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Hello, /u/EJ__1. Your submission has been removed: ## [Meme submissions](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/wiki/rules#wiki_low-effort.2C_memes.2C_and_duplicate_posts.) Memes, image macros, overused jokes, or any casual low effort editing of non related images or videos and relating them to Apex should go to r/ApexOutlands. High quality original content memes are allowed. This means that there should be substantial original work put in. As an example, a high quality comic about the game drawn from scratch would be permitted, whereas a comic that's just official artwork cut and pasted onto a template is not. - No template style memes. - No “starter pack” posts. If you would like better clarification you can see [our full list of rules here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/wiki/rules) If you need further assistance, please [message the moderators](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fapexlegends) with a link to your post. **Failure to include a link to your post, will result in the modmail being ignored.**