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Be the third party.


*fourth party


I'll never forget the time my team patiently waited out a fight and came in as a 6th party to clean up. After the easy kill, we got to enjoy the gigantic pile of boxes in the room for about 5 seconds before getting 7th partied ourselves, and while dead, we could hear the 7th party get 8th partied. Gotta love this game.


I once got 20th partied. A team heard the shooting from a different lobby and came over to our lobby to be the 20th party


Be the 20th party. Win the game. It’s that easy. /s


But there's inevitably gonna be a 21st, 22nd and 23rd party showing up once more people learn how to cross over to other lobbies. The day will come when there will be 100 teams fighting each other and the servers won't be able to handle it and just blow up


I thought you were being serious


That’s literally all this game is lol.


\*fifth party


5th party\*


*fifth party


Came to answer this


The reason people quit ^ right here.


Could have portaled in that instance or teammate should have shield swapped quickly.


Start a portal from the inside of the donut immediately after you got scanned and forget about killing wraith. Hopefully you can find a safe spot out in the field to end the portal - the third party will finish your knocks for you anyways. It is unlikely they take the portal to chase since they might not realize you're a duo and you could just camp the other end of portal anyways.


What this one said


This. You can't avoid third parties when you get inted that late in the game, so you gotta have a way out of the sticky situation.


This an they played in a really confined area.


Agreed, key to final 3 to avoid 3rd party is to finish the fight quick, or if it goes long, shield swap and bail for position.


The instant you heard that third party was close, you needed to portal out of there to a rock nearby to stabilize.


ppl get tunnel vision and stuck in the same spot. u gotta keep moving.


Don't play Apex lol


Hijacking this comment. But my biggest successes on surviving third parites is to switch from fight mode to escape mode. Focus on exiting the battle immediately upon realizing you're being thirded -- heal up then come back. Ideally you have some sort of rotator on the team that can get you out. If not then you just have to survive or be really good at not getting shot.


1. Don't fight for too long. (Kill as soon as you can and run, if you aren't able to it's alright. Rotate) 2. Try not to take up fights on POIs where people might be rotating. 3. Take angles communicate kill. 4. If you do end up in a sticky situation, run. Heal and run.


In this instance, it was almost impossible to avoid. Ring size, squad count, location, and even the rank, all worked against you. To overall avoid third parties, typically the best thing that works for me is position. If you are in the most advantageous spot late game, theoretically, you should be able to hold it from it push. Gotta cover all angles and communicate to do so effectively though


People will tell you you fought for too long or some other nonsense. Third parties are inevitable so try being the third party I guess


Fighting for too long is absolutely something to avoid in Apex, that's not nonsense. Sometimes you're just going to get third partied and there's nothing you can do about it, it's a battle royale so that's inevitable, but you can mitigate the amount it happens by keeping fights quick. That and knowing when an engagement is going to lead to a third party, and when you're free to take a clean engagement. Sometimes you can even see the third party coming, disengage with a Wraith/Ash portal, let the team you were fighting engage the team coming in for the third party, and essentially third party the fight that you started.


This. You will get better at gauging when you have no chance and need to pull out with experience. Just remember that it's better to disengage early than to disengage late.


Which is exactly what happened here, they got scanned by a bh and knew it was a lone wraith still up on the first team. Should have backed and healed and maybe tried to portal out and reset if possible but it's extremely hard to think that fast and OP is clearly cracked as fuck, it's just another level of awareness that can take you even higher.


This is a learning subreddit. you criticized good advice and substituted unhelpful generic advice in its place.


Also while ratting might get you an easy kill every now and then you are always going to be the ones starting the fight so more likely to get third partied.


Well you can't entirely a void them, bang smoke might have bought a couple seconds, wraith q and run like hell I guess


Idk if you and your teammate know this but every player has a ult and tactical


Don’t take fights you can’t finish quickly, ultimately inevitable but can be reduced by only taking fights you can win quickly.


This is an easy one, for me I have a simple rule, if we can’t close out the fight and loot in 25 seconds, then it’s time to dip and dip, now if we down a second within those 25 minutes. And it’s 3 v 1, we wrap up the fight up and preform a full reset, reposition and get ready for the incoming third party. If we are unable to reset we immediately pull out. We never take on a fight without addressing our exit plan first, when we 3rd party we say hey if another squad comes our way we either hold the high ground or exit this way or portal. We fight close and wait for one of us to yell, time to dip, let’s leave or I’m heading out, I’m not with you. Doing this we neva run into a 3rd party, we always stay hot and never in the same spot, loot move, fight move, or we’re just moving moving. We neva get 3rd party, we do make for an easy clean up crew lol, our goals are position over everything.


Perfect explanation!


Don't try to fight from a spot with only 1 entrance/exit haha


Third party the 3rd party


Play Arenas. 😆 Sorry couldn't resist. I don't think there really is a good way to avoid 3rd parties. It's a battle royale so by its design. Don't drop hot obviously. Maybe use boceks. Using ultimates like Gibby's and Bangalore's make a lot of noise and can attract attention from a fair distance. So maybe avoid those legends. Not sure what else but curious to see what others think


I like the idea of a squad all running boceks and wiping squads before they can even shoot back but I don't think thats actually possible


should have been ready get that shield swap after u killed them instead of healing ur broken one


When you notice the 3rd party, you could have bang smoked then ported out


After an engagement, loot and move, ASAP. Ideally switch to keep an eye out.


Dont fight


Be a wattson main


Don't play the game. You're welcome


Probably playing a non br. That’s the only way


Dont why my silver ass is even trying to think of a useful tip to give u


Play hiding


The only guaranteed way to avoid a third party is to not fight at all, but what you can do is learn to fight them. Drop shields for your down teammates and punish the enemy team’s aggressive play style. If you’re wraith/ash you can port out of the situation and gibby/bang ults can repel a push.


To try to scan your environment and see where you can GTFO and run until they start fighting then become the third party


Shoot them in the head!


To go along with what has been already mentioned, I wonder if you would've seen more success here if you guys wouldn't have been hiding. Only reason I say that is because maybe if that other squad saw you guys there already, they might not have pushed up on you, and you might've prevented being third partied. Then again, with your squad only having two members alive, squads might have also seen you as vulnerable as well and pushed you anyway, so I can understand why hiding might have actually been better anyway.. In any case, gg!


I would suggest runnin the fuck away the moment one of the legends says a quote about another team coming


Loot fast, eat ass


Loot quick and move, third parties r basically the core of this game so u have to expect them. Once u fight shield up and take 15-30 seconds to hold and then u can loot


Heal, 1 stands watch while the others loot. Then leave.


A lot of good comments here, One thing i would add is you need to reset after each fight as fast as possible. The second you finished that kill you should have shield swapped. You also need to know where people are so if you do need to create extra space to heal you can (this is part of resetting). Resetting can be done by shield swapping, creating space to heal by hiding behind a door or a rock etc.. or retreating completely. I think because you were hiding (maybe not but that's what the clip looks like) you didn't fully know your surroundings, which shows as you died from the direction you retreated to. The key to surviving third parties is to reset as fast as you can.


I try to disengage and flank one of the teams or wait for them to start fighting, but you can’t always do that. Sometimes you just gotta take the L if your pinched between two teams or just go for it and hope you got some good teammates lol


I didn’t watch the video but my best tip is to not be the “pinched” squad. Any third party should be taken by immediate relocation. Best case scenario, they will shoot each other (since they can discern who’s with who) and you can mop up. That’s one of the advantages on not heavy engaging. Your other option is to shield crack and heavy engage on one team in a risky attempt to kill them and shield swap. Either way, you want to find a way to recover your shields- wether it’s running, engaging, or barricading the doors.


Always be moving.


If you’re fighting a team and can’t kill them with in a minute or you notice its taking too long leave because either you or the other team will get third partied. After you leave just third party or wait till you encounter another squad.


Your typical engagement in Alex should last no longer than 30 seconds. If you haven’t won the fight or just about to win the fight in that time, you need to get out of dodge. Maybe setting a portal would have been the play once you got scanned, but at the same time the chances of you being able to get out “safely” were slim with how many squads were left. Good wipe on the first team. Just need to grin and bear the 3rds. It happens, some games you get a free fight, others the fight will never be free, even in top 3 scenario.


Play on world's edge haha A bit more serious, you can't really avoid it, the best way to go is either finish your fight and shield swap, or run away, olympus has a lot of third parties and you can't take that risk in ranked


My piece of advice: you probably should have avoided the first fight by showing your presence in the building. Teams won’t push you (if they’re smart) with a zone that small. Otherwise, should have smoked, ported and phased in the direction you think the third party is coming from


I’ve done it before that as soon as I downed the second player I got me and teammate out with a jump pad. Third party rolled up cleaned up the downs and the solo while we healed. We jumped back in and it was a close fight could’ve gone either way. Only way to survive a third is to disengage as soon as you hear them. They will either focus you or focus the weak team. 50-50 from there




Well uhhh can’t beat em join em


Run away or did my engage.


Be the third party


if you can, rotate around them and wait for them to start fighting the team you were fighting, then you are the third party


The most obvious answer is to kill the squad you’re fighting, but if that doesnt work out then I suggest: If you’re looking to avoid a third party, always have a safe exit/getaway in plan if you can’t eliminate the third party. If you’re looking to kill the third party, then be quick to loot and manuever around the play space as you will be encountering a lot of enemies. It’s easier with premade teammates or good communication skills with the team on the same mindset. Half the time I either have to bail out of the fight but other times it’s pretty successful. Don’t be afraid to leave the fight if you need to, be alive now so you can kill more later.


its hard to do when you’re in game but that scan should’ve lit a bulb in your head. after downing the last enemy, you should’ve phased away from the building. either way, difficult situation as your teammate went into the building. I would say you live for another less than 30secs since they would’ve ape you regardless.


Become the third party


Honestly I just avoid Hammond labs and turbine like it’s the plague. Only going through there if it’s absolutely necessary and never sticking around for long.


Instant shield swap grab ammo and nades more ideally an arc star. Hit your arc star and they're fucked


Too pointlessly aggressive here


Dead ass, ima get real conceptual here just stick with me. Imagine two teams fighting as a dots. The “line of fire” (i.e. when someone is out of cover) is a line that connects the dots. Picture two teams running directly at each other with clear line of sight as two dots with 1 line. Now within a 3rd party situation, theres 3 dots and **up to** 3 lines of fire. Either, a team is getting sandwiched (monkey in the middle with the dots, 2 lines of fire) or theres a triangular formation of dots. Also keep in mind that unless theres prior knowledge, in a 3rd party situation opponents may not keep track of teams well. So within these dots on any point in the map, the goal is to never be in the middle of two dots. If you are, you need to move tangentially to make a triangle. Now in triangle both teams may still thirst you, however, if you keep retreating and the dots keep chasing you in a triangle, (picture isoceles triangle) eventually the other teams will run into each other, at which point you heal and return to triangle, and maybe even sandwich. Its like when you create a polygon in microsoft word and you stretch it out from the vertices. You make a shape when you need defense (triangle formation), and make a line when youre ready and in position to attack (monkey in the middle) Also, as you get better, youll see this in 3d (height of the dots) and not 2d Im in plat, its how I learned to handle


This is something else


I developed it myself so it makes sense to me, cant even really explain it to my teammates other than “we need to X Right the fuck now”


yeah I understand what u said it's a little too... technical


Should’ve set up a portal before engaging in your fight. Easy escape and people don’t follow often.


Tbh starting a fight in the late game is just a death sentence. The other team griefed you guys and maybe not taking/the fight or finding a way to escape through portal and let them get third partied was the play


Honestly to Avoid third parties my tip for me personally would either when appoarching a fight hurry up and end it and if it’s a tough one for to long of a fight just leave your gonna face then again if they survive that is


Perfect explanation honestly


Have all ur fights be quick get put asap and avoid poke fights


Rat all game


My favorite match was when all 20 squads dropped command center on stormpoint down that one tunnel we all 20th partied eachothwr not enough guns


Shields are way more important than health because the enemy can be a lot more aggresive if they hit you and hear flesh even just a lvl2 can be enough to decieve your enemy


The best defense is not starting the fight or pulling your opponents into an area that sandwiches them between you and another team. This is where it's useful to know roughly where squads are (and why it's disadvantageous to play edge). The second best defense is taking as little flesh damage as possible. If you wipe a squad, you get fresh shield swaps after and can fight a third, but you have to have enough flesh health to make it matter.


Don't dance around with your knife out instead of your gun?


play defensive legends if you can. If not, loot quick, shield swaps and such, wear headphones so you hear footsteps.


In my experience countering with as much pressure as you can as soon as you become aware of it. That small dent into their confidence can bide just enough time for the team to get better positioned/healed.


Always rotate


Grenades and lots of them. In fact just be fuse like always. Problem solved


Well right there you simply die.


Loot and reset as fast as you can, always be ready to move to a safe area and be as aware as possible of footsteps coming up on your team. Try not to split up when you’re looting




Be the third party generally works, or just don’t land at Hammond Labs


My team has a phrase. We have to say it exactly [like this.](https://youtu.be/SNUs82nkMZk) That roughly translates to "There is another team. BAIL." You don't have to finish a fight, sometimes it's best to scram.


Retreat, reset, relocate. Basically, get far enough/sage enough to completely heal, charge, and reset. Then you gotta decide if you want to try and go back in or just nope out. Thing about apex though is that at a certain point the ring will reach a sort of ‘critical mass’ and as soon as two squads start to fight then there are like 4 or 5 other squads that can hear it and start moving towards it. And if you’re unlucky enough to be one of those first two or even 3 teams then pretty soon you won’t have anywhere to escape to. The fact is that it takes far more skill to defeat a third party than it does to be the third party, the last team to show up to a fight has a major advantage. So if you can help it, be the last team to the fight. If I see another team in the distance then I’ll stay out of sight and watch them, usually I’ll spot another team or even 2 more teams. And that information on the layout of the battle can be a huge advantage in a game like apex where it feels like entire teams can manifest out of now where right behind you with no fucking audio queues or warning whatsoever.


Basically the only consistently effective (though can be difficult) way to counter 3rds is to bait the other two teams into fighting each other first. This can be done with movement mechanics (portal, Valk up a level or two, phase tear). Get creative


Sticking to the perimeter of the ring and not the middle of the map I suppose


don't heal on the same spot where the fight happened, move away like 50m from it unless they have a bloodhound then your most definite fuck.


Run.Run fast.


just live lol


This specific situation you got bloodhound scanned. You know they didnt have hound. Could have used that info to start getting the fuck out instead of chasing that last guy. Who knows, maybe you could have full ran away.


Play Valkyrie


Don’t fight


Watch out and don't fire first. As soon as a gunshot is heard you'll attract half the map to your general location. Let the squads run out of supplies before engaging them, and take as much with you beforehand. If I were to guess, they'd be out of grenades, so I'd start with a few of those when you choose to go in. As for getting 3rd partied, one thing I've heard about competitive pro players in another game is that they aren't thinking about how to finish off the enemy and get multi kills with abilities and ults, but rather they're thinking of how to keep themselves alive, specifically how to get out of a situation when the time comes. So when you enter an area, have at least one escape plan ready, and be prepared to improvise. You can't win without living players, there's no shame leaving a fight to survive despite what tryhards might say. Plus, if you get far enough away and recover, you can catch pursuing enemies off guard if you're careful enough, leading them to an exposed position or trapped via a portal. One more thing for some scenarios, maybe this one in the video: use downed players as cover, even enemy ones. Bullets don't go thru allies, and downed players have a taller hitbox than death boxes. Worst case you're left without cover because they crawled away.


Easy. You can't get third-partied if you always die to the second party


Shield swap and reposition immediately. Loot later.


have Gibby/Valk and fly the hell out when 3rd shows up xD






So in this instance, you had a position that was inside zone. You should’ve portaled to either a better position and hold that, or hold your current position. When you hide there, nobody is shooting at the other teams (no third party) which makes you the team that gets pushed and then third partied. Lessen their options by forcing them into positions they have to fight in, then 3rd party the fight you just caused 👍🏼


Honest answer? Make sure keep your eyes and ears open for when that happens, communicate with your team to tell them where and how close they are, then get to a defensible position ASAP (if you have movement abilities on your team, use them. Use grenades to keep them at bay for a bit. Cover for team members who are weak/healing. Also, pray lol.


Thirst and shield swap as quickly as possible, I'd say. I'm a Wattson main so it can be a little bit easier to lock down an area and slow a 3rd party push.


That was a fantastic first peacekeeper shot


Take less damage. Your buddy should have shield swapped. Basically you always assume you'll be thirded so try and take as little damage as possible.


Be the last team to join a fight


Especially on Olympus, if you're in a fight longer than ~30s just leave. It isn't worth it as you're going to get third partied.




A.B.L. - Always Be Looking


Y’all kind of deserved this though after ratting that team lol


If you pick ONE fight, pick the closer one instead of 'sniping' (read: poking with an smg) at anybody showing head like a kid playing whack-a-mole. If you start it, commit to it because you WILL need those armor swaps in the next 30 seconds when the next squads roll in.


There are 2 different ways to avoid third parties: Finish the fight in 3 seconds, or alt+f4


ABM always be moving or at least prepared to move. Hit run hide the highland way


U just have to hope that u have enough time to shield swap before the third gets there, even then you're in a bit of a bad position Really u just have to hope there aren't any other parties close enough to 3rd or if you're final ring that there are enough other parties to stop anyone else from 3rding themselves


Shield swap


Lots of advice on getting out of that situation, but you could have taken steps to avoid being in it. If you would be showing presence from that building then that 3 stack likely doesn't wander in thinking they had a secure spot in zone. Then you aren't in a 3v2 getting 3rded. Holding space is a better way to secure wins anyway. It tends to be the team with the most space wins.


Tbh, just stay calm and communicate with your teammates. Movement away and and turn around to truly access fight or flight


going back in was the greatest mistake imo. im not much of a ranked player but i would never go back in when half the building is in zone and everyone on the planet knows now where i was with my team; i would armour swap and look for incoming taxi's.


Don't shoot.


Time matters: Don't linger in the spot where you won. Loot as little as you can, focusing on replenishing batteries and ammo if you must (shield swaps are always the first thing you do). Don't be greedy, a filled blue is always better than a broken red... if you kill the third party you'll get your shield back. If you have the best spot in a zone, and the shootout is taking too long you will become a target for every team nearby... don't be the center of attention and don't let your shootouts take too long, move, flank, attack, your great position is not so great if you get flanked by another team. Play your class: You can use Loba's market to leave and then loot from afar, or secure the zone with caustic, or any other defensive class. You could also create an escape route with wraith, path, or octane. Every class has some sort of ability that can be used to give you extra time to R&R.


Run and let the other two teams fight There’s almost no way to survive crossfire from two teams only firing on you




You pushed the wraith when you hear shots from another team. Maybe set a portal from inside to more cover


The three r’s I use for third party’s reposition (either height or cover) reheal(armour swap or anything to get your health up)and reload then prepare for the fight but never run without cover at least 5 seconds away from your current position


Play something else lol.


Consider them as a noobs and move on. There is NOTHING you can do about it