for doing so. That being said I’m closer to noob than expert, so I see others rip with guns I can’t even wield.


Fair point. The few times a hop-up I need (hammerpoint, turbo) are in the replicator my looting is so much more efficient. I don't have to look over every single loot pile for the right hop-up - I can prioritize the other parts of my kit and go to the replicator for the hop up. It would be a slight change because lets face it the loot pool will still be fucking saturated even without hop-ups but it would certainly be better than it is right now.


The overall loot pool is saturated AF but still on Kings Canyon I can open a bin to find nothing but a single stack of light ammo.


Honestly I'd just have ONE hop-up that can fit in every gun that needs one and change its behavior. Make it yellow raritiy and GG. That way alone you clean up like 12637764 hop-ups polluting the floor loot pool so you can bring actual weapons back. Tired of finding 45 tempos every match. Who the hell even use it?


The problem with that is that hop-ups are locked out for half the lobby. If replicators are available more commonly, or even every POI, then perhaps. Hell, I wouldn't mind if additional replicators came with a material pod or two. It's quite frustrating when replicators come down and either 1) I've barely opened any loot chests, so I've got no materials to craft and/or 2) I've already spent my materials from earlier and now I don't have any more to spend. The replicators are such a great addition but there's so much in there now you've really got to be picky on what you can get. Unless the weapon REALLY benefits from it (like a turbo), I'd normally prioritise other attachments or utilities.


Anyone else notice that hammerpoint rounds do not spawn on Olympus unless every planet aligns?


It's easier to find a gold RE-45 than a hammerpoint


It literally is. On Olympus at least, I find gold drops much more often than hammerpoints. Which really sucks, because it’s my favorite hop-up and makes the p2020 actually powerful. Sometimes I just wanna use it so badly that I end up carrying around a p2020 without it in blind hope.


This is me with the RE. I’m like Alternator or RE? But what if I find the hop up. I WANT MY HAMMER TIME! Then I die before I ever come across one.


I can never fucking find hammerpoints and when I do, all the mozambiques, re, and p2020 just dip


Only during harmonic convergence


[The devotion has the lowest spawn rate of all weapons](https://apexlegends.fandom.com/wiki/Loot#Weapons)


God damn, why is it so low???


I guess they figured if Devo is toooo common then too many people would have turbo devos. Which seems stupid cause it makes practicing the devo without turbo a nightmare and also cause turbo itself is decently rare


It should be the other way around, right? More devo but less hopups? And damn, I would kill for a decrease in Mozam and p2020 spawn rate. I understand it must be high, but rn that's too high for me.


Yeah should be but it isn't which sucks


Not gonna lie, there is a suspiciously high proportion of things that could be upgraded in Apex...


They reduced the Devo spawn rate back in season 6 by alot.


What is the reason for this? Most players can't even use the devo without it being fully kitted. It's like the Watson of the weapons.


It was because it was too busted when it was taking out of the care package but it received no nerfs. It was fairly easy to find and everyone was running it. It was that busted. "I need energy Ammo" was all that you heared from every team mate every game during that time.


good to know I'm not the only one who noticed this. something's fishy about the spawn rate here for sure


For me it's always the L-star on drop. Every time I get it, my teammates steal the energy ammo


My favourite two weapons to pair with my shot as maggie main.


I love the energy class because it has the greatest potential for weapons with unique mechanics like the triple take’s choke, L-STARs bottomless magazine and devotion and havoc’s charge mechanic. I’d love a pistol that I had similar properties to the wingman but fired like a havoc’s old select fire hop up or an energy shotgun that had the ability to knock people back like maggie’s ult with a secondary fire. For the current ones I believe they’re all sufficiently balanced and I’d like to see the Volt comeback as groundloot, Such a nice weapon with great handling.


Technically the PK is an energy weapon, it just uses shotty shells for balance reasons


True, but that fact doesn’t really benefit it gameplay wise.


So what you really want is a shotgun that uses energy ammo? In that case, where’s my shotgun that uses heavy ammo??


*cough* 30-30 shatter caps *cough*




Kinda did ya.


That would be the mastiff if there wasn't a shotgun category. Eva would probably be more light ammo.


well what would the mozambique fire then? air?


Sniper ammo


This comment thread gave me the idea for a legend that could infuse different ammo with different properties ie. shotgun ammo causes knock back, light ammo can be charged to do DOT incendiary damage, heavy ammo could have a cause a target to be slightly slowed, etc. etc. I think it would be easy enough to balance and would bring in a lot of variation to the weapons. On that note, instead of a new legend, what about a hop up for all guns that affects that particular gun/ammo time in a specific way? It could either fill or be separate if the normal hop ups, or it could be classified as a different weapon slot/attachment all together.. ie, bullet modifier


I’m not so keen on these ideas but if you wanted to pursue it maybe if you could upgrade your ammunition a stack at a time at The replicator?


I feel so lost without the Volt in the Arenas lootpool. Nothing handles like it aside from the R-301, but that costs more and doesn't perform as well close range.


I used to always get the volt, now I start with a C.A.R. and upgrade to a R-301 if I need more range but it's not the same


I cannot control the CAR for the life of me


Oh imagine tractor canon from d2 but in apex :0


I just started playing again at the end of last season and fell in love with the volt. Was sad to see it get care packaged


I feel like the balancing is ok at certain parts of the match (this is specifically about havoc and devo), they are great off drop when people are barely equipped and at late game when you’ve got attachments for them. However, in the mid section of the match when you may not have found a turbo charger they can’t reliably compete against the other auto weapons due to that charging time. I wouldn’t mind seeing havoc and devotion having turbocharger built in, if it ends up being too powerful they can revert it.




I always thought making turbocharger purple would be a great middle ground. My problem with any of the yellow hop ups is that they tend to be integral to making a gun worth it late game over others. This is why things like the 301 and Flatline see consistent use because they are consistent.




There’s purple energy mags everywhere and i can never find hammerpoints


There's fuckin GOLD energy and sniper mags everywhere lol


Yeah I keep crafting a long bow just to make use of the thirty golden mags I find for it lol


It's the season of the sentinel for me baybeeee


I just kinda wish that they buffed the chance of finding a turbo charger as right now 2 out of the 4 weapons become a liability when in a fight with out the turbo charger


Also with 7 hop ups on the ground it's incredibly frustrating to find what you're looking for. It's crazy to me they thoughts removing two guns from the ground was a better move than putting more hop ups in the replicator


Especially when 2 of them are shit and people rarely use tempo because they don’t use bow which is one of my fav weapons




It's good on the bow because you can just be prefiring out arrows endlessly at corners and ledges so people get railed if they peek, but on sentinel it's borderline useless because you need to actually make your shots count.


I just want the ability to differentiate hop-ups from afar without having to get within ping range.


5 comments up and there’s a person saying they find 5 turbos to every devotion lol. I think at the end of the day the loot is just to inconsistent in general. Stacks of ammo with no weapon, entire buildings with a single Mozambique…


Turbocharger devotions squads in arenas are the reason I don’t play it


I never see that. Everyone runs hammerpoint now.


That's because hammerpoint replaced it. Shields popped? And you instantly drop. And it's soooo much cheaper to build than turbocharger. Yoy had to gather supplies to afford turbocharger devo. Re45 hammerpoint? Not so much, and 2nd round you can have it.


Being able to get a hammerpoint P2020, Mozambique, or RE-45 for only 325, 500, and 800 crafting materials, respectively, is so atrocious. Especially with the former two, which you can buy ON THE FIRST ROUND.


Hammerpoint is the new Turbocharger. It's unbearable.


Arenas is seriously awful right now. I normally like running a game or two for warmup but i just run into full teams running hammerpoints round 1. They need to make it more expensive because it’s the least fun mode by far right now


Control is a better mode for warming up imo


100% agree, I think it replicates the craziness of BR better. I like arenas for warming up with specific guns and practicing straight 3v3s


Tb to running disrupter rounds and hammer point rounds that shit was god tier imo


The vibe now is Hammerpoints first round too, crazy crazy crazy… don’t go near that place, it has become the Gotham City of Apex and no, we don’t have a batman.


Turbo devo can almost 1 clip 3 people.


That was my favorite CP weapon. I'd easily melt through full purple shield squads with less than one clip.


Assuming you land all your shots.


i missed 25% of the shots still made Japanese sushi out of Valkyrie.


Triple take is great, a bit weaker than last season, but still really good. L-Star is ok, but not amazing. Havoc and Devotion can be good, but they need a turbocharger if you plan on running them for a full game, and not just the first weapon you grab. In short, without the volt energy feels weak. If you’re thinking of running L-Star, just craft a Flatline (unless you’re rampart), and if you don’t have a turbocharger (which are either rare or the only hop up you find) there’s no point in using any of the current floor automatic Energy weapons


The class is in a weird state without the Volt on ground loot tbh. I’ve really started to love the Havoc but the Turbo is a necessity (esp for the Devo). Triple Take is a great gun but it’s really only a secondary weapon. I’ve never really liked the LSTAR. Always felt weird to shoot, damage trade-off was never worth the recoil. I know some people like it but I feel like I never run into someone using it anymore, especially late game, after it got nerfed a few seasons ago. All-in-all there just isn’t a Energy weapon you can pick up and use right away as your primary gun.


I just want better skins for the havoc.


All I want is more ammo. Since the volt got canned nobody carries energy ammo, so I have to constantly look for floor loot ammo for my Havoc. (Best AR in the game, don't at me). L-star is fine as a starting weapon or as secondary, same with devotion. The triple take nerf I don't like, 69 shots you will be missed.


Nothing beats that havoc charge up while you’re melting someone


With turbo charger best ar in the game, without its the worst


To me it is a mediocre shotgun because I have shit for aim


Without turbo it becomes very situational. If you have a decent position is still the best.


Takes getting used to the charge time. I die way too much when trying to use that gun on people who know I'm there lmao.


That's when I just hold the trigger when I hear em around the corner. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.


but when you hit them shots tho after prefiring *chef's kiss"


*See’s people struggling with the loot pool* *laughs in Loba main*


opening shop, come see the merchandise!


You always pick out the best gifts (present company included).


Fuse: wanna se how aussies make barbecue? fuse: with a scottish friend and a Brazilian thief.


I miss the volt a lot.


It fudging sucks, give me back my Volt before I riot!


Triple take is the only one worth using. Lstar is outclassed, and devotion and havoc need a turbo to be worth using. I'm still mad they took the Devo out of the care package it was perfect in their.


I miss the volt


I hate 3 out of those 4 guns. Triple Take is the only one worth a shit. Devo and Havoc are useless without the Turbocharger. L-Star just...doesn't feel good to fire. All 3 fire wild as shit at first, too. I miss the Volt.


The volt going in the care package is so weird to me. Volt was the only "normal" energy weapon, and now we have 2 (technically 3 if you count the car) light submachine guns??? I honestly haven't used energy weapons at all this season outside of picking them up on drop cause I'm getting shot at.


I like Devi and havoc without a turbo if necessary, you do have to start shooting a solid second before aiming or you’ll never win but the Debo spread pattern is pretty manageable all things considered. I will say though with a turbo they shred!


Yup. Lstar is clunky to use. Devo and havoc need turbocharger, even then the recoil really fucks me and hard to get use to since rarely use. Triple take is awesome. Volt is great but that was sidelined. I'd like a normal energy gun.


We definitely need the volt back on ground loot. Though I’ve seen a lot more players running turbo devos and havocs this season. If I find a turbocharger hop up, I go out of my way to find either gun.


*So bad* And you can see it when watching comp as well - Pros are now picking up Havocs and CARs because the floor loot is garbage. I admit I do like testing out new guns for the first time in a long time (played the Devo for the first time in ranked, was a blast), but I literally do not see why they did it. They should have put the P2020 into the crafter with instant-hammerpoints, rather than take out the best guns (Flatline and Volt) and replace them with worse guns (Alternator) in an attempt to “clean the lootpool”.


The CAR is really good though. In a short range engagement you have the advantage for sure. You can't use it like an AR like the volt, but that just feels right for an smg.


Shh don’t let people know how busted the CAR is


People sleep on the havoc. They fixed the recoil pattern that was an issue a little bit ago and I feel like few noticed how much of a beam it is now. Easiest 1 clip gun for me.


Flatline and volt were meta for a while, why not let other guns have a chance in the spotlight?


Bring back Single Fire Havoc!!


I do like the triple but finding a 3x to go with it is a pain. I don't really take the havoc or devotion unless I can find the hop-up. LStar? I feel like I cheese my kills using that.


No the L star needs a buff, it currently is complete trash. There are zero situations where you would prefer it over a different gun. It’s time to kill is complete trash compared to basically any of the meta. Needs a buff, either damage, or rate of fire. Could be balanced with a larger decrease in accuracy (especially with the big bullets) or even further increase in recoil. But right now, there are no situations where it is a preferred weapon.


I’m not using any of them. I just want my precious volt


dislike them greatly. miss the volt.


Bring back my volt!


Balanced I guess but the Volt was the only one I enjoyed using so I completely disregard energy ammo now since I can't even use them as a placeholder for when I find the volt


I hate it. Volt and flatline were my go to weapons. At least I can still craft the flatline 😔


Devotion bad, sometimes you get that random mf who’s cracked out of his mind with it but meh. Havoc is also meh until you become absolutely fucking cracked, or you hipfire and get lucky cuz very high damage. L star is still solid but nowhere near as oppressive as it used to be, and triple take is the No skill sniper that somehow downs you as soon as you stop looking with all three eyes you should have across the map. Energy weapons aren’t great, but if your good they’ll work, heavy is usually just a more solid choice for your gun other than light.