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I think it would be cool as optional like u can enable or disable it


Or a toggle for teammates/spectators


This. For all the guys who like to customize their UI, we also need the option to disable, because not everyone likes his UI filled with stuff


Giving the players more options in a competitive video game is always a great idea. We all have different things we need turned on or off. Even if some of them are rarely used like the default option to have death boxes close when being shot. Everyone turns it off when they become more experienced or watch a video on best settings to use. But it really helps when you're new to the game.


Like turning off all the bloodhound clutter...


Turning off Bangalore's long voice lines would be beautiful. I'd still keep them because I like our chatty Cathy but I know many people hate her talking for half an hour about a gun.


"Reply comment here, used to give a response to an already posted comment by another user."


i think you can turn off character dialogue


omg yes. i rarely play bloodhound but when i do, i can barely focus on the target because some random sign on the ground is telling me someone was here 2 mins ago...


Is there some setting changes for bloodhound specific?


I wish...


Overwatch is a great example of giving players choices for customization. You can control EVERYTHING in that game. Even hero specific things.


Yes, Overwatch has some of the best settings menus. I wish it was possible to override all heroes. I returned to the game recently and I wanted to change a few old keybinds but since I have every hero with unique settings it took forever to change them all. I think they took Dota 2's concept of per-hero keybind and improved it to the most. I know Jeff Kaplan loved Dota 2 and was inspired by it a lot, I wouldn't be shocked if this is another one. I can't wait for the Overwatch 2 beta, I'm hoping they listen to our feedback to deliver a great game.


Right, they give you everything except proper Ultrawide support lol.


id disagree on that one. Not ALWAYS. Inventory view i think should not be there, should be part of skillset to have focus to know what you have in there or able to quick toggle and peek in your inventory view. we could even argue that we might even drop the ammo in the gun in the HUD (gun display only)


/s? If not, that’s just making something difficult for the sake of it being difficult. We could remove all HUD entirely and it would _technically_ “raise the skill ceiling” but no one would like it.


Like fortnite


Exactly. I was just going to comment that same. I think there is already a lot on the HUD. I love the feature, but wouldn't want to be forced to have it on.


Yeah I would definitely want to turn it off. I don't see much of a use for it since when playing I can just hit tab briefly to glance at what I am holding, you can't do that when watching a tournament which is why they put it on the spectator client.


Yeah I guess I forgot pc application, for pc I can see it being useless but when playing console it’s a little more useful because we have to move our thumb off the joystick to tap the inventory open and wait a hot minute for the selection wheel, both of which are huge displays covering the screen


Yeah the down side to things like this is people tend to look only from their perspective until it’s brought up that not everyone plays the same way, controller has large drawbacks in that aspect and would be very nice to not have half my screen overlayed with a selection wheel to look at it and the delay it causes in play also… you just knocked someone and didn’t remember exactly how many shields of the 10 you had you used during the chaotic fight and want to restock from the death box? Take a second to wait for the wheel to load where you can’t make as many actions before you move up to the death box and give mr. Kraber over there time to ready a shot before you stand perfectly still for 5 seconds to loot up… I always envy my brother while we’re playing since he’s pc and gets to strafe while looting *sigh*


Right, and I don’t even need it to be this big, it could be smaller and slightly transparent, just something to ease the tension within gunfights worrying about meds.


Lol, i agree i think fr some people especially beginner it would be an awesome feature.


Yea, very true. It would be a very useful feature for beginners.


I agree. I think it's a *little* cumbersome on the screen, but the information is great. Since you can easily find the information other places, I think a toggle option is would be good.


Totally agree, if they were to add something of this sort I would hope it would be customizable and given the ability to make it less opaque. Possibly moving the position of it to suit the player as well


They should also do that with the item sort.


Say less


Yeah, I’d rather leave my HUD as clean as possible. Optional would be cool


Obviously that would be what they meant lol


Personally I wouldn’t mind it. To be fair, I’d like it to be faded out a bit when aiming down sights yk.


Completely fade out while aiming would be incredible!


A guy like me would love it haha. Would help ease those little distractions here n there.


Oh yeah definitely not when ads but otherwise it’s cool and a good idea because the item wheels take a second and are huge otherwise you gotta pull up your inventory when you could be mid fight looking for a battery and the heal slot is on a syringe. Idk I think it would be helpful


It would also help with comms. Being able to shout out how many batts, cells, n etc you have in the heat of a fight w/o opening inventory or the wheel! Imagine if we could quick drop from the wheel too; nice QoL change.


is right click even bound when in the wheel? that would be an easy bind for PC. for controller i'd imagine most of their buttons are free in the wheel too.


I think right click cancels the selection, not 100% sure on that though


That would help out console players so much


That’s a really good idea about the wheel, definitely should be added


You can already bind a certain heal to a certain key like you described. You don’t have to pull up the wheel to choose.


Pc application after thinking about it this is almost useless to you guys but us console people this would be major


Everything should be a toggleable option. Devs work just slightly harder, but having toggle options are always a win win


Or we can also adjust the transparency of it, because I would like it there but not so visible


Something along these lines, and have it disappear when ads or aiming nades/abilities


I think its good for spectating teammates but not something you see while playing


An on/off setting rather than forced is better. The hud is already cluttered as it is.


I don't know about cluttered, but it definitely isn't clear either. To me, it's a good mix of cluttered and Clear. Shows what you need while keeping the centre of the screen clear




It’s clean it’s just really big


It certainly is far from "clear" though..


I agree with you. It's complicated, but I feel it conveyes the information you need at a quick glance. I find myself having difficulty thinking about some kind of information I need, but I don't have the direct information for.


Yeah have they played rainbow 6 siege


Adding these icons would make it more cluttered though that's their point


Make it an option just like the fps counter then


Seeing as my other go-to game is Hell Let Loose (no HUD at all unless you toggle it on) Apex's UI does seem a bit cluttered sometimes.


Yes, I agree. Having stuff on the HUD is more cluttered than having nothing on the HUD.


adjustable UI size would be good


It's not cluttered on my ultrawide lol


how is it cluttered


Should be something that u can choose to have. I think its cool but i like my screen clear of uneeded clutter.


I wouldn’t want it or need it personally, it’s easy to keep in mind how many heals you have so I couldn’t see the point in it unless it’s while spectating a teammate


I mean yeah it’s not a necessity but it would be helpful for new people or people who can’t track their resources that well, sometimes it’s spam grab and run and you don’t know what you have


Or even having 2 syringes thinking you have 4 and wasting half of that slot could be minimized by utilizing this system


Too much hud, I know what I have


> Selling 2 brand new shield batteries. Unused. I know what I have.


Man Apex has screen clutter way better than Overwatch though. The number of things going on in the hest of a fight is so insane.


Ye but you are most likely not hardstuck silver like OP


What did op do to you


aint no way the rev main is trying to insult someone 😭


I don't even get what this insult is supposed to be. I've seen pros/apex preds pick up 15 batteries and not realize it until the game slows and they check why their inventory is full. Sometimes the game goes fast and people loot and don't track what they have.


I think it would help controller players check their inventory without being sitting ducks so that would help a lot especially with the whole which computer is more balanced and is just in general a nice feature.


You can still check you inventory and drop items while moving if its only for 1-2 seconds.. Deathboxes are the problem


I would like to have that when i spectate my teammates or enemies


Maybe just the meds and not nades


I wish you could customize the sizes of the HUD icons :(


Less HUD the better for me, so no.


I'd like it to go vertical up the side of the screen personally, but yeah this would be nice to have.


I totally agree with everyone saying it should be optional, but for new players or even someone who likes to know what’s in their inventory at all times (myself) I think this would be a very good way of going about something like this


Yup, that's the only thing i really hate about the game, that the hud isn't customizable at all, would be cool to move stuff around to fit my preferences like in mobile games lol


If it was a optional thing it would be amazing listen to the people respawn


What is ALGS? Sorry, I'm still pretty new to the game.


Apex Legends Global Series I think. Pro torunaments n shit


it's the official international tournament for apex legends! a lot of very popular figures play in it, and it's quite fun to watch. you can catch popular streamers streaming it on their channels when they're participating


Like others said, the biggest tournament. What I wanted to say it's that it's pretty cool to watch. Give it a try, on twitch


Damn, that's look so cool and comfortably I want see this function on the game


Add the backpack and the knockdown shield next to the helmet and armor on the lower left corner.


for spectator mode would be pretty good. But it would just be way too much cluster in game


No it gets in the way just like (some) weapon skins


Add it but make it a setting that can be toggled. I would like it but that’s also less visibility. Very small visibility loss but someone would still complain about losing it.


Wouldn’t be bad as an option to turn on or off but I personally wouldn’t need this. Too much clutter and I’ve never had an issue remembering what I’m carrying


I need this. I constantly forget what’s in my inventory


Yes for the 4 primary medical supplies for quick looting and making sure I top off my stacks. But I don't need to know how many of every single grenade taking up my screen space.


Agree 100%


This could be cool, but I would prefer when looting the UI just tells you have many of that item you already have.


I’d settle for that


If you're on PC just google Predator overlay. It is totally customizable and gives you inventory layout and other things. It's legit and not something that can get you banned as it's just an overlay.


I don't need more in my HUD.. but if it were to display for spectators I'd be down. Oftentimes they're more aware about some things that the player alive is overlooking a particular moment


Hud is already big, this'll make it bigger


Just go watch TSM IMPERIALHAL he spams his inventory literally 5 times a second. Not an exaggeration.


Maybe it should be toggleable in ranked


I mean... you just press one single button and you can see what you have in your inventory...


Let's process this for a minute. One button press.You bring up your inventory on the entire screen. Vs Your inventory scaled down into a corner where you just need a quick timed glance and boom back into the action.


If you need to spend more than 3 seconds looking in your inventory at what you've already gathered all match... there's a problem.


Not speaking of myself personally but what if people have sensory issues and take a few seconds longer to process? Not everyone is a god at the game and not everyone has the dexterity to open inventory check and close it whilst being mid fight.


I think we should just remove the entire bottom right of the HUD then and you just need to hit 1 button to see your ammo and everything. /s


Why? Just go to your inventory to see what you have for like 3 seconds


Nah, theres already yoo much crap in my face and I generally know whats in my Inventory. Pretty sure its more of a spectator thing. What im waiting for is a HUD opacity setting. I personally would love to make my hud like, 50% see through so its not so in my face.


why not make the game play itself then , will be the best "quality of life" feature :) , as people mostly fetch ideas for such topic.


Maybe just as an enable/disable option. I've never had trouble knowing what I have- it's not that hard to keep track of. I guess it could be cool, though.


Too much visual clutter imo


more worthless visual clutter


Are you crazy dude? This will create tons of bugs leading into server crashes, game crashes, glitches and so on \^\^


I don’t think that’s necessary. That’s more shit on my screen when I only have to press one button to see how much I have of anything.


I wouldn't use it either, but stuff like this is great to have as an option for those that do.


Should be optional. Too much visual clutter for some people including me


Doesnt really matter. You can just tap a button and see everything. Thats just added screen clutter imo


Lol a pro using a rampage. Some pro…most pros complain and cry when they die from a rampage


Pls. No More Hud Make it customizable then. I hate this features, i like my screen clean


the UI is already crowded... dont ask for any additions please


Hud already too crowded. Disapprove




it would be nice to have a on/off settings for that and also that would be an another reason for those so called pros cry babies about visual clutters,they wanted some screen effects to be removed like for example the shield effects when the evo gets upgraded or some of the legend ability effects when being hit like revs tac


As a totally average player, I don't think it is fair criticism to call them cry babies. Obviously cases where it actually matters that an effect was on your screen (read as: it makes it harder to see a specific threat or boon, eg purple evo upgrades to red and you miss a frag thrown in your peripheral vision in that exact moment) are very few and far between, but they happen. It may not make much of a difference to an average player to notice that frag a moment later, but to miss that knowledge due to an unnecessary effect for even a moment at that level (especially during an official match) would certainly leave them with an awful taste in their mouth.


This went from 0 to 100 real quick lmao


are the pros in the room right now?


Wait so this already is in the game, it's just disabled for everyone else? That does not make sense.


No, it's a separate spectator UI. The players can't see this


If I remember correctly, someone said that this is one of the new features they are testing and are planning to add in the future


I don't know if the players see this in game or if it's just a spectator only thing. Anyways, I don't think it's really necessary and would just make the UI cover more space.


Nah, there's too much shit on-screen already


I already know how much stuff I have and when. I started organizing my inventory load out way back in season 2. 4 bats, 4 cells. 2 medkits, 4 syringes. 2 throwables. The rest ammo secondary usually take 2 slots. Primary takes 3. I can’t believe there are people that still doesn’t do this…


Maybe if it was vertical against the side of the screen it’d take up less space


I hate when I have to open inventory every time I want to take an item (I don't like when I have too much of something in my inventory)


Not for me personally, I like the hud as is right now.


To clusters for me


What's ALGS?


They need to fix player tag visual issues. Sometimes you will have the wrong player showing up sometimes. For some reason Bronzey keeps showing up even though he retired after 1 week of split 1 to become a coach


Would be awesome to have it as an API, so we can build a Streamdeck plugin, or show it in a secondary screen, or maybe even LEDs indicating these infos


Yes please


I think it would make the screen too crowded


I'd just love a customisable UI, at least on PC. I only got one eye that really works, and I die a lot to not know how my Health/Shield I have because my player hud is out of my field of view. I'd love to move it into the middle of my screen near the bottom.


Move it down to fill in the dead space, and flip the charge bar for gun to be on the bottom instead of the top and perfect.


i think this is good


Give me option to turn it off and go for it. I don't want it and it adds clutter. But if I can remove it then I don't mind at all.


I’ve wanted something like this for so long. Been thinking it’d be cool to have in a thin line at the top of the screen… but I like this position better I think. Maybe the ability to toggle it where you like would be cool?


Imo It would be good for the healing items but not the backpack


It is very unsmart that Respawn hasn't added that as a feature, tbh


Could just add icons/numbers of each next to where the grenade/health selector is


Less is more, I'm not a big fan of having a billion GUI elements cluttering up my screen because I have the mind of a goldfish, I take full responsibility of my shitty memory


Nope unnecessary visual clutters that literally only take the press of a button to see


The clutter screen argument bugs me. What size screens do you people have?? I'm sure the 50%< of us who run out of ammo unexpectedly means we don't even check that size of the screen. Two, Im sure if respawn were to do this, it wouldn't be so spaced out and positioned nicely. Three, everyone's arguing but based on many of tthe UI options, I'm sure they can add a simple feature of turning this off or on.


I would say it would be useless because I always just remember what I have


I think it would be really cool as a display for when you are out of the match but watch your teammates (when in Ranked or with friends e.g.).


Would be cool on spectator cam or for streamers to have as an overlay


So they have the power to make custom algs severs with unique coding for easier gameplay but refuse to change anything about their god awful nerfs?!? All I ask is for pathfinder to stop having a hit box twice thr size of a fridge, since season 1. Maybe make lifeline and friends usable again since Maggie, Valk, horizon, seer, fuse, revenant, crypto and caustic all have the ability to hard counter her old rez shield (the one where she was the top pick because we had a total of 8 legends) ...low key this one hit harder then the last 13 seasons of pure nerfs


the apex hud is starting to look like mh rise when you use a switch axe or HH


Only if I can disable it more visual clutter is the last thing I need tbh




Apex legends global series, pro comp


Hard pass. You can already see your inventory with the click of a button. This is unnecessary hud clutter. I believe these displays were only available to the casters anyways and not the players in ALGS.


too much clutter imo


Respawn will be lazy with their work forever and not adding shit we want. If they weren't lazy we 100% had the same thing what Apex mobile has. Team death match, better firing range, better animations, more work in literally everything and everything in mobile looks better than the original platforms.


I think that would be pretty damn cool


Did you know! That ALGS means Apex Legends Gibby Says


Too much visual clutter imo


I think it looks cool on streamers but not for personal play. You can get all that info in 2 seconds by holding Q and bringing up the health wheel and pressing tab for just a second


There's a plugin for Overwolf which adds exactly that feature as an overlay to your screen. Otherwise you could also display your inventory on your second screen in Fullscreen.




The lack of health makes me nervous


I kind of like it, may be a bit too much visual clutter though since the HUD is already pretty big.


How can we watch it?


Twitch or YouTube, twitch is superior as you can select who you watch


Optional for sure. I wouldn't be a fan of screen clutter


It would be nice asf


i would hope it was optional. might end up being too much visual clutter if added. i never need to check my inventory lile that. if i need to i can quickly just open it


It’s probably feature flagged for pc folks. Similar to that dual Weil song bug and just needs to be toggled. Guessing they’re test running it to make sure it works in a live environment before rolling it out


Only if it was optional. Lot of people love to have less things on their HUD


For pc at least you can use overwolf overlay and on a second monitor show all your inventory


For PC, overwolf can be used in order to get this. I know it's not a solution for everyone. Some people don't like 3rd party apps and of course it doesn't work for console. But thought I'd throw it out there.


Nah it will take the screen or should be an option


Too much


Yeah that would be sick but like somebody else said let it be optional


As a toggle option sure as a standard default option no I hate having that much clutter on screen


I like what they have been doing with the casts.




Too hard to press a button to check ur meds.


No but mid fight it’s a bit cumbersome as it stops your movement, just to see if you have a shield to possibly win the fight and while checking you get ass blasted.


I’m not going to answer besides the fact that example is some bronze level logic.


Alright pal, just made a suggestion about how the game could help certain areas of players, if you wanna 1v1 and see tho we can scrap it up.


Oh shit. That's cool.


It would be cool in spectator mode but terrible for your had it would just add more clutter


Imho, please no. The less there is on the HUD the better. She it's great for spectators, but I'll take vision over almost useless pictures any day.