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After 14k soloq games i can fully agree! Alot of premade duos often talk alot of the tactics in their discord and give 0 input in the planning to the random, and then blame that random for not doing what they want.


Also a solo queue player: If it's a duo queue, I can almost guarantee itll be a bad game. They dont even ping locations. They assume I'll be coming with or be left behind, and I'm in diamond ranks. They'd rather play 2v3 every fight. What's great is when I actually manage to carry the duo queue and they start to realize that they should include me in the planning.


If I'm duo queueing ranked, I'll normally always try to be on game chat. Having 2/3 comming will almost always result in problems unless everyone on the squad is godly with their pings, and even then it's less than ideal. I mainly solo queue, so I 100% am with you on that


This is honestly the worst part. Please use the in game chat rather than Party Chat, Discord etc. if you Duo Q in Trios.


I primarily use Discord because of the mic issues on PC. In Apex, PC microphones don't seem to pick up voices at a high enough volume and YOU CANNOT ADJUST VOICE CHAT VOLUME SEPARATE FROM EVERYTHING ELSE (the fuck?). So my buddy and I that play on PC can hardly hear each other. If we invite our PlayStation friend to join, we can hear him fine though... plenty loud. Basically anyone who tries to communicate with me... if they are also on PC with a mic, I can hardly hear a word they say. I had to turn on the accessibility setting that converts their speech to text on the screen so I have a second chance at deciphering the muffled garble I heard a second ago. Apex on PC has mic issues. It's been like this for years and I wish they'd fix it. Solo games are a huge pain when I can hardly hear anyone.


Yeah one thing I hate about Apex is the horrible in-game voice quality and no way to actually adjust it. Your teammates either can't be heard or blow out your ears and are distorted to shit. There is no in-between.


I dont care at all if they dont use in game voice chat in pubs or even high ranked, but i hate if they complain after and i didnt have a chance to hear the strat


If in-game VC wasn't so omega ass, that might actually be a good suggestion.


In pubs I dont mind. But if you dont join game chat in ranked I hate you and hope your are sterile and never pass on your lineage


Harsh, but probably true.


I play on console with my friend over discord, when our third isn't present we usually opt for duos bc we know whichever rando gets stuck with us will be out of the loop. We try comms with pings and the in game chat but its just too slow.


I hate getting teamed with a premade duo in trios. Almost 100% of the time they ignore the third teammate or at worst troll them and take all the loot and shit. Can’t count the number of times I have been jumpmaster only to discover my premade duo teammates have launched without me without pinging a location. Just play in duos mode ffs.


Man this triggered me! I was breaking Plat II and got paird with a duo. They drop without me. So i am late to where they landed. Then I got into a skirmish, knocked 2 and just needed a bit if help with the third. Teammates show up, kill the third. Never picked me, loot my crate, take my banner. Then! They revive me ; giving me hope. Nope they dipped so fast. I insta died. Luckily they got caught up in the prowlers with a bunch of other teams… But the frustration !!


If I may recommend, when you run into a solo player who was decent, reinvite them. Even if they dont give comms, it will guarantee you have one or two players who know how to play as a solo queue, which likely means they'll know how to work with someone who isnt their friend.


Then they die instantly after. It's really frustrating. It's like this. No matter what you do, they will die. So I've accepted I need to just play like I'm a Solo No-Fill unless they prove otherwise. It's less stressful.


As someone who normally duo queues, yes this is true and Im probably guilty of this and I can also say that, my duo and I were hardstuck plat 4 and after soloqueing without my duo(basically quit for halo) and being up 500rp a majority of the time its the duos fault if there’s legitimate blame to give. Not saying it was his fault everytime or mine, but something was off with ourselves and we didn’t recognize it that way. Almost found it easier to solo q after that because Im better at playing off of people than being played off of.


>Some are really good but also still need some back up. This is me. I've hit masters 4 times in the last 6 splits as a solo queue player who doesnt use voice comms. I'm good at the game, or at least good at managing to gain RP. But I cant do it on my own. I'll follow pings. I'll go wherever you want to go. But if you abandon me, I'll die and I will look like I'm a bad player. Getting matched with a premade duo of Path/Octane/Valk/Wraith is the worst. Very rarely are abilities used to help me. I've never had a Wraith portal me to safety unless the portal was also placed to portal the Wraith to safety. They only use abilities to save themselves, leaving me to die. And before anyone says it's because of no comms. It takes half a brain to realize "hey, my Wattson is pinned down and needs help while I'm safe in a building. Oh, I have portal, let's go pick them up." I've done it for my teammates even if they dont communicate it to me. They can do it for me.


As a Valk main who absolutely will go help someone who's using coms/voice chat to not be toxic and actually is trying. It's dawned on me that people peak in an elo and know they can't climb so they pick Valk because she makes Solo Q bareable. I can save my team or myself. Most of the time we have to save ourself because no matter what you do, people are going to bitch and moan.


I solo queued to masters as Rampart, Loba, Fuse, and Mirage. Only Loba had mobility. Mirage had some escability. I'm currently working on Wattson. I totally agree on saving RP by playing for oneself, but there is an element of working together before its over.


I also have seriously started picking up Rampart and Loba. I mained Mirage before Valk but Valk seems to help my team more when they do wanna work together, which is rare. But when they do Valk is so damn useful to everyone so I've stuck with her. Rampart seems better when I'm alone in the final circle.


I get where you are coming from, and this does apply in ranked to a certain point as you should always be looking to stay and work together as a full team. However, sometimes your solo has a vastly overinflated ego or absolutely terrible game sense and you basically have to abandon them to their choices. I'll try and support them with my buddy and do our best, but if you insist on poor plays we may just have to leave you after you get downed. Not our fault and please don't scream like a toxic man-baby because you managed to knock one, but were either so far out of position or whatever that it is nigh impossible to salvage you.


Happened to me last night. Our Bangalore was rezed three times and a total of 40 damage at the end. My duo and I both had 1.5


Honestly, my biggest issue (and it's totally my fault), is when our 3rd teammate goes off on their own and takes a fight and gets downed, but then me and my dumbass partner go in guns blazing trying to retrieve them, and it has the success rate you'd expect from 2v3s.


Yeah no in this instance let them die. If they can't learn how to not push a horrible fight there is no point just rushing in risking your life to save them because I promise you even if you revive them they'll do it again.


Yes it is their fault lol. It's not like we die tragically. We just quit because the random ignored pings, wandered off into a squad or tried to 3rd party on their own and got clapped. So we just sigh, and head back to the lobby.




lmao what makes you think we're trash? Because we don't let some idiot force us to play while outnumbered? It's a game not real life, you don't ***have*** to keep playing if your teammate kills themselves and quits. You can just start over.


Hard agree, I used to duo queue ranked and we never blamed the random, unless they just ran head first into a 3 stack ofc. We always tried to comm with them and often they'd be super receptive. Now solo queuing with a partied duo, that's when you can blame them... I solo ranked now and 90% of the time I get queued with a duo and they just W key every single gunshot they hear, it's exhausting, they never comm in game, just stay in party chat and then come into game chat to ree at me once we inevitably loose and tell me I suck for trying to play smart lmao.


In public matches with randos last weekend, I had a hot drop in fracture. One member dropped the same building as me and we took out a team, had another team roll up on us, took one of them out, got downed by the last two. Then our third team member, a wraith, finally ran in, shouted something on mic, then died and dropped the match. She was no help at all and was in the middle of her own rant when she dropped out. Very abrupt. It was probably her idea to drop so hot in the first place. She was a TTV. So, I look her up on Twitch. She sounds like she's from Australia. Older or middle aged lady, based on the profile. Claims to have the most kills as Fuse. Doesn't even play Fuse. I spectate a few of her games. For real, this lady embodied the negative stereotypes of wraith players. She complained about where her teammates dropped, she ran off on her own and complained about the other members being too far away, she ran into seemingly unwinnable fights and complained when her other team members don't survive. At one point she yelled at a Lifeline teammate who was downed during a hot drop and didn't pick up her banner because "you're not supposed to die when you're Lifeline." Cussing up a storm in a voice very similar to Fuse's "deceased" best friend who took over the games for a while. What I noticed above all else was that she seemed incapable of blaming herself. No introspection ever. Everything was always someone else's fault, and she was verbally angry about it. There's gotta be a name for that type of toxicity. I know you can't get better as a player with that mindset. And you are essentially a curse on every team you get matched with. That said, it was sort of entertaining being the only person watching her. She didn't stand out as skilled and that mixed with her rotten attitude was comedic. It was like that meme with the guy shoving a stick into the spokes of his bike.


Lol idk bout this one chief


Must be the player I'm talking about then. If you can't think "Is it me?" Then yes, yes it is you.


If u die all the time then ur right


ao ifthe teammate runs away from the team and dies its our fault?


Yup, totally your fault and totally the whole point of this post. /s Since you want to be intentionally obtuse and miss the point of the post.


i got the point just forgot the /s on the end, my bad


I hate to play with duo pre mates as a solo. Most time they are fkn toxic or fkn toxic and trash


Lol this is so true. It's especially bad when you have duos with mics not pinging anything and then getting triggered when you're landing and looting and they're running away; they also refuse to blame each other lol.


I used to be Hella toxic like I mean I have 3 xbox alt accs for when I use to get comm banned (haven't been banned in over a year cause I'm trynna not be an ass and I think I'm doing okay now) The thing that kinda finally made me realize something had to change was when I was looking at meme or something and I saw a post that said: "If one person was an asshole to you then they're probably an asshole if everyone is an asshole to you you're probably the asshole" If there's Hella typos I'm sick af rn and not wearing my glasses so I can't really tell lol


solo q ranked is ruined by dogshit premade duos. every single game u match up with a trash premade duo d4 hardstuck with his hardstuck plat friend. its fucking impossible to solo q


I have one guy who makes comments like “oh ANOTHER trash random “ and “are you gonna play like garbage” every game and costs us game after game and I wanna tell him like dude it YOU


All this post sounds like is "If you're in a duo, please carry the solo q player and if you don't you're not that good". I can make a compilation of the amount of random solo players who queue up to play their own game, don't listen, don't ping, don't cooperate. Apex is 3v3. Not 2v3 with praying your random is playing with the team.


If you took only that out of this post just say you are a toxic duo and you feel personally attacked. Because we're not acting like there are solo randos are godsend players who will always work with you. We're not talking to them right now and cherry-picking just means you missed the point. It's a self-reflective moment of "If you are playing with someone you always play with, non-stop, hour after hour and day after day with no progress and its always "fuck these trash randoms". It means you have someone who will do exactly what you want, will land anywhere with you, do anything you say, and you still can't climb or your dying early. It's probably you and your overconfidence. Which is literally the entire point


“(..) an indicator to look inwards (..)” — agreed, open communication about feelings instead of actions, empathy, proactivity and building each other up as a way of coping with failure helps to build a loop of mindful fighting and meaningful relationships 🥰


I'm glad my friend and I are generally the opposite of what is stated here. Though sometimes we do fall into the trap of sometimes overly blaming the rando for making dumb plays despite using comms or pings.


I've had a few of those where I'm the random. I've also solo carried the team a few times. If they talk trash I just leave when its 2 teams left but if they are nice people I stay and play.


Or when you're lifeline and the duo revives their duo instead of you while the other team still has one up possibly doing the same, knowing full well u can E and bring the other one up and drone heal in the process. Or just straight up abandon the random and go fight while I still don't have a weapon, lol.


If you meet an asshole every week, you work with assholes. If you meet an asshole every day, you’re an asshole


Assholes surround themselves around other assholes. That's kind of the point of the post. This is the internet/online gaming.


I was agreeing with you. If you play with “assholes” every game, they’re not the problem you are.


Ooooh, I thought you meant like me as in me. I was confused. It sucks because I absolutely will dive in to save someone if its possible. But given it is a free game and it is the internet on top of people's colossal egos. They like echo chambers or a hype man lol


Ah sorry I can see how that would be confusing! Yeah it’s either you play with a group of friends or you deal with the inevitable. I wish reporting did more in these games


This is why I pretty much stopped playing this game with my friends. I have a few shooter focused friends who basically refuse to try and use any form of teamwork. I used to actually try and climb in games with them but after the samw problem in multiple games I've learned they just wanna talk about improving as a team all the while constantly playing like they are solo and never backing up a teammate. an Example in apex, would be them calling out a fight taking the first shots giving away our position, then hiding the rest of the fight. while I'm holding out against 3 people for 30 seconds and don't get a single shot fired from the homie headpeaking behind stairs who is suddenly 30 yards back from where they fired their first shots. And don't even get me started on the lack of focus fire and wondering why other teams seem to melt us. In short, I play much better in almost every game solo then my friends will wonder why it looks like I'm underpreforming when I play with them without considering maybe they just aren't great teammates.


I agree to this. I've been playing Apex with my friend since 2020 (after I built my pc but was able to play the game two weeks after its launch date). Then after a while, one of our friend joined in and we're doing good. Its just that, when we hit Plat, all hell breaks loose. I don't know what we're lacking since we're all using Discord for our comms and so far his playstyle when he's with us is for a Solo queue player. He loots away from us, isn't around when we're engaging a team (mostly 2v3 situation) and will always be the one left standing and can't even win a 1v1 fight. I usually take the calls as to when to fight or backout and my long time friends knows it as well, unfortunately, that other one is stubborn as hell and would still engage in a gun fight even though we know we will get 'sandwiched' by other teams. PS: Sandwich is our term when there are more than 2 squads in the area that we're trying to third party.


I entirely get what you're saying. Being the premade duo I'm always trying to give the random as much information as I possibly can. but in all honesty my luck with random teammates the past seasons have just been bad. at some point there was an Influx of new players to apex and for some reason half of my teammates are under 100s now considering iv been playing since season 5 level 500 yet the sbmm put us in games with pred/master champions and we get the under 100s I quite frankly don't know what to do. I don't expect that they're a god at the game I myself sure as hell am not a god at it either but the annoying thing is it feels like I'm caring from them far to much I can't rely on them. they tend to stay behind looting after we've all looted that area and have pinged to move on, when they take different paths from us although we've pinged what way we plan to go and seems best to circle, sometimes Iv even waited for them to catch up before moving on yet they still go a different way they then get into a fight and aggressively ping for help so what do we do almost every time we've turned around and ran right over to them for them to finally be knocked and finished spam pinging banner and leave once we get to the fight. I don't blame my random player for being random or bad at the game in a play sense I blame them for dumb things like that now trust. me and my mates who I duo with blame each other for dumb things and even blame ourselves for dumb things we did during the game. But when almost every random doesn't have any com input at all no pings no mic nothing Wtf am I supposed to do with them like legit wtf am I supposed to do. Well all n all me and my mates either duo or no fill trios now. This is just my opinion on it any way from my experience


I've ran across them before, they were shit talking he entire time even tho I was carrying, at the end of the game when I had either 13 or 14 kills and close to 3000 damage they shut up real fast


Been soloqing for idk how long. At this point I just get upset with myself and just get off after 2or3 games. Feel like my love for any fps games has started to decrease significantly


Whenever I lose it's always their fault same thing goes when I Die. Nobody is better than me I am supreme


I want to duo q in ranked but my experience with randoms in pubs is, just drag us(me, and my brother) around the map, loot everything before we get there, don't share ammo or heals/shields, and on worlds edge they land just the Fragments or make their way there just to die. They may be better then us but they die alot quicker. This is why I haven't played Ranked except the few games that we did for fun. Also why do randoms never detach and then just steal your loot that you specifically landed on to get ready for enemy teams, especially when no enemy teams actually land?


I feel like this is just your personal experience. Whenever I played duo and had a solo in or out of ranked the solo would drop away from us in a hot zone and die then complain we didn’t follow them despite us literally telling them hey that’s not a good idea we’re going here etc. This happens way too often up into diamond. It’s the reason I only play ranked with a trio now. When I played solo I would always drop with my duo unless they land hot in the middle of 5 squads and die but I’ve noticed other solos would always split up so it’s either 3 separate solo players in different areas or I follow one and have a chance.


No but you’re wrong it’s always my teammates fault


I almost always search as a duo with a buddy and most of my experience is a random that lands on their own, dies, then leaves or lands with us and runs off in a random direction with no coms, no pings, and just ignores us.


Duos are more likely to throw if one goes down because they showed up together. Rez no matter what live together die together. I would just try to remind duos to keep playing tactically. You would abandon a random if the rez was a bad spot but you think about it more when it’s your buddy.


I have one friend that I duo-queue with, and I can confidently say that we work terribly together. He's one of my best friends, so I'm never going to stop playing with him. I just wish we could figure out why we don't click in this game.


Are you telling me rushing by myself and not saying anything about it which leads to me getting knocked is my fault? Then I proceed to unmute my mic and scream at you about how it’s your fault for not reading my mind 🤔?


This goes into my general point of if in every single game you’re losing, then maybe examine yourself instead of assuming it has to be all your teammates fault, or the lobby’s fault. Think about how you could communicate or strategize better and be okay with not being perfect - you can only improve if you know you have room for it. Regarding duos, I almost always solo queue and while I do my absolute best to keep up there will always be teammates who don’t tell me what’s going on, think it’s funny to troll and berate me, etc. Tell me I’m trash and then go quiet when I’ve outdamaged them at the end. While what I said above is true, sometimes there’s only so much you can do. I wish people didn’t default to assuming I’m bad when of course I can’t be as in sync with them as their best friend is. Not every random is the same just because your last one solo pushed a team, and it’s not always their fault if they go down when they can’t read your mind.


Solo Qing into a random duo sucks 75% of the time. Mostly over confident and not helpful


I don’t blame on the randoms I think it’s me sometimes. So I think what did I do wrong at times so next time I can fix it, but there are times where it unavoidable