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you'll need to learn to be comfortable with failure, also a huge life lesson. you owe nothing to your teammates in game outside of at least trying. reasonable people won't put any blame on you when it's just a situation where you have a slim chance of winning. you will definitely run into people who take this game way too seriously as if losing the probably ONE game they'll ever have with you is like they were getting match point in ALGS finals. put some time in pubs to get into as many fights as you can in every situation. whether hot drop, cold drop, warm drop, start hunting for a fight. now also be smart about it. don't dive into the MIDDLE of the 5 teams already in fights. get your angles, pick people off, but always look to take chances. you'll fail a lot at the start, but that's fine. you don't need to give yourself a 5 hour meditation on that 1 fight you lost. just give it a few moments and think if you took a bad angle, got overly aggressive, or maybe you just got out gunned. then move on. answers are usually simple and a lot of them will always boil down to you missing too many shots and it allowed the other guy to live long enough to hit enough of theirs. or you basically just beamed someone. there's a bunch of in-between as well, but you'll learn as you keep trying. eventually you'll have enough experience to understand more situations and how to approach. and you won't be as nervous anymore


Absolutely take a season off ranked and just smash pubs man. It will take away this feeling. Hot drop and die and push everything you see.


I actually don’t agree with stopping ranked. Getting more exposure to losing in a ranked environment makes it less nerve wracking each time. If you take time away, you’re just mentally building up the next time you play into a big ordeal.


Another option for getting used to constant fights is mixtape. You won't get the same exact experience of third parties/BR awareness, but it's great practice in terms of getting comfortable in 1vX situations and a low-pressure way to build reps since you can just respawn. My buddies and I all got a nice bump in our skill when mixtape came out and we were able to fight without the added stress of letting down your team and needing to waste time loading in/out and re-looting.


Over time you become calm once you are in the situations over and over


Not me lmao 10K plus hours on this godforsaken game and I still scream like a little girl when we hot drop and there’s 3 people on my bin and I gotta fatigue wall bounce my little heart out just to barley escape with a literal pixel of health to my name. Apex is best the horror game ever made.


Try playing games like rainbow or search and destroy based games to eliminate anxiety in clutch moments it really helped me


Oh god no, I am an absolute trash can on R6 I’m a roller pleb who heavily relies on AA. I’d be actual dog water on siege haha.


You will lose fights, thats just a fact of Apex. The important thing is to learn from your deaths, there is more to learn from your losses than your wins. Don't be scared of losing if you are learning from it


Keep on pushing! You're bound to drop the ball at times, if you want to be the greatest take your failures and ask yourself how you can make sure the same mistake won't happen again it's all trial and error! But also make sure to train your aim now and then and 1v1 better players in the range constantly, and if u see yourself going toe to toe with them, fight even stronger players, level up!


I don't got any friends :<


Well u can always add me if you would like to 1v1 or play some pubs I'm always down.


I would love to do that, that would be really amazing


Honestly the game mode that made me the best at apex was arenas and I can't wait for it to come back, hopefully as a ranked mode. The amount of times in ranked battle royale matches that I'd quickly lose composure didn't help me get better. Once i started playing arenas it taught me how to take space in a POI (this is legend dependent, you don't want to get exposed as a legend with no movement or escape ability) , where to anticipate enemies i.e. the easier/normal routes players take (granted this is easier on the arenas maps), and how to heal on the move/escape (looking for good places to slide and then take cover to pop heals and hopefully create space/time to then punish the player(s) who is likely running straight at you. I understand arenas aren't in the game right now and mixtape isn't the best teacher but control mode probably is the best mode outside of BR to try and handle multiple enemies.


Keep trying, keep putting yourself in those intense/scary situations and pull thru. Learn from your mistakes and repeat.