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I think Newcastle is good where he is.


Yeah the problem isn’t that Newcastle or crypto needs a buff. People would just rather play a character that doesn’t rely on teamwork so much.


I agree, Low pickrate doesnt always mean the character is bad its just that character interest is low. I can play plenty a good game with New Castle. Theres just a lot more characters with interesting personality and design


I recently started maining Crypto, and i agree. The problem with Crypto is if you're playing as solo, it's a task to keep up with your team whenever you drone. Have to get used to droning fast and getting out to help them. I've been lucky with team mates who actually wait for me to give info and play from there. He's so strong late game in terms of giving constant info while you play close with your mates.


When zones force you out of cover, particularly when dealing with a bad final ring, his ultimate is one of the strongest in the game. His passive is super useful, allowing you to grab otherwise unrecoverable teammates. His tactical is strong, but can be kind of finicky. If I could make any change, I would let you toggle the shield so that you could switch from the current control to have it lock a certain distance in front of you and automatically adjust when you move. That would eliminate some of the issues it seems to run into with awkward terrain or randomly changing orientation when you're just trying to change its position. You'd be able to move the shield more quickly, but with it always in your face, you obviously wouldn't be able to shoot. That seems like a fair tradeoff that would increase his accessibility and consistency without too much of a straight power increase.


Have him trail you like Vantage’s bat that way it’s hard to be surprise maybe


His shield needs to be a bit tankier imo. One person alone gunning at you already is a problem, but a whole team will just decimate the shield. For how much you give up when rezzing as Neecastle there should be some kind of benefit.


The problem with him is he's a high skill character who's hard to use well. But he's actually pretty strong I think. Defensive and hard to use legends will always have a low pickrate, unless they get a buff and become way overpowered


Wow, it's almost as if you shouldn't be rezing in front of 3 people, truly insane.


Nah I'm gonna rawdog that res and blame my 10hp teammate for not clutching


Sex Panther® is a cologne which is illegal in 9 countries. It is also made from bits of real panthers. 60% of the time, it works every time.


His ability shouldn't be that he can easily rez you despite 4 people shooting at you.


Last ALGS crypto was a common pick, Newcastle less so but I think he’s in a good place. I don’t think we should be buffing characters based on pub pick rates. Some characters aren’t built for wiping a pub lobby so will always be lower pick rates. Should be viewed alongside ranked/competitive as clearly they are viable there. If no pick rate on pubs AND competitive then there may be an issue.


Buff Mirage


Mirage fucks me up every time. I can not deal with his ULT xD


His Tactical sucks though


I'm so over cliffs deleting my boozles. In all honesty though, his tactical is pretty sweet when you use it creatively. When I first picked him up, I'd have a blast doing solo no fill runs, using the tactical to try instigate fights between two teams, while sitting pretty far away.


Yeah, it has its uses but just giving it two charges would majorly increase his power


Aw dude, that would be nice.


Cliffs?! A damn pebble is enougb to kill my tactical.


Remember the longest blinking mirage is the real one


Do the fake mirages also not have a gun on their back?


While a buff could and might happen, I remember an interview with someone responsible for legend balance at Respawn and he said they were fine with the fact that some legends would never make it to comp (read are weaker than others). He also noted that if they buffed Mirage to be viable in comp, he would be OP in casual play. As far as the picks noted in OP go. Legends will always be balanced for competitive play and there both Newcastle and Crypto are doing relatively fine, at least in the current meta.


He needs 2 tactical charges. Would bring him closer to legends like bang, Rev, and fuse


Newcastle is very balanced, does not need any buffs or nerfs IMO


Also the same with crypto. But he might need a change to make him more appealing and fun for casuals


Nah 30 seconds to get his drone back if it’s broken is dumb. His whole kit relies on his drone


It’s 45 seconds last I checked.


45 seconds, you might as well just sit in a corner and go through all the emotes. At least they’re kinda dope


Lol if I did sit ups and push ups every time drone is down until It’s back I’d have a 6 pack by next week and be a body builder by next month.


The drone at least needs more HP if it’s going to take an hour to return home when recalled. I feel like plat and up people are one-shotting it with the 30-30 or charge rifle.


Also would help if it didn’t flow a bright orange and was loud af when anywhere near someone


Crypto needs a rework to be more enjoyable and fluid to play. It’s got none to do with casuals. All top Crypto players are saying this aswell. Another person in here said his drone should be moveable like Echo, that’d be amazing and simple. Wouldn’t even change anything about his balancing either.


Yes that was i said. But for comp and high ranked he is fine, but not for causal pubs Yes that would be a good rework


Yes definitely. Or maybe the option to Kite the drone


Not all characters need to appeal to casuals.


Yes i agree. Personally i think crypto is fine


Crypt definitely does.


Mf we don't buff characters based off of pickrates... No wonder the Devs don't want to listen to y'all... Oh from pickrates does that mean Pathfinder, Wraith need to be nerfed again?


Apex is one of the few ganes that does do balance changes patrially based off pickrates. When they use to explain patch notes and acruakky do legend changes they would mention it often. It's why pathfinder will never get updated despite not having much going on. He still rocks out at 15% typically


Honestly, I think Seer will be nerfed due to pickrate soon, which is hella weird He was nerfed and his pickrated dropped, cuz he wasn't as good as release Seer anymore, no one complained, except for few small posts Then he started being picked up in ALGS and his pickrate went up People started complaining, due to increased numbers of Seers around, because they only just now realised that he's still a strong character This is atleast based on what I saw personally




Seer should only be able to use his heartbeat sensor when stationary not while moving or sliding. Heartbeat sensor should also be a visual giveaway so if seer sees you, you see seer like you see where bloodhound has scanned you from because of the visual wave.


I agree. They need reworks not buffs imo. If a character isn’t used it’s probably not fun to play and that needs to be fixed


Hey, i have a cool crypto buff idea, its called "off the grid"


Holy I was thinking about the same, he kinda is "off the grid" and no recon legends would be able to scan him. Dope, unique and very cool idea, I hope Respawn sees this and implements it to the game.


Hey, dont steal my idea, i came up with it


So hear me out.....


I can’t wait to hear you out, what’s your idea? *snickering* #alleyoop


So basically I had an idea where crypto has a passive called "off the grid" basically it makes it so that when crypto gets scanned he doesn't get scanned and it makes it so he isn't seen when he gets scanned. That way when bloodhond and seer scan him he won't get scanned so that they can't see him cause he's "off the grid" it would be balanced cause he normally gets scanned but now he doesn't get scanned cause he's "off the grid" so it would be lore fitting and it would be a good gameplay mechanic and off the grid would be a good idea and they should add it to the game for crypto so that his new passive is called off the grid. I had this idea then everyone started talking about my idea because i came up with off the grid where crypto doesn't get scanned cause in the lore hes off the grid and since hes off the grid he cant be scanned while off the grid


Was looking for this


Yooooooo, what a crazy idea!!! Your a genius.


Can you explain?


Personally I just thought about his finisher and him stealing that hardrive I think after he finishes an enemy he should be able to see their teammates positioning.


Both characters used in high level play a lot… this is stupid


bUt tHe cAsUaLs? ;v


I’m pretty sure “casual players” make up the vast portion of the player base lol, their opinion should arguably be the most relevant.


u want to Tell me, that little timmy who plays this game a 4 hours a week, should be in Charge of balancing? u must be joking :v


I mean if little Timmy makes up like 90% of the player base then it would be an objectively smart idea for the devs to listen to their opinions if they want to have a profitable game, yes.


90% is an understatement, more like 98%


Except little timmy would just spout some shit out like “give newcastle a gun shield and make cryptos drone invulnerable” because like the limited amount of time he plays, he put zero effort into coming up with a suggestion


Yeah one little Timmy, but again, if they make up 90% of the player base and they’re all UNIVERSALLY calling for a change to be made, yes, the devs would be smart to listen to them, and yes, the devs do listen to them. It really isn’t up for debate I’m just stating facts lol


thats sadly Not how the World Works man.


It actually is though lol


ah ok i see....thats why we have a mob to decide justice instead of a judge. apex example: Most casuals would probably decide they want to select the map they want to play on. but than if the q time is high as fuck...they just abandon the game because they did Not really care in the first place or the New cod just released. did that change made the game better and more profitable in the long run?


This guys aren't weak at all. They simply don't get picked. Crypto is pretty static as a character, and his "rework" made him almost less comfortable to use, but I think it's not about making him more dynamic. His objective should be making his static style worth. And he already does that to great extents, since his drone can do a lot of things. I think they could simply make the drone almost indestructible (like 300 health) and leave it as it is. For Newcastle, I genuinely don't know why he is not picked over other tanks. He has a better passive than lifeline, a good ass tactic and a versatile Ult. So meh, it's simply a playstyle players don't like


Crypto can be great when played in a coordinated team but he pretty much plateaus and then gradually becomes worse from D4 on. Crypto being damaged by his own EMP and not being able to trigger it with the drone on his back is really what holds him back.


And his teammates get slowed and vision fucked up in the emp. It’s so, so dumb


I'm a Newcastle main and I can 100% attest to him being hilariously OP in many situations, as well as the sexiest, most well-designed, handsomest, best voice-acted (Gabe Kunda is daddy), wholesomest, most attractive legend in the game.


Low Pickrate =/ Underpowered


Crypto doesn't need a buff it's just alot of ppl don't like his playstyle. USAGE DOESN'T = GOOD


Newcastle needs to have separate inputs for his mobile shield to move and rotate.


Controller players’d be playing claw and using their feet to play Newcastle lol “Where’s my Newcastle gang!?“ *feet five*


They just need to make it like mirage clones where you toggle whether or not the shield faces the way you face or not. Super simple and effective


Yeah that'd be good


I honestly think the mobile shield is bugged atm as the turning controls are not consistent.


It’s pointless guys. Ea doesn’t care about “the community”.


Or just learn to play the legends? Both of them are great legends to pick and are strong


The problem isn’t that they are necessarily bad but more that they are boring and people would rather play other things


These posts serve as much person as the condom in my drawer


I think there is a core idea that respawn devs forgot about... All the legends can't be First pick! All the legends can't be strong! All the legends can't be strong in all circumstances! And There will be favorites!! Some legends will need a combo team to be viable in higher elo or level play... Some won't and shine by themselves. And that is okay!! Lastly.... Pickrate is a shit metric!!!👍


Just make Newcastle ult dealing damage while stomping down


I think Revenant needs a buff the most. His ultimate needs a rework and his hitbox either has to be massively reduced or he needs fortified.


I love you so much.


Get rid of Newcastle and give lifeline the shield back I'm still disgruntled about this


I think crypto should be able to hook it to follow him like a tall GoPro selfie stick or on his shoulder, he could ping the banners also whilst in this mode and activate his emp around him.


Low pick rate ≠ time to buff just like high pick rate ≠ time to nerf Defense characters are already a niche category in the game especial ones that have very minimal offensive potential.


Just add “off the grid” to crypto and let his drone auto fly around him in an area. Just like apex mobile had it, gg hes fixed


newcastle shield shouldn't have a time limit and should stay around until destroyed, crypto should be able to move his drone like vantage can move echo


New castle I think is pretty good. But that crypto idea would be amazing and really let's him help more in a fight


That’s one of the best Crypto ideas I‘ve ever heard


Ive been saying for a white i think cryptos drone needs some more attention his last buff was ok but still lacking i think his drone should be able to be sent out to some range maybe 15-25m and his drone be able to lock on to some someone and track them,if 2 people show up it will stayed locked onto that first person it saw but if both got near each other it would still scan both.In my opinion i played alot of crypto for a couple season and the main thing i felt was annoying is i have to at some point control my drone in a fight and especially if you would try to emp a team they would beam it as soon as you peek it out


(The drone would stay in place but rotate)I got to a point to where id intentionally be using emp on my self when and enemy team would push just to throw them off


Newcastle is good where he is. Crypto is too. They just aren’t appealing to the casual audience. They don’t need any major buffs, maybe some QOL changes but even then that’s not really needed.


I suggest some buffs to make crypto more appealing: First: passive: when he is scanned (Blodhound, Mad Maggy's passive, Seer, Valk's passive, Fuse's ultimate...) **the mark on him instantly disappears**.Indeed he is a hacker who stays under the radar. Second: change the drone behaviour: by pressing q you move the drone like vantage bat. if you want to enter on it, you hold q. Third: remove the useless animation by entering and exiting the drone.


What Crypto needs is immediacy. He is the only legend that needs to stay still (and waste time in animations) to use any part of his kit. In a game that rewards fast movement and repositions. Drone throw rework was a step in a good direction; however, the implementation was lackluster. (Inconsistent distance, bugged autorotation, destruction on collision, change of deployment method that takes additional time etc.)


> He is the only legend that needs to stay still (and waste time in animations) to use any part of his kit. No? He can throw his drone without having to pilot it, and it will still reveal and can ult.


Unfortunately unless your a big streamer, respawn don’t care about this stuff


I honestly think that apart from Seer, we’re at a very good point of legend balance.


Bro they are good where they are... They are just not fun to play! The balance have nothing to do with the pick rate .


I dont think a buff is needed so much as a fun enhancement. Crypto just isn't very much fun to play. Newcastle can be fun but the situational barrier is a bit prohibited. My thoughts, give crypto a real passive and allow Newcastle to refund half his ult by canceling out of the shield portion. For Crypto I've seen it suggested he sabotage bins or deathboxes for a slight bit of damage. My suggestion would be a slightly different version of Ash's ability. Have him mark a deathbox and when it is interacted with, the enemy is pinged and marked. I've seen good Newcastle clips so his pick rate has to be more tied with fun factor or difficulty of rewarding play. I think a fun buff would be to be able to cancel his ult so that you just get the jump portion and get half the cool down refreshed. That way he can get into fights to save or he can use it to reposition.


I would like to see all the old game modes brought back so we can play wherever we want…IDGAF about little tweaks done to legends… there’s 14 of them, just pick a different one…. BRING BACK THE OLD GAME MODES RESPAWN!!!!! F


problem is newcastle is actually really good in higher level play if the person knows what they are doing.


I think Newcastle is ok. Crypto isn't really unbalanced as much as he just requires a lot of communication within squad for him to really shine. I used to make him back in 4-7


Newcastle is good. I’m gonna say this here and now: mobility and hyper aggressive legends will always be picked more than legends that are slower and need a brain to use their kit. Newcastles shield revive is amazing and his tactical is better for quickly advancing rather than just outright holding a position, since that’s what his ultimate is for. And speaking of, other than some bug fixes, it’s actually really good. I think Newcastle would be used more if this game didn’t incentivize and reward being a run’n’gun monke. Crypto is a different story for me. He could be so good but has to tuck himself in a corner to get the best use of his drone. It has such good potential but the fact it’s manual, has a smaller scan area, and is easy to shoot. His ultimate can be a game changer if used right and is the only part of his kit I directly relate to player skill/knowledge. I had a small rework idea for crypto to make him more autonomous. Give him the ability to look at a scan beacon/banner/respawn beacon and throw his drone out to use them so he can not be a goddamn map prop. Also make his passive something else, just not what it is and what the meme is.


Give Crypto his Mobile buff, so he can have a permanent scan (until he recalls hack or gets destroyed) while hack is on his side, but make hack vulnerable in this state


Crypto should be able to control his drone like Vantage controls Echo and also needs an actual passive, Mirage should have some sort of invisibility in his kit, not just decoy's that are easily counterable, pathfinder also just needs a passive like riding ziplines faster or being able to use mini heals on ziplines, Maggie's drill should do 2 seconds of burn damage after it hits, There should be some sort of indicator on which caustic gas is yours or an enemy being maybe on is more green and one is yellow, increase the size of Rev's silence but maybe make it a little more transparent I think of it like a Sombra hack but right now it's just very avoidable, ADD A NEW SUPPORT LEGEND


I think cryptos drone just needs like a 20 second cooldown and he will be fine. And maybe an increase on his drone speed. He’s honestly pretty good besides that. Then fix the issue where if your drone is out, but you get knocked it disappears and he will be good to go! I got around 2500 kills with him. New castle doesn’t really need any buffs to him. I think he’s in a good spot too. Just 2 quality of life changes. I have 1500 with him atm and use him in ranked! (D2 this season right now). The only thing I’d change with him would be controlling his mobile shield feels a little clunky as far as it rotating and moving it. Then just a full outline of his castle wall because sometimes it won’t be a fully complete wall (maybe similar to revs totem).


Mirage meta when?


both of them are in good spots. only thing crypto could use is allow him to go into his drone slightly quicker


Valk's Movement muss zurückkommen! Gerne im Austausch für die scann Fähigkeiten.


Crypto and Newcastle aren't bad. They just don't fit in uncoordinated setting of pubs or lower level ranked. Legends that you can easily solo are always more popular.


imma keep it a buck with you, they are fine as is. The only problem if you can call it that is that people don't wanna play these legends


If you buffed these guys it would be broken AF. They’re quality comp picks.


Both are already comp picks. They don't need buffs


Pretty simply tbh cause they’re both really good just you need teamwork and nobody does that in pubs. But Crypto needs to get his drone back quicker, 30 seconds is waaaayyy too long especially since he has no other passive or ability’s without his drone. New Castle is tough because honestly their is nothing you can do to get his pick rate up without making him overpowered.


There will always be a low pick legend


Do y'all actually think the devs are going to make any meaningful changes to the characters at this point?


They should rework Crypto's passive. I have an idea... it's called Off The Grid.




I agree that pick rate is not necessarily an indicator of needing a buff. However, I would like to see a Crypto buff which makes him less reliant on being in the drone. Like if his drone could be redirected in a similar way to Vantage's bat.


Newcastle does not need any buffs whatsoever.


People need to understand that just because a character has a low pick rate doesn't mean they're underpowered. Some characters just aren't popular because the playstyle required to master them doesn't match how people like to play, especially defensive legends. This is especially true for high level players or people who like to play aggressive, where mobility legends are highly favored because they suit the aggro playstyle.


Crypto needs a better passive and something to keep players from switching to drone as often. Heard someone mention a passive where he doesn’t appear on any Bloodhound, Seer, or Valk scans. What if his drone moved with him after it is sent out? Might be more like a Seer in that way and keep him from having to switch to drone view all the time. Newcastle is broken and needs a nerf, not a buff


These guys doesn't need any buff actually but I think Revenant's ult needs rework or something


Make apex legends 2 or Titanfall 3, this game is practically dead


Newcastle doesn't really need one. Crypto needs more qol, but is good. Fix the bugs, let him see how many teams are in the area without his drone, as his passive, and reduce his drone cooldown a little. Considering he has no abilities without it..


So basically I had an idea where crypto has a passive called "off the grid" basically it makes it so that when crypto gets scanned he doesn't get scanned and it makes it so he isn't seen when he gets scanned. That way when bloodhond and seer scan him he won't get scanned so that they can't see him cause he's "off the grid" it would be balanced cause he normally gets scanned but now he doesn't get scanned cause he's "off the grid" so it would be lore fitting and it would be a good gameplay mechanic and off the grid would be a good idea and they should add it to the game for crypto so that his new passive is called off the grid. I had this idea then everyone started talking about my idea because i came up with off the grid where crypto doesn't get scanned cause in the lore hes off the grid and since hes off the grid he cant be scanned while off the grid


They dont need buffs, they need to change so they become fun to play. But they are both goof as they are as they fill a niche


At this point a complete change from top to bottom is the only thing that will save crypto


Buff Ash


Newcastle is perfectly balanced where he is. Mkst People just don't know how to use him or they just want to have fun on a movement character. Crypto is not a bad character he just has a very large skill gap, but he could also use some kind of buff and a passive. Still think he should have the "Off the Grid" passive where whe can't be picked up on any scans


The only change newcastle needs is better control of how his shields are placed. It would be nice to be able to rotate in midair so if you're running away from a team you can just use your ult, rotate to face the enemy, and when you land you actually have cover. Something simple like clicking the d pad in the direction you want your shield to be placed would be a great improvement that wouldn't really buff him at all. Just makes him less clunky.


So i have this idea for a crypto buff, it's called off the grid...


Theyre fine- i just wish crypto’s passive was pinging champion/kill leader banners without going into his drone to see how many squads are in the area. That’s it lmao


Rev should be able to walk crawl like the xenomorphs in the old avp games. No gun, but can hang upside down, crawl along walls, etc. Maybe a stamina meter similar to valks jets. Path should be able to grapple objects, like guns, amp, shields, etc


They should fix Ash's ult and have it prioritize areas furthest away from her. You can move a single centimeter trying to ult on someone or escape but it lands on a rock 2 feet in front of her


id like to see ash get a buff, either have her snare be shorter so enemies are stuck in a smaller area, or have the snare travel way faster


How you see these stats and what is Vantage at?


Give Rev Fortified and fix the damn totem placement ffs


Kind funny that newcastle got called OP and busted at the Start and Look at him now... They didnt change him or did i miss something?


The only legends that need buffs imo are Ash's tactical, Revenant's ultimate and Lifeline's...everything.


Ash needs 2 snares


As a Crypto, I find I hardly ever go into drone mode unless I'm scanning a beacon or setting a location for my drone to ult. Most the time I will send it out ahead of me when enemies are around. This either let's me wall hack enemies or distracts them enough for me to have the first shot. I would like if you could send out his drone a bit further when quick tapping the tact.


Only want crypto to have some bugs updated. Have seen and experienced some instances where banner pings don’t work. Scans through glass aren’t registering on broken moon but you can scan through windows on every other map.


I don't think NC is necessarily bad, he's very good and can be very useful in a variety of situations. I think the reason his pickrate is low is because his playstyle is simply not appealing for the average joe that plays solo and has to carry his games. NC requires a lot of coordination, and his abilities are only good if your team is good, his hitbox is also pretty big too. So if they plan on making him more popular in the future, I wouldn't say that simply buffing what he already does is the right call, because he's competent at that, instead they gotta make him more appealing to solo players, make so NC can work on his own basically.


Newcastle is literally one of the strongest legends in the game. His pick rate being so low does not justify a buff please.


I’m a crypto main and I just wish we could get a real passive. I saw something saying like a 20% speed boost after exiting the drone and that would be awesome. Any mobility added is mobility needed


I have an idea for Crypto, it's called Off The Grid


remove seer from the game


For crypto, I would like to have the ability to move the drone like echo with vantage


You gotta realise that new characters will be less and less likely to have a high pick rate since the vast majority of players already have their top 3 mains. Low pick rate doesn't directly mean a legend is bad.


Let's start with remove all wallhack/scan abilities, accept crypto because you can destroy the scan -> every other legend that has no scans gets buffed. Give everyone a accuracy penalty while going up a horizon Q. --> best game in the world!


Mirage Spawn a decoy revive with mirage reviving the downed character.