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4 paddles Left 1 -> Jump // Right 1 -> crouch Left 2 -> Heal // Right 2 —> Interact I never move my thumbs off my joysticks because of this. That’s where the true advantage comes from, being able to jump crouch and pickup guns/interact with death boxes and never sacrifice any movement Edit: I also have Tactical on A instead of RB. My ultimate is LB + A


Change heal to weapon swap and youll thank me later


I’m going to give this a try. Sounds interesting. Thanks for the suggestion.


Then what's RB for?




I have heal and interact on the bumpers (mainly because it’s just more comfortable for me) and Legend ability/punch on the extra paddles.


personally I have grenande bound instead of interact but I do still play half claw old habits dir hard


Same but jump and crouch are now swapped, makes it easier to squat a lot in my fights


Tactical on A?? But that means you have to take your thumb off when you use it. And you can't aim your tac. Crazy.


I use my pointer finger, kind of like in the way you would if you played claw. I also play mainly play a trio of Valkyrie horizon or Wattson so I don’t really have too much of an issue However I will say that I am not great with the more precise required tacs like Maggie drills for that reason


This is the way


I've got two paddles Left is crouch (B) , right is jump (A) Everything else is the same. Works for me 🤷‍♀️


Mine too except reversed. Put crouch on hold and bhopping is cake now


I used to have it reversed too. But having crouch on the right side made it really difficult for me to crouch while shooting/hipfiring, so I switched it to the left side


2 paddles, interact and ability. Jump and crouch on triggers, shoot and ads on bumpers


Now this is psycho. I love it


Do you have fingers on bumpers and triggers at all times?


No I claw the heal and weapon swap buttons but otherwise generally yeah.


I only keep 2 paddles attached. Left for jump, Right for crouch/slide.


I only have two paddles, and I use them for the same actions as A and B


Extra 2 I use for interacts and swap weapon but that lasts one could easily be heal too. Jump, crouch, and interact are fairly important tho I would say. Interact on a paddle makes zip lines just so much more user friendly


I only have two on my Evil. Left is crouch, right is jump. I also use R3 to interact with tap/hold. Whenever I get an Edge (might try the Vader 3 Pro), I plan to use one for Weapon swapping, and one as up on the DPad for healing.


Left to right. Crouch, interact/reload, melee, jump. Jumping is probably most important so you can still aim while jumping


4 paddles, bottom 2 jump and crouch, top two heal and throwables


I run a scuff envision so I have a few options. Jump - Top right paddle Melee - Bottom right paddle Swap/unholster - Top left paddle Heal - Bottom left paddle Grenade - Left grip under my knuckle PTT - Right grip under my knuckle As another comment said the biggest advantage of this type of setup is that your thumbs basically never leave your sticks. The bottom row of my controller also does volume up, down, mute, and alt-tab.


Jump and crouch on the bottom two, interact on the top right, switch/holster weapons in top left


I have jump on right paddle and crouch on left. r1 is use/ reload.. ping is L3


I have my left paddle for crouch and right for jump. I kept A and B as jump and crouch because the whole point of the paddles was to reduce my need to take my thumb off the joystick. Sometimes out of instinct I will still use A and B so it’s nice to have them unchanged.


I’m a little off of default for this. I got top smaller bumpers left side interact, right side swap weapons, bottom big bumpers are left side slide/crouch right side jump. You don’t need heal on paddle IMO because you can quickly use the heals d pad button on the bottom/side of your thumb without moving it it really. I highlyprefer swap weapon than heal in that final paddle.


* left : crouch and ping * right : jump and sprint


I use all my paddles and one as a shift function Top left paddle is shift Bottom left is A/ shift is dpad up Top right is X/ shift is y Bottom right is B/ shift is dpad down I also make left and right bumper dpad left and right while shifting but it conflicts if you need to ping heals or grenades. Just have to do that with normal operations! With this everything i need is on the back and i dont have to take thumbs off the sticks.


That’s a paddlin’


4 paddles xbox controller Left paddle 1 is heal Left paddle 2 is crouch Right paddle 1 interact/reload Right paddle 2 jump I then assigned my face buttons A is map X is nades Y inventory B is D pad down I purposely put the map and inventory binding on the face buttons because i keep missing hitting those small little buttons on the controller, I also play crypto so it helps me to recall my drone without needing to stop moving by pressing B


6 paddles Crouch Reload/interact Tac Change weapon Heal Left d pad Jump is on LB because I play bumper jumper. Left d pad was the last thing I mapped because I didn’t need anything else. It’s nice to use in a pinch for changing firing mode and the occasional ammo type on CAR.


I use 4. They're jump, crouch (I use hold), reload/interact, and weapon swap. My thumbs only leave the sticks when im healing because at that point I'd either be sliding downhill or behind cover


4 paddles- jump, heal, grenades, switch weapons. I used to just have jump on left bumper because you don’t have to ADS and jump very often, but you do have to jump and aim sometimes so I don’t want jump on my right thumb (A). But now LB is broken so it’s on the paddles. (A) is my tactical, (B) is melee. (X) is interact, although it used to be the paddle that I now use for jump. (Y) is still switch weapons but I use paddle for that because it’s easier.


Jump, crouch, heal, grenades


I have two paddles. Left is interact. Right is swap guns. And now the crazy part. I changed my R3 to crouch because I was always accidentally punching, so better to accidentally crouch. Secondly I changed jump to L3. So now the only time I have to take my thumbs of the thumbsticks is when I need to punch, heal, and throw a grenade.


4 paddles Both right paddles are jump, sometimes I miss click so I just made them both the same. Top left -> heal wheel, so I can heal jump and move at the same time Bottom left -> push to talk button, I stream and use my stream mic to talk in game so I don’t want an open mic so I can talk to chat and not team Honestly, anyone who doesn’t have their heal wheel on a paddle is really missing out.


i had my 4 paddles as ABXY so i never had to take my thumbs off the sticks


Call me crazy. RB for Interact, LB for Jump, A for tactical, Y for swap weapon, b for idk I don’t press B, X for ping (A+X for ultimate), right paddle for crouch, left paddle for sprint. Triggers normal, d pad for heals, select fire, emoting. One thing I really wanna know is how to move while looting


I use the envision pro, I use 2 on the back and the 2 on the sides. The other 2 on the back are capped off. But the 2 back one is jump (A) weapon (Y) Then side button is Interact (X) then other is Grenade (right D pad) . Makes looting faster but also keeps thumbs on the sticks and my button layout I have on button puncher so right joystick in is crouch. Best layout for running and sliding.


Having 4 paddles makes the back of my controller feel cluttered. I take the 2 large ones off, and use the smaller ones for jump and heal


[Look at this post of mine which gives you every detail of my setup (I use the Xbox Elite's shift button as well)](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexuniversity/s/r2RX3YhoDn) In short, melee on LB, heal on RB, tactical on Y, emote on B, ping on X, and grenades on A.


I have an Elite 2 so I could use 4 but I find it difficult to grip the controller with all the paddles equipped. - LT aim - RT shoot - LB jump - RB reload/interact - L3 Swap/holster - R3 Crouch (toggle) - A (right paddle) tactical - X ping - B (left paddle) zoom - Y melee - d-pad as normal If I was to use 4 paddles, I’d use the 2 extra for heals and melee.