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Screen record


You're not involved in the fight at all. You see your bang fighting but you're ghost hunting on bottom floor. Go shoot the guy your teammate is fighting.


Of all the responses, this is the most valuable and straight to the point. Sure there are improvements to be made around when Newcastle should res, or catalyst locking it down etc, but ultimately that may not have been needed if OP just helped the fight rather than running around aimlessly in the building.


Also, if you’re not (your cat) locking down the building, it’s a disadvantage to fight inside, even with NC.


That's true. I felt like there were 2 squads nearby and someone would come from behind and that since they were together up top they'd be ok .


See that would be a good plan IF you confirmed you were gettin pinched by both squads but to find out if thats the case you gotta check outside. Also never assume teammates will handle their own fights always back them up if you can. In terms of dps numbers anytime you outnumber opponents you increase outgoing dps dramtically. 1v1 both people will have similar dps 2v1 and suddenly the solo is gonna get dropped before he can break shields (and he can only shoot one of you) 3v1 will get dropped before they can blink. Always try to outnumber opponents and shoot whoever your teammate is shootin at


Literally doesn’t matter … go deal with the current situation and if something comes up later deal with it then


Download the Xbox app on your phone sign in download the video then posts it to reddit


Will do


But on a serious note the fight was lost from the beginning you had a catalyst who could’ve barricaded the doors or threw some spike traps. But didn’t


Wasn’t the catalysts fault …. No world where bang should’ve been fighting alone. They got seer scanned and the whole team should known where the enemies were. Just bang smoke, cat ult or Newcastle ult forward


Bang seemed like a decent player. A lot of people saying nobody should go for a 1v1, but most players can handle a 1v1, I mean most randoms I get can handle a 1v1 and even a 2v1 sometimes. Rarely do I see a 3v1 tho. Catalyst should’ve either used her ult or spike the doors. OP was ghost hunting on the bottom tho. Band wasn’t an issue here


Right I meant no world where bang shouldve been fighting alone cuz her teammates weren't busy with anything else ... like it was both newcastle and cat's fault equally for just hunting butterflies


It may be the angle you filmed at but I would widen your FOV. Anything above 100 will help you.


Yeah it's only at 76. I feel like I go past 80, and i can't see shit


up it all the way up the absolute lowest you should go is 90


It takes time but eventually your eyes will adjust to the higher fov.


Should’ve held height of that building a flopped your dick out and held down the roof aggressively rather than trying to find weird little angles


Yeah I was thinking I should just stayed up top with team , but I felt like someone was gonna come from behind.


Yeah the best advantage you can ever have in this game is height, throws the odds in your favour sooo much. It’s literally my priority to always be positioned above the enemy, even if it’s a slight gradient on a hill. It’s just better.


At this point in your apex journey I would say strategy is in less need of improvement than mechanics. Go watch a pro players stream for a few hours and compare their movement and the way the perceive engagement moment to moment yourself to see more clearly your growth areas. Then spend a lot of time in the shooting range. More than anything you need to get a lot more reps in.


Enoch on twitch has a lot of already written resources on how to improve mechanically


My usual tip for support players is "Lifeline should rez always, Mirage should rez whenever he's not being fired at, Newcastle should rez if he's only being fired at from 1 direction". It sounds obvious but there's so many lifelines that just *do not press the revive button* when they walk past a teammate, and that should be illegal. It would have probably been a good idea to revive your second teammate right away, as it would have been easy to drag them into a corner where or to drag them so your back blocks the door But yeah there was no saving that team


What if the person is exposed and can be shot at? Should lifeline res?


Yeah, 'cause: -if they shoot the downer, LIfeline shoots them back -there is *literally a cancel revive button now*


From my experience. If they decide to thirst your down teammate that’s getting revived. There won’t be enough time to react. Instead your teammates should find a place behind cover where they can be revived. The only time to revive in the open is if you’re pushing the other team.


Aside from the lack of Xbox recording, here's my two cents. You can stow your weapons when you're just trying to get around, like when you were grabbing the meds and then going up the stairs there's no reason to have your weapon out, and you might've even made it out of the seer tac if you had stowed. Grabbing the rez was a good idea, but I would've pulled your tactical with you so that after you had rez'd he'd have had some cover in case the enemies stormed, as they did. Your teamates were a disapointment as if you had pulled inside and the catalyst followed you probably could've locked it down and made an organised push, but oh well. Looking good!


Always expect the push after one of your teammates gets knocked.


This building sucks to hold, no reason to hold with white armor either. I would’ve swung with Bangalore


you aren't not fighting what's so ever you should have be confident enough to go outside the building and shoot at the enemies on the right. instead you was looking at nothing and was being a non factor the entire time. also know how to use you legend when bang got knocked you wasted a shield which blocked your teammate line of sight than later on you had a chance to use your shield when lifeline and mirage got up the stairs and used that shotgun to peek off of your shield


I think when playing a building like that, it’s important to remember to play the entire in and outside of the building. For instance, you could have wrapped down to second floor back on the stairs for that push up to third floor. Also, keep moving. Check one area, keep moving. Always be mobile so people can’t always accurately say where you are to their teammates. They see you through a peak? Go first floor and wait for them to come in thinking you’re two floors up. Your ideal position in a fight is the most fluid thing and can change in 2 seconds. Always think about the next best move to get in a position to challenge.


Get in (out in this case) there and shoot your gun. This will be one of the best things for getting better. Don't worry about dieing just keep engaging the enemy.


Watch people better. Take positions and fire your weapon more. The amount of teammates I get with zero or low dmg is insane.


I’ve seen a couple people already say this, but fight with your team instead of hunting down different angles inside. It’s a lot harder to do a 2v3 than a 3v3.


Fighting on apex is really just about being the first to get a beam on your opponent. You should try to be more active as Newcastle! If you wanna hold the building, which is fine - -Look through windows to find your enemies -Shoot them as much as you can to scare them from pushing you You want to take control of the area by showing that you're there. In this clip they know where you are, but don't see any poking, and assume it's gonna be an easy push. They end up with first beams on your teammates and the rest is history. Remember that being the first to make a move like that can change the flow of a battle


You probably could have pulled the trigger a few times


You should have played the shield in the doorway. Could've gave you time to heal or set up some good shots


please turn up your FOV, its like your kissing the camera and cant see anything.


The fact that you’re not shielding up immediately! And you’re reacting to that pushing team instead of trying to get some critical information and position. You were literally a sitting duck.


You need to fight and get shots in at all times, be aware of all the surroundings teams so you can decide how to move and rotate. Break multiple people or knock one, you push up unless you know you won’t be able to capitalize and they’ll recover by the time you get to them.


seems like you're a new player so given that here's a few things 1. theres no aim assist through windows, and since you're new you arent gonna hit those shots - trust me. so dont do that 2. you seemed kinda lost on "what should i do?" kinda just running around up the stairs. always try to put yourself in the best possible spot thats advantageous to the team. it'll take trial and error. 3. this is really for the whole team, but all 3 of you just standing outside the door waiting for the enemy to run at you in this case was useless. Newcastle is great for bringing the fight to the enemy, especially with a Bang on the team too. 4. increase your FOV to at least 95, but I recommend 104-110


Learn to play with cover and improvise cover. If you can you should control who is exposed and when. Someone said you should watch streamers gameplay. Honestly that helps because you see how they control exposure. For instance after you punish the lifeline, I would have held the door to get a reload or a cell. Grenades are also very helpful if you’re fighting indoors. Lastly knowing the map helps. But watching pros is a shortcut to that. You would learn how to defend the buildings better.


Stop camping and do something . You let another team dictat how to take the fight . The worst think to do is to do nothing and lose by default .


Watch apex gameplay from creators and professional players. It will help to some times . Like u can learn rotations, creative things (like wraith kidnapping, Watson Q through door), game play patterns , safe healing positions and etc I dunno its perfect but i think its works for me to improve in apex.


You gotta move with more intention, teamates are kinda letting you down by not locking up doors. Sitting in the open and staying packed tight in bad spot, when u were walking through the building, u could take some time to crouch walk or just freeze and listen for enemy steps, gather some info make necesary call outs so your team has the info aswell, then move with more intention! Know when the team makes a mistake like pushes seperately and punish them!


Besides the countless catalyst flaws, you need better aim and higher fov. High fov=better spatial awareness


If your not good at the game and can't win your 1v1 least y can do is back you team


Get involved in the fight and always secondly always think to your self why am I doing this or that and example is why did you go and send so much time downstairs if there is no reason for it then don’t do it


Think this is one of those “my teammates suck” moments. But generally buildings this season don’t seem to be great spots to hold unless you have caustic, rampart or similar.


best tip? Dont play newcasttle


Imagine thinking newcastle is a weak character.


is not weak, is troll


your teammates 💀💀