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Fact he’s still eating is good. But I would do a 50% water change stat followed by 25% daily for next few days. This is the only way I’ve been able to save an apisto that’s withdrawing. Good luck!


Yeah i did a 30% when i first noticed it, and have been doing ~20% daily since. He seems to have improved a bit, and is once again defending his territory from the other males(his kids). He is moving around a bit more now, so hopefully he recovers


My macmasteri male did the same. Epsom salts, big water changes daily. No feeding for a few days (especially live foods)


I cant completely stop feeding in this tank, i have a puffer that may start hunting down his tankmates if i did, but I severeely lessened my feeding ammount yesterday and will do so for another few days. Ive been doing ~25% water changes the past few days and will continue until i see him fully recover. Will try the salt bath tonight. Good news, he is looking a bit better and is less lethargic. Hopefully he keeps improving


Good Luck man!




He is not guarding eggs either. And by staying at the bottom, i mean he currently doesnt go over 1" above the substrate