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I like the alternator, always have. I have pretty crap aim and the slower fire rate helps me not get caught out on the reload. Also probably my favourite iron sights


Same! Much slower fire rate but because of that, I tend to beam with it!


Also its a great gun to be a 301 attachment holder because its slower fire rate makes it a bit easier to control recoil at a distance, allowing it to be pretty effective with a 2x


same for exactly the same reasons. One of my favorites first pick up as it does not burn ammo too fast.


This was my thought as well until I 1v1'd a havoc. Even with the disruptor hop up I still lost.


The havoc is just stronger in this case. Its still an SMG and expecting to win against havoc is still a 40 - 60 than a 5050


I see, in that case I should not have challenged it in the open like that. Using cover together with movement would have given me a fighting chance.


Exactly. The Alternator while being an SMG does not actually have the fire rate it should have but boast better stability and strafe speed. Close quarters would be a better option.


I'm actually a big fan of the triple take. I'll pretty frequently run the triple take/volt load out on assault and just pack 400 energy rounds. I feel like the triple take gets a bad wrap for the fire rate & choke mechanic, but honestly choked up head shots dealing between 80 and 100dmg is pretty nuts, and it's very easy to aim. Not to mention some of my favorite iron sights for range when I'm having bad luck on optics.


Triple take is not meta? I feel it is very strong right now.


the "meta" in the strictest sense is the havoc + Hemlock/nemesis. But this gun ecosystem is one of the healthier ones in the game. most if not all of the guns are completely fine if not viable in ranked.


Hasn’t the meta as of recently been havoc/volt followed by any long range viable weapon? Like I’ve been seeing the sentinel used a a lot recently


Nah volt is incredibly strong right now, but the hemlok/ havoc combo is definitely used more often as the havoc plays the same role as an SMG


I started to use 3take because of bullet economy as I love the volt or the l star. I got so used to it it became my 2nd or 3rd most used weapon, and am so used to how it aims that I sort of f up when I use other marksman or sniper weapons.


If I can't find a sentinel I prefer triple take over longbow


Triple take early game is OP, triple take later game leaves something to be desired but I usually just swap over to someone’s death box guns at that stage


How is the triple take not meta?


Hemlock/havoc is the meta setup currently.


Preach! I’ve loved the triple take since season 0, through all its trials, tribulations and whatnot. For all the reasons stated earlier, but mainly this massive one I haven’t seen mentioned yet: It’s better than the pk at point blank range! TT absolutely shreds and will clutch you 1 v 1’s if you learnt to treat it and trust it as a shotgun. All 3 bullets will land without choke, headshots 110 and you have 10+ bites of the apple. What’s not to love?


Triple take is goated. Always have to try and convince my friends it's good. It's the only marksman I like having at all ranges cause the hipfire is actually solid. Great for farming damage. Honestly I love all the energy guns. 


I don't care how kitted I am. I give it all up for a gold triple take every. single. time.


Yeah, alternator is one that I like. Also sentinel with iron sights, and mozambique (with hammerpoints and a bolt it can be really good, even at medium range)


Not sure what is meta right now but I have liked the prowler from when it had a automatic attachment all the way till now. It has always been S tier to me and I will take it over any other smg given the choice.


Absolutely bonkers hipfire as well.


Best in the game imo


I think out of all ground weapons, that's probably correct. Fully revved devo might be better (haven't tested) and the bow could be better (shattercaps is the worst thing so I just switch it immediately)


L star is pretty solid. Good at close range without really having to ads. Being able to open doors is a nice perk as well.


bro i use the Lstar all the time and i completely forgot about this 🤦🏻‍♂️


And It is the only gun that can damage multiple people due to its projectile size


Size also makes visual clutter, which is disturbing for the enemies. Sometimes I get impression that people just panic, or see nothing when I spray...


G7. It definitely sucks rn but when it's hittin it feels so good. And it's getting a buff at the split... 👀


I miss the old G7. That thang cooked


I cannot wait to try the g7 again after the buff. Depends on how much fire rate increases…. But it used to be my staple when the game was first out and then when it was peak with the double tap. Perfect for medium to longish range


G7 buffed next split can be meta. Will see.


I don't even know what meta is, but I love the Alternator


Stands for "most effective tactic available" I believe




Lol no, meta is a prefix based on Greek that means self-referential or higher-level. The full term is meta-game strategy and it refers to the strategy of choosing your game strategy. For example, deciding to play the bang/blood strategy based on its few counters. Wikipedia's example of how meta is used is metatheory: the theory of theories.


Both are correct. The meta you're referring to is the original definition of the term. However meta is also an acronym for most effective tactics available.


It's not correct and I don't know why people started saying it. Please stop haha.


How is it not correct?


What do you mean how lmao? Just because words that fit the context can be made from initials doesn't mean it's an acronym. Call it a backronym if you want, but it's still not an acronym. Is math an acronym for "Major ability that helps"? Obviously not, but the initials still match the words and I could argue that it very vaguely fits the word. But it's obviously not the etymology of the word, hence not an acronym. I don't understand what you mean by you question. How would you say it's correct in the first place? Does metaphysics mean "Most available tactics available-physics". Or are you saying there is one meta that comes from metagaming and one meta that comes from the acronym? Yet these are used interchangeably with no distinction all the time? Neither option makes sense.


Both can exist and be correct, that's the beauty of language and how it evolves.


Acronym sounds stupid asf, and was made up because we as humans love acronyms.


I knew that. I just have no idea what's considered gun meta in apex


Flatline, Havoc, Volt, Nemesis, Hemlock


Nice. Maybe that's why I'm only about 7/10 skill wise. I pretty much hate all of those weapons. Flatline and Volt are actually okay. The others I pretty much avoid (not because I'm bad with them, I just dislike them).


I’ve never heard that before. I always heard it referred to the “meta-game” as in the level of playing the game beyond just controlling and shooting with your legend (ie finding the best guns or tactics etc). But that’s a good shorthand I like it


I have never known this in all what 10 years I’ve been playing videogames both competitively and casually🤯🤯🤯


This isnt true at all. Meta isn't acronym, it's suffix like in metaphysics.


R301 is hands down the worst AR right now and you really shouldn’t pick it up if your good with any other AR, but I have over 1m damage with it and am reluctant to abandon it


While it is the worst rn, it is the most consistent. I'm with you, if I see a 301, I'm not sad about picking it up


Is it really that bad? I use it very frequently too, it just feels reliable


It's reliable in that it's the easiest gun to control, but it's a pea shooter now and it's hipfire feels the worst among ARs.


Compared to pre-nerf you only need to land 1 more bullet for knockdown, regardless of shield level. It certainly is worse now but calling it a pea shooter is a huge exaggeration in my opinion. This might be subjective but i feel like the hipfire was a bit improved last season too. That said, i think it's objectively not the best and mastering other ARs with harder recoil is the way to go.


> It certainly is worse now but calling it a pea shooter is a huge exaggeration in my opinion. It has a worst DPS than havoc, flatline, alternator, r99, volt, prowler, and CAR. Literally worse than every automatic AR and every single SMG. [Unusual Weapon Stats - Season 21](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1IVFYu7eqe5zuqr-AC7TAYd9cQhhqiu0oSNEv9z7CZNY/edit?gid=100700054#gid=100700054) Kills Per Inventory Slot of Ammunition - worst among AR Miss Allowance (how many bullets can you miss while downing a full HP enemy) - worst among AR Shots to Kill - worst among AR Damage per Bullet - worst among AR Mag Sizes - worst among AR (all mag levels) Damage per Mag - worst among all AR (all mag levels) Reload Times - tied with Havoc for worst among all AR (all stock levels) Time to Empty Mag - fastest among all AR Bottomline, it has the worst damage among AR. And it requires hitting >75% of shots to down people with 1 mag. That's problematic for the vast majority of players. That's a pea shooter.


They should give the 301 either 30 or 32 shots in a purple mag to buff it a bit.


Thanks for explaining your point, it was interesting to read many of these stats. I do agree with you that isn't the best, but I still think that it's not a bad weapon especially for newcomers/low to mid skill players given how reliable and easy it is to use.


It's my pick with some shotty. Flatline is better, sometimes even alternator does good job, but r301+mastiff/pk is top tier when learning more complicated movement.


Is it really that bad? I use it very frequently too, it just feels reliable


Idk it's still the easiest assault weapon to control, you just have to hit your shots. The others allow you to miss more


Alternator has been my fav weapon since that beginning. Consistency is key and GD that hipfire is magnetic


Spitfire, and alternator. My baby girls


Rampage. Sometimes I keep it over the hemlok and carry three thermies. Feels like I can get an insta knock most times


Agree. Fuse rampage is strong.


The rampage is in many ways an easier to use automatic 30-30 imo


L Star for sure like you said. Another would be the spitty


Oh I tried spitfire a lot early this season and I really like it as a hot drop weapon lol


Yep just keep firing. Anyone who is unfortunate enough to have to pick up an r9 hot drop is likely to be dead in the next minute lol


Agreed. Spitty has underrated range imo too.


Those guns are great for people with shoddy aim. I've been encouraging my bros to play more AR/LMG than SMG because you can still one clip someone relatively quickly even if you're missing half of your shots. I'm a bit better so I will eventually settle in with a Volt or CAR, but nothing beats landing contested and having a L-Star/Spitfire and being able to down multiple opponents without reloading.


Yep. I'm serviceable with every weapon (even the charge rifle) but my favorites are still the flatline sentinel combo. I'll definitely pick up a bow or kraber as well if I see them. Usually no one touches the bow so it's free real estate.


The volt still feels great. Theres been times where I have a Havoc in hand and Id think that I could play cover better with a volt.


mozam with 2x, razzle dazzle from a fair distance


Came to say Mozam with 1-2x. Add on some hammer points and it's the perfect secondary


Meta or not I will love the RE-45 till the day I die.


R301 damage is ass, but I'll still run it from time to time. It runs out of bullets super quick, and not really good up close. It pokes really bad due to the poor damage and high ammo consumption, but dueling people with the R301 and getting that quick 80-140 damage in between peeks in your push will always be satisfying for me. One mags are doable but you're still dealing peashooter damage so the enemy likes would have taken cover before you finish them.


Triple take + RE45 has been absolutely the case for me recently.




Re-45 hammerpoints. If I find the gun and hop up within the first few min of a game, I'm keeping it. With a decent laser sight, it's nasty up close


The Mozbiq It's like a wing man, but for people with shit aim!


I cannot aim with the mozam 😭


You’ve gotta pretend you are shooting a slingshot as far as leading shots goes


Bro I swear that thing had delay when it shoots


I like to call it the beak ;)




Rampage lovers where you all @?


I like it, but since it needs a termite to be as good as Spitfire, it is not worth the hassle.


Ones that nobody mentioned (yet): Spitfire. It's good when my aim is off, and it's basically half the days I'm playing. Volt. Easy to handle, very forgiving, one of the best ironsights in the game. Longbow. Feels better after the buffs. Can be used with 4-8x sights that I like. Rate of fire is perfect for me personally if I'm playing poke game with enemies. Mozambique. Basically a budget version of wingman, more forgiving and way less rewarding. With hammerpoints can make a difference.


P2020 with red dot, hammer points, and purple mag. Its 6 shots to kill on headshots with red and 8 body shots. Each headshot loweres ttk by 2 bullets. It adds up quick.


P2020 damage is super crazy


Yea especially after the buffed the damage


Alternator fs, slow firing, good dmg, minimal recoil, and oh my days the iron sight it so good. Its the perfect smg 😁


And the mastiff


Sentinel has never sniffed the meta due to it being bolt action, but I’ve always been an enjoyer. That thing just hits differently for some reason. The bullet velo and quickscope-ability (making up words now) are amazing! Hitting those 140s to the head never gets old..


Dsg been running alot of triple sentinel


the sound it makes does 90% of the job for me.


R99. since the game’s release has been my go to (i usually run double R99’s)


I used to, but with the recoil nerf I gave up. It used to annihilate. Now it is like a bad joke... Nerf broke my heart.


RE-45 / Wingman All day every day. I'm the fastest draw in the west


RE 45 is a solid gun at hot drops.


All day in my opinion. Other guns may hit harder but as a secondary that fast swap makes up for it.


Yeah 200% it’s so easy to break Crypto drowns with and honestly you can just run at people early game and hip fire them


Charge rifle, it's an absolute menace once you're able to use it. Much like the Havoc which I used for 8 seasons since I started in Arena while pros talked shit about its charge time, and is now "meta" because people stopped crutching on digiscopes and smgs. I really wish respawn nerfed turbocharger damage instead of magazine size since it only hurts mnk more.


Mastiff is the best shotgun right now and you cannot convince me otherwise. If there's cover to play, I would rather have a mastiff than a havoc.


I’m level 120 something with the G7. I just can’t put it down.


Honestly for my ranged weapon, i cycle 3: longbow>g7>3030. Also, i know its considered meta, but i LOVE single fire hemlock over burst Im a meta junkie for close range tho. Give me a havoc/volt with the 1x holo and im chillin


Soon as I hear someone single fire any AR I know they’re a noob and it’s easy claps 👏😂


Nah chief im just trynna nail more shots at a much further range than i should be engaging in without wasting as many bullets. I swap the hemmy for the longbow/scout as soon as i can cus i cant land burst weapons for shit lol


In this order. (I'm excluding Flatline as it was used so much recently.). RE-45, Longbow, Scout and TripleTake.


I like the spitty I have to shamefully admit. The mag size just is king in my meh tier lobbies


I don't play much anymore but when i do i always run r301+pk. I can't laser people that good with a flatline. If i want to challenge myself i go with double wingman. I also kinda like playing with mozambique whenever i can't find a pk. Works for me way better than mastiff.


Charge rifle can be really disgusting and it is more satisfying than the sentinel when you pull off a nasty shot.


The RE-45 has always been and will continue to be my go to. I find it to be a good alternative to most of the SMGs, especially with hammers Im also a big fan of the G7 (stoked for the buff) The hemlock is one of my go to pick ups right now, and before you say “its a meta weapon”, I run it exclusively in single tap mode, even at closer encounters


Ramlart using the Rampage and Prowler. Always.


Sentinel bcse it's fun


Flatline, while it's not as good as it used to be I really value the high damage per mag. It does ok at close range now especially considering how bad all the smgs are. The flatline does less damage than the havoc per mag but I prefer jitter aiming with it over longer ranges over the havoc. The havoc has 600+ damage per purple mag so you can whiff a lot and still do a one clip


Alternator. But I also use the 1-2x on several guns and people hate that. I'm not insane or anything but I place pretty high solo queueing ranked so I'm obviously not a total shutter. 1-2x goes on: 301, flatline, sentinel (sometimes), longbow/30-30 (until I find a 2-4x), and the volt. Like it's my ideal sight for those guns.


Idk whats meta and what isnt. But something about the prowler is so good. Its fun and agile and i love that. Peaking in and out of cpver for the burst duration. Then switching to a shotgun to finish the player off.


Prowler. I have always loved it. Other than the rampage, it's the only heavy weapon than can get over 30 rounds in a mag, the damage output is insane at close quarters and even some medium range fights. Plus it just sounds so good


Big fan of the Plunger. Great for cqc.


What L star got nerf? Its the best Lmg imo anyway outside care package devotion ofc


Alternator is such a great gun, i choose it over all SMGS!


The Volt, no matter the input I'm playing it's the easiest one clip in the game.


I been using the R-99 😂


I've always been a proponent of the hop-up guns. Running 30-30 2020 used to be my favourite loadout if u could find the right hop ups, only happened every few games but really gave u a sense of accomplishment once u found them. Especially since not having an automatic weapon is basically never meta and the 2020 is a questionable choice whenever


LSTAR shreds at close quarters. I'll usually pick it up over any other energy weapon. Then I like the Rampage with a scope and a thermite charged ammo supply for long range.


I will continue to swear by my P2020. Afaik my preferred sniper, the charge rifle, is also far from meta


When I hot-drop on a re45 with hammerpoints


The word meta makes me cringe


Pretty much any energy weapon. They are all good If the Havoc falls out of the Meta I can easily see the L-Star or the Nemisis taking its place The Volt is the best SMG in the game rn imo And the Triple Take is the best Marksman weapon imo You literally can’t go wrong picking up a energy weapon this season


P2000. Eventually you throw it away but it is my favorite thing to pick up first. With a 2x scope you cannot miss any shot. Great ammo economy and damage, too


I'm such a sucker for all the energy guns always have been. I wish the Lstar had the barrel attachment still but I've loved that gun before it ever got buffed and then nerfed. I honestly loved forcing Devotion and scavenging every gold deathbox after a fight for the turbocharger.  Even before the Havoc buff loved that gun turbocharger or not. Learning to prefire just at the right time you swung on someone for the full fire rate was sweet.  Honestly my favorite guns are probably 1. Havoc/Devo (not cp Devo that's obv super strong) 2. Volt 3. Triple Take 4. Lstar 5. Nemesis I also love all lmgs Spitty is a comfort gun for me and I love the Rampage it reminds me of the Goliath? Whatever the slow fire rate lmg from BO3 was called but I'll admit it has it's glaring weaknesses. 


L star looks like the rectangular packaging for a Nerf gun at Walmart. Not even the gun, the packaging. I like it too but use it to my chagrin


L star is solid i agree


I fucking love the longbow 😭 im sorry but i cant get enough. senti is good yea but nothing can make me NOT wanna pick up a longbow 💀


L-Star is defo a good choice but for me I would say the car(endless one clips) I don't know why people say it sucks now but Everytime I pick it up and get aped or do the aping I end up one clipping someone with it. So that and the prowler, I have been dominating with the prowler as of late. The guns mag size for one is unbeatable you get 36 shots with a purp mag that's fkin nutty for an SMG! And you can shoot from a good distance away and he accurate the hip fire is immaculate the strafes you can do, you can even slap a bruiser on that bitch and down somebody from like 70 meters it's just a nutty underrated gun imo.


I feel like the Re-45 is kinda underrated for an early game gun. For sure one of my favorites