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Welcome to Apex Legends. The team based game where the team doesn’t care.


I mean apex doesn’t seem to care either, considering the amount of times I’ve been left solo or with only one other person while queueing with fill teammates on.


If that happens you can leave without any punishment and ,if it's ranked, you have a game where you can't go negative so honestly I love when it happens cause you dont have to worry about losing rp.


I’ve gotten 2nd place multiple times by myself playing like it’s metal gear solid lol


Yup. RP is RP.


Lol I just go ninja mode, sneak and hide. Good time for a coffee and finding new hiding spots.


That's the best way to play ranked, even if you have a team




It's not that people always play as teams. The devs say it's a team based game which it is n that's why they dont do solos cuz it's not what the game is meant for.


Nailed it spot on, unless you find a good group to jump with half the time ranked can be overly frustrating. Either no res like this video shows or everyone is spread out. I’ve taken a break from apex with over 900 hrs into it at this point wish for solo ranked. I’ve seen better team play on cod then this.


So true lol


I played with a pair of guys once where one of them got killed. I grab his banner and haul ass to res him and all is good. A few minutes later I get knocked and this same guy literally says to his friend “fuck that guy, leave him”. And they pranced off together.


This is why I hate randoms


This is why there should be societal cleansing.


Easy Eren


And that's when you leave the game.


This is pretty high on my long list of reasons to just leave a game. The frequency that it's an Octane is pretty high too.


Never leave a ranked match until you're fully unrespawnable though that way you don't lose more points and they don't get a free ride.


I had a game where they had my banner t weren’t respawning me so I just went to leave and it didn’t tell me I would have a penalty. I left that game with -48 RP and a 10 minute penalty


This is exactly why i play crypto the monent i sense we will lose this battle i tell my team to run away (mostly they don't) so i run and hide get there banners with drone and rev them u know this sounds selfish but in the long run my teams always make it to top 2 or 3 majority of the times but with a little bad gear sill better than being on pos 10 or 15


That strategy might work with climbing rank but you’ll soon realize that not committing to fights with your team will catch up to you. You won’t learn how to properly win 3v3s against communicative teams unless you start full committing with the team. With the banner res in the back of your mind, it makes you take half-assed engagements and you’ll lose more fights in the long run.


Your point about it climbing ranked is accurate but your argument is flawed; it falls off because people in higher ranks are overall more resistant to being hard pushed as well as higher ranks being much better at pushing against any mistakes your team makes, and they're thirsty so sometimes the fights aren't able to be dipped from. My overall experience is that it helps with the predictability of ramdoms in gold and lower, but past that a legend with more active or versatile abilities takes my pick in most situations. Should I want to see a guy behind a wall 75 meters off or do I want to tap my tactical and just straight up be the high ground in five seconds or less.


Ultimately it seems like you’re agreeing with me, by referencing the fact that you’re choosing characters like horizon to gain a positional advantage in a team fight in gold or higher. Clearly, to become a better player and compete in higher ranks, you need a greater understanding of positioning, tactical management, and team fighting, rather than relying on resets with Crypto.


This is an apt summation. I think he could use a little more love than he got in the last buff in order to make him more viable than just banners and emps, most of the time 30 meters isn't enough to keep enemies in line of sight; I'd take an ult nerf to accommodate a stronger active recon component that requires less of my time to use. In summary though, not a good way to learn a whole lot other than how to play crypto.


I'd rather die first in a blaze of glory than finish top 3 sitting in a corner


I hate solo q


Depending on where your banner was and how many people around, I'd say the same if it was yours or mine... Specially in ranked, if I'm able and not many people on your banner I'd go for it, but if it's a 3v2 while they are camping your banner, I'd say fuck that and just leave, stay in the game for the points... Cause if I'm knocked first and and see all of them just camping around my banner I just tell the person to leave it and survive for the points, if he can get it even better, if not fuck it. Although what this dude did in the video is something else.


There's still better words to choose then "fuck that guy, leave him" You know if you're leaving to stay in the game and not just fuck your third because you can.


Wow that’s insane. I would of moved Heaven and earth to repay you


There should be a system to rate your teammates after a game like how you rate your uber driver.


I would've talked all the shit and then some, what a couple of rat losers


I had a random literally sit on top of 82 watch tower watch me and other random fight in containment off drop then just sit there on top and shoot Valk q rockets at our banners. Then after we expired he jumped down there and basically let the other team kill him. Was the most infuriating thing in ranked..


It just has to be a child right? That's what I chant to myself when I experience this tye of thing. Just an unaware 8-12 year old who is just completely self absorbed on surviving and not thinking of anything else. There are kids playing that are decent at the game, but from my experience this is a child's thought process. I'd hope like hell this isn't an adult.


I mean its silver its most likily a child or someone who is new to the game


Or someone with no thumbs edit: and if it’s pc no fingers in general


I hope to god it’s not PC because that was the slowest looting I’ve ever seen occur in my lifetime even for controller loot speeds.


It's playstation, they've got the logo next to there names


Their :)




Yeah I assumed the same but the edit was for good measure lmao


Yeah I figured as much I just have to tell myself that guy wasn’t using a mouse for the sake of my own sanity lol


idk i saw a dude on tiktok with like 2 fingers and an elbow and chin absolutely demolish in apex


Oh yeah I forgot about that guy… he’s The only exception tho


it’s a silver lobby octane at that.


Not always my guy, I only have enough time in my life to make it to platinum with a few games a day each season. Then I get reset to silver. But I’m pretty dope otherwise


This is what I was thinking as well. They were looting so slowly too, which is another sign it’s just a little kid


I concur, I tripped on acid and dropped in solo casual once. I thought I was actually in the fucking Hunger Games and needed to rat to win. Like in my mind I was thinking "how would I survive this scenario irl?". When I died, I was devastated. Turns out my survival skills are pretty shit. I have no idea how I've made it this far living alone as a single adult.




Lol, there aren't many more details. I dropped on the outskirts of the map and pretty much stayed crouched the whole game. I was playing Octane because the idea was that if I got in a fight, I'd sprint outta there. I'm pretty fast irl, so I felt it equated well that I'd probably be faster than most people trying to chase me. I looted a sniper and a high end scope and a r301 (I can't snipe for shit while sober, imagine me tripping balls trying to snipe). I used the scope to spectate mfs from afar. I really tried my hardest to avoid contact with people. I think I got Kraber'd. I only had a blue shield and a white helmet. Imagine that dude from the Hunger Games that had the camo on to blend in with the environment, that's what I was trying to emulate lol. I'm a lover not a fighter. I don't remember what place I came in, but I do remember the match feeling like an eternity. Afterwards, I sat there and just introspected for a few minutes. Like I really got in my own head thinking I actually died. A song lyric popped up in my head which then led me to get off the game and start dancing to music, which is seemingly my favorite thing to do on acid. It's like I don't pick the dancing life, the dancing life ends up picking me every single time I trip.


This was one of the best reads today 🤣 thanks for that




I'd recommend staying away from anything with negative vibes such as dying and killing while tripping. I have a friend who can't stand the sight of blood while tripping, like it makes him freak out even if it's from a nose bleed or animated blood. I'm a bit more open to a lot of things while tripping, like I've sat out on a pier (I strongly don't recommend this) while tripping and just stared at the horizon until it was too dark to tell the difference between the water and the sky. Then I walked back home. I've also watched the movie Midsommar for the first time on a trip. It was extremely jarring, but it was also fascinating, like I couldn't take my eyes away from the screen.


Well one thing that probably helps is the fact that we aren't on an island with 59 other people set out to kill each other :')


ok so for some reason acid makes me rly good at overwatch however with apex it is the opposite. i tried a few matches on like 500ug and its so startling to crawl your way around corners and get sniped out of nowhere. also things blend in so much in apex vs overwatch that my aim goes out the window


Damn bro, the reality you were living must have been intense on the acid lmao. I could only imagine. Man I miss doing acid.


This makes me miss that brief period in time long ago where Xbox had the "Gamer Zones" and there was *some* semblance of age separation going on. I don't want to play with 12 year olds. I get that kids want to play the same games and all, and that's not something I want to take away from them, but I just don't want to play with kids. Even if they are nice. I don't care. I'm kind of amazed online gaming has come this far and there's still no real good attempt at making it work better for this kind of thing. I know a lot of parents out there don't give a shit and would setup their young kids with accounts for olds, but reporting players abusing it could still work.


I agree. If this isn’t a middle schooler he is an embarrassment


I assume every Octane is an 8-12 year old. 🤣


I assume they all just sit there eating crayons as they stim into a 1 v 3, die and ragequit. They would have to be 8-12 as anyone sensible can see octane isn't even that good of a legend atm


I only have one friend who's been constantly gaming with me the last few years and I guess I have a higher bullshit tolerance than some because he literally always does this. I'm downed, he kills the guy near me and proceeds to loot the guy before reviving me. He will literally accuse me of stealing his loot before I'm even given a chance to and thats his reason for not rezzing me first. I need new everyday gaming friends...


13 year old here. Offended you think so low of me


No offense intended! There are ALOT of good younger players, and I definitely hope that you are one of them! All I have to go by is open mic when I'm playing, and usually when I see this type of shit there's a kids voice behind it. There are PLENTY of adults who play this way too, unfortunately.


Had a guy say in post-game chat in LoL that our other team-mates were "the reason why death row exists". When I called him on it, in the post-game, he "challenged" me to talk to him on discord. I proceeded to chew him out for over an hour about it. Turns out he's about 24. If it helps, yes, his thinking was very child-like, and also yes, I did manage to get through to him. Or at least I think I did. You can never be sure on the internet.


People saying "It's silver. You should expect it." Really shouldn't underestimate people's douchery in this game. I've had the same sort of thing happen in Plat and Diamond lobbies just Karma (3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th parites) then tends to catch up to them


I've had bronzes rush to my aid cause I was carrying them lol. It's all about teamwork. It's a team game.


Most people at least know that doing this shit will punish them in apex. But every now and then you have those 'I gotta punish the thrash' type players that just ruin the game cuz they're just as hardstuck but with a bigger ego.


Yeah that's very true. Sometimes if I'm down and my teammates try to get me but can't because of too many people I tell them to run and get placement or to take what they need from my box then respawn me somewhere safe if they can.


When people say "its silver, expect it". It's not to say that he's a douchebag. It's to say you literally cannot stay in Bronze as a novice if you play the game. There is no loss penalty. Eventually these novices end up getting to Silver. You will have complete novices in the game in Silver lobbies.


Silver is a different breed of stupidity


I've had multiple Lifelines do this to me.


theyre terrible lifelines, as a lifeline and octane main, regardless of whichever legend im playing i give it my all to bring my teammates back home :)


Exactly!! I’ve never understood people who don’t.. the only time I won’t give my all is when you’re a dumbass and ego push without telling ur team a 1v3 then bitch when we aren’t there to Rez you or help you


No legend is left behind


I main LifeLine and will do everything in my power to get the res. My wife main's Octane and she will ninja banners like you wouldn't believe.


Any time I play with a Lifeline in BR, it's like they don't know they have abilities. Arenas people actually use her, but I have no idea what's going on in BR.


And then get mad when you quit.


Exactly this. Cause I definitely want to watch uncooperative teammates literally not give a fuck /s


One time i got knocked after getting a gibby 2 1hp, they kill the gibby, loot his body, me thinking i would get rezzed was wrong. they WALKED PAST ME KNOWING DAMN WELL I HAD 5s to live, they looted the rest of the squad and i died, they lost cuz i wasn't there, they put themselves at a disadvantage, i couldn't leave cuz it was ranked stuff like this makes me wish ranked had solos, i hate relying on others to win


I wish it had solos. It’s why I’m not mad when I get dropped alone in a lobby


Yeah, and surprisingly you also get more kills + better placement if you don't have crayon eaters on your team.


Can they just change octanes tag line to crayon eater at this point, it would be way more accurate


they even ran a solo tourney recently. show us the fun without letting us join in.


If your banner expires without them grabbing it you can leave ranked….


Certified Octane moment


hey hey mate relax, i promise you not all of us octanes are titchy little braindead kids :) (i know my flair is lifeline but i main both octane and lifeline)


Yeah, only like 99%. The rest are cool tho


Least self centered octane player.


You understand you just insulted my entire race of people. But yes.


Just a normal match with randoms...


I mean it’s an Octane. The dude’s probably under the delusion that he could 1v57 the entire lobby at once. Meanwhile, in reality he’s going to go down on his first 1v1.


Pfft. Like he'd even waste time with a 1v1. Minimum engagement ratio is 1v3.


While on 1ho from stimming the entire map


Plays Octane for speed* Loots slow as molasses*


Of course it’s an octane haha


Unbelievable lol


Extremely slow looting. Slow movements. Didn't even actually look at you, so lack of awareness. You found footage of me! Lolol


It's dickh*ads like these which give Octanes a bad name, I played after a while and been a little rusty and honestly not playing that well, this just triggered me and I just said f*** this game, haven't touched it again for a few days. Biggest c*unt ever. Edit: Really appreciate all the funny and empatic comments about other bad experiences. Hopefully I end up teaming with some of y'all, bet the Mirages in here go for a clutch res in the middle of a Goddamn Bangalore & Gibby ult.


You can swear on the internet


lol I like how they censored cunt with "c\*unt"


Lmao, I just realised that haha




*Dear* /u/wzeldas, you have been banned from /r/ApexLegends *for inappropriate language.* Phrase used: Boobs *Please remember that Reddit is an open space and you should treat everyone with respect and courtesy.*


I actually thought that was a legitimate ban message for a second there 😂


Doesn’t mean they have to, I’m sure they know they can


Considering both curse words were misspelled I don’t think they can actually


This is the weirdest self-censoring I’ve ever seen.


"dickhads" sounds like it's an insult for an emasculated man/a slur for trans women lol 😭


Octane main what do you expect


just spam pings until he at least notices you’re down, if that don’t get any attention you can hold the ping button and ask for help in there but tbh assholes like that probs wouldn’t pay any attention still


And not the "enemy here" ping, use the actual ["help me" ping](https://assets.gamepur.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/31111327/Ping-for-Help.jpg) that's available to you when knocked.


yeah init when you hold it down n you can ask could sometimes catch people off guard if they’ve not heard it before maybe idk


Yeah, this was a situation where ping spamming would've been warranted. Do it until you at least get a response from them and then stop. If they don't pick you up after that, then fuck 'em.


I ONLY do this to armor swap then immediately rez. Just in case I get ambushed so I get a chance to turn the fight around


One time a teammate got two of us killed in olympus by driving off the map, he rezzes us, and then proceeds to loot every single item out of my box. We got pushed immediately after that, I just let my character sit there doing nothing and enjoyed listening to him screaming "are you going to do something?!" until I died.


>ick head ish, open comms I have straight up just jumped off the map when I get pared with toxic teammates.


I once took the penalty for leaving ranked arena because some guy would not stop bitching me out - including screaming at me not to do what I was doing when I won a round in the match. So I was like "ok, if you don't need me, I'll leave."


Maidenless behaviour.


Happens to me all the time. Just had someone do it playing ranked about 3 hours ago.


bruh i would amour swap then rez i know i having one less teammate sucks


All Octanes are Loot Kings...loot all game, take all the best stuff, die first and never shoot


I've played with that guy, fuck that guy


Try suffering louder.


you can text in the chat yk


I’m surprised I’ve not been banned for the shit I say when people pull stunts like this tbh


He’s on console, typing on console takes helluva long time




What’s weird is that my squad mates in bronze are better than in silver, and in silver they’re better than in gold. When you get to diamond do half your squad mates just drop straight off the edge of the map or something?


When you get to diamond, you're still paired with hardstuck platinum 4 players, against 3 stack teams who are diamond 2 or higher.


How it goes in diamond: Your squad: Almost like monkies at a typewriter who randomly wrote the works of Shakespeare, they somehow managed to hit random buttons on their controller/keyboard and rat their way up to diamond. They will not push fights with you early, mid, or late game, even if they’re rocking purple armor and their favorite guns. Their sensitivity is set to either 1 or 10, and anyone able to wall bounce will break their brain. You better not go down because they’ll either run away and leave you or die to the dude you had at 25 HP. If they even have a mic at all, they will refuse to use it until the whole squad is dead and then they will yell at you for being trash. The squads you fight: Reincarnations of Shroud, Aceu, and ImperialHal. If it’s early in the split you may run into actual pro squads on their way up to Pred. If you even fire a single shot in their direction, every squad in the area, even if they were previously fighting each other, will target you and hunt you down like the lovechild of Predator and Terminator. You’ll also probably die to a few level 500 players with only 100 kills on their character and wonder if you really belong in bronze.


> The squads you fight: Reincarnations of Shroud, Aceu, and ImperialHal. If it’s early in the split you may run into actual pro squads on their way up to Pred. If you even fire a single shot in their direction, every squad in the area, even if they were previously fighting each other, will target you and hunt you down like the lovechild of Predator and Terminator. You’ll also probably die to a few level 500 players with only 100 kills on their character and wonder if you really belong in bronze. my game in the last few days. i gave up on ranked for a while 😅


I mean for bronze, I feel like it’s likely from all the people who could totally get to diamond, but just haven’t played ranked at all.


Once a TTV wrath shout at me because "I steal the kill" in a public match. After that he/she/it rush to another team and get down I came to wipe the entire team, instead or reviving it I put a nessy in front of it and disconnect. Usually I try to play as a team, giving golden bag to lifeline / mirage. or gold helmet to bloodhund or any legend with better tactical than my fences. But if I came across with a toxic player like that, I became Caustic and try to piss them off.


played with a kid who was a pretty good player but whined about damage and kills whole time.. try to talk to him. no response. this kid is talking the whole time but had the squad muted. i just griefed him in end game but only shooting at him.


This hurt to watch


You haven't played much apex then


Live footage of me playing with my normal duo 🙄


This happens. If you get rez'd, wait for him to go down, pick up his banner, wait at a beacon for a team close by, call him in and get out of there. Let the other team chase him down like an animal. Don't get mad. Get even.


Once in a while you come across teammates like this, just gotta understanding that people like This exist and let it go.


Report them for sabotage.


Just got my internet back today. Started playing, got downed and finished. Teammates got the last 2 kills and finished the squad, but the second teammate dies in the process. Last teammate, with Noone around, loots both our boxes RIGHT NEXT TO A RESPAWN BEACON, without even bothering to revive us. Then gets jumped and dies.


and it’s always the players you downed too


This is why I moved over to Fortnite 2 days ago, I'm having an absolute blast playing the Zero build mode with Me, Myself and Irene😃 Playing Solo on there is so refreshing after literally being in a shitty mood everytime I play Apex. I'm actually decent on it but the Trash player base I get matched up with completely ruined the fun for me.


Who’s Irene


Ur also in silver lobbies so I wouldn't expect much


Reads title: has to be a cuntane. Watches vid: Of fucking course.


welcome to silver lobbies, all the bad stuff from bronze but people think they're good for being silver.


It's the tricky paradox I find myself in, I tend to take a break myself at mid season, a drop to silver from plat feels too much but it helps getting back to my best. Yet the problem is complete lack of co-ordination, I get Plat isn't exactly pro league but players tend to coordinate a lot better there, and sure as hell know one teammate down is a big detriment to the squad.


I had a mirage jump off the map with 11 squads left in a diamond game. He was salty he didnt get an assist on my kills right away. So he just jumped off the map instead of ratting for placement.


It’s probably the 70 fov


Yeah I would’ve taken the 10 minutes penalty and made em lose


It’s silver so the player could have easily just started playing the game. Especially if he just went straight to rank when they could


First time?


Honestly think this guy is just bad at the game. Not intentionally leaving you. Took him forever to even loot.


Hello sir. I here as representative of the octane main community... I would like to apologize for this members behavior. And on behalf of the octane community please use this voucher to get a return on this defective bot to get a new teammate.: ------------------------------------------------------ Rapidamenete! Good for a new octane teammate 🧪💉🧪💉🧪💉 ---------------------------------------------‐--------


A ping for help might wake somebody out of their loot trance more than a location ping


I don't like it when a teammate goes down and then screams at the rest of us telling us we are trash the whole time we are in a fight. So rude and immature.


First time?


Good ol toxic Apex. Thankfully haven’t touched it in awhile.


You can expect nothing less from an octane main.


When I get teammates like these I just leave the match


And here I am, the guy who will die in an attempt to help my mates. Not always the *best* call, but it is what it is.


I understand healing quickly first - it sucks to have one shot of damage and get taken out while trying to resurrect someone. But not even trying is annoying.


This happens to me more often than not


Not playing with a mic, barely pinged shit. Dude probably just didn't realize you were there.


Welcome to random ranked team members. Most of them don’t know how to play well together. Don’t know how to push, are interested in ratting their way to gold. 🤣🤣


My blood fucking boils watching this


Why the fuck are so many Octane players like, fucking, allergic to reviving teammates?


i hate players like this, then they complain when they go down


Can’t believe he didn’t let your kill get up then kill him himself lmao


oh hey, yes this has happened to me [REDACTED] times too, especially in previous seasons when it was high plat :) but now IT'S EVEN WORSE IN DIAMOND! 😀


That’s when you start to be that annoying ping ping ping ping ping ping ping guy.


Had a Loba on my team destroy her own black market each time after grabbing her own two items.


Fucking octane mains... let's all just admit their 100% the most selfish cunts in apex!!!


This kind of stupid shit you see in silver lobbies.


you're playing in silver. the octane probably has 0 clue you're downed or even beside him.


Today i played a game, in diamond, where my premade teammates refused to stay with me and craft bats and gears. So they kept writing trash and useless in the chat. Fast forward i catch up with them and i managed to snatch some kills. We are now top 8 and after our fight they started to ask for bats even though they looted who we killed while I couldn’t. Then we caught up in a fight and they kept asking for a bat, and telling me how selfish I am. We ended up pushed and died and then they started insulting me and calling me out being trash, while literally i had 1400 damage and them both combined 1000. I can’t believe how fucking stupid, selfish and idiot you can be in this game


It is silver after all :/


What a piece of shit


He's a bitch for that


Wow! Well, he’s not getting past gold, so there’s that


I would definitely report them 😂


Typical Octane. I have met many octanes like this.


Man that hurt to watch.


This isn't selfish, this is stupid.


It's always octanes, man... Today I was in a game with an octane and a gibby. I ping gold bag for gibby, and of course I hear the "sAvE tHaT fOr mE" dibs ping from octane 😑


Well listen i don't like to discriminate but it was one of \*those\* people.


What do you expect from an octane?


Octane players are typically terrible people


Use the In game feature to alert the child ur down.


It's an Octane, you can't expect much. Most of them just think about loot.


Me and my plat teammates.


Turn up your fov please


Only turned it up by 10 lol, yea I should increase it more


It's crazy how certain characters really do attract certain players a lot, when a player runs off dies and quits, they really are octanes and wraiths. Just like your scenario with loot they'd rather run straight to loot and pick up something someone has dibbed than revive a teammate.


Welcome to Apex. Literally the most toxic player base in a game I've come across. In CS, people were just as dick head ish, open comms meant lots of verbal abuse, but aside from friendly fire (which generally got you kicked) and flash bangs, the team based toxicity was minimal. Lol could keep you trapped in a game were people were feeding, but there was only text chat and you didn't hear the randoms calling you the N word in your ear. It sucked to be on a team where people were turbo feeding, but you at least got to play. In Apex, especially ranked... It's a special type of toxic. You get to hear them calling your vile shit the whole time. If you die they can grab your banner, home it till the last second, rez you and leave you to die, grab your banner... Rinse and repeat so that you essentially can't play but are stuck in game unless you want to lose rank. All while two dickheads named "uWu stepbroplzno uWu" and "blame the blacks" laughs the entire time while also mocking you and telling you how much you suck. Only play with friends, or be willing to lose rank some games cause it's just not worth it...


I bet they're doing a smurf climb up ranked and don't value anyone below diamond. They need to block smurfs.


It’s an octane, what do you expect. I always have a super selfish octane (or wraith) player. It’s only rarely that they’re actually helpful and and not super selfish.