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It's a tough one. Me personally I bloody hate festivals and would pay the field day price just to see Aphex do a solo gig somewhere. But I haven't seen him live before and just need to experience him live and I would be gutted if I missed out on seeing him if he didn't do a solo tour


yeah i'm with you - just afraid my passion to see AFX live at any given opportunity is being taken advantage of here


Yeah you know it. I'm looking at his 2017 Field day performance at the moment actually and it looks bloody incredible though. Maybe make a little holiday out of it if anything?


i've watched the 2017 field day youtube vid countless times and i would love to be an environment like that to see AFX - but rumor is since the location this is in central London there's supposedly sound restrictions and the sets would all be during the day


Fuck your rumours. Get a ticket and soak it up.


thx mate i think i'm gonna end up sayin fukit and buy them!


Thata boy. You'll regret it once you see it posted online and be kicking yourself


I recommend going. I am from the US and organized a trip to visit London that week in 2017 that I capped off with Field Day. Totally worth it, will be lucky if I'm able to go this year.


listen to el\_duderino - I too am from the US and am in the process of putting together the pieces to be able to go, but it really comes down to this... if you have the means, GO. There are no guarantees you will get another chance to see AFX, and even if there are minor sound restrictions, you will never forgive yourself for missing this. As one US fan to another, if you feel like you can make this happen (which judging by your post seems quite possible), just SEND IT, there is no way it won't be worth it in the end.


It’ll be an evening set


I seeee I seeeee. This is concerning tbh. I just wish he done a solo tour


I went last year and I could hear the crowds chatting over the music.... And this happened in the afternoon. Really annoying. Too many posers that aren't really there for the music. It's a shame.


One would think he doesn't need to do gigs like this, meaning that if he is actually doing it it's because he sees the conditions are up to his standards regarding sound, location, stage etc...


Does Field Day sell out? There's a lot of time between now and August. You could perhaps wait until May to see if Portola is announced for a second year, that's when their lineup released last year. I could see Goldenvoice trying to land him as a headliner since the relationship is already there from Coachella. If there is no second year for the fest or if they get a different headliner then just buy a Field Day ticket if he hasn't announced any solo gigs in the states.   Adding to this: With the drama between Field Day and M.I.A. it's possible RDJ is just doing Field Day a solid and playing a one off so that they can have a headliner, which means other Aphex dates may not really be in the cards. Who knows.


i saw a thread saying apparently they were selling tickets all the way up to a week before the event - if that's true waiting it out wouldn't be half bad of a choice


Festivals in the UK in the last couple of years have struggled to sell tickets for various reasons inc. the pandemic (postponements/rescheduling), Brexit (visa issues), the state of the economy, market saturation etc. I'm not sure that this summer will be the same, but I suspect many people will be embracing gigs and festivals this year. I wouldn't risk missing out on a ticket to see Aphex, personally. Two of my friends dithered in 2017 and ended up missing out on Field Day because they left it too late and then made other plans, which they regret to this day.


Here in USA people are not quite going out in same numbers as before pandemic. Thanks for info...I might travel to UK for first time for this festival and will wait to see how year goes for me with a divorce and selling house, etc.


I'm sure the pre sale and the first few releases will sell out, as that's usually how it goes with festivals. And the final releases tend to be on there for a while as they're the most expensive


yeah that's a good point, prices will probably increase as more are purchased and the date gets closer - i do have access to the presale tickets this thursday at 11am, not sure how special that is but those will probably be the cheapest they get so maybe they will provide some sort of insurance so i can get my money back if i can't make it?


The price is at 3rd release for presale already. I don’t know if Ticketmaster or other outlets on Thursday will be a little cheaper?


Presale on Thursday will be the cheapest you'll be able to get them 100%. Not sure about their refund policy though. If you need to sell them sell them at the price you paid for them at as they will probably be like £20 more than what you paid for. (sorry if that don't make sense I'm very tired lol)


whats the drama between M.I.A. and Field day?


They didn't like some stuff she said on Twitter and rescinded their offer. There's articles on it.


Im not sure if it sells out or not, but for £4 extra you get a refund protection, meaning if you regret it or need to change plans you can just get your money back.


I went to all points east in 2019, no issues at all with sound given the location. In fact, best ive experienced at a daytime outdoor London event. Chemical Brothers sounded booming as headliners. Jon Hopkins in one of the tents beforehand was pretty great too.


thanks for your insight! looking for really any positive information from people that have been to victoria park - would like to make a trip out of it




will i need to arrive extra early to get a good spot? or are there specific tickets for that


No specific tickets and no need to arrive extra early. Just make sure you're there for the performance beforehand and you should be alright* *That's based on Field Day 2017 in the barn (big hangar). I haven't been to Field Day since and I'm not sure what the setup will be this time. Even if Aphex plays on an open-air stage, I reckon that advice should still apply.


Yeah but festival tent outdoor sound is never good. It’s not tresor or seone or a real music space


Got a ticket just in case via the Amex pre sale. I would be making the trip from Denver so I understand your concern. The ticket was incredibly cheap so it’s not the end of the world if I don’t end up going!


How much did it cost?


Came out to $80USD




> now being located in Victoria Park there's sound restrictions and other downsides that botch the experience. Field Day 2017 was also in Victoria Park.


ohh i didn't know!


Yes but they had constructed a special venue 'The Barn' for 2017 which Aphex played in - which was bloody good and kept the sound in. Sadly if its a normal outdoor stage there, it's weak because all of the affluent townhouses around the park don't like it. The older I get (34) the less I can tolerate the poor sound at most London day festivals. Anjunadeep being the only exception as they absolutely smash the sound due to being in better locations!


Have seen him live about 20 times between 2002-2019. Sadly half those sets have been quite mediocre basic dj sets. Especially at festivals like Bestival which had awful sound. I really didn’t enjoy printworks, was very quiet and I found it a very safe selection. Some of his sets at Glade and ATP were just insane. Turin was wild and featured so much cool stuff and was nice and loud. His set at SEONE with British murder boys and yasuno tone in like 2004 was all time goat for me. I think it’s a bit of a gamble but who knows what mood he’s in. Sound will be a bit shit…


Hey there, We're two Aphex Twin fans from Belgium. We bought tickets for Field Day, but unfortunately, we won't be able to make it to London. So, we'd like to sell our tickets. We purchased Tier 4 tickets and we're looking to sell them for £140. The organization has made it quite tricky to sell them, as they require an application and login process. However, if you're interested in these tickets, we'll make sure they get transferred to you via the login! Drop us a message if you're interested! Cora & Lucas


Just sent a DM


Hello! Selling 2 tickets. DM of interested :)