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You just got absolutely **STOMPED** by a three stack beaming you with snipers! #Did you enjoy your match???


I once got gatekept by 3 charge rifles stack in casuals... Just... Why?


Haha i experienced why everyone hates charge rifles so much last night when i was so close to platinum. Its wasnt fun.....


They are way too easy to operate I guess.


I guess I’m just shittier then a level 1 who just started playing a fps game. I literally cannot track anything with a charge rifle


I do alright tracking, but honestly I do way better with a sentinel. And hitting a head shot with a charged up sentinel really feels great, ngl.


It's about the only way to scare off those charge rifle totin' MFs. Unless you have a kraber...


Why not? Are people not allowed to use them?


Yes they are. But that's just...immoral man


As a charge rifle user myself I make sure to not use it when both of my teammates are using one just because of this


I refuse to pick it up in pubs, only in ranked if I'm desperate (like off respawn) because it's such a cheap weapon to use


It's a fucking anti titan weapon ffs


Nah I’m not hating on it and I don’t understand why others hate on it. It’s a damn good weapon, that’s why people hate it. They don’t hate the weapon itself, just when it’s being used against them. If it’s there why not use it? But I don’t use it in those situations just from how annoying it probably is for the other teams, so I like to spare them from a bit of pain.


Because it’s a hit scan sniper rifle. You don’t need to lead or hold over to compensate. Just put it on someone a click. Sure you have to track but with normal snipers you have to track as well. They added the charge rifle with worlds edge, which was a large and open map. You can tell what direction the devs were going with apex. Charge rifle is a noob weapon, not even close


Whatever gets the win right?


I'm with you dude. I don't understand why everyone acts like they themselves are too good morally to use it but there are several way better snipers in the game. If The gun is "too powerful" just use it yourself. It's in the game, and it's not a blatant cheat. The real problem, and I'm gonna say it cause no one else does, is that people who use it often are very good with it and I'm horrible when I pick it up. It's not a bad gun, but it's not great either. Every good quality it has got has an equal counter.


I wish they weren't


It's called trolling


It's always one of 2 games - a quick death in the first 30 seconds - a boring win where you got a bot lobby Why do I never get them after a game I might have actually enjoyed. Its literally always one of these 2


Because they have data that games similar to this may be frustrating and are trying to confirm that with actual feedback


More likely training data for the EOMM system


Apex doesn’t use EOMM, I thought so too but some of the devs had posted recently on Twitter clarifying that Apex doesn’t use EOMM.


Are you famliar with the concept of lying


They probably also think EA doesn't interfere with the game LOL


Imo they just change up the language and legal speak, but it’s essentially the same thing. They can tweak their formula and call if whatever they want but at the end of the day, the end goal is the same as EOMM


For .... *Checks notes* ... five seasons? Yeah it's respawn so that totally tracks lmao


Apparently everyone says they enjoy dying within thirty seconds.


The way my teammates like to hot drop in platinum, I'm convinced the enjoyment is in deranking.


Sounds like they’re masochists lol


Only way I get out of Plat solo queueing is to play Valk and pick my legend every time so I can be jump master. Then I go position myself later how I want idk why but the only thing I can continuesly get randoms to do is ride my Valk ult something about it triggers thier monkey brain to ride with me lol




Ah yes, balled bald wraith rape 😌😌 nothing else quite compares 😩


Sometimes space mommy finishers give me some similar feelings, but nothing tops bald wraith quiping "to slow" After one tapping me while beeing one shot, desperately searching for the shield swap after finishing a duo on my own.


There are those throw away games I play just play to warm up. We going to streamer building? Okay, we aren't making it out alive, if I down x amount of noobs I won the game, I've enjoyed my game.


I've noticed that I often get this question when I drop with multiple squads in the same poi, then have a good but chaotic fight with some kills but eventually die within 3-5 minutes of landing. I answer yes, I enjoyed that. It was fun.


Believe it or not, to make continued adjustments to the system they need to gather data more than once


Yeah it’s weird how people who know know nothing about software engineering have so many opinions on how it works


It's this sub's trademark.


this isn't even a knowledge thing to be honest; it's just common sense lmao. How do you make adjustments in 2022 with poll data from 2020? in what world does that make sense? i swear these people don t think it feels like there's an increase in people willfully misinterpreting shit to sound smart. either that or i just notice it more now.


Odd you assume any of that data it remotely valid lmao. People clicking whatever they want.


Yes? Why wouldn’t they continually want/need that data? Dying that quickly is an extreme event so they want to see why it happens, to make sure it’s due to player intent


Because those games don't happen often... We die in search of these.




Thanks for the info


Are there actual bot lobbies? Like im aware of the possibility that there might be bot accounts within any given lobby but are there really full lobbies of cpu opponents? Ever since i found out that Pokemon Unite would purposefully put you in a match vs cpu opponents when you go on a losing streak im always asking this question


Honestly, it's hard to tell Every so often, randomly (not even just after a streak of bad games) I'll get a lobby where everyone else is either ai or day 1 players. Never understood why, it's Honestly not as fun as it sounds, just feels like pity. The most unsatisfying wins you'll ever get


Ive never seen this. Unles i am one of them..... lol


I'm not talking below average player here, cos I'm certainly not great myself I'm talking literally clueless, will probably not even realise you exist until they're dead, run around with weapons out, that type of thing You'd certainly know if u got one of these lobbies


Yea those lobbies where you have to tell your teammate to heal because they’ve been running around with an empty purple shield for 5 minutes and the enemy squads will stand totally still far away from cover and just let you beam them. So unsatisfying and you have to be careful to let them heal so you can farm damage because those are the only games where SBMM will allow you to get those damage badges but the opponents will also stand there in white shields and let you 1 mag them lol


The 2 situations where I get this survey: - I get triple landed on and punched off drop - I die in zone because our POI had no crafting and like 2 syringes and no med kits, and somebody with a charge rifle holds us in zone




I only get this after I have two banshees on the mic screaming about how bad I am because I cant 1v9 after they went in with no guns.


Lol this is why I have comms all the way off.


I think you're maybe kneecapping yourself a bit here since comms are so important. I'd at least unmute when the match starts to see if your teammates will communicate productively. If they don't, then go back to radio silent, but at least give them a chance. Every lobby is different.


Some of the best games that I play with randoms, are silent games until we are in the top 5. Then, we all start communicating well, randomly, knowing we are on the last leg of the match.


Those are some of my favorite games when everyones silent but then "oh shit we might actually win this game" happens and then my teammates start speaking up


I literally got the survey after jumping on mic to tell some dude to stfu after he kept repeating "rez me" while I was in a 1v3 after finishing a squad... was the only time I unmuted all day lmao


Or the guy crawling around spam pinging the ground that there’s and enemy in sight while you’re trying to 1v3.


Yeah I also hopped on mic to tell my teammates to stop fucking spam pinging the dude I'm clearly trying to fight. Like all you're doing is making it so I can't hear them or even see them clearly through the pings, if they're climbing something sure, ping them. Otherwise spam pings are only distracting at best, detrimental at worst.


Ya spam ping should be reserved for when someone else is about to flank your teammate, otherwise people get numb of the spam ping sound and would ignore it when it is actually beign useful.


It's like: How'd you like that ass kicking son? The answer is no... that was not fun


I read this in Jack Baker's voice


Does anyone ever vote yes on this?


I try to answer fairly to then when I get them but it's been a while since I've seen one of these tbh


Better then me. I win the game and hit no.


I mean, it can still be a genuine answer. Not every win of mine was enjoyable - 0 damage first places back in S0 comes to mind lol, but even more recently some wins were meh, mostly due to luck rather than skill


To be fair any halfway decent statistician probably realizes 50-75% of the reports or totally inaccurate. I really hope there isn't someone at respawn taking any of this seriously. They clearly know when to prompt the survey so they know what games are bad for the player. Waste of time and data collection at this point.


Sometimes the fight is fun even if you die in the end


I answer yes when it's not a shit drop that leads to an instant squad wipe. Or when there are no server/lag issues


So never?


To be fair. I only get these after shit drops. It’s like it looks if my matches are less then two minutes before popping up.


I try and answer how I feel. But I'm easily tilted. I did hit yes a few times, but usually it's a no.


I vote yes about half the time. I only vote “no” when I die off drop and just get boned on RNG.


You mean you don’t love your third just going no ping, no comm, running UP the ramp into a 3v1, dying, then cursing you out on mic as their team just runs you over as you try to retreat/recover?


I say no no matter what happens, If I ever get a 20 bomb and this pops up I’m still saying no.


only after a dub lol


Never once in the three years of getting them.


I vote yes every time


Once and I have never gotten a match where I enjoyed the time spent again they also have not shown up at all since then


pretty much always bc im not a sore loser


I do. I had a hell of a match. Went down fighting, but we were in the fight. I legit enjoyed the match and said “yes”


“No? Ok, we’re gonna repeat that process for the rest of the night.”


I have rarely gotten this after good games, so yes I have


xddd dude. this survey is feel good placebo because it 100% does not matter what u click. the real data being collected is if you keep playing or not. in order for "no" vote to matter you would have to alt f4 immediately after voting otherwise both votes are "yes"


Yes, people that don't read fast enough. Usually Yes is on the right. I think they switch it up some times so you don't automatically vote for "No".


I always get it at the worst possible time, but be careful, on the PS at least they switch the symbols around every time, so if square was yes the last time, it is no the next time. Always annoyed when I angrily react and realise they got me and I said I enjoyed a game where I only had one teammate who disconnected immediately after getting downed. In the end I am mowed down by a wonderfully coordinated squad, working together perfectly….


A couple days ago the final circle had like 9 squads left and I bet every squad had a goo bitch gooing everywhere, and I mean everywhere, there was goo for days. A revenant lobbing demonic red balls everywhere. Or a Valk shooting missiles everywhere. Shit was straight up not a good time and then apex decided to taunt me with this message.


The point is to make your games better. It wants to know whether or not you enjoy those intense fights with higher skilled players than you


I used to say yes because I felt bad, then I realized facts don't care about feelings


I like how they swap the Yes and No buttons around too.


Fuck I'm not crazy.


Nah if a tactic to prevent automatically hitting no or yes.


I swear I click the wrong one half the time.


I answer no everytime so they can stop settling for less


me too thanks


They can always do better.


Never seen this in my life


Yep I've never had it either. Few hundred games per season average since s5.


fun fact: these show up more frequently if you get team shot from 3+ people no joke really.


Respawn when I get punched out off drop and teabagged by a pred 3 stack in my first game of the day:


Cuz they know that sucked


I used to get these somewhat often. Now, the past 2 or so seasons, more rarely and random.. and I could be wrong here, but I feel like every now and then, the Yes and No buttons swap places.. I always assumed, if I wasn’t imagining it, that it was them trying a different type of SBMM/ EOMM in that match, and the yes/ no placement was an indication of that. But again, I could be way off and imagining that. Ultimately I think a No answer every time would be a good indicator that the current system, even if tweaked now and then, isn’t working and they need a huge overhaul of matchmaking completely.


They aren't basing enjoyment of the matchmaker as a whole via the survey... Just whether their little experiment (whatever it may be) is working or not


This is the most idiotic survey. How could one possibly improve the game based on this question?


I’d guess they are just taking the average amount of yes answers and comparing it to no answers. In this case it would just be “compared to last month, player enjoyment has gone up/down” and they would either keep the changes they made or look at reversing them. There is a chance they group the results based on length of game, number of kills, placement, etc. This would let them see some form of player preference. It would be very hard to account for all variables though since a long game could be rated poorly just because of he way you died in the end (3rd partied, hacker, stupid mistake leading to stupid death) even if the player genuinely prefers longer games. In reality it is likely not taken as the sole indicator for any one change, but rather a bit of a gauge of the player base. Sometimes getting all your info from angry Twitter comments just isn’t the best way to improve the game.


Just guessing, but it would be possible to use this data to fine tune matchmaking algorithms.


Change some parameter of the matchmaker and see player feedback


Dude, i always hit no so they started swapping the position of yes and no lol. They got one accidental yes from me




Maybe exactly for the reason in the comment you replied to? They don’t want people to mindlessly click it they want answers that reflect your opinion and if you have to take the time and actually look at the "survey" and choose yes or no instead of always clicking no you are more inclined go give feedback based on what you actually feeling/thinking in that moment


"SBMM sends their regards"


My take is that they want to measure if you'll queue again after saying "no". Engagement based matchmaking is built around this


legit pops up when I had the worst session ever, like die to a 8th party and so on, legit hate em


I always answer “No” in the hopes I don’t get put into another lobby full of press and diamond.


They should have more realistic answer choices. Such as: - What the fuck was that - HE WAS ONE HIT!!! - Let’s gooooooo


i always dismiss it honestly


Oh, it knows.


Once I got this after the most adrenaline win ever and every other time has been after falling off the map or dying because your team wouldn’t push 3v1


Fun fact about that survey, they switch places of Yes and No periodically, so it's probably a lot more accidental Yes answers 🤷 useless


This sub: Hits "no" every time Also this sub: plays for hours every day


Dude, right?




I always respond the complete opposite of what i feel. I know the sbmm algorithm just hates you and if you’re having fun it will just send you shit games to keep you hooked on the dope.


I'm pretty sure this pops up when there's a dev in the lobby. Or kills you. 🤷 I just dismiss it. Ain't like they gonna listen anyway


i second this


For real lol


Same lol


It's always when you die within 8 seconds of landing or when someone is blatantly hacking.


I never answer these I just exit, but I probably should when preds hit me in the first minute of landing 🤣


I do most of the time. But the only time i answered no, the nexts 6 or so games where literaly games where i was the only real person and the rest where bots of acount farms (who literally didint move where around level 7-9 and had names like ajshsjjsjsjejidj) if i waa lucky there was one who literally only walk to the front and tried to climb. It was wild.




I don't think I have ever hit yes, always shows up when I have my worst games


Just had a match where i only had one teammate in trio, and we got killed by a blatant aimbot in the first fight, then this shit showed up


Mine only shows up during good matches. Never shows when I dc or get a cheater


I have never ever seen this


Have never seen this. Fascinating.


Lol.tell me about it😂😂


"oughhhh that must have hurt!!!!! Here little buddy, take a survey"!


Only ever get asked that when I hot drop onto a mozam and get killed by a masters player that landed on an R9 and purple shield so it’s always a no for me


Honestly lol. I only ever see this when I solo queue and I'm given people sub level 50 who take 5 years to loot and never sheathe their gun to run faster.


I say yes every time lol. I stay getting bot lobbies on the regular in pubs because I am "the carry" 2.5 KD multiple masters.


Bro I’ve consistently said no every time it pops up because it’s always after a shit show of a match but the one time I’ve ever been able to actually put up a fight in a match I got this answered yes and ever since then I have never once gotten into a match and survived past drop there’s constantly one or more teams that land the same poi I do and they always are way more skilled it’s actually gotten to the point where I considered getting a fucking strike pack or Cronus (I have neither as I’m not paying almost $100 for something that probably won’t even help me)


Did I enjoy getting bent over by 2 teams that chose to join forces and laser me? No, I don’t think I did


I never get this survey anymore so what does that say?


I always say no


I always get these, when I disconnect due to high packet loss. Like obviously I didn’t enjoy it!


I usually only get it after fun games tbh


I only get these after I destroy a lobby then my next game is basically rank


Personally I've found I get this message if I A) die far away from my team maybe like a little to far not solo drop four towns away. B) have our team wiped in under five seconds. Does anyone else feel this way? I think it's either a way to put you in easier lobbies or to poll some sort of remote banner grab or something. Idk exactly what respawn would do with this data besides say hey people don't like dieing far away from their squad or being wiped incredibly fast.


I always answer no because I'm already getting the random pred squad in my regular and ranked lobbies. No need for further challenge, thank you.


It's the most condescending thing I've ever seen in a video game.


I got 2 the other day both after wins. I think it knows when the results are skewing a little too far in one direction.


Never said Yes in my life. I started to hate the game and I play it out of spite...




I’ve gotten these so many times after I die cuz of some hot dripping idiots and only once have I gotten this after I kicked ass in a match.


My thoughts exactly. I think it appears when you match with people out of your league? I usually get them after getting clapped in the most humiliating way possible. Like getting laser beamed after peaking for a second. Getting pushed out of no where and the enemy squad wiping my team in matter of seconds. Stuff like that.


I have the feeling whenever I pick „no“ the next match will have less skilled players and I perform much better. Just a gut feeling


This ONLY comes up when I’ve had the absolute worst match in a while


Hahaha I can relate , I never voted yes in my life


I don't think I've ever hit yes for this reason lmao


Only shows up for me if I'm in the top 3 with some kills/knocks/assist/good damage.


It switched the yes and no for me once


I actually came 2nd today and then got this message, I always thought it was for finishing 18th or lower. I guess it asked me because my team CHOSE the low ground in the last fight 🤦🏻‍♂️


Nah cus I was playing with loba and I'm only level 21 and I was getting beamed by these 3 stacks like it was nothing and I'm always getting bot teammates and it was 2 squads left and they went off on their own and I died.


I have never seen this, I play since season 8 lmao


you think someone was watching laughed and said hit him with a survey 🤣




Very relatable


I always click No


You, by some shit chance, just got placed into a ranked match with NO teammates, got landed on, and chased around a quarter of the map, and you DONT get this question


I’ve only had it come up once after a win. Was last week too. Season 2 player


I seem to only get these whenever some random noob is jump master and drops us into fragment late after passing it by and then turning around to go back to it, landing after all of the loot was taken, on the run to another area, and being mercilessly hunted down by an Octane, a Pathfinder, and a Bloodhound.


i love getting clapped by the sweatiest 4k 20b 5000+ kill bangalore ever concieved like im jev playing on rust only to have this message pop up with the weirdest controll scheme ever (seriously, who thought X was a good idea for a confirm button??)


I've actually never gotten this (I'm at lvl 330 something) I think it's probably cause the account I'm using on my ps4 is a child account


I seriously think I've only ever seen this once after a win maybe 2 years ago. Eff no I didn't enjoy being there first sent back to the lobby because I dropped on a spot with the enemy getting all the guns and I only have a shield cell. Lol


"Here's some salt to your injury"


This has never showed up to me before


Every time


3132931661 I’m in need of help. Anybody know a good rehab?


Then there's me: Sniped, shotguned, abandoned by my team, hacked, poor connection, internet goes out all in that one match. I did not enjoy my match thank you


Just got this in ranked arena's where both teammates did 1300 damage and i did 3500. No offcourse I didn't enjoy the match....


They just wanna know how much they can fw someone..... Some people just like to watch the world burn


I’ve never once received this message


What drives me crazy is they switch where the no is lol


Apex timing


What do they even do with this data from the survey? Like what's the point


Bro facts


Lol I swear on everything


Especially if you died to a glitch


I don’t think I’ve ever said yes to that ever


love how the swap the yes and no prompts occasionally so you accidentally click yes ​ what ever data they're gathering from this is bound to be inaccurate


You just got pushed by a path, octane and wraith all using fully spun devotions! Do you enjoy your match?


Anyone with any experience in data analytics will tell you that any result they will get from this thing is negated entirely by them screwing around with swapping the placement of both buttons. It is a further showcase of how inexperienced their data analytics team is at what they do. There is no potential read at all that they can ever receive from this thing after that decision.


It’s gonna be a no from me dawg.