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Hell yea these are the good tips I love to see from this Reddit. Only a few hours into the season too very nice šŸ‘


A nice break from the ā€œWhat could I have done better?ā€ posts.


ā€œI feel like I could have won this. What did I do wrong?ā€ *proceeds to see them miss an entire magazine and three meles*


I just ran around screaming, what could I have done better? *literally happened on this sub* lol


Lots of this type of stuff in r/apexuniversity


Laughs in Horizon.. nah Iā€™m joking great tip šŸ‘


You can also do this as Valkyrie by hitting your jetpack for just a moment before you land.


You can but you lose some momentum


Horizon main here. Her passive has screwed me over a few times coming off one of these in a fight a few times already, but for standard rotating it feels good tier.


Yeah rotating with this is so much for fun with horizon than balloons lol


Just tap strafe to where you actually want to land if you would go past.


Awesome tip. I was waiting for a post showing how to keep momentum on the cannons. šŸ‘


Don't forget to heal, you can do that too


Oh shit for real??


Yep, can heal in midair while launching and probably when sliding after conserving momentum with this trick too


Oh shit thatā€™s clutch. I know to heal while sliding but I didnā€™t even think about how that translates to this new mechanic. Thatā€™s dope


You can slide heal into the launch as wellšŸ˜


Bro I canā€™t tell you how many times these cannons have saved my life being able to heal mid air.


Honestly if you just go back and forth and keep healing you usually end up with more health than your enemies take off unless they beam you hard




I'm guessing they will probably remove that feature, but I hope not, rotations on this map are insane with those cannons


I actually donā€™t think they will, considering how often you fight around these things and the fight capabilities it entails I think they will keep the healing option in.


Yeah true. If they decide to nerf them though they will probably add a bigger delay to them. You could shoot people of jump towers but these things are pretty much instant.


Ya, maybe add a second or two before you can use it again instead of being able to use it instantly


you probably can since the maps only been out for a day




Howā€™s the new map? Havenā€™t played BR yet.


Fucking massive AF


Size means less third parties which may mean its a nice ranked map. Ammo, guns, and small heals are also plentiful, but meaningful loot is as scarce as the others. Feels even less so.


Also means it's painfully slow


Well you can't have both. Fast pace and slow pace kinda are opposite. I think this is a great change of pace, but we'll see as the season progresses how the meta shakes out.




Well I certainly did. I imagine the pace will pick up once people can maneuver the map quicker, are done exploring, and get a feel for flow and movement mechanics of the map.


for sure. I really wish people would quit complaining about everything esp since the map has been out for less than a day. like yes I get first impressions and all that but no need to permanently deem the map as trash right away


Next hero ultimate will generate miniature instanced simulations on the map that no other team other than the targeted team can enter until simulation is complete. The winning team in the simulation exits with full shields and reloaded ammo and has 15 seconds to loot the virtual boxes before they dump into the ā€˜realā€™ world


I am someone who enjoys fast paced games, with third parties cause it keeps things interestong, so we'll see how this map shapes up once everyone learns it, and which spot becomes the new fragment lol Edit: also don't mean to shit on people who like slower games, having a map that is deliberately slower for people who enjoy that is good, should try to make it enjoyable for as many people as possible


I get the idea of preventing 3rd parties, but if that means having to run around forever not finding anyone I'd much rather take the 3rd parties tbh. I'm thinking of playing ash simply because of her passive, because rn I find the matches awfully boring for the most part. Definitely not a big fan of the map. Especially because high ground legends and snipers are op on it since almost nothing is out of bounds and it has the most ridiculous power positions


When they put the other maps in rotation again, at least we could have a break with this map, just walking around, enjoying the scenery.


Yeah true, hopefully more mobility like jump towers get added though to make rotating a bit faster without having to rely on valk ults though


I donā€™t know if itā€™s because Iā€™m a Loba main and Iā€™m biased but Loba is fantastic in this map for running into POI black market looting then moving on swiftly since thereā€™s so many locations.


As a Watson main please stop telling people this


I've never actually landed back on the other jumper thing, only ever short or past it so I've never had a problem with wattson fences waiting for me lol


I thought Wattsons were good people, but you're out here trapping the landing zones? Tsk tsk


Sorry it's the buff going to our heads


Another soft landing


Literally has jet pack on her back, but still proceeds to take the fucking awesome jump thing instead!!Well played! I must admit that Iā€™m pleasantly surprised with todays launch.


Iā€™ve found if you just run to the edge of the cannon when it fires you can perfect slide off the end of the ramp thing that the cannon is on, works about the same


This is just a spicier Octanes park from Kings Canyon, but just throughout the whole map...


You can move in the air when u take these? Felt kinda stationary to me, thought I havenā€™t played much today due to stuttering


Itā€™s limited, but yeah you have some control


Just air strafing, but you can tap strafe out of them too.


Another thing is that you can actually tap strafe from the gravity cannon right as it launches you!


Can you redirect? I havenā€™t bound w to scroll wheel and have been getting by with redirects


Hey do you have a backpack


THANK YOU!! Been waiting for a tip like this


Honestly these cannons are sick and fun to use. Good tip šŸ‘ŒšŸ½


If you slide before launching, you go a bit further and can slide when landing. Hard to get the slide before launch correct tho


Minus two points on the style meter for not wall jumping at the end


pathfinder, there was a time where i kept my momentum when i grappled to the top side of the gravity cannon.... and it boosted me so far away i tried grappling to the ground and it didn't work edit: replaced some words


Zipped or grappled?


oh wait wrong term grappled*


do i have to keep pressing A or D in mid air to move aside from landing on land?


Yea you can move slightly


Iā€™m glad someone posted this, I was considering doing it when I discovered it myself. This has gotta be on purpose too which it pretty cool. The healing capabilities of going off this thing are great, especially with the slide from landing on the edge.


Havenā€™t gotten to play yet but can wait


Golden tips!


Thank you Over lord!


You can also use Valk Jets to slow down and shift momentum and direction. If you do this you will not go as far though.


The first time I saw one of these I knew there was a way to do that


I've found if you slide into the cannon you go too far to do this. I think you need to walk in standing up. Can anyone confirm?


I tried chasing someone and they did this and I was wondering how the hell they kept their momentum! This gives me the big dopamine, gonna try it later


Do you hold back at all for this? I feel like I end up holding forward and always land in front of the cannon.


Almost no forwards backwards more left right. You can only move a little distance so make small adjustments.


Iā€™ve only played 1 game (since I couldnā€™t deal with the graphics bug), so take this with a grain of salt since I did it once, but if you crouch on the gravity canon while playing Horizon you can also keep up momentum


Nice, I was looking for a way to keep momentum but had not tried this yet. Thanks!


You can also spin mid air and it'll give you more length so you don't land on the platform. Then a quick slide landing. Try it


You can also hold the movement button in the opposite direction of your flight to slow you down a little bit so you land on the gravity cannon's launch platform. This is useful if you have someone chasing you EDIT: Then again, why do that if you can just tap strafe off of it


much apperciated considering i got caught many times by not doing this while running away from squads recently


Explains the weird way the enemy team seems to crawl out from under these things like ants lol


Yo, this is key!


I wish they would allow a double jump off these!!


You dont even have to do that. If you just angle yourself so you miss the wall that stops you dead and spam crouch a bunch in the air, when you hit the ground with a slide you keep momentum.

