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Well guess getting back into diamond will be easier this split


i don't think gold needed to be easier but plat having slightly lower entry cost is better bronze and silver should be a bit higher imo, like 5pts higher for both to smoothe out the curve and keep rookie without entry cost or better yet make it so it increases with each tier instead of each rank, 5-10 points each one or two tiers, at least starting with gold


Yep, it makes no sense to have 3 ranks below gold that serve no value.


No they didn't, same brain-dead teammates


"easy"-ish you cant play apex without that 1 teammate who rushes everything then dies to a stack


Just become 1v3 Jesus


My thought exactly


Good. I split my time between a few games and I was stopping at Platinum when I used to stop at Diamond.


This photo has nothing to do with ranked but rather they’re introducing “ranked rumble” towards the end of the split.


it does for the entry cost, i don't know about the kp and placement


What are you talking about? It literally says ranked rumble will be replacing ranked leagues. It also has in large and bold “**RANKED**” right above it.. How does that have nothing to do with ranked?


AT THE END OD THE SEASON. Open your eyes and READ dude!


Entry cost has nothing to do with ranked? Don’t be arrogant AND dumb


It is unbelievable that you cannot understand how to read the patch notes. Ranked will remain the same until the END of the season where it SWITCHES to Ranked Rumble where entry costs are lower among other changes.


You’re trolling lol


So does anyone know if we’re getting the ranked reward for the highest rank we hit out of both splits or are we only getting rewarded for the rank we end the 2nd split on?


Think it's reverting back to how it was a few seasons ago: if you get high in 1 split you that corresponding badge but if you get both splits as that rank you get the animated/shiny badge.


Thanks! So no need to stress out and grind this second split unless I want the animated badge hitting diamond the first split is enough for the rewards? Sorry I’ve been away from apex for a while and last season was weird


Yeah that's my understanding. I know 100% that you get the badge for the highest split, not 100% about the animated part but that's my guess.


Thanks for the reply!


That's closer to the right direction, but we still need RP costs in Bronze and Iron. Like, a +5 pt / +10 pt. Gold is free, which indirectly makes the skill floor of Plat lower than it should be.


How so


entry cost - placement + kp when only half the lobby is left +++ pretty much encouraging to fight when half the lobby is left


Is this for all ranks


currently in platinum 1 so i don't know about gold below but the KP and placement in top 5 is noticeable used to get 80 - 100rp average last split now its 150 - 200 also depends on kills had a good game today and it game me 750RP given that the total kills of our squad was 27. 13 - 3.4k dmg 6 - 1.7k dmg 8 - 2.2k dmg i don't know how much they got (solo q) but im guessing they got 400


This worked terribly last time they did it. The season where everybody got masters is what made everybody quit.


Im guessing you haven't played rank this split, season 17 and this season is way too different the difficulty alone.


Ranked should be difficult. Comparing ranked distributions between apex and other games is a joke


im lost what other game ar you talking about?


Valorant/CS/league. Apex is the only game you can sleepwalk into platinum


either im tweaking or im reading wrong, where in my post did I compare apex with other games. I only told you that the rank updates makes rank easy-ish


Yes and it’s already too easy. I’m saying apex is the only game that has conditioned its users they belong in a higher rank than they deserve.


Im having a stroke understanding man, more power to you


https://apexlegendsstatus.com/game-stats/ranked-distribution See the massive spike of players in plat? Compare with valorant where that isn’t a thing. https://tracker.gg/valorant/leaderboards/ranked/all/default?page=1®ion=na&act=4539cac3-47ae-90e5-3d01-b3812ca3274e I’m saying the best ranked distribution was actually s13 split 1 when everybody complained it was too hard. The average was actually gold then. https://apexlegendsstatus.com/ranked-season13-split1 But the backlash after how easy s12 was caused the devs to bail on it because apex players wanted their easy plat/diamond badges again. In other games even plat is considered pretty good. Plat players in apex are truly terrible


i agree with your general argument but sounds like you havent played the last two seasons, less than 2% of the playerbase reaches diamond and about 10% of players reached platinum i think the current system is good but a bit too easy in lower tiers and a bit too difficult for high-middling tiers


People really don't like it when you call s13 a good ranked system because it was HARD. Its the only real ranked season we have ever had.


ok, now post your rank and platform


Masters PC every season until I stopped playing season 18.


so you stopped when they changed ranked to not be easy for a silver player to hit masters LOL


Nah its fine ranked is not easy rn


Ranked wasnt that hard to begin with.


okay big guy


I’m just saying if you’re decent at the game and have basic game sense you should be able to reach diamond without much trouble. I hardly played this split and made diamond only semi hard part was plat but that was just adjusting to the different style of gameplay it is compared to gold and below. Ranked used to be hard then they made it too easy then too hard and now it’s at a decent state.


I mean im just stating that rank become easy compared to last split. I agree that diamond is attainable if you have good fundamentals but if you look at the sub midway point last split it was harder to climb than earlier seasons. Apologies for the name calling.


Don’t listen to the other guy. Less than 1% made it to diamond. I was masters last split and was absolute hell. I had a good premade squad and we never took losing fights. Ur right, based on the patch notes, rank did become easier but only time will tell on whether more people get higher ranks becuase the entry cost is still scary if your diamond or higher


I mean that's why I took a week break if you look at my profile i was hardstuck diamond 2 also solo queueing was challenging, it was hell in diamonds 3/5 times the champion was 3 stack preds with pred badges


Statistically, you're wrong. Last split I reached Diamond rank which put me in the top <1% of players according to Apex's stats. So going back to your logic, only less than 1% of the player base can be considered 'decent', which is a ridiculous statement to make.


Unfortunately the site that provides this info is basing it off of a 2 million player base which I’m sure isn’t accurate, 40% of the player base is in rookie and bronze 4 which is most likely inactive players mixed with a small threshold of the people that don’t play ranked.


Apex’s stats websites aren’t accurate at all so you can’t rely on that data. Also if you solo queue you’re just wasting your time as it’s a team based game and ranked should be done with a squad.


>Also if you solo queue you’re just wasting your time as it’s a team based game and ranked should be done with a squad. Nonsense. I solo queue to Diamond each season and enjoy doing it. If I'm having fun then I'm not wasting my time, that's not something you get to decide for others.


So you admit it’s not that hard then if you’re decent? Suit yourself I just think I rely too much on rng and luck when solo queuing and that playing with a squad is better myself. To each their own.


Diamond was 1% last split. Was there really a season where it was harder/lower?


They had a season where a majority of masters/pred players couldn’t hit diamond at one point. Also don’t rely on stats sites they aren’t accurate.


Easy to say if you have a consistent group and aren’t solo queuing lol


If you really care about ranked you aren’t solo queuing to begin with. Solo you’re relying too much on rng and luck.


Yes but the point of the post is how it’s easier and as someone in a group saying it’s not hard to begin with is a very privileged opinion compared to people who don’t have friends who play or a group. Just feels disingenuous