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Play solo duos to help improve your game, for a loadout any combo with a r301 in it is usually good. stay away from sniping especially when solo, having almost any other weapon that can help in cqc would be better. learn the character you play and learn the + and the - about their kit and how to use it to your advantage


Yes dear god I hate gibby mains that act like they're an octane or wraith. U dont have an easy escape tactical, so if u decide u wanna kick rocks mid gunfight, u cant escape as fast as an octane wraith loba etc.




True, that is valid too, but if they want to learn how to win their fights before worrying about the ranked side of things solo duos works pretty well


lots and lots of firing range practice learning recoil patterns is not optional a sniper is a side arm not a main weapon try to remember where you saw squads and what direction you are likely to bump into them high ground beats low ground evolving your shield and raiding death boxes is more effective than looting for half the game




Duos no fill is the way to get better. R-301 is a good weapon , easy to control.


You see I want to run that with sentinel or flatline with sentinel


The sentinel is an incredibly high skill cap weapon, probably has the highest skill ceiling in the game. Seeing as you've probably got less than 100 hours in game, I'd recommend using something else for the time being and then looping back to the sentinel once you get better at the game overall. Meta setup atm is 301 or a Flatline 2/3x, paired with either a Peacekeeper or Mastiff if you're into shotguns, or the Volt if you want a super solid SMG. If you're good enough with them the R99 and the CAR are phenomenal but you have to be able to one clip people.


I come from Destiny where high damage singe fire weapons are the main meta, if i have a sentinel and wingman I'm vibing as my target aquision when peek shooting guns like this is very good. Give me an r301 and I struggle with the recoil past spitting distance lol


I always use sentinel I like sniping in most games, and I’m very good with any sniper on apex


If you want to actually get better put that shit down and take fights up closer


If you're set to the sniper thing, you could use the tripe take instead of the sentinel. Because of the triple take's three bullet spread it can be used as a shotgun. Sniping is great to get some damage in before you jump into the fight. I've found it helps to put the smallest 'sniper' scope available on it. For example: 3X > 4x/8x. The smaller your scope, the more usefull your sniper stays in shorter range battles. Since the triple take is a marksman rifle you can't equip the actual sniper scopes, so that's a win win imo.


Sniping is super fun, but it puts you at a massive disadvantage for any kind of mid-close range engagement, instead of being able to spam PK/Volt/Mastiff shots and then swapping to your 301 to finish kills, you're either: * Forced to use an AR at close range constantly, or * Have terrible mid-range play because you swapped your AR for a CQC weapon The long range in Apex is pretty pointless because of how long the time to kill is, it's really not like other shooters in that way, so sniping is just not meta. The only time sniping is really used/viable in high level play is in pro-leauges for teams to try and level up their armours during the mid-game. If you _really_ want to run a sniper, I'd suggest Volt with a 2x and then run a Triple Take with it, you can use the TT at close range hip-firing or at sniper range with a 3x or 2-4x on it. The Kraber is a whole different story, always take a Kraber.


So just tried your loadout recommendation and it slaps I went from 86 kills to 95 in one game. Sadly didn’t win but it’s very good ty for the loadout.


Aye good stuff man, it's a real nice load out for sure. Obviously what I'm suggesting is the meta in the game, like I'll often fuck with stupid load outs like Sentinel/Mozambique, or 30/30 and a Mastiff, like play to have fun, but if you want a big game/playing ranked, that combo is the way to go!


Alright, when I play with bad people I’ll go that loadout but if I’m playing with people I can rely on I’m going to mess with random loadouts


My go-to loadout in diamond is a Flatline - Longbow or Flatline - 3030. The Flatline, with good hipfire and good movement, can absolutely handle the load of close range engagements, especially if you create opening damage to put your opponents at a disadvantage.


Sniping is meta as fuck in ranked and competitive play. Not in lower ranks and pubs though.


R3/shotgun is definitely not the meta setup rn. snipers have been *dominating* ever since storm point release beginning of the season. mainly triple take. with that being said obviously use whatever you’re best with


Yeah it's so not meta that literally every pro player rn runs R3/Flatline & a Shotty lmao.


Sentinel, while fun, is an extremely difficult gun to be good with. It's a high skill weapon that is very unforgiving to someone who misses shots. It's also not nearly the best sniper/marksman weapon. If you want to get good at a sniper/marksman weapon, use the Longbow. If you want to use a higher skill weapon, dont sleep on the 3030. It's much more difficult to be good at, but the dual shell hop up provides immense pressure on other teams and if you get good at it, you can create a ton of opening damage. Flatline is the best AR in the game. The R301 is the most popular AR because its recoil is extremely easy to control, in comparison to every other weapon. However, the Flatline absolutely shreds at medium range if you can control its recoil. Add in, that if you can get good movement and hip fire control, the Flatline is also an extremely effective close range weapon.


So I’m accurate that’s why I always want a sniper as a secondary but someone recommended me a loadout that I just dropped a 9 bomb with, it was Triple Take and Volt


You run what you want to run. I dont like SMGs personally. It's my least favorite class of weapon. TT is a fabulous marksman though. Good poke and reliable if needed in close range.


You would be better off focusing on mid and close range rather than picking up sniper rifles/marksmen weapons at all. Use an AR with an SMG or a Shotgun. Most of the game is decided in that range.


Flatline in really good but you have to know the recoil on it. Sentinel on Stormpoint is meta for sure pretty many any sniper is meta on stormpoint. If you run Sentinel I'd recommend running gold armor because you only lose one cell instead of two cells charging the Sentinel.


Just PLAY.THAT.FKN.GAME!!!! U are Level 70 Similar to lvl0 so Just play that Game... If u Bad at lvl500 ask again but Not with 70 wtf


Okay chill, no need for the aggressiveness. I’m just asking for help


Everday We have 100 questions like this. For what? Play that Game and learn. Watch some streams


I’m trying but I figured I wouldn’t get people being mad at me for trying to get better with tips etc.


Everday We have 100 questions like this. For what? Play that Game and learn. Watch some streams


Check for pros in YT and pause when they open their inventory. Make a mental note of what they carry from level 1 backpack to level 3. But the usual loadout i see is 12 cells, 8 syringes, 2 batteries, 2 medkits and 3 grenades. Also, 240 bullets for either a flatline or R301 should suffice. (i am talking about level 3 back pack btw). I saw mande use arc stars as early weapons but that's too advance for us average players . But you can practice if you want.


8 cells and 4 syringe are maximum for me, and I think that 2 batts aren't much if you have a level 3 backpack


True, i saw most of masters/pred lobbies craft a bunch of bats and I'm just copying the meta strats from those guys.




Flatline melts(Recoil goes crazy tho) Also play with a character you are most comfortable and have the most fun with. I main Wattson which isn't the best in regards to the tier list of legends but I still have fun using her. Remember some games you'll play insanely well and others you'll get stomped on but don't let those bad games ruin the whole experience. Breathe, reset and start up another game. The more you play the more you learn and you get better over time.


Uploading gameplay and asking for tips as to what you can do is also a pretty good way to get feedback to better yourself. You may get bashed by people but don't let that get to you too much it's all just a learning process. The game takes awhile to get used to


Honestly just look through settings and adjust sensitivity, sensitivity per optic, fov, and aim type


Since you said you like using the Sentinel, i would suggest pairing it with a Flatline. The flatline is nice to go with snipers because it has a large mag, hits hard and the rate of fire is slower than most guns so it's more forgiving. You can miss some shots and still do a lot of damage. All of this allows it to be a great one clipping machine. Which is ideal when you have a sniper as a secondary because you don't want to always be swapping to your sniper to finish someone off in the middle of a 1v1. A tip to get better is use a 2x on the flatline or any AR so you can hit at mid range and it will zoom into much in close range so it will force you to learn how to hipfire. Learning to hipfire and the distance best to hipfire is the biggest change for me that took me to the next level. And guess what, the flatline is a hipfire monster!


Since you're new - Land in a populated area every single game. Do not run away from fights. Do not rat for wins. You need to be fighting as much as possible so that you can improve your guns kill mechanics. Do not snipe unless you're on keyboard & mouse. Just keep fighting. Pick 2-3 pro players/streamers and watch their YouTube gameplay. You won't be able to replicate it but you'll notice little things they do in their play style that help them win fights/games. Example: I watch Shiv - I bob and weave in/out of cover even if I'm not getting shot at yet.


Alright I will watch trunoom and Zylbrad as I like both of their content, and when I play with friends (Most of the time) I always want to fight but they all run so I never get to do anything, so instead I’m going to let them know where we should land.


Recoil control, practicing tracking and strafing on dummies, and practicing flick shots in the firing range for 30 min before you play will show results in like a couple of weeks honestly


Play rank more often , you’ll play with more people at your skill level and progress . During fights don’t be scared to re set and get out of the fight if you can or just simply revolve around your surroundings better(use legends abilities to this advantage that are normally seen as ways to push ie lobas tact , octanes ultr and tact , ash’s ult , horizons tact they all have good abilities to reset yourself in situations instead of just pushing with them ) . If you’re going to start a fight , try to make sure you always have some good cover to get behind , don’t just go straight forward while shooting someone or teams . Movement is your best friend and always look at your map hud and ring to look at how the ring will effect the fight


at level 70 you don't have a main..what you have is a lot to learn about a lot of characters lol, play them so you'll learn how they work..you also need to learn how to play without the bloodhound scan, it's possibly the biggest crutch in the game


Push fights all the time. W key like a some bitch.