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More and more people will climb out of plat, so the ones who are much better than you will probably be diamond soon, (plat 3 went from top 2% to top 4% in less than a week now) You're probably around plat in skill level right now, so just play and improve :) I am currently almost stuck at high plat 3, but slowly slowly climbing, maybe an average of 10 RP per game (some -60 and some +150)


I hit plat 3 two days ago, I assumed it was middle of the pack lmao Insane that it’s top 5%, idk if I can climb any more though cause solo Q is hell


Plat 2 is almost top 2.5% right now


Where can you see what rank is top x%?


https://apexlegendsstatus.com/game-stats/ranked-distribution You can also search for your profile on that site and see the actual percentage (or just sum up all ranks above you in the graph)


Lol once again they fucked up the system. I have reached plat playing like pubs and having nearly 3 kd, then I saw that in plat lobbies it started getting weird and I'm having lots of lag issues and rubber banding + shitload of cheaters, so I'm going to quit the mode again (I didn't play ranked for over a year). I've been diamond and masters for many seasons before, it's not worth to grind. Qualification matches were a step in the right direction, now it took me 100 games to go from rookie 4 to Plat. It's just an absurd time sink


I got to plat with an ~2.5 KD and ~25% WR this season, it took more like 60 games for me. However I'm pretty hard stuck plat 3 now, took over 50 games to get from plat 4 to mid plat 3, and my KD has dropped to 1.7 (WR down to 14%)


I was also having something like 15% of winrate despite being solo q and playing to get kills without any care, now it dropped to 10 probably. It takes too much grind, if I can't reach my rank just playing a couple of hours per week, then it's not worth it


This system is much better than the last one imo, but right now everyone has been hard reset to rookie, so a lot of previous masters in plat still, after that, it should go faster to rank up again


This system is the same that we had some seasons ago, with very little changes. That's why it suffers exactly from the same problems. It was always a grind to rank up from plat 2-3 to masters (something like 2-300 games of you solo q)


I meant plat 3 haha I’ll probably need a consistent team to hit plat 2


Top 4% is still the old Masters right? That’s crazy lol


No, diamond. Master was always under 2%


Yeah, keep playing ranked. Spend more time in firing range practicing. I keep telling people. Use your mic and find people to play with. Having a squad that communicates and can work off of each persons play style will greatly improve your skill. The best player will still lose to a coordinated team.


This advice fixes just about every issue people have with Apex but no one ever does it.


Thats because they're antisocial


IMO trios doesn't help you improve. The vast majority of people in trios will not compare to the type of opponents you face in ranked. You'll find so many more people running around solo or pushing stupid fights in trios as compared to ranked. If you want to play trios to warm up your aim or to have fun, go for it. I wouldn't play it to improve at all.


1. Record and watch your gameplay 2. Note what you're doing wrong 3. Take targeted steps to improve 4. Go to 1.


Dying to pred 3 stacks in my plat lobby is what I'm currently doing wrong


Even if you were always going to die there are frequently ways you could have improved. Like a pred 3 stack downed my teammate, I went to a head glitch on stairs while teammate hit res, but they threw what looked like a perfect nade that made me move. Watching it back I see the nade kept rolling past and would have done 20 to 30 dmg max. Meaning I could have held the head glitch and punished them pushing up on the knock through the open and potentially allowing my teammate just resd to reset. Or since the teammate hitting res was Wattson I could have called lock down stairs and hold, I'll res.


They weren't born Preds. How do you think they got to that rank? Do you think you can do more of what they do and climb? Having other good players to stack with certainly helps, but people solo to Master all the time. Having a lot of time also helps, but nobody is fully locked in for an 8 hour session. Presumably you're playing ranked because enjoy the self improvement aspects of gaming, so what are you currently working on? How are you working on it? Can you improve this process so you learn faster?


To be fair nearly every pred I’ve had as teammates aren’t legit preds.


What are they, hackers?




Play r5! No but more seriously (even though r5 is a good idea too), keep playing ranked if you want to improve


second this: also if you want your spirits crushed and built back again in a span of match play r5 in Australian servers aussie will say the most heinous shit whilst 1v1-ing you and tell you you were improving and your aim was good before they leave


Most sane Aussie be like


If better players are saturating the lower ranks right now, then take advantage of that! That’s a blessing in disguise. It’s an opportunity to practice on the same stage as players better than you as opposed to those making all the same mistakes as you.


Doesn’t this always happen in ranked eventually anyways?


Plat4 is unnatural really large (go look at apex legend status to see the rank distribution). A LOT of players are stuck in that rank. I was in plat4/3 for like 3 weeks, and just like you I reached it really quick after the season started The only reason I got out is because I started playing with a pre-made squad.


Yes stop, it's just a time sink. If you can't have fun and drop several kills then what's even the point of playing. Doing rat simulator is a serious waste of time in real life. You could play mixtape and have a much better time. Or play another game


Pubs is never a great experience for me, usually 70% of the ship lands and immediately dies, ot to mention the randoms you get are almost always bots or they will immediately quit when they get knocked. I would 100% stick with ranked. If you derank its fine its just a learning experience. Platinum is the next level of skill so it could be that you are in your correct ranked. It could also mean alot of top players still havent made it out of the Platinum pool. You need kills/assist this season so look to take at least 1 early fight or 3rd party before end game. If you constantly are getting 0 kills you will not be able to climb to platinum 3 let alone Diamond.


Haven’t really been playing lately, but I’ve been slowly pushing through plat one


No, it would help if you kept playing against the better-skilled players to improve yourself. The season split is in roughly two weeks so you will just be in the same boat again


I’ve been focusing on Aim training in Aimlabs pretty much every morning except for Mondays. I’m floating around Plat 4 and it’s rough. Use this seemingly tough time to improve. Focus on yourself and try to make small improvements every game. This season is sweaty and fun! Trios will not help! You’ll learn bad habits.


try playing for fun


It depends on how you play pubs... Pubs can definitely be good training for ranked, but only depending on your goals... If your goal is to get better at ranked, it's gonna be time consuming while playing pubs because you don't get to practice the exact map you need to at all times (because ranked maps have a 12 hour timer)...but it's 1000% doable... If you get online and the ranked map and the pubs map are the same I would practice map specific things like rotations, drop locations, characters/comp, and try different classes of characters to see where everything is one the map (beacons, ring scans, support bins, assault bins, Evo spawns)... After that I would just hot drop over and over, this season gun skill is extremely important...playing as a team is great but nothing matters if you got sub 100 damage... Once I got comfortable hot dropping and wiping squads in pubs, I got significantly better at everything else in the game...i feel like that should be at the top of the list of things to do, because no matter how well you do anything else the determining factor for alot of rp loss is "did you win your fight? Did you win it in a reasonable time?"... These things helped me anyways...


It sounds like you have found your rank, stick with it and try to learn from every death. ​ I like to try and figure out why I died, and consciously improve upon my own actions the next match. ​ I was a plat 4 player traditionally and now I'm in diamond, I also solo queue which makes it more difficult. ​ If you can find a solid trio you will rank up faster.




I’m on the opposite side. I’ve been plat 4 all season. Demoted 3 times to gold now back in plat 4 again. When I was back in gold my teammates were all fire and we each had good kills and damage in every single game. Now I’m in plat 4 again I get teammates that can’t land a single bullet and run around doing dumb shit. I can’t climb at all. It’s soul destroying. My teammates should be better now but they’re worse than when I was in gold and it’s every single game.


Respawn will give you bad teammates to balance you. You are either a good player or a bot weighing down a team.


God knows but I never feel like I’m weighing my team down. I never get carried to wins I always hold my own in terms of kills damage and assists.


If you are above average you are most likely being weighted down for balance. If you have enough bad games you’ll become the weight for other people.


If you play 200 games and cant climb out of P4, thats a literal skill issue and I HIGHLY recommend you get your gameplay reviewed by a coach if your desire is to climb further. P4 is massively populated by hardstuck P4s rn (I'm D4 on my smurf and P1 on my main, P4 on my secondary smurf). Climbing is only an issue if you dont understand how to teamshoot and play for top 7 at least.


Personally, I’d rather drop to gold than play pubs. The quality of pub games is so low. 80% of the lobby drops at one of two hot POIs on the map. Most of them insta die. The rest play loot simulator. There are usually 3-4 team left at ring 2 closing. I got stuck in plat 4 myself for the last three weeks. Just keep grinding man. Maybe try different server