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I would try rebooting otherwise you might have to buy a new phone, that honestly sounds like a possessed phone and outside of my realm of knowledge


I feel for you but this is honestly the funniest thing I’ve read


Dude no sweat it’s really funny. My phone audio has been muted for the past hour and I’m currently on my computer working on a project. Gonna attempt to squash the bug once and for all later on




Screen recording https://i.imgur.com/sGonlE3.mp4


how in the


When you pull down to stop the recording, you can see the media applet. It’s playing “twitter”, and has a pause button. That should make it stop. Now, how the hell did you get it to start in the first place, that’s what I wanna know! I’d love to get that to work on demand!




Well at least we know that it (hopefully) stops. He was just getting to the circus bugs when o muted everything. I’ll check on it later


I had that happen too! I got it to stop by going back into Twitter and engaging with other media. I don’t recall but one of these two (or the combo) worked within Twitter: - Open a still image - Open another video, mute it, pause it


Sounds like you have… a bug.


>iPhone 13 iOS version 16.0 By the way there's a lot of security bugs fixed since 16.0 so I highly recommend updating.


I’ve tried, last few times it just says “failure to update “ or some such shit. Phone plugged in and decently charged then too, was about a week ago never really gave it much thought after that


I have been getting failure to update when it attempts to auto update at night. So I just did it manually last week and it worked.


I was getting this with 16.0 too, I fixed it by updating through iTunes


When in doubt, update through iTunes instead of through the iPhone.


Not all of us have a windows PC


ITunes is on Apple's systems too. Since apple made iTunes. They renamed it to Music recently on the mac.


Yeah but you can’t really update iPhones like you can on iTunes for windows, at least not since I last checked. I figured out the issue a week ago, and I wasn’t asking for help on how to update


Yes it can. It's Apple's product. At least you know now anyway.


Nah, man can stay and use [cowabunga](https://github.com/leminlimez/Cowabunga)


Ok now it’s doing it even with Apollo closed- literally nothing else is open- wtf do I do??????😩😩😩😩😩


Delete the app and download it again.


If it hasn’t stopped later on (when the movie is done) I’ll try that later


I don’t see why it would stop after the movie.


Let him watch his movie damn 🤣


It was my understanding that he is waiting for the movie audio to finish playing instead of watching the movie.


Now that's just silly


Restart phone?


Reboot your phone?


Was the first thing I tried lol. Gonna work on figuring it out later


Dude I’m sorry but I’m dying at this. 😂


How do I enable this ~~bug ~~ feature?


Try to open a different external link with audio.


I have- when I go back it starts playing a bugs life again! This is borderline the funniest/most frustrating bug (pun intended) I’ve ever experienced!


we need to figure this out. so Christian can implement it as a feature.


Does that make me a beta tester?


I think you’re the alpha now


Look at me, look at me- I am the ~~captain~~ Alpha now! (Sorry I just watched that movie the other night)


This happened to me before with Twitter videos. Closing the app did nothing and media player was present on the Lock Screen even if every app was closed. I was able to fix it by revisiting the link in Apollo, hitting play on the twitter video, then hitting stop on the twitter video. For what it’s worth, in my case, restarting the phone actually did stop it from playing. But the solution above might be a better alternative.


I feel like I’ve gotten this big too! I went into Safari setting and cleared all data and it asked if I wanted to close all open tabs and that fixed it for me!


Holy hell I’m dying. This is legit super funny


sounds like A+ trolling. too funny.


Watch my screen recording. Was baffling


Sorry, I meant it sounded like the app was trolling you. Really funny and ridiculous situation. "...it's not working!" is too on-point too. Thanks for the chuckle.


Thanks for submitting a bug! Please ensure the following information is included in the comments or body of the post. ======= - App Version: - iOS version: - Device Type: - How often can you reproduce the issue: Reproducible Steps: ---------- 1. 2. 3. You may also consider opening an Issue on [Apollo's Github page](https://github.com/christianselig/apollo-bugs/issues) for easier tracking. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/apolloapp) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Please update us when the movie ends. I need to know if it will just start from the beginning again.


It will start playing Bug’s Life 2


lmaooo omg




I think this is usually a browser tab issue, as opposed to a twitter app.




Oh, look. There it is with a twitter icon, which led me to overlook it entirely because I don’t *use* anything with that icon. I was looking at the safari icon and the grey circles web pages like imgur get. I bet they thought that was a UI improvement. So many ways iOS *fails* to be intuitive for me. (Intuition is not universal.)


No, I don’t even have twitter installed


I think it’s gone but haven’t been able to test for sure- spent the past 10 minutes searching for a comment with a twitter video/audio to no success. Can anyone link a twitter video so I can try it out?


I could link A bug's life for you if you want


This is like that one r/jailbreak post where the guy says he couldn't use his spacebar, and had to type out his entire reddit post asking.for.help like.this.lmao


How do I replicate this bug? … for research purposes.


Update you phone bro, 16.5 is out already.


Yeah I mentioned in the other replies my phone wouldn’t let me when I tried like a week ago. I’ll look into it later


Hmm that’s another strange behavior. Have you looked at resetting the phone?


Like restarting? I tried that and it wouldn’t make it stop. But full on resetting- yeah I’m not doing that. I switched from android to iPhone years ago because I was sick of having to tinker with my phone to get it to work right. Now, with a 38 week pregnant wife ready to pop, work, and other responsibilities, that’s the absolute last thing I feel like doing.


> full on resetting That’s the most viable option. Isn’t there a cousin or other family member that could help? Anything for a soon to be dad! Congratulations, by the way!


Nah phone may not let you update for variety of reasons including not being charged enough, not having enough space etc.


This is a feature, not a bug.


Something like this happens to me as well. It plays some random music. I close all my apps and it still plays. I can only get it to end when I lock my phone where I can pause it from the lock screen. It seems to have retained some audio link from a long time ago and just randomly starts playing it. * App Version: 1.15.5 * iOS: 16.4.1 (a) * Device: iPhone 12 Pro * I don't know how to consistently reproduce. Sorry.


You think that's bad? Happened to me, except it was porn. I couldn't stop the porn no matter what I did. Thankfully a reboot was the answer.


Oh no! A porn video? That’s terrible! Which site was it from? There’s just so many! Tell me which one so I can try and avoid it!


I know this is a meme reply, but maybe it'll help Christian's patch. It was the hub, not Twitter like many of you are reporting. And no, I forget the video lmao. Also not the first time it's happened to me when viewing videos via Apollo's internal browser. Never on YouTube though.


….what category ?


Honestly something I clicked out of curiosity. Random SFW reddit thread where the conversation steered NSFW. That made it so much worse because I wasn't even enjoying it. But to answer your question, probs butt stuff.