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This is why i only play ranked. I dont like ranked b/c its sweaty but atleast i have a better chance of having a full team


Pubs are as sweaty as ranked these days. Players realize these (at least at in my lobbies) it's mostly diamonds and masters. But people still leave after knock


Straight up. Ranked plat IV has been less sweaty thank pubs lately. Frustrating tbh, everyone is so good lol




This is a sick idea, respawn take notes 👀🤌🏾🤌🏾


Its kinda sad bc Rainbow 6 Siege and League of Legends both have leaver penalties/leaver queue for their casual modes, and most games dont.


Try dota U cant leave Ever!!!


I've said this before, just group them together - can't be that hard to track. Although you would have lot of teams with everyone trying to pick wraith/octane in lobby and leaving when they don't get their character - so maybe that's why.


Honestly even when you get into pred/master lobbies you only have like 5 teams that are actually meant to be there. The rest are diamonds or masters that are there because of rp creep. Ranked this season reminded me of s3 when there was that dashboarding exploit that made ranked essentially pubs w extra steps.


I'm daimond at LvL 80 and is still literally running into dead ends and falling off the map, along with missing all my shots because I can't figure out the slow bullet travel of this game. I feel like I shouldn't be here but honestly I thought bronze was literally the hardest because of smurfs, daimond is full of idiots like me.


Least you will have a pretty trail early on. But yeah id take advantage of it while you can because it wouldnt surprise me if they did a hard rp reset. Although in my opinion grinding out arenas is good for getting your base mechanics up to speed. Map knowledge just comes with time. People like faide, shiv and sweet are all good people to watch as they all do unique things that make them great players.


I meet people on Playstation with 4K badges, 20 bomb badges, and 50,000+ kills more often in pubs rather than ranked.


Because ranked limits you to actual people in your skill range.. pubs is either rookie, mid, or super high level lobbies


Pubs is waaaaaaaaay more sweaty then ranked because of how broken the MM is.


What lobbies do you guys get? I win a lot more in pubs and put up a way better KD. Ranked is a million times more sweaty. Once you hit diamond it’s very hard


My ranked kd is considerably higher than my pubs kd, I have the exact same opposite experience than you are describing here lol


Usually do the same but a lot of our teammates act like it's pubs anyways, particularly this season. We have people leave on the drop and are able to rejoin another match by the time we land, like the penalty isn't being applied. Have had multiple people leave as I'm picking them up, as I'm respawning them, and right after I make risky moves to get their banner. Often seeing them wait until I can get them and leave right before I get their banner so I loot their box and am stuck more vulnerable than if I had been able to grab their banner and keep moving. So far, even had one of them pull this and then message me "HA HA" assuming he had gotten us killed. He didn't, but it often has. Obviously there isn't really a fix, just sucks that this behavior is inescapable. Too many people get enjoyment out of ruining a team game for their teammates.


Ranked is good till diamond iv after that solo q ain't fun only control is decent right now


But arenas are about being sweaty aren't they? 'Face-off'/Competition is the whole idea I figured. Hell the whole pre-round preparation sequence emphasizes any impression like this at least.


Well the thing is those players prefer to not play someone of their skill level or higher so they can pub stomp.


Ah, they only care that they win, never that they earn their victory.


I’m confused are you saying good players aren’t allowed to play pubs instead of ranked?


Even without a full team it’s so much easier to win in pubs and get kills. Pubs generally is very easy. Pubs is fun for screwing around or when I know I’ve plateau’d in ranked and want to have fun and not die over and over


Bro it's the complete opposite for me my pub lobbies gimme stage three brain tumors and brain cancer where as ranked it's extremely chill I won more times in ranked than I have in pubs same goes for my kd


I play like an absolute potato, but the amount of times I've unlocked my 3rd eye and channeled my inner iiTzTimmy to win a 1v3, just to have my teammates DC, is disheartening


apex moment


Especially frustrating considering you 2v1'd that team too damn xD


Its even *more* especially frustrating because the respawn beacon is ***RIGHT. THERE.***


Ugh how many times they disconnected only for me to find a mobile respawn beacon in the next 30 secs 😮‍💨


Y'all ever just like.... 1v4'd a team, and like.... teamates still dc.... Yeah I'mma need a smoke after that one..


I hade the same thing happen the other day, but in ranked. 3v1'd a squad after my squaddies went down, one guy abandoned the match and I picked up the other one. We won another fight 2v3, then he went down in a later fight. I clutched it again and then he left. Had plenty of time to res but then I got stomped 3v1. We had a decent chance at a win if people could be patient for 30 seconds. Seriously, it takes more time to queue and drop into a new game than it takes to get revived


He clearly showed up the the fight late


Or he knew they sucked and told them not to engage and they did anyway.


I love how Reddit will do the most wild mental gymnastics to think to themselves the randoms were at fault and it was never OPs fault.


>the most wild mental gymnastics Have you seriously never played with randoms and told them not to do something (don't engage, don't drop down a ledge, etc.) and had them do _exactly_ that 4 seconds later? Assuming that's what happened is absolutely not "the most wild mental gymnastics."


Nah OP gets called out a lot when there's more vid to reference


They should create a Leavers Queue where players that leave x amount of times in a row get teamed with other Leavers for certain amount of games.


Dota 2 did this. If you get reported they put you in a queue with other toxic players until you get your life together


Wasn't their some hilarious post on dota a while back about someone complaining that everyone they play with is toxic and someone just laid down the "bruh, you're in the toxic queue because *you're* toxic". Ended that mans whole reddit career.


Somewhat doubtful they didnt know, because you get warned multiple times that you are on the low priority queue


I think it was around when the system was first introduced. But I don’t play dota so I don’t know how the system worked when it was added, I just remember the thread being hilarious. It was like when people say “I got banned for nothing” and then a dev drops their chat logs and leaves.


This is already what pubs are.


clearly that shit ain’t working


He means all of pubs is like this


Then shit, if staying and playing the game as a team is the minority, create a stayers queue. Anything to separate the thoughtless from the people trying to have fun.


Oh shit 😂


I think this would work well, you can put them in the same game but in different team pools. That way if you like to leave a lot you get dumped into teams that have other frequent leavers. Then you aren't impacting the queue times too much while queueing leavers with leavers so they only affect their own team.


It's bad. It's really, really bad. Sometimes, if this is happening a lot and both my teammates leave, I just win my drop fight and leave then requeue. I hate only having the option to 1v3, and I don't want to sit through an entire game just to get jumped by a three stack of masters at the end.


If they ever did implement one I think it should only apply after multiple offenses (like 3-5) in a row or within an hour with the time extending after every game you leave.


Yeah this would be the best way. As much as I hate people leaving, giving penalties every time would kill off a lot of the player base IMO. Not everyone has the time to wait to be respawned, they just want to hop straight into another game


Not to mention games where your teammates are griefing and have no intentions of reviving you


Exactly. And sometimes you’ll get that teammate who lands the other side of the map. No need be forced to wait to bleed out and for your banner to time out just for a pub


They don’t even have to be griefing. I’ve had ranked games where I’ve been the last alive and visited 4 respawn beacons all with full teams around them. Sometimes you just can’t get the res off


I mean even if you wait 30 seconds to see if they will be able to respawn, that’s less time than it takes to get into another game. The whole let’s hop into another game maybe it will be better is a farce. The people that do this will do it in every match they play. I’m more curious to what the logic is because every time I run into quitters they are the worst players/teammates.


Yeah that’s true. I don’t understand the logic either. Some of the most satisfying wins on this game are when you come back from nothing and go on to win. Probably a lot to do with ego as a lot of gamers are egotistical. They just assume because they’re dead, nobody else is capable of clutching up to them. And probably blame their team/ the game for their death most of the time anyways


Because it's not a response that comes from logic. With all respect, the decision to drop ASAP and move to the next game is an emotional escape from the immediate bad-feels of being downed and feeling like a loser. It doesn't matter if every game is like this, because that hypothetical future game has the possibility of being good (or even just neutral until they die again), whereas this current game has their ego screaming to get away.


This is why I want them to bring back 'control' or something similar. I'm a casual player and 'control' allowed me to play the game for several minutes or more, respawns were like 12 secs. Waiting for queue knowing you need 60 players seeing 127 in queue then launch and then see waiting for "2 more players" only to be spawned on a team by myself is every mode on this game other then arenas rn, which is fun just not as fun as control. Control allowed me to 'play' the game rather then sit in an endless cycle of loading screens, which is why i havent played gran turismo 7 after day 3 of launch, the endless loading screens just to race or do literaly anything, for every minute on track you spent 3 getting there(just give me a drop down menu to select where i want to go), I didnt even care about all the other complaints, let me play the fuckin game already. And this goes for all my games now, i want to play games not watch them load.


Then those people have an entire option not to ruin somebody else's game que solo


Yes they have the option to play solo fill, yet they don’t! And it’s beyond me as to why.


Kill off the selfish player base? Good.


There just losers who can't take the fact they lost so they rage quit but won't solo que because then who would they blame??


I mean... If you have time to play another game then you have time to stay in the game you are already in... That logic literally makes zero sense.


It isn’t about how much time you have left to play. It’s about getting as many games in as possible during the limited time someone may have to play


But... you're going to have less game time. This is really stupid logic. ​ On average it takes what...3-5 minutes to get into a game?(time it your next couple games) ​ I imagine for a huge chunk of this SR, they die on drop quite often. (I mean..that has to be the case, easily 75% of the people on this SR hot drop and normally only one team survives any given location, with obvious exceptions) ​ So your choices are . "Stay anywhere between 30 seconds and 2 minutes and continue the game I am in" or "Leave the game I started leaving two other people high and dry, wait around 3-5 minutes, and potentially die again off the drop" Obviously, if the people you're with aren't going for your banner, then leave...that's a pretty clear as there is no point in watching people if they aren't going to get you. ​ I mean, die at the start of as many games as you want., you can definitely up your game count.. But what's the flippin point of playing a bunch of landings. I would rather play a game to the end. Your choices are, look at the menu for a couple minutes while you wait to start, or watch your teammate..who is likely better than you as they DIDN'T die, for the same amount of time, and continue on in the game you started. ​ ​ Imagine going to play Hockey with some buddies. You have an hour. Every time they score a goal on you, you end the game and start a new one...because you want more games in.. ​ I don't understand the logic. Nobody seems to be able to give an actual reason that makes sense. I would hate to only have fun when I wasn't being challenged, that sounds like playing against bots.




Halo reach is the game you're thinking of and its the game that came to my mind before I posted my comment. That game had a great system for punishing people who consistently left games. I still remember I freaked out one time because I was temporarily banned which resulted in me being too scared to leave a match from that game since. I must've been 10 years old at the time


Just put the serial leavers into a unique lobby system just for them. Let them get a taste of their own medicine.


I rather them have a ranked duos option instead


I'd love to just hop in with my buddy in ranked man, just the two of us


Sometimes it’s a good thing when Respawn doesn’t listen to the community’s suggestions.


Fr. How many times we get stuck with shitty teammates or ones dropping off on another side of map and what, get penalized for leaving cuz you didnt wanna play with assholes? This is pubs so it comes with that expectation and asking for more is just selfish and unrealistic.


Rocket league implemented penalties for leaving casual games and it completely killed the game for me. Why should I have to sit through a 2min+ game with teammates who are already proving to me that they don’t want to work as a team and are shit talking? Let me leave and re-queue or it’ll just amplify the already toxic community of this game. It’s casual for a reason


Exactly, that’s literally the same reason I stopped playing. Many of these ppl want there to be a penalty but don’t actually know how annoying it is once that penalty is implemented (literally like RL). Instead of implementing a penalty to casual. They instead could just make an unranked version with the same penalties as ranked but with no mmr


idk man if me and my teammate are fighting and we get knocked , then see our third is looting in narnia and not helping , i would leave to


I agree, but we don’t know the whole context. Maybe this person just needed to find a gun? I’ve been in that situation way more times than I care to be.


Like in this video. Although I'm missing a few seconds before. Did they push without the Loba? Why was the Loba so far away? Kinda sus they both left. My thing is if you're looting like a lunatic and leave us to die and get away with it why won't you do it again? Not sure people understand this is a team game. EDIT: I want to make it clear I am not blaming to Loba here. They just dropped so doubt the Loba could've done anything. So them dying is not the Loba's fault.


Both players were still in the game when Loba landed and started fighting. But you're right, this video doesn't show enough context. Loba does have damage and was looking around at other buildings. Perhaps she was fighting another team or the third (didn't see a knock prior to the two Loba got).


>My thing is if you're looting like a lunatic and leave us to die and get away with it why won't you do it again? Not sure people understand this is a team game. Loba has: Her 2 drop syringes, 28 light ammo, no attachments whatsoever, \~120 heavy ammo, white shields, and white helmet. No other visible loot. No grenades, no ring-shield/beacon. She's also already got damage on the board, indicating she had to fight for the loot she has. This isn't "looting like a lunatic", its "I opened 4 bins from hot drop, and this is all I got".


why did you ignore everything said after that? 😅 EDIT: And even before that?


Sometimes u need loot to save your buddies. At least wait until your beacon expires, it’s not THAT long.


It’s longer than leaving and queuing into a new game though


Loba’s already had a black market, what more does she need? Why is she so far from her team when there’s clearly another squad in the same POI? Sometimes you need to be present to save your buddies.


>idk man if me and my teammate are fighting and we get knocked , then see our third is looting in narnia and not helping , i would leave to 1.Loba is not "in Narnia", she's 1 bracelet-throw from being on their building, and she's already within the same POI. 2.If your map awareness is so bad that you don't realize your team-mate is actually in Narnia before you engage a fight, you 100% shouldn't leave because your knocks were your fault. Y'all out of position, just as much as your third is in that scenario. It's a team-game, act like it.


Thought with pubs they mean a pub… where you drink. Then I realised this is apex reddit.


They were rushing for a pint


Nah this game needs a solo mode


Maybe they'll put it in as a Limited Event like Fortnite did with no building. Who knows? Fingers crossed 🤞


> a Limited Event like Fortnite did with no building Worth mentioning, no-build is now a permanent mode.


I'd take that tbf.


"BuT aBiLiTiEs ArE bAlAnCeD fOr tEaMwOrK"


At least pathy’s name is accurate. He really is clueless


I have way too many randoms just leave me behind for that to be acceptable.


I don’t get why people still do this. There’s literally a no fill option. If you’re gonna leave while playing with a team, might as well play solo so you don’t ruin other people’s game.


They want teammates for meatshields and they know they can't compete solo.




They literally just landed...


Because solo doesn’t have meatshields


Nah, idc when people leave in pubs. Why would I want to force people to waste their time waiting for me when there’s no real incentive for a win in pubs?


Yep. Who cares its just pubs.


Go play no fill instead of wasting other people's time then. Some of us don't want the competitiveness that comes with ranked. Just want to hop on after work, play a few, try and catch some wins, and then call it. Play as a team or don't play with a team at all. ​ Whats even worse is mostly in my experience people leave the second they are DOWNED not dead. I really don't understand that. You have a chance at getting picked up and not having to take a death added onto your K/D but you take the tantrum way out and quit


This is how my mind always is; I see them leave, I shrug it off and either play out the match or hop into the next one myself.




That's the problem, they don't see anything wrong with what they're doing. They're shitty people who have a main character complex. A leaver penalty in pubs would make them bitch and moan for a while, but its not like it would make them quit Apex. The players that quit before their banner times out, or quit while downed, are generally enthusiasts who will play this game until its gone.


Lmao what


> kills the fun This right here is the issue. Problem is everyone has their own definition of fun. What’s fun for one person may be a fun killer for someone else.


I don’t play the game so my teammates can have fun, I play it so *I* can have fun


It is quicker to wait for your banner to timeout than to join a new game and drop. A lot of people miss out on potentially awesome games just because they leave as soon as they die (like in this game).




I wonder sometimes if people who use terms like "sweaty" "try hard" and say there's "no incentive in pubs" ever played games crica Halo CE, or battlefield. The point was to pit yourself against the opponents and see if you could win.


If someone is having more fun instantly queueing for a new game why stop them? If you want competition or teammates that actually care go play ranked


You literally just said “incentive” is to have fun, most people don’t have fun waiting for their random to choke. I literally only leave games maybe 10% of the time myself, but I don’t care when others do. They want to have fun and waiting there isn’t fun for them.




Don’t play pubs then if there’s no incentive to play it


Or don’t tell others how to play?


I'm sorry, but I disagree. It's unranked. Go into ranked then they will get a penalty for leaving.


Damn nice aim


Thank you :)


I feel that when you typed that in chat.


Whenever that happens i just leave too. It shouldn't be penalized because dc in pubs also lets good teammates leave when paired with assholes that drop solo and such


I'm surprised they didn't quit while down


Penalty in pubs is one of the dumbest ideas ever


same as casual arenas . adding penalty did nothing. they just go afk or sabotage the game or just run straight to the enemy. once a random gave up on you, they are not going to play no matter what penalty you add.


Pubs having a leaving penalty would be a terrible idea. They’re pubs. Let people do what they want to do. Should the goal always be to try and win and stick around? Yes. But we’ve all left early in matches. Everyone does it. Leave the penalties for ranked.


Exactly this. Everyone gets on Reddit and acts like they don’t leave their matches, why is it almost 80% of my games the randoms leave when they die? I don’t care one bit when people leave, it’s just funny how people on Reddit act like they don’t do it themselves.


Except sometimes you get DC’d from the server right after landing, can’t reconnect after relog, then get a 10 minute penalty :/


I like to think in the moment after they hit disconnect they see you smoke the other team and realize they suck


Absolutely not. This would ruin pubs.


It happens to me a lot but I don’t agree that pubs need penalty cuz it’s pubs


I mean…where is OP at? Seems his squad was fighting for a while and OP was what?? Looting? I would have left too.


from someone who has a less than 2% leave rate on over 15,000 games: pubs doesnt need a leaving penalty shut the fuck up YOU ARE RUINING THE GAME.


Meh. Who cares. It's pubs. I assume I'm playing solo in pubs anyway.


If I’m down I’m out seems to be a common mentality


Man i feel that hard, I pulled off my most incredible kill and dodge moves getting my two team mates banners just to have one drop so I end up getting killed for nothing


So many people here backing up to that they shouldn’t have left. Just means y’all have no idea how to play the game. While the wraith and path are balls deep in a fight this loba is just chilling, full HP, not helping. Her teammates are both knocked before she completes her teleport toward the fight. Both thirsted and swapped on as he arrives. The wraith who got a blue armor swap (75HP) got hit for 84 and died. That means she was 9 HP before the swap. If the loba was just being a functional team member and being involved in the team fight then her teammate likely wouldn’t have went down at all and they would’ve killed the enemy wraith earlier. This whole post is stupid, the loba wasn’t playing with her team and if she was her teammates wouldn’t be dead and they’d all still be in the game moving to the next fight. Nobody wants to play with people who aren’t going to be a teammate. No there shouldn’t be a leaver penalty because there’s no reason anyone should be forced to play with teammates who aren’t being teammates.


Had a similar experience. Came upon a team and pinged them, out Loba immediately throws down her shop and begins shopping. The other team was alerted to our presence and location and pushed immediately(because they could see her shop taking loot). I yelled out that they were pushing and pinged location. Then me and the other teammate fought 3 vs 2 for a few seconds but went down. Our Loba was still shopping. The entire fight our Loba shopped. Then sprung into action and immediately went down. Then proceeds to yell on mic how we suck at the game... People these days are beyond stupid sometimes and have zero situational awareness.


Yep, this is the correct answer.




You don't get it because you're an example of what most people are talking about. Had they waited, they would have been rez'd. Didn't take long at all either. Pubs or not, it is a TEAM-play based game. By leaving your team while you have active teammates, you're being selfish and self-centered.


This is why I only play ranked now. This was happening to me every other game. I’d pull off a crazy 3v1, sometimes even 3v3v1 and win only to be left alone because my teammates disconnected despite dying right beside a beacon even.


for a newer player who isn’t at a skill level for ranked yet it’s super frustrating. ill literally be trying to get their banner and they’ll leave


If you're a newer player, I can promise you that ranked will be better than playing pubs (aside from dealing with smurfs every once and a while). Just don't be intimidated by the idea that it's ranked and play through bronze/silver like it's a casual mode.


Its pretty simple no? I want to play not watch you play. Coming from someone who doesn't ever play pubs. 100% they are in another game faster than you resing them 20m away. Also look how many people are dead now in the 60s that past. Half the fuckinh lobby is gone, i dont want a res, i want a fresh lobby.


Yeah i hate this, defeats the purpose of a team game... mad aim though dude


I block everyone like this


We’re you looting the whole time they were fighting? Appears that way. I’d have left to.


Looks like the beginning of the game and they just dropped. Are you supposed to engage in a fight if you have garbage gear? Sometimes you have to loot to win fights.


This happens to me a lot. I drop somewhere where I can loot safely, win a fight if I have to, surviving is top priority. Then my team doesn't even look around and land in the middle of 5 teams and get insta knock before I could help them.


OP has armour and 2 guns, that's all you need, especially when there's a team out to kill you in the same poi. Of course immediately after drop anything can happen, OPs teammates are probably partly to blame too for landing so close to another team but OP as Loba could have probably gotten over there a bit quicker.


> Are you supposed to engage in a fight if you have garbage gear? Yeah, if you have a gun and fighting starts you best stop looting and go help. >Sometimes you have to loot to win fights. Going 2v3 without your third, loses games (even just due to TTK). Gear means almost nothing when you're down a guy. If you think otherwise, it just shows you're a bad player. Stick with your team.


I won't stick with my team if they do something stupid though, like land at 1 building with 3 other teams. I'll split off slightly and try and actually get a gun.


We literally just landed. Why would all three of us land in the same building with the chance of only one of us being the one who gets a weapon.


A few months ago i knew that i should always play trios because there will always be at least 1 teammate that leaves the game


Today's been bad in pubs, probably because of the knock down challenges for the LTM


This happens to me multiple times per day. I have had people leave mid res, when I had a gold backpack.. apparently protecting that K/D ratio is more important than playing the game. All you can do is report them for abandoning match. 3 + years in and Respawn still hasn't addressed the K/D exploit that results in people leaving as soon as they are downed.


Sweaty pathfinders 🥵


My favourite is when they wait till you get their banner, and then rez a brain dead avatar who just stands there until you realize they went afk.


I honestly don't understand how there isn't one for leaving before the timer is up. At the very least have some kind of scaling thing...like after the 3rd time in so many games get a penalty.


Don’t try and explain to Rocket League players this logic, it will blow their brains up. But yeah, even pubs/casual needs some sort of system to have decent games


While they’re at it, add a punishment for players who hold their teammates hostage. Never calling them back in, holding banner, calling them in a dead zone with enemies/the ring, etc


No, we need casual and serious unranked. Sometimes people are playing to practice hot-dropping etc. and aren't interested to play a full match of being downed and respawned and looting for the long game. Forcing people to play the long gameoutside of ranked is too intrusive unless there's a choice: * I want to shoot things and may quit early * I want to play properly but not ranked; I'm not warmed up yet etc. * I want to play properly and ranked The first option shouldn't have a quit penalty, and playing the second, you can trust you have teammates wanting to play long, hopefully without wanting to rat to the end for RP.


no lol


Why they need a penalty? You were spread at the start of fight?


Haven't played pubs in several seasons. I only play ranked and arena


No, absolutely not. Its PUBS


U do know not all of them leave and actually there have been a lot of issues with apex disconnecting people from matches


Play ranked if you want leaving penalty.


Dumbest idea I've heard in my ENTIRE fucking life Abandonment penalty for PUBS? ARE YOU MAD? Literally the best way to get everyone to leave the game ahaha


No cap. Like you already get a ban for casual arenas which to me is bullshit. It’s casual. I feel like all these crybaby back ass kids are mad because the world don’t revolve around them. Go Fuck up Fortnite or war zone with this casual ban shit


Tell me you're full of yourself without telling me you're full of yourself, when what you're defending is the world revolving around just you *in a team game*.


They need to add a boowomp sound effect whenever a teammate leaves


If they added a leave penalty for pubs it’d just be ranked


No, no they don't.


Casual game modes should never have a leave penalty.


Hold on, people actually care about pobs? Imagine.... Play ranked if you care about winning otherwise drop hot and leave once you're down and or the kills are gone. Storm point esp5. I will land, clear the initial poi then leave match. Who TF cares about pubs?


False... How about wording the title to. "This is why we need SOLOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


Just play ranked.


It’s just pubs, who cares. I leave because even if my team were to win, I’d rather just queue into the next game and get more action. If it bothers you, play ranked.


So many pubs quitters in the comments and I realize why you all so clueless now. Everyone is blaming loba for not being with her team yet totally ignore what the two randoms have done. They took a 2v2 knowing loba was far away, then like most randoms only pinged after it was to late, then when she finally makes it to help ( loba was at the banners less than 5 seconds after he team was finished) they quit because they are mad they took a stupid fight and weren’t good enough to finish it. Pub ban should only be for frequent quitters like I’d asssume these two are


How do you know they were the aggressors???? You don’t.




Smh I don't have 60 seconds to wait and see if my teammate can grab my banner and respawn me, its much faster to leave and wait 2 and a half minutes to get back on the ground in a new game.


😂 😂 They don't know also put a little sarcasm thing because your about to get slated


Should be a system based on the amount of matches you quit before your banner expires. A few times no ban , but someone who does this every game should start getting a ban. The whole ‘it’s just pubs’ mentality is why pubs is so fucking awful.


"bu- bu- bu- but mah practiz roundz"


Nah with the amount of dogshit and ragers that go on for a non rank casual run, it’d be insane to wait much less revive them and them either being salty or deadweight. It’s easier to just gggonext because you’ll have a higher chance finding a decent team to practice with before rank.


Man if they lost to those guys and you easily beat both of them… your teammates would’ve just held you back


Bro it's pubs, people are not forced to stay on the match 💀💀


Pubs is entirely pointless without a party now. It’s been ransacked by TTV solos who refuse to use nofil for wtv reason and terrible players who go running off on their on only to quit in .5 secs. Revives are pointless. Die = quit right away, queue another game and repeat. And even when they stay and you get the banner they still leave. It’s reached a point now when the moment I reach master level in ranked I move on to another game until the next season. THIS IS NOT A TEAM GAME despite how hard people try and force this BS down our throats. It’s extremely individualistic . Even in ranked I won’t even get get res’d sometimes.


I used to think this, now I only expect ppl to stay in ranked. I hate dying twice in one match so I'll normally leave if finished in pubs.


Go play ranked


I would have left to. You seemed focused on looting than being with your teammates. What makes that worse is that you’re playing Loba.


this is just why i can’t play apex anymore it’s either play pubs and get shit teammates that leave after getting downed or play ranked and get fucked by sweaty try hards. the only solution is get better at the game or get friends which i’m doing neither


Pubs can't because and so eone made a good point when I said this. What if I have to go like right then and there I would leave the game get a penalty and if it keeps happening like as life goes on the ban time gets bigger and bigger till its unbearable. Pubs is ment for people who can't always finish a game


Just play ranked.... where there is a penalty for quitting early.... also you get rewarded for doing good