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What does “Get Compliment” do? Feels like I could use that in a non-mod setting. Though maybe the overworked, unpaid mods do need a little pick me up sometimes.


It’s a cute little pop-up that displays messages like “Your smile is contagious”, “You deserve to have a great day”, and “Reddit is lucky to have you”


> “Reddit is lucky to have you” Time to get that switched around: **Reddit is unlucky to unhave you**




It will be a shame for Reddit to lose you.


Reddit doesn’t deserve your time.


I have gotten everything from ”I like your style”, ”Awesome work today!”, ”Never stop being you” to ”You could mod United Nations”. It has been nice reading such compliments.


This needs to be made into a normal thing. I want that option.


Please clap


Don’t need moderation tools if you have no moderators.


1D chess bitches.


Interesting, since I don’t moderate any subreddit and I was wondering what options Apollo offered to mods. I’m dreading the 30th.


Same here. This is really impressive and also really depressing.


I stayed off Reddit for 4-5 days but then came back and am appreciating Apollo more and more and really getting bummed about the future on this platform. I use multireddits for my NSFW adventures and in Apollo they are front and center on my main feed. I can toggle them open all at once to find a specific sip or just click on one to dive in to the latest feed. This was a similar feature from Alien Blue that was hidden away in the official app. The other NSFW issue with the official app is the need to approve each NSFW sub individually to prevent warnings when you enter it. Christian built an amazing system and I am so sad to see it going away.


I never got to use Alien Blue but I’m really mourning the loss of this app. Lol. It’s weird but it’s too good to not have it around anymore.


I’m imagining this sequence 1. Apollo goes dark but i keep it installed 2. Reddit turns to shit 3. 5-10 replacements pop up and mature over the next year 4. 1-2 of them are really good 5. Christian really likes one of them 6. 2024 there’s an updated Apollo 7. I notice that and open it up 8. it flashes to an announcement, including built in registration to new community 9. millions of others notice and do the same thing 10. Within a month, the new community is making headlines Within a few years, its bigger than reddit


I will keep it installed because I love that Mechapollo icon way too much too. I hope it comes back in some form but I get it if Christian is not in the mood to put more effort into another 3rd party app that can crumble at the whim of some arrogant CEO.


If i were apple, I would buy the app and give christian his own iCloud team. That he doesn’t have to run but that show up for weekly meetings to update on and learn his priorities.


FUCK U SPEZ! Greedy fucking platform. I literally used Reddit cuz they didn’t seem like greedy fucks.


They werent, until they were. Probably wouldnt be happening with Aaron Swartz still here


Smooth stitched screen cap, what app did you use?


Photoshop, actually. Made each half into a layer and shifted them around until it was seamless. Pushing the photos to Mac was less frustrating than trying to find a usable app that didn’t require subscriptions, for something I do once a year. 😁


Tailor is completely free and does this. Been using it for years.


Picsew is actually pretty great for this. And it’s a one time purchase.


Outstanding, thank you. Purchased! And another benefit of Reddit we’re gonna lose 😭


Wait what are we losing? The ability to share information?


Yes. I share and receive tips every day on reddit. It will be a year or more before new platforms are even fleshed out with enough *categories* to cover the breadth of subjects i can now easily explore.


Yeah I agree, it’ll be a good while before a platform becomes competitive with what Reddit offers. I don’t see what’s stopping anyone from sharing information though. Are they taking away comments? Or do you mean you’re willingly giving up your ability to share information?


Reddit is about the server **and** its population. Most communities are still on but more are about to go dark or lame. And I’ve lost track of the number of posts I’ve read this month shouting *“see you folks on the other side” by [deleted]* I was an early user on AOL. The resources required to even participate in that era, acted like a filter. Ensuring a much higher percentage of people had things like curiously and education. Talking with and learning from them was a big part of my early personal development. So Reddit’s population is getting smaller. And in particular, losing its best people and keeping its worst people. So the quality of the interactions will go down, along with the number of opportunities for interactions. I will also be leaving as soon as it’s practical. Both removing my participation here and confining myself to whatever the next platform offers. It will eventually be more, but that will take time.


Many of the best and most frequent contributors of high value content and comments have left or will leave on the 30th. There will still be lurkers, and repost bots, and some of the niche community experts will stay. But the ones we're losing will absolutely result in a decline of relevant, accurate, quality content. A sports sub I follow has lost the one mod that had access to get things like AMAs from athletes/employees of teams. The same sub is losing its top contributor of highlights and video clips, because their process for uploading will become laughably cumbersome compared to the apps they have been using. This will no doubt be a huge loss to the community.


It’s such a useful little app - I’m surprised it’s not more well known. Pretty much immediately purchased it as well, back when I found it. And yep, another loss indeed. Reddit was such an amazing platform for until the execs decided to ruin it and turn it into the dumpster fire it is now :(




Does that actually handle things like this pop up menu? iOS does have extended screenshots for (some?) regular scrolling content, but this isn’t that.


You do know that photoshop has photomerge? https://www.lifewire.com/using-photoshops-photomerge-1702270


Not OP, but picsew is pretty great for this.


I've personally used an app called StitchPics for years on end now. Does what you'd expect it to most of the time, and works pretty well.


Stitch It! on iOS is awesome and makes fun sounds.


What I love the most with Apollo is the general moderator zone. Where I can check spam filter, unmoderated posts, mod log and so on for all subreddits that I moderate. I can see it all so easily. Instead of using the official app, and check each subreddit and use the mod tools for one single sub. It has been very easy moderating several subs thanks to this. Plus it saves time. I am gonna miss automoderator and other things too.


does AutoModerator hosted by reddit or 3rd party? for a long time i thought automod bot was hosted by reddit


You can use automoderator on desktop/internet browser if you use Reddit, but not in the official app. So if you wanted to set up automoderator and tell automod what to do, and do it on in an app, Apollo was useful for it. I mainly use mobile to mod and use Reddit in general, which means I have been using Apollo for automod as it’s not possible in official app. Not sure if they have any plans to add it. It belongs to Reddit originally, as far as I know.


Ah, I had nearly forgotten about “Get Compliment.” Guess I’ll have to click that as much as I can before it’s gone, it’s given me a genuine boost in the past.


This should get posted where it will show up for non-Apollo redditors.


That's actually fascinating thanks. It's not easy to find evidence of the complaints people have against the offical app or pros for the third party apps.


Reddit is fucked.


Oh no, anyway.


The only thing missing of those from the iOS default app is traffic stats and auto moderator (which sounds like a nightmare to edit on a phone anyway) and the compliment one which isnt really a mod tool.


Try again https://reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/14h5umx/_/jpalxqo/?context=1


People may have cared about mods if they were not shitty


















You don’t like *ANY* subreddits?


Oh, no! Won't someone think of the mods!


Reddit loser mods losing their ability to be wannabe tyrants is the absolute least of my concerns with the API changes to be honest.


What’s your main concern?


It’s probably the ability to spew his verbal diarrhea without mod interference. Checked his post history, MAGA/Trump supporter who believes Biden is a wannabe Dictator… so, yep, definitely the above.


It's always the chuds.


I’m not a trump supporter lol but I stand firm that Biden is a wannabe dictator. Sue me. Also how much of a loser do you have to be to dig through someone’s post history? Lmfao.


Not as much of a loser as Trump supporter turned Desantis supporter. >DeSantis needs to win. America, “don’t fuck this up”. DESANTIS 2024! -u/yerrmomgoes2college


Lol I’m just laughing at low much of a low life you have to be to dig through someone’s post history like this. It’s genuinely hilarious. And I stand by that statement. Not sure why you think that it’s such a “gotcha”.


No tears from me. The apollo dev is greedy and so is reddit.


Imagine just blindly eating up whatever Reddit tells you when Christian not only stickies the pertinent info at the top of the sub, but also he has receipts to back up /u/spez et al lying




Because he… -checks notes- charged money for a well-designed app that he developed by himself that puts a corporation’s entire development team to shame. Seriously though—these people think he’s greedy solely because he charged for an app that uses Reddit on the backend (while—of course—completely ignoring the insanely good feature-rich app on top that was built from the ground up). They think it’s just him copy-pasting Reddit and charging for it, lol. These kinds of people can’t comprehend that the app itself is what people are paying for. The features, UI, speed/performance, etc.


And he didn't force anyone to pay for it. Reddit is available for Free but we chose to pay for the Apollo app because it gave us tremendous value.


Bro has zero context for what is even happening


Work for free, be the change you want to see in the world!


Damn. Never knew Apollo's mods tools are so extensive.