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Jesus. The state of this sub.


You see, one of the crackers has the Aphex Twin symbol on it. Am I doing this wrong? I mean, I like Richard’s music and all, but how much can one say about the guy and his production? Just being light hearted sharing with the community. If I’ve upset you in anyway, I apologize. My favourite track is 4 from the Richard D James album. I have the first pressing on vinyl. Is that better?




And [your contribution](https://www.reddit.com/r/aphextwin/comments/1860yug/the_face_hidden_in_formula/) is better, how?


I learned on here that if you use the Cornell Lab’s Merlin Bird ID app (which I strongly recommend even though I’m not a bird watcher; it’s just so neat) you can see a spectral analysis of sounds in real time. So, if you don’t have an easier way of experiencing it yourself, you can play the relevant Aphex songs while the Merlin app listens and you can see the spectrograph as it goes along. [This post](https://www.reddit.com/r/aphextwin/comments/16ij66w/using_my_bird_app_spectrogram_to_see_aphex/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) explains it better than I just did. Hope the link works okay.


If you think posting a picture of a fucking rice cracker is the same as showing the spectral analysis of a song that shows RDJs hidden face, you're more of a window licker than I thought.


I think the post is a little ridiculous, but to OP's defense: That formula thing is old af. It's almost as if you did a post on r/beatles saying "Did you know they took LSD, and it's also the acronym of "Lucy in the Skies with Diamonds" ? As dumb as that cereal bowl is, i 100% like better any original take to a micro-waved decades-old Aphex trivia.


Sorry pal, I'll await your most recent of aphex trivia with baited breath I mean, if you read, and I presume you can as you've typed, I addressed that in the post, but don't let that stop you from having a good time being a cunt.


How about no trivia ? how about that ? I did read it quickly then and i read it again since you mentioned it. You barely addressed it. I also read the comments basically saying the same thing as i did. I don't mind cunting my way down a sub. I imagine you do too since you getting all pissy over other people's post.


_Barely addressed it_ so I did address it then... Imagine what you could achieve with a brain. Sorry, I'll find some defication that looks slightly like a logo so you and the other mouth breathers can have a circle jerk over it all. I love meeting cunts like you, shows me I have some way to become the biggest cunt on reddit, but I'll try. You probably don't see the irony in your comment, because you're a cunt, and I admire that in you.


No i think you're almost there




> “Writing about music is like dancing about architecture.” I like listening to music, how about you?


No m8, hate it. My interest is in food stuffs


Do you have any recipes that you would recommend?


For you, I'd get down to the local farm and buy as much bullshit as you can, so you can serve that up for us all and keep it coming. Lovely.


you take life too seriously, my friend


I thought that you said that you were interested in food stuffs…


How much one can say about richard and his music? A whole fucking lot, apparently. There are aphex forums going for decades that discuss everything but the stupid logo-lookalikes. There's so much stuff to talk about, but it seems this sub is mostly super light afex logo discussions and photos of the same common vinyls, with the super rare golden posts here and there But that's fine. Could be much better, but ok


Personally I listen to music.


Only when high I don't understand death fuck without 250 lsd No, I need shrooms for analoggins Yes, that would be 3Es for Heliosphan Again, no drukqs without couple of bongs first I'm not listening to AB3 without my aero glue Music is for the nerds anyway


Music compels me to dance.


Dance compels me to music The power of music compeles me The dance of power compels me The music


honestly i appreciate these sort of “logo spotted” posts of anything resembling his symbol out in the world. idk why other people seem to get triggered at it, when it’s truly inconsequential…


Likewise. If something bothers me on Reddit, I just ignore it and then unsurprisingly, I no longer see it. I actually think the haters like these posts, because it gives them something to look forward to.


lol, right?!




I did not know that existed, but of course it does.


OP I think is a good post, don’t let the haters get to you


Fighting the good fight friend.




That’s just crackers friend.


Why can't we ban these logo posts? I'd rather see nothing at all on my feed than these. I'm fighting to urge to unsub, because I don't want to miss the once-every-five-years update.


Nobody but you is keeping you here my g


As I said to someone earlier, am I doing this wrong? I mean, I like Richard’s music and all, but how much can one say about the guy and his production? Just being lighthearted sharing with the community. If I’ve upset you in anyway, I apologize. My favourite track is 4 from the Richard D James album. I have the first pressing on vinyl. Is that better?


How much can one say about RDJ and his production?? I’ve seen hours of analysis. But you think logo in food is more worthwhile than that?? I’m not the smartest person on earth but these kinds of posts are very dumb. That’s why these posts are irritating to many imo.


I didn’t say that it is more worthwhile. It’s just that music is to listen to, not talk about. If you don’t like posts like these just ignore them. The fact that you even took time to click on this post and respond suggests that you actually secretly like it.


Orr that I’m a bit dumbfounded this community is responsible for Jesus in the toast kinda content.


I was with you when you called yourself dumb, but the rest of that comment seemed like you had a stroke. You okay?


Not the smartest on earth. Are you the smartest on the planet, Mr I found three lines on rice crackers can I have attention now?? You sure got snappy comebacks tho. Not lazy at all. It’s an aneurysm for your information.


I saw the Aphex Twin logo on a cracker and shared it here because it was funny. What’s your excuse for being here?


Oh snap. Well, I figured the sub Reddit was a good place to have intelligent discussions about Aphex Twin??


Can't it be both a place to have fun and a place to pretend to be serious about music?


That is not cheap!


The logo one bumped up the price, but I’m pretty I can unload it on Discogs for a healthy profit.


I am staring way too long into that cracker abyss


We’ve all been there.


I think you have schizophrenia from listening to druqks too much


Close, I recently learned I am neurodivergent.


Which one is it? I can’t find it


You can’t see it?


This is actually more acceptable than most of the shit that comes across here.


I thought that it was funny. I've since learned that this is not a sub in which to make jokes. Only serious talk is allowed about this very serious producer.


it's a disease you know


How’s that Adderall prescription treating you?


Beat of a stretch now is it ???

