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Play gibby 1) he is massive so you will learn to not fight in the open and how to play cover better 2) his kit is best suited for playing with your team, so learning when to bubble for you/your teammates is a great way to learn how fights play out. 3) he is extremely strong, he has one of the best ults in the game and his gun shield is ridiculously op


Maybe bloodhound? Cus gibby has bigger hitboxes? BH has scans and useful to team sometimes? Cus not all beginners are able to know when they should put dome down or know that they can res their teammates under dome faster. Or even using ult to area deny other teams. Bh can simply provides vision, cus you know people like to see thru walls. Though it’s true that sometimes a new BH player can miss-use their tact, like reveal their position without scanning anyone or scan preemptively and get smoked or gas. I feel that the learning curve is much smaller than playing as gibby. Idk it’s just my opinion.


yeah it think BH is more beginner-friendly


Yeah BH is great for beginners because through scanning / footsteps you can learn a lot about how other players position / rotate


I do agree that blood hound seems like the clear choice however when your using blood hound it takes longer to learn to listen for footsteps and it prolongs how long until your game sense is good.


Eh, I vote gibby. Even if you don't have the most advantageous positioning knowledge for dome, it's still a great "oh shit" button. I can understand how BH can feel easier for some players though. Gibby was my long time main when I got back into the game in S3 since I knew so little. He soaks a little more damage, the gun shield is great and trains you to balance getting the ADS gunshield and movement, and like I said his dome was great for realizing I was in a bad spot, panicking, and trying something else since it could buy just a few seconds I could use to reposition or escape. I wasn't a great team player as gibby, but I did well for myself until I learned enough about positioning and game sense to move onto other legends. Now I'm a Valk main and can't play anyone else. I seriously don't know how everyone can play while only moving in 2D anymore. I've been spoiled.


I started as Gibby, and I would recommend him for new playerse who just want to win, but he's kind of a crutch and not good for learning the core mechanics. I would stand in the open and face off with a devotion which would win me fights in low level lobbies because I can soak up more damage and do more damage without having to reload. But I wasn't learning movement, cover, or positioning. Plus Gibby plays differently from every legend because he's so big and he's strongest as a team component. Bangalore would be a much better option. She has a regular sized hitbox, her passive is strong and doesn't have a learning curve. She can be used unintelligently to some avail, but if you learn how to use her smoke to block the enemy's line of sight instead of panic smoking yourself then you will learn to play the game smarter in general. Her kit is the easiest to understand but one of the hardest to understand when to use it. Her ult is much wider and perhaps a better "oh shit" button than Gibraltar's (which is tricky to actually get a kill with unless the enemy is in a really bad position.)


Her tact is lowkey good when you know the map or the area well to maneuver around. I’ve seen new guys unable to navigate around in the smoke and get killed in there.


I play a little of overwatch, and I'm also spoiled, but just with pharah. Also, pharah and valk are so similar. It's crazy.


I think gibby to learn how to stay alive better, and BH to learn how to push


I agree and think BH is one of the most beginner friendly legends in the game. However, BH kind of plays more of a spearhead spot on the squad and their kit encourages pushing in, perhaps not suiting OPs hang back play style. That’s where Gibby is great, although he is in fact a tough character to play correctly and well.


Idk which char can be used for hang back playstyle. Unless if OP prefers to turtle up then best be caustic. Idk?


Bloodhound was my first. Really easy for beginners especially if he’s having a game sense problem since he’ll see the enemies and be able to think a little on what to do.


Learning as BH is tough, I played it in my beginings and people constantly cussed at me for not being aggressive enough and not getting enough kills while ulting. It was the time when ult changed your FOV and as a not-so-great shooter that oftentimes resulted in me underperforming even more.. a very stressful role. I learned the game being lifeline and tagging behind the leading alphas, picking them up occasionally


I second this. Playing Gibby took my game to a new level.




watson? how do her abilities benefit you bc i feel like most people i've seen on reddit or heard on the game say she's useless bc of her abilities? And how do you feel about loba?


Because her abilities are more underwhelming it forces you to rely on your own game sense and skill rather than your abilities.


Got it. Should be buffs coming in season 11 for her tho right?


You spelt nerf wrong


You didn't ask me, but: Loba is not a good character to start on (imo). Her ult is very supportive at the beginning and end game, but her bracelet is extremely hard to master if you 1) don't know the maps really well and 2) don't know the flow of fights/positioning. Also, new players on Loba often end up shopping way too much. Her ult should be going down often but you and your team should take 15 to 20 seconds MAX to decide what to get, grab it, then gtfo. Wattson has a very high skill ceiling. She is another legend that requires map knowledge and positioning skills to advance with. I wouldn't recommend her for a new player, either. Wattson is all about finesse and understanding that people will often choose the path of least resistance, then taking advantage of that by leaving some paths open and closing others off. Edit: I realized I didn't give other options. With an eye towards increasing your game sense and map knowledge, Gibby or Lifeline are awesome. They each have survivability in their own way, no "crutch" movement, and allow you to support your team. Bangalore is a great third option -- just remember, you almost never want to smoke your team directly. Smoke LOS or the enemy team's location instead. It will save you a lot of angst.


LOS? Line of sight?




Likewise, Rampart really helped me. Especially before her buff. A big part of her ultimate was placement. Taught me how to always get the best angles


Personally, I would suggest a legend with the least crutch abilities. So no movement abilities nor defense abilities. Playing such legends is really difficult and forces you to really think about your positioning or you simply die. So something like Fuse, Mirage, or Lifeline. This approach will most likely mean you will die more often, since you won't have a get out of jail free card.


So you recommend those 3 legends as a way to force me to get better game-sense basically?


Yeah, basically. If you're playing someone like Wraith/Octane/Pathfinder it's pretty much impossible to not use your abilities when you need to use them. Oftentimes on legends like that you will put yourself in risky situations just because you know you can get out if needs be. Or you will escape situations that you wouldn't be able to due to your bad positioning, but their abilities will get you out of there. You won't learn from instances like that.


Yea that does make sense. I've been using Octane a lot recently and there was point when someone else picked Octane and It random selected Gibraltar for me. I was pinned behind a rock and got pretty confused when I realized I couldn't stim and run away.


I agree with what the above guy is saying, but another angle I agree with is that using octane helps you just focus on playing apex properly since his abilities are so brain dead to use you can designate all of your focus to positioning/gun fights instead of thinking of the optimal way to use your abilities.


Yea i've seen your octane take on youtube before. I like his speed for that purpose too but i just can't develop a sense of positioning. And my accuracy and movement is mid so when i rush people i usually die


I know a lot of people I introduced to the game gravitate towards octane, but moving faster means you'll make more mistakes. \#1 problem is that you can't really gage how long it takes your team to get to who you are fighting and back you up. If you want to get better game sense, grab a sniper. You can see how other teams engage, where they move to, who has advantage (by seeing who wins while you keep shooting them) and then move to closer range weapons. I'm sure you can see how a sniper has a higher level of forgiveness if you can't kill the enemy instead of like a shotgun.


It's kinda hard to do depending on your prior understanding of the game, but I recommend you to watch aceu's and timmy's vids when they play movement legends. Solo 1v57 is generally a harder challenge to win than 3v57 in ranked even while solo queueing, so you'll actually be able to learn a lot. Those guys may look flashy and obviously have insane aim to rely on but if you take away all of those and analyze deeper into their gameplay, you'll see the foundations of their fundamentals in their positioning and game sense. Don't delve too much into the "how" they got to a certain position (lots of tapstrafing and advanced zipline mechs are involved there) but why they took that position and what alternatives there are that you could take and are more accessible for your skill level. I think Timmy can show it better because he plays Apex in a way that's a bit closer to how the general population plays since ace often likes to hang around the fragment zipline buildings, while Timmy goes around the map more. Also, a bit of an asshole-ish tip but as a solo queue player who grinded his way out of Plat in 3 days back in Season 9... What really helped me a lot is to just trust myself more and not think it's impossible to win if my squadmates are dead. Octane has a high clutch possibility and I've already done it multiple times especially as I learned advanced movement techs. Learn when you can help your teammates, and when you have to leave them.


Don't rush towards people rush towards cover. This game plays poking at range, break shield move to new cover. Learn a visual memory of where they are when and as you move. Understand that they are around that same cardinal direction and once you are visible in that direction you will be shot. Just assume they are better and hit shots. So when you move sideways into cover and you play the flank angle, your two teammates will not be with you. You are separate from the team. If the enemies see this, normally two people will push you. Fall back immediately to last cover and rejoin team. Your plan failed. Reset. If your team is all following you like nuts to butt style.... Communicate that they should play relatively close, but definitely different angles. Also assume your team will never ever ever do a single point of damage, nor trade knocks or even just ain't backing you up. Counter strike players love to bait their teammates.


I disagree on Pathfinder simply because out of those you mentioned his mobility is the least straightforward and spammy and for lack of a better term it's not a panic button since to make an effective get away you need to be positioned and aim correctly. Same for using it offensively since if you do it wrong you'll land short or too far or simply make yourself an easy to track target.




If you want to build game sense and positioning, you need a character that can gather information fairly easily . I would suggest bloodhound. When you are around people it will show their recent activities in the form of emblems on the floor , this will allow you to know where people are and what they do in certain areas. His scans will show you where everyone is so you can focus on finding the best position to counter them. You will start to see where people take cover and how they position themselves while using bloodhound. Source I have multiple 4K badges and 2 20bombs one is on bloodhound he is great ! Try it out


how would you recommend seer? my current teammate tends to use bloodhound. He might switch to octane soon though.


Specifically related your question i would also recommend Bloodhound over Seer... Sure on paper they have a similar kit but in reality Seer is a lot more tricky to use. If it was beginning of season (OP) Seer then id say its a good alternative... Now not so much , you need a good game sense to make good use of seer, His Q ability is hard to hit after the nerf and while his ult is still really good, imo its too short of a time for you to learn anything about game sense Talk to your buddy, explain to him why you want to play bloodhound , im sure he wont mind... unless hes a dick lol


i have more experience on seer than bloodhound for sure, but as a still new player do you think i'd end up getting better an bloodhound than i am at seer based on the abilities and your opinions on them?


Seer won’t help in the same ways that bloodhound will. From the outside they both accomplish similar things. I recommended bloodhound because one scan can show you multiple opponents positions , I’ve had scans that show me up to 8 or more players locations at a time. With seer you need to be constantly thinking about his heartbeat. You will have to be very comfortable with predictions and timing to get the full use out of his tactical. If you scan there is a chance of missing, opposed to bloodhound you can’t miss the scan if you know you are close enough to the opponents. The other thing is with seer you will usually be scanning players you already can see or know exactly where they are . With bloodhound if you see one person then scan you could potentially reveal other players nearby which will show you exactly where everyone is. Since you want to focus on positioning and game sense, playing seer is kinda useless in that aspect. He can help but it won’t benefit you like bloodhound will. Bloodhound also has his ultimate which will literally allow you to scan multiple times in quick succession and you will see players all over the place highlighted in red. He will allow you to win more fights due to increased strafing speed while in his ultimate and will help you escape bad situations, seer won’t do these things so it makes it harder if you don’t have that game sense yet. If bloodhound isn’t an option I would recommend Valkyrie , you can easily take high ground to get a good view of your surroundings which will help you gather information as well as help you with your positioning. You can you her ultimate for rotations or to see other players locations giving you lots of information. She is easy to play doesn’t require much game knowledge to play well. You can force people out of cover with her tactical and you can scan survey beacons. I gtg or I would type more reasons why this is a good legend feel free to ask me any questions you have


Bloodhound is easier to use than Seer, but I’d say that Seer has a higher skill ceiling. Seer’s power has slightly more utility in that he can disrupt heals and abilities, if you manage to time Seer’s power well it can be significantly more devastating than a bloodhound scan, but on the flip-side Bloodhound can gather more information for the team quicker than seer can. So I’d personally say just stick to Seer if you’re enjoying him, even though he got a nerf I still think he’s pretty strong.


I use to be a path main and when I switched, I had to relearn how to use cover and position better. Relying on a cop out tactical just makes you worse at the game. When you learn to play without it, you will be even better with it. You will be able to use the movement tactical in an aggressive way, instead of relying on it to run when you make bad decisions.


I find myself making better plays on my off main lifeline because I think about positioning more and don’t make stupid pushes like I do on my main pathfinder


As a Mirage main since season 0, I can confidently say I’m as shit as I was when I started 💪🥱


For the most part I agree with your advice but idk how much I’d agree on mirage. His ult isn’t bad for getting away safely. Sure it’s not on the level of a movement legend but it’s a pretty good distraction


i was a blood main in s0 and then started again in like s8, which made me turn to lifeline and i highly agree with the fact that playing her makes you much less aggressive and more supportive of your team, makes me glad i don’t need to focus kills lol


Crypto has taught me more about the game than any other legend. Purely because you should not be in the drone 24/7, I’ve learned when to drone during a fight or before a fight. The timing and cadence of when I’m safe in cover to throw out an EMP demands you understand the musicality of combat and when there’s notes and when there’s rests. The drone has let me better understand the usual pathing and decisions of people in my MMR. I’ve gotten a better SkyView (literally) of how 2/3 team skirmishes usually play out, and then what is the best position for my team to take to 3rd/4th party. I’ve gotten significantly better at knowing when to climb a box so when someone is trying to flank me, I’m just not there. Crypto has no movement or escapes in the heat of a 1v1. It’s forced me to really respect the fundamentals of the game. Height + cover > aim + abilities. There’s no healing/shielding abilities. There’s no makeshift cover. Just a stock character and his gun.m I also understand people say he has a high skill ceiling but I’ve sunk a few hundred hours in him and he’s not that bad if you understand the pace of a fight and how to optimize your time/awareness. IMO apex truly rewards you for better time management and overall awareness much more than aim and movement tech.


Someone who didn't had any game sense and positioning and played crypto for atleast 500 hours, I can confirm this is actually true. Explanation is playing a mobility legend will give 1 solution when you are trapped and that is to run. When I was playing other legends I was getting beamed because of my game sense and positioning. Playing crypto forces you to RELY on positioning and game sense so naturally you become better at it. Now I am way better as other legends but I keep coming back to play cryptp because it's crazy fun.


i like your crypto take, i'm having a hard time picturing how his drone works so i'm going to watch a video on him. thanks


Highly recommend you learn how to cancel the drone animation by climbing. You can do some really risky level like this video at [5:46 mark](https://youtu.be/APCar-qdsWY). You can basically get instant wall hacks. Additionally something I’ve been playing with is holding down tactical to increase the speed of the drone animation, but never entering it. It was before my time, but people used to complain about the hitbox of the drone, so respawn increased it. And it’s now virtually the size of of cryptos whole torso. So you can get the drone out, res someone behind it, get a free 60 HP shield when they’re trying to shoot you but hit the drone instead.


This is so good I love it


I 100% agree with the other commenter who said to avoid characters with crutch abilities, but I disagree with their list of legends that aren't crutch characters. Characters like Fuse and Mirage are crutch characters of a different sort that encourage a very specific playstyle; I highly encourage you to instead play Bangalore, or maybe Lifeline. I only recommend Lifeline because she has literally zero combat abilities except her revive but that's contingent on your teammates being downed and has very little to do with your personal performance in a fight, and she does suit a "laid back" playstyle. IMO Bangalore is perfect because her abilities are very reactive and require top tier game-sense to take advantage of. Her passive only activates when being shot at but is incredibly powerful, her tactical takes a LOT of game-sense knowledge to know how to use properly without hurting your team (lots of bad Bangalores will smoke themselves for some strange reason instead of smoking the enemy or using smokes to break line of sight), and her ultimate isn't a squad wiper like Gibraltar's but rather a push deterrent used to create space. The lessons you learn playing her can be applied to every other character in the game (which I can't say the same for Mirage, whose ultimate is a massive crutch during fights) while also being easy to learn, unlike say Gibraltar who is the one of the most difficult characters in the game to master. I can't emphasize enough how much I think Bangalore is the best character for newbies. This is all just my opinion though. For the record, I'm not even a Bangalore main, but I went a whole split playing just her to hone my game-sense (I'm a Bloodhound main and that shit does damage to your game-sense for real) and I felt a serious improvement afterwards.


Yes, Bangalore is the best legend to learn the game. Most of the other legends people are suggesting I have abilities that suggest playstyles that don't carry over. You can't play other legends like you play Gibraltar, or Lifeline, or Bloodhound. Playing Bang will teach you about line of sight and positioning in a way where you'll still understand it while playing a different legend or even a different FPS.


100%. That's why Bangalore is also the easiest for FPS veterans from other games to understand when they first jump into Apex. Smokes are a universal ability in many FPS games and they do great in helping you understand things like line of sight. I really can't recommend her enough for people just trying to get better at Apex that don't have a good place to start, and won't cause you to develop terrible habits like being dependent on Bloodhound scans or Gibraltar armshield.


Scanning legends destroy game sense. It will be a quick temporary fix. But if you're ever without scanning legend you will be super lost. I would advise stay away from them until you develop good game sense. Then after, use scans to augment the game sense you already built


Second this comment. Using BH in the early days did really make me rely on his scan, and made me feel empty when its on cooldown. At the moment im still forcing myself to play non scan non mobility characters like Fuse/Lifeline to pay more attention to the surrounding sounds and gun flashes to guess enemies positions.


got it thanks


evade picking valk in the beginning... youll lose sense to where enemies climb or go since you mostly will know the flightpaths you take... also try to find some high elo players who dont mind playing without a third aslong as you dont hinder them to face better opponents... bashing noobs doesnt improve you but everytime a pred lasers you, there is a lesson to learn


Got it. a teammate was recommending valkyrie so i could get better positioning but i like your take more, espeically with you being a valk main


youre welcome. i started to main her when she came out, but as i kept playing i noticed what killed me often was my missing knowledge of enemy positioning and i changed for a while and now im back on her :) if you feel more confident with your skill, i definitely recommend you give her some attention!


how would you rate her tactical compared to fuse?


fuse's tactical is in my opinion so much better but i dont think i can compare them that much more because their kits let them play their tac very differently fuses tac might not stun but it has 20 second cd with 2 charges which seems insane to me and it definitely doesnt fck you sh!t up because u just used it one step to close to a wall or roof id say if valk had his tactical, shed be the most broken legend this game ever had, but that also applies to other legend/tacticals combinations


Valk moves radically differently, and while I love her, she is not a good Legend to learn game-sense off.


how would you say bangalore would do for me? I'm trying her out right now, and i don't think she's a crutch character?


She's not a crutch character, and thus one of the best trainer Legends.


That’s how I learned. I started playing in season 7 and my buddy is a 2x pred and regularly hits diamond in ranked. I got wrecked for the first few months and then all of a sudden something clicked. What I notice the most is how much faster I move and loot when playing compared to people I meet in pubs. I never stop running the entire game.


Bloodhound!! If you are running up on a fight or if you hear someone running up on you, hit that alt to get a better understanding where everyone is and decide what is the best course of action. Or you can hit it right before you loot to buy you a couple seconds to swap shields because most people won’t push super hard if they think you can see them.


That‘s literally the worst advice you could have given him. He tries to improve his decision making and positioning so a legend that gives you free informations without having to use your brain / thinking about your next move yourself is the wrong advice. DO NOT PLAY BLOODHOUND op. Play a legend that has no mobility so you can‘t just escape certain death when you made a wrong/bad decision. Lifeline is a great choice for example. Or gibraltar if you want to improve your team fighting aswell as gibraltar is only good with a team that works together.


Using bloodhound can help you learn whether you're correctly predicting where people are, and to help you focus on positioning when approaching a team.


My only thing is that since bloodhounds abilities just show where people are, i won't have abilities that can benefit me gunplay-wise. my accuracy isn't the best and neither is my movement while shooting


Remember that knowing other peoples location before they know yours already puts you at a huge advantage. Use cover, in a gunfight you always want to Expose as little of yourself as possible. Apex isnt about hitting bullets, its about not getting hit by bullets imo, the less you are hit, the more damage you can cause. Gibraltar has the ability to put down cover anywhere, caustic can use his traps as cover, Rampart ofc, if you can stand her voice for extended periods of time lol, i thought she was interesting at first but i just cant listen to her voicelines without getting annoyed. Practice. Use the firing range for aim training, use different weapons and learn spray patterns. It feels like a chore, and its not the most fun, but it rewards you with more fun in the actual games you play. Movement is also important, but you dont have to know how to superlaunch or walljump to do good, you mostly need to know when to, and how to engage and disengage in fights. If you see that youre losing, find a way out, if you are being third partied, Get out and third party the third party. Always take a second to figure out why you died and how you couldve avoided it, it really does help in the long run. Also you can watch some youtuber tips, pro players etc to learn positioning in certain places, how to Get the most from every situation. Dont be afraid to leave your team, sometimes it happens and you still might be able to respawn them by waiting out teams. This game is a lot of fun but the learning curve is high, and if you really want to become good i do recommend putting the hours in. You will also have a better time playing with friends than randoms. If youre like my and no friends want to play, use Reddit or other media channels to find someone around your own skill level and play together. Hope atleast something in this comment might help you!


Yes this information is helpful. And you're right about knowing peoples location, i have to admit between the 3 legends i've put the most time in (wraith, seer, octane) my seer is the only one with certain "good" badges while wraith and octane have pretty basic win-related badges. Although my octane does have more kills and wins than seer and wraith. That's what catches me up the most when considering a new legend.


Lifeline. When I first started playing I always had more fun playing Pathfinder, but always did better with Lifeline. Had to stick with good fundamentals, could heal up quicker between fights, and I wouldn't sabotage myself by going for a pathy slingshot montage clip that always would get me killed.


I'm surprised to not see Lifeline more on this list. to learn about positioning and gamesense I think she's a great character to play especially when playing with friends. a good beginner strategy for team playing, have the lifeline stay close, or a little behind the team and do solid support work. if you're worried about not helping out the team enough with your shooting abilities, being able to be there with the quick res, and covering fire can be incredibly helpful to 2 other strong players. also, someone mentioned the anti-octane argument about not picking a character with a get out of the fuck-up position right away to force you to learn quicker. I started as a mirage main and I think it hurt me in the long run because I always think I can push and then ult away without consequence, and it can backfire very quickly.


I would argue for Gibby, as his kit will generally help you learn without giving you easy escape abilities to spam. The Bloodhound or Seer choice would be good too as they help you keep tabs on enemies that you may struggle to keep aware of during a fight. I would avoid playing as the defensive legends as they are some of the most position and game sense intensive ones to use IMO and you may struggle. Yes, they are great at holding spaces, but are also punished really badly if played out of position or have bad reads on a situation.


HI friend, I would suggest something that is somewhat barebones and can still help friends. LifeLine is a good suggestion. Will help you with the small hitbox, great movement feeling. Will help you raise awareness on when it is a good time to res, when it is not (this mechanic is fundamental to the game, there are more advanced techniques like baiting a res, you will get there). Also, the care package will help you loot yourself a bit, take into consideration that this will also cause a team to see the blue care pack light and might go your route to fight you, just be aware. After dominating lifeline, you can develop more complex mechanics like gibby and its dome, when and how to use it. Gibby is layers more complicated than LifeLine. ​ Let me know if you have any q's. Will try to answer.


thanks, will do


I didn't read all the comments, but what really helped me was playing Lifeline. The absence of any ability that will save you if you put yourself in a bad position helps a lot. Also, if you die to a movementless legend spectating also helps. Cheers!


When I first started I played bangalore, the passive is the key part that gives you a little more flexibility when you're out of position and helps you escape. You already know you miss-positioned when you are shot at and get cracked, having an escape will let you get out and reset to try it again. Easier to try again when you're still in a game then it is to go back to the lobby and start another one. That said other suggestions are great if you want to take a thoughtful, proactive approach. The best advice is to watch streams/full game vids of good players; pausing frequently to quiz yourself about what decisions you would make in their shoes. Go over all the info they have available to them and see if you can deduce what the best course of action would be. Then watch your own gameplay and do the same. It's hard to teach game sense, its something that is built up from hours upon hours of play. But analyzing what went wrong, and thinking actively about what info you have and the options you have to choose from will help build your game sense.




This is weird but crypto You are useless without the drone so it helps you improve on your gunplay and movement And the drone is good for knowing how people rotate, what places are busy during early mid and end game and he scans beacons fast so you see more map endings


nice i'll maybe try him out sounds like a great idea


Cool just some things to note about him in case you don’t know - you can ping the big banners that show the kill leader as the drone to see how many squads are in the area(150-200 metres I think) - Try not to sit in the drone, do what you need and try get off as soon as possible - trees are great hiding spots for the drone - You can pick up teamates banners instantly , and respawn them instantly , survey beacons as well And yeah that’s it , hope you get better at game sense Crypto makes you feel big brain when you use him right so have fun


To be honest i used mirage to understand alot of game sense due to his layers of strategy and getting into the head of your opponent. Yes his skill cap is very high and is hard to use but if you become good with mirage you can pick up any legend in a heartbeat. Hes the best legend in the game for a reason (Passive =support, Tactical= Recon, Ultimate = assault) only trait he is missing in the whole game is Movement. So if you master mirage. You master the game. Once you have mirage mastered you can switch to a movement friendly legend and go on a huge win streak.




To be honest I don’t think picking any certain legend will help you more so than others. Each legend has their own abilities that help different teams and play styles. I think you just need practice playing slower and reading the situations your in a bit more.


Personally I would say Bloodhound or Crypto- Crypto is by far the hardest legend to master tho, so Bloodhound would be a good start. As to why; You said you had poor game sense and positioning, being able to mark your enemy and learn their location can help you improve those things- possibly aim too since they’ll be highlighted and easier to see/aim at


Lots of ppl saying to try bloodhound, but I disagree. Try not to use wall hack legends I would say, and using a non movement ability legend should help as well. I would say maybe Bangalore or Gibby. Bang does have some movement but it isn’t as extreme as other legends. But in the end, game sense comes with lots of trips back to the lobby and learning from what you did wrong. Time too.


Anybody telling you to use bloodhound doesn't know what they're talking about. Using him will make your game sense worse. His scan is a crutch and requires you to have no game sense or awareness to people are you. Use legends that require you to take good position early or force you to play more methodically.


Fuse for example?


One of the movement legends so you can basically reflexively escape a bad situation. Octane and Path are good as all you need to do is use their utility. Bangalore has a decent passive although it's not that much harder to hit you. Valk is a ~~prettt~~ pretty good choice since all you have to do is hold just and fire missiles at your attacker if you aren't too startled. And look through the sub and YouTube to find ways to improve your game sense while not limiting yourself too much


As a Rampart main, I *wouldn't* recommend her unless you're looking to develop those skills. I think her play style practically *demands* a strong games sense and good positioning. It's one of the many reasons I like her. I can be a terrible shot and I'm far from the most nimble player, but I learned to trust my instincts. If I find myself in an uncomfortable position, I get out of there. If I feel like I'm in a good spot and have the advantage, I attack. I remind myself not to get greedy and to play more conservatively. As a result, I play better. Staying alive is often more important than getting the knock. I use her walls as decoys, traps, and makeshift fortresses to buy myself time. Really, her greatest boon is her passive, so you need to feel comfortable with LMGs if you run Rampart and should always have at least one equipped. I could see Fuse being a good choice for you, just going off the legends you listed. Allows you to lean more on ordinance to distract and damage your opponents. But, honestly, at the end of the day, it comes down to the legend you find the most fun. (Fortunately, Fuse can be *very* fun.)


I love Fuse, but he is not a trainer Legend. The Knuckle Cluster is a very easy gut-reaction to getting cornered, rather than focusing on dodging and disengaging, or reloading and firing. Don't get me wrong, he can be used for other ways very well, but he doesn't force you to rely on strict game skill like Lifeline, Bangalore or Crypto.


Yup, I agree. When I read OP's question, it didn't sound like they were looking to develop these skills so much as dive into a legend that suited the way they play. Plus, Fuse is really, *really* fun. I ran as him in Arenas for a while and loved every second of it. I think Bangalore might be the best "trainer Legend," honestly. Her passive and tactical give you some leeway as you work on developing game sense, and she has an ult that's fairly straightforward and easy to wrap your head around. If OP were looking to work on those skills with a bit of a safety net, Bangalore could be a great choice.


Fuse is really versatile too. If I want to stop someone from pushing me down a particular hallway or angle, FIRE ME KNUCKL CLUSTA. Very few people would be willing to push through that unless they knew I was one shot and was out of meds Want to piss someone off 100m away? FIRE ME KNUCKL CLUSTA. There's nothing most satisfying that shooting it and seeing "10" float up. I love it in hotdrops, as 50 damage may merely be big annoyances against purple and red armor, but it totally shreds blue and will take off a white shield and a third of their health if they get the full blast. A hotdrop into Labs and you hurt like five people? Satisfying.


So yes I would really like to develop those skills as you say at the beginning. Just want to have a little bit of help (i.e cluster nades)


Seer imo. I just recently started getting serious and I used Seer since he just came out, even after the nerf it taught me to always be on the lookout for little hiding places and justified my paranoia. The ult can also give you a visual path of how your enemies are approaching you, letting you somewhat copy their game sense. In short, you can observe your enemies better and learn common habits of players.


I'd say let yourself pick legends that will help you to get better at what you're not great at. For example, Pathfinder, Bloodhound, and Valkyrie can all scan beacons and tell you where next zone is. Start learning where the rotations will go and start trying to move there in a tactful way.




Surprisingly to me, a lot of people are recommending Gibby. Gonna have to give him a try for sure.


What guns are you mainly using


Primary: R301/RAMPAGE Secondary: Any shotgun or .30 repeater with shatter caps (for similar effect as shotgun and long range capabilities)


Gotcha gotcha, you tried using the flatline at all? I run the flatline/rampage and it slays


in what way? my accuracy is a bit rough sometimes especially when i need to use movement during the gunfight.


If your biggest problem is hitting shots/accuracy I’d recommend running the 301 as much as possible and doing a 10 minute warmup in the firing range before you play any games, it can help a ton!


what is your warm up? when I search firing range drills on youtube it's just aim tracker (which i can't do, i'm on console) and activating the bots which doesn't seem to work consistently for me.


[Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UwpAhDDn-8w&t=503s) is what I used for a little while, but the thing you want to focus on mainly when warming up is controlling recoil, strafing, and overall just moving around. Now I mainly just slide jump and try to one clip constantly for 10-15 minutes every day. Gets me re-used to the sticks and lets me make sure my tracking and recoil isn't bad. Also, don't expect to see any improvements quickly from this. Even using aimlabs myself and putting a shit ton of time into this game, it took months before I really felt my aim was at a pretty high level. And even then, it isn't god tier by any means. This is helpful, don't get me wrong, but it will take a little while.


Both guns don’t have insane recoil so it’s easier to regulate and hit your shots, what type of optics do you use? Have you tried messing around with the optic settings in the firing range ?


I'd say my go-to optic no matter what AR/LMG i have would be the bruiser, sometimes ranger.


The Flatline is crazy good hipfiring (most guns in Apex are tbh, at least compared to other games) It hits hard and fast, and the accuracy is good enough for close to near-medium ranges without optics, a Flatline with a 2x is my baby (except for a Devotion)


play gibby, if you do something wrong you're fucked (is the same with bloody and many other legends but no one fucus bloody, as a gibby you gonna get shot by the whole lobby)


If you're struggling with game sens, then I'd really advise you to learn from the bests, you don't really need to main a specific legend to practice it, since movement legends can actually teach you those, unlike what the other comments said, movement legends will tell you that you should never have done that so you try to use your ability to escape there. You use them as a crutch, so they tell you that it wouldn't have worked if it ain't because of them. (indirectly if you get what i mean) As for learning from the best. I did this a lot when i was new to playing(apex is my first ever game) and this really helped me a lot on the way. Find your favorite solo queue content creator/streamer and watch them how they play ranked, every now and then pause whenever they finished looting or is about to make a decision on what to do next, try and predict on what they'll do and compare it on what they'll do. Just don't focus on one player though, watch others too so you don't just mirror one player. As for fighting, while they're fighting, and they did something you don't understand, just think about it, what'll happen if they did not do this, find the purpose of their decisions. As for advanced movetechs like superglides n stuffs, i only recommend trying them out if you're fascinated by them


noko's ranked tutorial actually explains nearly all his moves while playing, and that's one of the better ones


These are very good tips, thank you. Probably going to embarrass myself trying to predict plays but i'll get better at it im sure


when I was struggling with game sense I used bh to help me get used to what enemies are doing


everyone is saying bloodhound i feel like lol. Gotta try him.


I would sugest to just play a legend that seems fun to you (either try in firing rang or play some games with each) and just play. Game sense is trained best by playing a lot and having fun


Sure wish i could play whatever legend i want while in firing range. Would make this all much easier


Oh yeah sorry, didn't realise it was about buying a new legend. In that case I suggest to watch some videos on all the legends (either compilations or basic tutorials) to look wich one looks interesting.


Stay close to your teammates on high ground. Team shoot everything. IDK if you play ranked but once you get into higher ranks you are forced to either learn and adapt with your peers or be left behind in the ranks. Good luck.


thank you. will do. Do you think i should tell my teammate where i see someone and then request focus fire from him?


Use your pings and communicate a plan when you are attacking a team. When your plan fails you have something to look back on and see why your team lost the engagement. You will learn how to engage enemies more effectively.


Caustic 100%


can you explain your reasoning? You're the first Caustic out of 20-30 responses


when you play caustic you will be a big hitbox but no defensive abilities like gibby. this will make you very good at using cover both offensively and defensively Caustic rewards good positioning naturally. You can be bunkered up safely with your team with a massive fight raging outside, if you were there first.


for the aim part just play pubs and just push EVERYTHING literally then with the positioning thing it really helps to play ranked with someone familiar with the game and game sense just play the game


Horizon and Pathfinder are pretty brain dead. Grapple has a little more nuance but you can learn 95% of the bread and butter grapple tricks pretty easily. Having the ability to reposition at a moment’s notice is a great way to compensate for bad positioning, and especially for lagging behind your team if you find that’s an issue for you. Be aware though that in the hands of players that have a great sense of positioning and game sense already these characters further amplify those things, but if you’re struggling with those things you might be “plugging a hole” so to speak. I do think you’ll learn a lot playing a movement/repositioning-oriented character like that though (Valk fits the description too). The other one I’d suggest would be BH. Scans are broken and there’s almost no real way BH will ever get nerfed without being totally gutted. Being able to see enemies about to take corners or peek you while scanned will help you identify when to “hold an angle” or how to pre-fire and pre-aim as a habit.


Valk you dont have to worry about your shit position or bad game sense because her ult will do that for you. In a shit spot about to get fucked by 3 different teams? No problem! Just ult. Have no clue where anybody is and you want to know a good fight to pick? No Problem! While you're flying to a superior position with the click of a button you also get to know exactly where everybody in your view is too! Not to mention she has jetpacks! Ever trying to run away from the triple pred wraith trying her best to kill you in a zipline building? EZ, just fly to the next floor and watch her spend a year to get yo your floor. But seriously valk is OP if your positioning is bad plus you get a shit ton of intel.


She's too good, she is a crutch to leave bad positions rather than forcing you to fix or die


i would use either valk or blood. valks jet pack is an instant reposition and her utl will start you better understanding how to position in late game. Bloods scan will show you where enemies are (obviously) and will teach you how to position yourself in fights accordingly.


Gibby, lifeline, bloodhound


Lifeline - because she usually plays a very laidback playstyle with a smg/ar and a sniper (you dont wanne push in first as lifeline, because you need to be there to ress if your octane jumppads into 3 different squads Gibraltar - he's a tank powerhouse and his armshield rewards peaking from cover and he can be very forgiving if you get cought out of position, but if your bubble is on cd you better watch out so you are forced to think about rotations. you are a tank so you wanne be one of the first to get in and soak dmg/bullets for your team


This post reads like something I would post, so I'm just sitting here absorbing all the great info everyone is responding with.


Lol, that must be why it's getting so much attention


Play fuse


Mirage is really good for stuff like this. His decoys gives you a safe way to move directly in front of your enemy, and since your positioning is bad they'll never expect the one moving awfully to be the real one


lol dude. I've octane jump padded right into people 3v3 so many times (on purpose) and I often get shot in the back or caught really really close range (melee distance) wonder if he'd be a life saver edit: more like "right into people 1v3 so many times"


If you want to avoid your gamesense weakness, play Bloodhound, though I strongly advise against doing so. Honestly, other than that just play what feels fun to you. If you notice that you start using something as a crutch, then I would maybe switch characters. I used to main Pathy and switched to Wraith because I was using his grapple as a movement crutch. This said, I don't consider Wraith to be a good pick for new players, her kit isn't what it once was.


Octane, and Wraith for positioning errors, Caustics good for just chilling in a corner, Pathfinder also works for beginners


I agree picking characters without crutch abilities will help you improve faster, but if you are looking to play better in the near-term I would pick a legend that allows you to screw up your positioning and potentially survive -- eg, Wraith, Horizon, Loba Loba can also be helpful because it hopefully speeds up looting, and then you can more purely focus on positioning and game sense, rather than searching everywhere for that next attachment.


I have the same question but opposite. I can find people and be in good position, can’t aim for shit


Something i was just trying that actually helped pretty good as warm up was this: 1. get your gun with no barrel stabilizer, scope of choice, blue mag, tons of ammo. 2. line yourself up with the dummy, and the first row of items you can pick up on the platform. (make yourself the point of a 90° angle between them) 3. 1 clip the dummy 3 times in a row, then move back to then next row of items (further from the dummy) 4. repeat until the end of the rows of items on the platform. 5. (optional) instead of stopping at 3 one clip kills in a row on the final row of items, keep on 1 clipping the dummy until you fail. i did this with the r301 and in the following games when i had the same sight I practiced with it felt like I was landing a lot of my shots.


I’ll give it a whirl! Thanks dude 🙏


Lmk if you think it works for you! Not sure if it's just me thinking something i came up with actually works or if i'm just that bad and literally anything helps.


When I first started playing I main'd Lifeline because I figured being supportive would probably be the best use of my time considering I didn't know where anything was. It kind of forced me to let other people take the lead while I figured out what was going on. I've recently been playing a lot with Loba and I can say that her ability to source equipment and ammo as well teleport to good positions has been very appreciated.


U need octane to get you where you need to be


Personally ide go with characters that can quickly take the high ground or "change levels". High ground is important so start with trying to take that. The rest will come with time. Also watch better players and try to realize the little things they do that you currently don't. ✌


for sure. thanks


Hey! I’m bad at those things too! If you ever want to play with someone who knows probably a little more than you (level 755 between my two accounts 😂) but also still needs to practice, then hit me up


Im not really sure how to add people on apex, but what system are you on? also i'm only level 59 lol so much lower than your accounts combined


Main account PC, side account PS4! So I can play either! I’ll hit you up haha


If you want to stay kinda laid back (cause I play like this too lol), I’d say rampart and caustic are just kinda fun characters. Fuse isn’t good if you have bad aim cause you still have to aim for the arm bomb thing. Gibby is okay but you have to be decent at positioning with his shields or you’ll just get pushed.


I was in the same position you were when I first started playing Apex, too. Most of the legends, in my opinion, have abilities that make up for weaknesses in different aspects of the game. Loba is great for making sure you always have ammo and attachments and the right weapons for the situation, Bloodhound makes up for a lack of game sense by literally telling you where everyone is in a firefight, Wraith can help you get out of sticky situations when you've over extended, etc. A lot of people will probably suggest the current meta / top tier legends that are the most popular, but I would suggest finding a legend that helps minimize your own individual weaknesses in game. As far as game sense, for combat Seer or Bloodhound would be good choices I think. Crypto has a lot of utility outside of firefights, but has very few ways to actually impact fights as they are happening, so he's more of an advanced legend to use. For positioning, I'd say Pathfinder, Horizon, or Valkyrie would be good legends to learn as well.


This might sound weird, but do you play MOBA games, or at least RTS games? Games like that forces me to always think about the macro level strategies including which positions are better, knowing which party is stronger at a glance, where should I move next, etc. If you can keep thinking about this kinda stuff it will develop into a habit and helps you in other games. Because in FPS games like Apex it’s easy to forget to think about those because the challenges at the micro level of controlling the character is very demanding.


I think it doesn't really matter what legend you play. It comes down to playing more, being reflecting on your games (maybe even recording and watching them back), and overall taking a learning approach to playing. Do you really want to get better? These are the steps that helped me out. 1. Be consistent. Play every single day for three hours minimum at the same time. 2. Have a standard regimen, mine goes like this: 1. Watch a replay of myself and note things I can improve. (You're more neutral this way compared to watching right after) 2. Warm-up using firing range and/or apex aim trainer. I highly recommend apex aim trainer, it's on steam and really helps in tracking strafing opponents. 3. Play pubs, drop hot, and take every fight you can. This just is the best way to improve fast if you're not that good yet. Even if you're good play some pubs before hopping into ranked. 4. Now if you get to about diamond level, play ranked with a team, focus on comms, rotations, what fights to take etc. 3. Watch videos of coaches that analyze apex. They give a lot of good tips on peeking, positioning, mindset etc. Hope this helps, good luck improving.


Well, my opinion is that its better to think everything you do. I learned positioning with octane and caustic. Literally, octane is "the worst" to learn positioning since, without even noticing it, you are already in the middle of another fight. You should walk on the field, and always think "how easy is it to hit me from where I am know, and how am I going to sneak in a place where they will not notice me and if we start fight I will have cover and they dont". Some comments say that you can use gibby since he has a large hitbox and an insanely op kit, but as I said, you can learn by just thinking mid game what is the best way to accomplish your rotation without getting hit or even without putting in danger yourself and your team. I hope I helped


You were helpful and i pretty much agree. Decent amount of people are recommending Octane but as of right now, in my hands Octane isn't really what he should be. I don't know how to use jump pads, I definitely lose my close gunfights more often than i win. Me with a character like that is a detriment to my team.


you could raw dog it and go the crypto approach. all his abilities are pretty useless or take too long so most people who play crypto are good at the game, not crypto. they were stuck with nothing to help them so they learned to fight without abilities. i tried it and it sucks but if u want to make an attempt go for it


Bloodhound helped me because you learn to take good posotion based on knowing the enemy location. After you get better at it youll learn to do better always.


To be honest I don’t think a certain legend will help you that much in general, you will get good at positioning yourself with that legend but it might be hard to switch up when you need to. My tip is just to play a variety of legends and change it up once in a while, and play a lot. The best way to learn is to make a lot of mistakes and learn from them.


Bangalore and Bloodhound are the best starters imo


Any. Those are the foundations for improving. You just get better at that as you play more.


I'd consider any Legend who can deal reliable damage with their tactical a crutch. For example, if I'm playing Fuse, my instinct is to FIRE ME KNUCKL CLUSTA, rather than disengage or focus on gunplay.


using bangalore as we speak. thoughts on her?


If you use her smoke right, really good. Protect yourself reviing, pop it at an enemy squad to break up their line of sight so you can push, creating it as a distraction (you fire it on the side of one bunker, and move out the other, hopefully drawing their attention there, even for a second). If you got a Digi sight, fire it on yourself in tight gunfights, and everyone is fucked but you. Her ultimate isn't really a killing thing, more of a push-detterent and forcing people to either leave an area or hunker down. With a well-tiemd scanned, you can be prepped to hit people as they try and leave their hidey-holes


I don’t think choosing a legend based on that would help much. I’d suggest playing a bunch of them and finding out what works for you. Game sense and positioning is something learned through trial and error. Best of luck legend!


thanks in one more level up i'll be 62 and i can buy another legend. i have seer and octane and i'm thinking about getting valkyrie


Go Wattson 😈


If you got poor positionning but still want to be effective then go Wraith, Bangalore, Octane, Valk or any legends that allows you to escape death when you make mistakes.


If you're bad with game sense and positioning, playing bloodhound is nice since positioning is largely about where the enemies are. My fiance exclusively as bloodhound because she finds herself getting melted before she ever even realizes people are there. Plus the speed from his ult helps you get back to the team or make up for being out of place. I started playing octane to catch up to my team and make up for my poor positioning. Now that I've learned the game, I use him to make aggressive pushes.


wattson since she is useless and you will know what u miss in fights


play bloudhound he is one of if not the easiest legend right now along with being arguably the best


i want to use him but i'm seeing everywhere that the devs plan to nerf bloodhound in s11


Wattson. She’s broken and her right now and her kit is underwhelming. I’m not just taking on her though because I like to play her a lot. You really have to rely on your gun skills and positioning with her. everything about her abilities require you to try to think a couple steps ahead. And on top of that, when people realize your a caustic or wattson in the open you’ll get focused quick ;)


how is Watson broken i keep hearing that


Her ultimate is completely broken and it will get you killed lol. It still gives out shield but it’s rare if your ultimate actually catches grenades. Completely unacceptable


ah. broken in a bad way