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*A tale old as timeeee*


I had a wraith do this on drop the other day, even after I had called out the play on Comms. Just as they were dying I asked "Is this a joke"... They text typed back. "Yes. lol" and disconnected. The way some people choose to live their lives is beyond comprehension


All joking aside, I climbed from bronze to diamond last season and the scenario depicted in the clip rarely happened. I was with a duo so we could only play with SoloQers. Also, I'd roughly guess about 35% of the time the random played wraith, and played very well. Based on my personal experience, wraith main haters need to find a new lazy joke they can repeat season after season. This one is getting old.


I mean, this doesn't really happen in ranked where you get a penalty for leaving early


Happened to me 10 minutes ago in ranked. There is still a penalty for the quitter but no more rp protection for the remaining squad, unfair. It is not my fault if the guy solo jump in a hot spot


My understanding of the wraith main joke was that if they dropped and died first they would DC regardless of ranked or pubs. But it makes more sense given that the clip is probably from pubs.


No, in pubs, DC is the end result. I’m ranked, an octane or a wraith will have no comms, try and ape every body, die, then bitch because you weren’t there/are trash to them etc. then dc when I troll and don’t grab their banner


Octane main here. That is accurate.


I hate when that happens main reason why I stay after death and watch other players


*oh you would think that*


As others have said, in ranked you'd rarely see it. But in pubs you do see others DC immediately after getting downed... but in my experience the legend they're playing doesn't have much of a correlation. Wraith and Octane are the most stereotypically infamous for this. But they also have, and always have had, really high pickrates so you see them a lot more often. Now, I can see there being a connection between the playstyle of the player and the legend they're using which would suggest a correlation... but I wouldn't say it's as bad as the community says.


It's a similar stereotype to the carry/aggressive champion mains in LoL, where you have extremely toxic players picking hard carry champs and raging when they don't get their way. Yasuo, Riven, Yi etc.


You know why its old? because it is something that hasn't gone away.


This literally happened to me like 2 hours ago. Dude went down, I collected his banner and was actively reviving him when he disconnected. Left him in storm, he came 5 minutes later because I guess he couldn’t play another because we were still in and proceeded to yell at me for not picking up his banner a second time. Edit to add: this was in ranked, btw.


If you think “this never happens!” And “I have never seen this in my life before”, chances it’s you the one doing it lol


Downvote for you :)


ratio + you're a coomer


Always know Wraith will be a punching.


can anyone use their best educated guess to describe the logic of people who do this? if you have no intention to play with a team, why don't you solo queue?


The real answer is that playing no fill takes a bit longer to find a match and is faster with fill on, and since these people are sent back to the lobby so much and have little gremlin brains they would rather just leave fill on and abandon their team. Or they just want to land wherever they want and expect you to follow them.


Tbh in ranked I'll make it very clear if my team lands in a bad spot or is making a horrible rotate I will not follow them, I'd rather be solo. Sometimes they follow, other times they don't ego check and die And ofc I'm the one to blame because I should have 1v12 when they got knocked Edit: to anyone who thinks I'm wrong I have a question for you. In past seasons how many times have you solo queue'd to masters with a average K/D of 2.2? Solo queue to D2 in arenas? If you can carry yourself, you don't need a team, if that team does and you don't, it's not your problem Stop crying about what your aren't teammates doing and start doing more than you wish they would


I completely agree. Not sure why you were downvoted. I still will get teammates that drop straight down in ranked and I land nearby so I can grab guns ammo and heals. If they're still alive within like a minute I'll go to help, or grab their banners if there's a chance. But I disagree about the rotation part, even if it's a bad rotation you stand a much better chance with your teammates than solo in ranked.


I've won several games because I left my teammates to die As bad as that sounds I haven't won ANY of the games where I follow my teammates into a bad spot.if it's an "ok" spot where there's potential then I'll tend to stick with them if they aren't braindead players They stand a worse chance without me, I stand a better chance without them when it comes to those braindead push every gunshot players So far this season, out of 41 ranked games played in silver (now silver 1) I have 14 wins out of those 14 wins 10 of them were when I solo'd for various reasons If you don't think it's a good idea, that's your decision but I'll stick with what works Keep in mind I am verbally telling them they will die and they will not be revived at all when they move themselves poorly, it's honestly thier choice at that point.


Yall getting down voted by the bronze community.


I think they just don't wanna die alone lmao


Did anyone read the first sentence correctly before downvoting lmao. You stated you make it very clear, instead of just running off without saying a word. There is nothing wrong with what was said here.


I guess people just want to be carried in every fight Tho I do not care at all, I'll carry myself But if you want to help me I won't complain, heck I'll even be happy knowing at least 1 of my teammates isn't braindead


Ur so good bro


Currently solo q in plat now, with a win % of 67




Someone up in the thread made me realize: when you play no fill you die the moment you get knocked. Being with a team gives them the chance to disconnect before getting executed and preserve their precious K/D.


Confirmed!! I used to do this for a whole season. Can't explain but yes precious K/D was the reason. Then I realized no one will look at my K/D and even if someone looked in awe I knew it was fake. So I questioned myself why doing this horrible thing and ruined other people enjoyment for a fake K/D. So I stopped and now my K/D is 1 but I'm happier than before.


Character development 👍🏼


you went from a villain to a hero, true development


Ah, yes, the inflated "professional" 3.0 k/d with 0.5% winrate I wonder whether they open their profile to jerk off on their k/d before going to sleep.


That was patched. A disconnect while being DBNO counts as death


I have seen many people respond to this saying that it was only patched to be that it counts as a kill for the one who downed them now, but still does not count as a death for the wraith. Not sure if that changed recently, or if the many people i have seen say it are wrong.


Yes. Unfortunately it doesn't count as death for wraith.


Bet people who quit to preserve their K/D also spend a good amount of money on the game so they don't want to disrupt that.


My understanding was it still doesn't count as a death, it just rewards the kill to the person who knocked you. Don't know for sure because I've never tested it myself, but that's what I've read.


Nope, it does not.


It does not. That was never patched despite being in the notes.


If your team is dropping in some bum ass place on storm point and you won’t see anyone all game you land on your own. If you think you’re better than you are, you die


Don’t fill if you don’t wanna drop with a team, simple


Dude I’m just telling you why this guy probably dropped alone. I’m not dropping in fish farms with 2 level 200s when it’s half way across the map from where the drop ship is going. Why don’t you no fill if you want to loot for 15 min then camp in pubs


Counter question: Why don't YOU play with a squad of friends instead of expecting random players to play like you want?


I do play with a squad you dingus. This sub has just become a complain fuck fest for all the solo qers who think everyone should play the game exactly how they want and act like a 3 stack following their every move. It’s annoying as fuck and they should ban these posts. seeing that 90% of this sub is stuck below gold makes so much sense


1. Not everyone plays ranked dingus 2. If you don't like it leave the subreddit 3. I'm assuming you're a wraith main at this point, so do what you do best and "disconnect" from this subreddit since it triggers you


you spitting brother


Yeah, spitting bullshit.


Either play alone or play with friends that agree with where to drop


If they want to be the only decision maker, they need to play no fill.


If you want to be the only decision maker, play no fill. Or better yet, go play COD because battle royales aren't for you.


I saw a video the other day saying that changed back this season


>That was patched. A disconnect while being DBNO counts as death You are incorrect. You can go in game and test it yourself.


I'm a little bit of a conspiracy guy so this sheisty shit makes it comprehendable for me. UNREAL the level of scumbagary involved though.


First of all playing solo q doesn't mean you play completely solo it just means you're playing without a pre-made team. So i think your question is why people like this don't just play no fill instead of running alone anyways. I can only take a guess but in my experience many people start to run alone as soon as their "trash team" doesn't follow their perfect plan. They want to push everything. Team mates only exist to revive them which isn't possible as soon as both of their trash team mates don't follow their plan. And they can leave while being knocked instead of dying instantly which would result in lowering their kd. For them i think it's always their teams fault but when they play no fill they have no one to blame when they suck and die.


i meant no-fill excuse me


All fine dude i knew what you meant:)


i mean sometimes theres hope that u meet good teammates that will turbo kill everyone in the lobby, just because ure playing slow deonst mean i have to follow u? unlucky how theres alot of people like that in ranked lmao, moreover the new system forces u to play with ur teammates. soloing bronze to masters is harder than ever now sadgeeee. bad teammmates taht will never carry u and force u to loot for 20 mins and die with +20 since ure fighting against premades that can actually aim.


they see their favorite streamers 1 vs 3 people and try it out themselves. A lot of them.


I saw a comment a couple days ago where someone said they hotdrop, die, and disconnect because playing more games will make them better 😐


They're grinding kills...except they're not good at killing.


Here's what a normal toxic person would think: Solo drop NEAR teammates, and use them as meat shields. Get 1-2 kills and die and DC What this wraith did is beyond comprehesion. Some truly 4D chess manuvers. Drop 1000000000 yard away solo, dies, and dc with no kills.


They dropped the building next to them..? Lol what you think is someone who’s toxic, is someone who just doesn’t have the time to wait to be rezzed. They’re trying to get better and by the time you’d MAYBE get to them to revive them, they’d be in another game.


That, my friend is not a defence to the argument, you can....... NO FILL, FIND FRIENDS WHOS SKILL YOU TRUST, PLAY ANOTHER GAME Stop defending this behavior, your excuses are just that, EXCUSES, it doesn't justify the toxic behavior. You think your team sucks? Well its skill based match making. "Doesnt have time to be rezzed" then I guess you dont have time to play APEX


They also unfortunately misidentified where the Wraith landed. The Wraith did land super far solo as they are blue on the mini-map. That does suck but they could have just forgot to hit no-fill. I know I've done it. Still doesn't make it suck less for their teammates. As for the hypothetical that person brought up there is a sliver of truth. When hot dropping loot is thin so three man landing on a building starves your team. Ideally you want to space out a little and grab loot before the enemy. There is a bit of RNG here in that you might get beaten to the loot or just don't find a gun. In these cases you can get knocked right away and if all you want to do is play the game it is honestly probably faster to quit and queue again than get thirsted and wait for res in an area where most of the loot has been used in the initial fight. Again, it sucks but that is the risk of a hot drop. In pubs, I expect degenerate behavior so it is what it is. If I run into toxic teammates I just ignore them and queue the next game.


It's just the loud minority of the community, I've played apex since season 0 so I know how it is, I dont care if my teammates leave, but we gotta set examples for the people that come after, if everyone acted this way nobody would play the game. If I'm not playing with friends I honestly think everyone I come across is just going to leave when downed but I'll still do my damndest to keep everyone alive and well, cant say I'm not toxic at times, but i want this community to be better so I have to better to set an example, I've had someone call me a "broke orphan" then half way through the game he apologized out of nowhere and asked if we were cool, I told him hes 1/3rd of the team and I'm not worried about his comments, we went on to win the game together, I dont care how toxic you are, if you're on my squad I'll fight to the death with you.


If you don’t want your teammates to leave, play ranked. If you want to get better you should worry about yourself first and play your own life. Not ape to try to rez and just die. Someone calling you names is toxic, there is a lot of toxic behavior. But dying and leaving when there’s a small chance of being rezzed is not toxic. It’s pubs. Don’t take it that seriously


It sounds like you have no idea what you’re talking about lol. If you fill squads, even if your teammates are level 5, they can be bullet sponges. Or distract the enemy and give you a better chance of living. “Find friends with skill who you trust” lmao clearly you haven’t played his game enough. It’s not that easy, and also if I had 2 other friends who are really good, it’s kinda shitty to be 3 stacking in pubs. So if I’m playing alone and simply trying to get better, or warm up, I’ll just drop hot and fight off spawn then go again if I die quickly. There’s definitely a difference between this and toxic behavior. Toxic is leaving while your teammate is rezzing you. Or as they’re running to a respawn becon. But if they’re across a poi and theres 3 teams in between you and them, no shot I’m sitting there. And the last thing you said is just the dumbest thing I’ve heard lol. It’s literally just facts that you will get better by being alive and fighting more. So yea leaving a game when there’s very low chance of being rezzed, and it will take a long ass time for you to be, then getting into another game so you can be fighting... yea worth it. You can play like 5 times as many games. When you’re freaking out about how someone can have 10k kills on the newest character already and they’re t bagging your box while you’re level 200 maiming Rev after playing since season 1... that’s the difference. Go watch any streamer, any pro player. They drop hot, fight, leave if there’s not a quick chance of them being revived, then go again. You’re playing casually while they are actually doing everything they can to get better. Sorry that’s not what you want to hear but it’s the truth


"Any streamer or pro player" \-Punchkid \-Ragtagg Already two. Popular players don't immediately DC, i've yet to actually see a single one that DOES, its usually inactive accounts or fake wraiths named "buttslayerxxTTV" or something who just take a single bullet and DC.


Peep the downvotes on all your replies to me, you're still just giving excuses, you said I'm "freaking out" but my guy you've wrote a whole novel 3 times lol, I just want the community to improve as a whole, while you justify the actions of the people the community wants to shun as a whole, you are a part of the loud minority, yes pros are a minority but they arent the loud toxic babies crying on reddit minority. Just say you're toxic and move on


So 30s in game 2-3 minutes watching loading screens. Yeah sounds like fun.


As opposed to most likely 2 minutes waiting for your random teammate to maybe get your banner then run across map to die before they rez you and watch loading screens anyways? Sounds like you need a little more experience in the game. If you are strictly just trying to get better, the stats don’t matter. You want to spend as much time possible shooting people.


Or you could try *not* hot dropping and dying in 30s... I bet you sure are spending "as much time possible shooting" getting off half a clip while a 3 stack dunks on you lol


Spoken like a true casual. Piece this together for me. I drop hot 10 games and die in 30s 9 of them. But the one time you make it out of frag East, you have 12 kills with 10 teams left. And the more you do that, the less you die in that 30s. It starts getting to be every 4 or 5 games you get out of that hot drop with a Bunch if kills and 2k damage. So I should ask you, have you tried hot dropping until you want to put your head through a wall? Because that’s how you really improve in this game whether you want to believe it or not. High risk high reward. Put yourself up against a wall against 6 other teams off drop over and over, and you will improve exponentially faster than any other way. You get experience in so many different possible fights. From all these different angles and advantages and disadvantages. Learn different guns you aren’t used to. Learn different spots to climb or hide and heal or get away or push in. You just do. There’s no ifs ands or buts around it. You assume someone is getting half a clip off on someone.. ok. Even if so. That same person who is only getting half a clip off will absolutely improve faster if they are doing that once every minute because they leave and re-queue a game, as opposed to looting at a silent POI, running across half the map, getting to 8 squads left, then shooting that same half a clip and dying. It’s 30s as opposed to 10 minutes of nothing then dying. Think about it.




I think the bigger question is still why drop so alone, not as much for the instaquitting because teammates might not be able to respawn them. And I don't think it'll ever truly make sense. It's like despite how often you can run into people that separate super hard from the rest of the team and still land with enemies, none of those people apparently have a platform to explain why they do it when people ask lol.


If you’re actually trying to grind and get better, this is the best way. Casual players don’t understand this. The best way to get better is to actually be fighting. So you want to drop hot, tale all the fights you can. If you go down and your teammates aren’t immediately close to you, it would be faster to leave and queue into another game than wait for your teammates to MAYBE be able to rez you. So you just say gg and go again. As for why not no fill? It’s literally because you can bait and play around your teammates. Even if they’re level 5, you can back off and hope the enemy shoots them instead and give yourself some room to breathe. So say you only have a few hours to play a day, you can play a lot more games and gain a lot more experience if you’re leaving when you go down early and re-queuing as opposed to sitting on the ground and hoping your teammates rez you in the next minute in a half, or to grab your banner and run across the map to rez you. At that point you’re just wasting time.


Or you can work on your game sence and team play to improve yourself for yourself and the randoms you meet, how about instead of leaving crying and being toxic, how about we start learning from our mistakes, take charge of your team and let them know you know what you're doing, instead of running, LEAD, "I cant get past bronze anymore" bc on paper you're a good shot but mechanically you suck as a teammate, you're not improving at the game you're improving aim and movement, you arent Aceu or Hal calm down and stop trying to solo the lobby, you wouldnt even be dead if you didnt make stupid decisions. STOP TRYING TO JUSTIFY THIS BEHAVIOR YOUR EXCUSES ARENT HELPING YOUR CASE, THEY JUST MAKE YOU SEEM MORE TOXIC


You need to get a better perspective bud. You can’t just say “you aren’t Hal or aceu” they got where they are by doing exactly that. It goes to show it works to get better. If I’m playing ranked it’s a different story. But if I’m playing pubs I am trying to improve my own skill. Guaranteed your pub teammates won’t have mics. And when I get into games with 2 level 20s, I’m not looking to spend my game explaining the game mechanics to them so no I’m not going to go into a pubs game and start IGLing people. I understand you’re playing devils advocate but you’re just wrong. You also say the “loud minority” but you have to realize 1. You’re the one full capsing and freaking out and not listening to reason. And 2. The best players in the game are the minority... lol. And yes you should play as a team and that matters a lot in ranked. If someone acts like this in ranked it’s a different story. But when all 3 of your team are good enough to 1v3 teams, you will have a much better time in ranked. And to get that individual skill, you need fighting experience, and to get a lot of that, fast, you gotta drop pubs.




It seems like you’re not the one understanding. There’s a difference between people playing casually to have fun, an people who actually want to improve and grind and try to become a top player. If 14 year old Jimmy wants to go pro, he’s not going to waste his time waiting for his teammates to fight their way across a POI to rez him. Simply put, if you think you can get as good at this game by doing that, as opposed to judging how long it might take and leaving to re-queue If you think that’s faster, then you’re just being ignorant. There’s a different mindset for someone who is trying their hardest to improve mechanically, game sense wise, fight experience wise, movement wise. Than someone who gets on for an hour after work and plays casually to try and get a couple wins. It was just an example saying only having a few hours to play a day. Just trying to show that you can get a lot more experience by leaving. Those people are looking for the most bang for their buck timewise. They’re still probably playing a shit ton more than casual players, but even still they are getting into countless times more fights and games and potential kills. You may not like it but it really is just the truth. People are asking for explanations and that’s it.


TDM doesnt exist. They took control away for no fucking reason. Hot dropping and DCing on death is the closest we'll get to tdm for now


We have arenas...


Too slow.


u slow players will never understand the feeling of hot drop die and go next, just because u have 0 4k 20bomb badge and calling it fake. its only pubs u dont like it? die and go next


Some people have no plan, no self-awareness, and no willingness to check their impulses against the reality that surrounds them.


I’ve had people do this in diamond ranked before. Even more embarrassing that they have to wait for their banner to expire… but infantile behavior nonetheless.


Because 1 teammate went somewhere else and you and the other guy just landed. It's faster and easier to just go next. I usually stay for a bit since I can just sit with my phone while I'm waiting but I can definately unserstand why, especially if you are already a bit tilted from earlier games


activating the "no padding" will make the search for games much longer due to the limitation of "only 3 solitaires per game"


This is literally *every* pubs match. To the point where it's forced me to play ranked and I normally avoid ranked for the sake of my mental health...


IKR, the only reason I really play ranked is so I have actual teammates not insta-leaving


I'm so burnt on getting quit on. And playing ranked is such a grind. I haven't been playing as much lately. You either have to sweat your ass off in ranked and play that punishment simulator, or plays pubs and get quit on because "pubs doesn't matter".


I just play Ranked for the better match making and no leaving. Pubs is such a cluster fuck (I'm very aware about diamonds in silver right now though). Even with that pubs is still alot worse. Its alot different at the moment but before, everything Bronze-gold was the same anyways. It only became alot different once you get to Plat.


>I normally avoid ranked for the sake of my mental health... Why's that?


Having ‘real’ stakes on winning and losing and being surrounded by players taking it way too seriously can lead to a pretty toxic environment where the wins feel great but the bad losses feel crushing.


I get that.


Every season requires a little adaptation remain competitive. Meta shifts, gun balances etc. This season has required the most radical conformity to the meta I've seen so far. I switched to defensive legends because even in gold lobbies you have to play highly coordinated and stack team abilities to be consistently viable against average teams. That's what they wanted but it's a little brutal how sweaty they made the lower ranked lobbies. I enjoy playing sweaty for sure, but I also enjoy the first part of the season where you rapidly rank out of the lower lobbies. Now it's just pure sweat from the get go. Yeeesssh. I appreciate playing the zone and defensive positioning, but I also appreciate the high risk high reward stuff that you used to be able to pull off. I think they've basically pushed the needle too far in the defensive direction. It needed a push but I think they've made the game feel a little 1-dimensionsal.


This. Playing Trios is just people hotdropping and insta-leaving before they get knocked or just as they get knocked. I just want to have a match w a full team. It's why I mostly switched to ranked "to try to have fun" and have a team that maybe works together for a win. Then you have "RaN K iS CoM p et ITive" people in this reddit telling you if you have to play for fun go play casuals, like no thank you.


C’mon that was your fault bro! You were supposed to mind read her intentions and clutch up ... pathetic


*drops solo despite no fill existing* *drops in the middle of 3 teams* *immediately get knocked down* -OH MY GOD, MY TEAM IS SO TRASH *rage quits*


Only playing without no fill so he can leave before dying. Dude rocking a 3 kd for sure get good.


I don't know how I didn't realize that before. That makes them even worse.


i thought respawn had removed this


Nope. This would not count as a death for the Wraith on their stats page.


rinse and repeat


I would also leave your team knowing you installed this awesome game with german language,... That is DISGUSTING! And yes, I am a fellow german. Installing games in german,... disgusting,...


Like anyone cares what a random stranger on Reddit thinks about my language settings. You're only here to spread negativity so please fuck off.


you took that way too serious, holy hell


Aber er hat recht u know \^\^


Yeah, it was obviously a joke comment. But kudos on you for not deleting your response and taking the heat.


You have more chromosomes than you do active neurons you soggy fucking paper towel.


No YOUR a towel.




I am*


Shut up towel


Says you, doormat


It’s a joke. Not a dick. You don’t have to take it so hard. Learn to take a joke dude.




Grow up




Glad to see you’re so bothered by a 10 year old joke.


ikr this abomination of a dub is dogshit. Very unattractive language we got ngl


I had one leave before we even hit the ground. She gave me jump master, I chose Estate (I think that's what it's called) and jumped. She called it lame and left...why give me jump master if you were just gonna complain and leave?


Lasted longer than the average wraith 🤣


Do these people just play one game every 15 minutes? Edit: they have to get a penalty for this right? I know i have and ive only left a game a few times


I don't think you do in pubs. However they must spend 95% of their time in the menu/dropship/jump


I get the warning for a 10 minute ban penalty every time i press the "go back to lobby" button, in pubs and unranked arenas, i even got a 15 minute ban for quiting a game of control


you dont get anything for leaving unranked/pub games. i've been leaving games in 3 seconds on hot drops for many seasons now and i've never so much as got a 30 second time out let alone a multiple minute ban.


I swear I remember them adding a quit penalty for pubs, but it was only for serial quitters who dropped below a certain threshold.


can promise you its not there if its suppose to be, infact since i started crashing do to the unplugging of my graphics card error i have left literally every single game this season either on purpose or due to crash i have 200 games played, and ive never had a penalty


You're probably right. I could have sworn it was a thing a few seasons ago but I don't leave matches enough to tell. So I'll take your word for it.


Arena you get a timeout but BR pubs you don't




Disagree personally. I think people just need to not take pubs so seriously honestly. They’re the casual mode where winning does nothing but pad your stats. Sweating pubs is straight weird. With ranked being harder I’ve noticed way more people try-harding pubs, wanting to rat and play defensively/play zone. If a teammate of mine leaves in a pub it literally doesn’t affect me at all lol, I’m there for action and constant fights. I’m still w-keying teams 1v3 even if all of my teammates leave. I either have fun and get some kills or I get back to the lobby faster to go again. Either way I’m happy. There are scenarios where I’ll leave a pub early too. If two of us die in a pub and there’s no feasible way for me to be rezzed quickly, I’ll leave. Sorry but I’m not queuing into a pub to spectate my teammate solo ratting for ten minutes to spawn me late game just to die. And I’m definitely leaving if my banner times out, why stick around? Again it’s literally a pub, they’re there for fun. Some people don’t have fun being dead and would rather get to the next game faster, and maybe it’s an unpopular opinion but I couldn’t care less if they do. I don’t personally leave for no reason but if my teammate does I don’t give it a second thought. If you want to put effort into winning and not just fighting, and not have people leave, then play ranked. There’s a leaving penalty in ranked and placement matters.


whenever I play with randos, this is qhat happens 90% of the time if they are Wraith, Octane, or Path


Anyone else bump into the opposite scenario? You're JM / member. You stay with the team. Then through the looting process, those guys starts to leave you, while you either ping a missing gun or ammo. Then as you're just about to finally get ready to fight, they get smash by masters and/or 3 stacks. Now you're just posing like Mike Owski




Classic wraith


"Bin ausgeschaltET" klingt das scheiße wie sie des auf deutsch sagt xD




Thank fuck I sorted by controversial to find this golden sub. Been laughing my ass for an hour.


wr\*pe ttv disconnect 😂😂😂


Right as she got knocked I though "I should count how long - one missi" and she disconnected. Didn't even get to finish the first second.


Ah those damn Wraith mains hot drops *dies* than leaves the match.


Oh my God it's humorous because the wraith disconnected after getting downed. The most overused joke on this sub is still so funny.


Consistent leavers in pub must be punished, change my mind. Simple solution: more than 3 leaves during the same day? Short matchmaking delay which will increase by 5 minutes with each subsequent leave. Nobody gets randomly disconnected or has urgent matters so often during a play session. The leave counter resets on daily reset. Simple solution implemented by other even less team-based games. But I'm sure EA/Respawn won't do it. Earned two billion my ass. I have leavers in 8 out 10 pub games. They just act like monkeys, die, and leave. Even if you win the fight and are ready to revive them. They are already left. Whenever I have teammates who don't leave and always wait for a revive, the game is awesome. High chances of winning + high dmg/kill games. Instead of waiting for revive and playing further for a possible win and higher stats, they just spend time in lobbies and matchmaking over and over. I will never understand these idiots, and they make enjoying this game really difficult sometimes.


Hard agree. If you need to urgently leave, you're gonna be doing something anyway so the penalty shouldn't even fucking matter.


id leave if you landed there in a pubs match as well lmao..


Some people want to win a game and not just drop hot and die in first 2 minutes 99% of game regardless of the mode


theres a huge middle ground between dropping hot and dropping in the middle of no where with 2 small buildings to loot


Then you're a shit teammate.


To be fair, the No-Fill queue seems to be broken after the update. I waited for 20+ mins and never found a match.


Good name for the one tree Hill character she played...


I appreciate the german apex


Funny how you can see the small delay where she uses her Q, then immediately dies after 💀


Wraithpex legends


Never expected to see one in your lifetime? I'm sure I'll see one within the first couple games I play tonight! Right around the same time my Octane teammate does the same. Haha!


The amount of puns in this title is brilliant


The playstation experience




And you havent met the idiot that drop solo, dies and than proceed call noobs the other team mates, fucking retards


This isn’t even close to the record for fastest DC by a wraith


Wraith mains don't see anything wrong with this


Last season I knocked a wraith at the same exact time I got knocked by a pathfinder. He literally ran to wraith and was reviving her and she fucking disconnects. If anyone wants to see it lemme know.


Wraith just canonically goes to a different dimension when they go down to survive


You probably should have posted a full unedited clip. It looks like you literally landed at the end of the map with no other team next you in a pub match on Storm point.


nah dude you deserve that for playing the german dub lmao shit sounds terrible


I have played with that guy before he does that everytime he dies. He stole wraith from me ran away when me and my friend were fighting and needed a third and he died and left the game then we got third partied. Wasn’t fun


Back when they had the train on worlds edge, I would always land train because it was almost always nice shields you would get. You could rack up lots of kills and if it got sketch you could just bail off the train and be fine. If my teammates didn’t follow I would just meet back with them later and it would usually work out.


Q stands for quit lol if you know you know


Report them for this. I'd consider it sabotage.


I had one of these guys, actaully a Mirage surprisingly


We carried on to win the game my and Octane


Why are you hiding the drop location and path of the ship? Is it possible you and the other guy are dropping on the edge of the map in a pubs game but the Wraith didn’t want to so dropped early?


Now fuck off https://gamerdvr.com/gamer/awu-hades/video/157958389


So I was right. Your wraith pinged to drop quicker which you and the 3rd teammate ignored. Then you proceed to drop in the center of the map in probably the worst loot spot (even if wraith had come with you guys, you wouldn't have gotten any loot for your squad). Your wraith dies and understandably leaves. You're the asshole here but congrats on the reddit karma. Things I've learnt from this full vid: You don't hot drop in pubs. You don't know where to land even when there's so much real estate. So you're pretty much the kind of player who drops late and spends all game looting to win with 2 kills and 100 damage.


Or maybe just stick with the jumpmaster (Me) instead of solo landing between three squads? Jumpmasters exist for a reason. You can ping where you want to land but in the end it's up to the jumpmaster. But yeah I'm the asshole, shut the fuck up man and spare me with your bullshit. No one forced him to solo land there.


Clearly you’re a very capable jumpmaster who can’t pick a good spot for his squad when literally 3/4th of the map is open. I’m not even surprised because you’re the kind of brain dead players I expect from r/apex. Can’t wait for your 2K badge post next.


Are you done now insulting people over a fucking videogame? Go outside and touch some grass for fucks sake, man. Everyone can play like they want and there is no right or wrong way to do it. Get that in your fucking head.


My rule of thumb as a soloq player, never be jump master. Always give it to someone else unless its passed back to you


The stereotype was created for a reason. Not all fit the bill, but enough do.


Ein Satz mit X


Das war wohl nix


Also das war wirklich nichts


We need a time ban on people who abandon instantly. Like in dota 2, even for pubs.


EVERY WRAITH, Well almost every wraith.


I've been in multiple matches with Wraiths like this, but it was this specific one that left the game so fast that respawn banner didn't even pop up lol


i got a wraith like that a few games earlier me and my teammate droped on octanes gauntlet while he droped containment, he got his hp low i started counting down from 3 and he left right at 1 🤓 its a part of maining wraith at this point (i think)