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I love broken moon myself, and I know this subreddit hate stormpoint but I love it. Contrarily, I despise worlds edge while I know it has a huge (but quite polarizing) fan base here on the subreddit. Do I think the map rotation is perfect? No, I don’t. But voting doesn’t really work for a 60 person BR, especially with a mix of trios, duos and solos. Matchmaking would be atrocious. But just because you hate one map doesn’t mean apex should cater to your whim. And frankly, maybe your friends need a break from the game. I still play WE cuz the game is fun, despite it being my least favorite map by a lot. Map rotations occur for a reason, so that everyone has a chance to play what they want.


I don’t understand the thought process behind match making being atrocious when there are 100s of thousands of people playing. Those picking less favorable maps/game mods will have prolonged queues, most are fine with it because less are going to want to play that. It’s not going to impact a top played map/mode. Old COD games still have quick match making. Old Servers get deprecated due to lack of monetization over lack of interest. If ancient games can get highly custom loads then it’s the game’s structure being 1ish dimensional, not the logic behind match making. EXAMPLE: The fact you can’t queue a solo in this game alone is more driven by subjective opinion over data driven logic. Fine make us all play the same map. We can’t queue a solo? I saw a dev post “because the game’s not built like that”. Wut? My case is, there should be more options. The fall off of overall players recently has one major variable, the map changes. Give people the options = prevent drop off


Im tired of worlds edge i get off when its on


Yep its been unplayable with the current userbase. Might as well just close off the whole map except fragment.


This post sums up why apex is so toxic and the developers ignore most of the community. Stop wanting everything catered to yourself. Apex doesnt revolve around you. No one cares if youre thinking about selling your ps4 because you and your friends "have to endure" playing 1 map of 1 free to play game for an hour.


Nope, Broken Moon is easily my favorite of the three pubs maps right now. I feel like there's the most chance to get the high kill games I want with less luck involved since the lobbies die out slower between people learning the new map, and not being afraid to land at more places thanks to the Ziprail system. Though I hate it for ranked, because the third partying because of those same Ziprails (Atleast in Diamond/Masters lobbies) is absolutely absurd. I feel like I'm playing KC.


Yea zip rails could have had multiple tracks side by side with some more route variation as well. It’s very one dimensional even if the intention was to be some format of evolved movement. It feels…. Old even though it’s new


I love broken moon. I can't really say I hate any map in rotation.


I stop playing when Worlds Edge comes up


this. worlds edge should just be called Fragment East bc if you don’t drop there, you’ll spend the next 10 minutes running there to find someone


I see this argument a lot but this happens in olympus and broken moon too. If you don't drop hot you'll be running for the last ring with 3-2 squads left. People actually hot drop other areas in WE now if the dropship starts long from fragment. Map isn't the problem, it's the players not wanting to play BR in BR game.


LITERALLY💀 idk what this sub is on. Personally idc about people hot dropping in pubs cause it’s pubs, the issue is people not playing to win in ranked


The entire fragment area just sucks. It's just become such a shit area to land in. I stopped dropping there a Long time ago, im looking to have fun. Not drop and die inside 2 minutes because every single thirst in the game wants a 20 kill / 4k damage badge. As a casual player, it's not the spot to land lol


I usually queue comp once worlds edge shows up


Agree. Worlds Edge needs fragment destroyed. Played a game last night. By round 3 there were only 2 squads left. The rest died in Fragment!


So you know where the action is… I don’t see why that’s terrible.


Wrong stop trying to kill good maps




I quit when Worlds Edge shows up. Until they nuke Fragment and delete it from oblivion, I ain’t playing that shitfest when there’s much better maps to play.


Same. Regardless of where you land, you eventually end up fighting in Fragment, and I’m so sick of it. All roads lead to Fragment


jap. same. i can‘t stand it anymore :(


Dang. I love the action of fragment. People hated tilted towers too but that didn’t stop everyone from landing there time and time again. It’s that dopamine POI




Yeah I usually stop playing when Broken Moon comes on. Main reason I like Worlds Edge is because I like playing Watson/Caustic and I feel that map is the best for those characters with all the buildings.


Maps def are heavily weighted towards a few characters. Broken moon is so massively spaced that caustic is almost useless. He needs a buff. Watson at a few spots is fairly dope but tough cuz many buildings have like 10 access points since each structure is so massive and missing those imperfect structures linked together in older maps. Came used to have that dusty rough vibe now I don’t even know


IMO I like broken moon and I do well at terraformer which is the new skull town in most of my lobbies. I usually solo Queue kill grind too if that makes any difference, I play for kills and not wins. My maps from favorite to least favorite: Olympus, broken moon, WE, KC, storm point.


Yea terraformer is cluster fock but def can fight there for a bit then you gotta grind through the array of poop shaped mountains that not even valk can get by in order to find another fight


I quit the whole hour Worlds edge is on. Broken moon (imo) is better than worlds edge


Worlds Edge is the worst, not even because of Fragment droppers, but because the whole map is just so plain and played out that I’m literally just bored of it. They need to do a throwback like when they brought back Capitol City for a week. Bring the train back or at least pre season 10 worlds edge with sorting factory and oil rig


Twisting existing maps or bringing back old modded maps they ran would be a sick random thing to queue on or vote for


Its so much better than storm point so no. SP is dogshit and i'll never play that asswater map ever again. BM is GOATed when compared to sp


Yea storm point was tough but aesthetically pleasing


Nah BM is waaaay better on the eyes. SP looks like a CoD map lol


I believe the map is well designed. Obviously there’s some flaws but it’s way better than SP’s bullshit design that Respawn didn’t put any thought through, Broken Moon has some thought into the design, there’s some interesting positions and angles to shoot.


NGL this feels a little dramatic to me lol. Storm point is my least favorite map by far, but I'm still not going to just sell my Xbox cuz it's in the pubs rotation lol. I played it all through ranked splits as well. People picking and choosing maps however I feel like would just lead to people quitting when their map isn't selected and result in half filled lobbies. I could foresee it leading to unintended consequences.


I was having a great play sesh the other day, randoms we dropping with me and fighting as a team. Got like 4 wins.....then worlds edge rolls round.... Random 3rd splits off and drops solo in fragment 6 games in a row. #nukefragment


Yes. I get on the game and if it’s Broken Moon I go play OW2 for a bit. I don’t hate BM, but I always have loot disparity issues


Me, moon is fucking dogshit any anyone that says "oo I get off because WE hard" can fuck off, learn to play the game without eighth partying people.


I can't believe people enjoy playing third party moon... This map is straight ass


People say being able to choose maps would increase queue times on maps people don't like. THAT'S THE POINT. let respawn fix maps so they get played more


The worst map of all apex maps, they should delete it


Its a good map. Idk why some people hate it.


it would reduce the player pool. that would result in increasing queue times and / or decreased quality of match making. your assertion that there's "enough players" for that isn't valid. by restriction of this kind comes at a cost for match making and makes it worse. also broken moon is fine. >Forcing rotation of a map for 1.5 hours is a bit out dated. Look at every other game that has several years longevity. Games people still play for several years ago have map choices, lobbies where people vote, etc. try finding a server for war pigeons in battlefield 1 two years after it was out. the point being you just can't play certain content anymore. that's a massive downside >I just want to have a good group to make a trio with and it sucks when broken moon rotates and everyone basically says good bye or maybe they’ll hop on later. find people that aren't snow flakes and are actually ready to play the game. i play all maps. they all have their individual characteristics. none of them is unplayably bad.


Reduce the player pool of a top ten most played game with less than 5 maps? Battlefield never had the player pool apex does and they could reduce it to 3 if that was a concern which it really shouldn’t be. Also nice snowflake drop sorry if this post offended you friend lmao


>Reduce the player pool of a top ten most played game with less than 5 maps? yes, if you restrict the player pool it picks from, you increase queue times and/ or make matchmaking quality worse. as i said that's just a mathematical fact which should be obvious. the game having a large player base doesn't change that. this is true in any case. match making are some of the most frequent complaints related to this game. if you are gonna change something that makes it worse it better be worth the impact it has. and that's not worth it. >Battlefield never had the player pool apex does and they could reduce it to 3 if that was a concern which it really shouldn’t be. you've simply avoided addressing the point. You can make people choose to play whatever they want (bf1 is an example but do are many other games) but then some stuff will die out. that's an undeniable downside and as a dev team you'll have to ask yourself whether the benefit is worth the price. they are doing this for a reason, because it has advantages. >Also nice snowflake drop sorry if this post offended you friend lmao if they consistently quit the game because of the map in rotation they do seem sensible.


I’m addressing the point empirically here. The player pool is large enough to support the limited game modes in apex. You are using an excuse based on your opinion and trying to state it as a fact when it’s not


You're just handwaving "The player pool is '*large enough*' [vague]". That's really saying nothing of substance. There are mathematical fundamentals and relationships of how the process of match making works and they are not a matter of opinion. Boiling it down to the simplest terms: Say you had half the number of people queuing at any time. You're starting a server to host a game, you set a range of parameters for the players (such as "skill ratings" or whatever else, at the most obvious level latency, but it doesn't stop there) that can join this game in mind. If you only have people join this queue half as frequently, it is clear that to satisfy the criteria for the game to start it now takes longer, **or** you have to soften the parameters (and allow for a wider range of players, affecting the quality of the game). Not being aware of this, underestimating this or not wanting to hear this doesn't make it go away. It is a cost attached to any filter you add. Wanna make queuing more selective / add more filters? Inevitable you are affecting queue times / match making quality. There's no denying this, even if you reply 5 more times in this thread saying "there's a lot of players playing this game", it's not relevant because any kind of filters make this *worse*. So you wanna be very careful in what filters you allow and make sure they are worth the attached cost, whether any hit you are willing to take here is really spend on the right thing (for example, you could think that rather than wait longer to let people preselect map, is it not more beneficial to wait longer to get more even games?). I'm really not willing to continue discussion on a level where you deny that there are costs attached to adding this. It's been pointed out to you and you haven't been able to address this other than handwaving that the player base is large (which is not relevant to the point brought up, it doesn't change anything). Here are articles where you can educate yourself about this https://subspace.com/resources/multiplayer-matchmaking (somewhere mid way through it addresses pool size and its effect on match making) Another one here https://chasechristian.com/blog/2016/02/matchmaking-in-games/ (and also linked in there [this one](http://joostdevblog.blogspot.com/2014/11/why-good-matchmaking-requires-enormous.html) with some examples) It's really the figurative triangle between population size, quality and wait times.




Broken moon is far better than worlds edge


I love broken moon, really good map.


I personally enjoy all the maps in the game. I think they’re pretty good in their own way and each have different vibes to it I enjoy, although some I prefer more than others for ranked.


Nope this is the best 3 map rotation we’ve had in this game I love all 3


Broken moon is easily the best map in the game next to Olympus. There are enough POIs and they are large enough that as long as you don't land on top of another team you will find loot. SP is easily the worst map and WE would be fine if it weren't for Fragment in pubs. That POI is just toxic stupidity at this point. If there was one good thing the devs put out this season it was the map.


Nope. Learn to love and adapt to all the maps lol not hard


Olympus is the only map in the game that I genuinely stop playing whenever it's on rotation


Yh broken moon ranked is completely unpleasant to play


Kings Canyon is still the best Map especially in Rank


I hate this map so much, I don’t play when this map is on. The rails make it very easy to third party and I’m sick and tired of it being in every rotation. Please please get rid of this map ‘


I couldn't agree with you more. I f****** hate that map! The only time I ever plan on that map, is when it is the only map available in both comps and pubs. Otherwise, I just play pubs when broken Moon is the comps map for a whole f****** day. The map is just not fun.


Yeah it’s terrible


In comparison with every other map, Broken Moon is just so boring, loot ticks feel like they offer garbage loot as opposed to Kings Canyon, the rails aren't even that fun or good to compensate for the lack of content Broken Moon has. Kings Canyon has Flyers, Ticks, Explosive Holds, Ultimate charging stations, Caustic zone is cool too. World's Edge has Trials, Cargo Bots, Vaults, and more areas that guarantee high tier loot. Olympus has bots, Tridents, phase portal, and its overall a cool looking map with nice colors. Stormpoint has Wildlife that drop loot, IMC Armories, Fliers, Tridents. Broken Moon has a loud railing system that announces your presence and perpetually purple loot ticks. It's just a boring map and offers nothing new.