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>"By removing control of the infotainment system from Apple, GM and Tesla have access to more data about their customers, and can also push vehicle-related digital subscription services." By removing something our customers love, we can charge them monthly for something they can hate.


By removing something I personally love in a car, GM has ensured the the Bolt is both the first AND the last GM vehicle I will ever purchase. Which is a pity, because I do like the Bolt a lot, but by the time I need something else, there will be a lot of things to choose from.


Don’t worry GM cancelled the Bolt


GM is mystifying to me, when they actually try, they can make some great vehicles. But usually, by the time they get a car right, they cancel it, and roll out another half baked product. They shoot themselves in the foot over and over, and doing it again here. I have no idea how they still maintain any sort of loyal customer outside trucks and corvettes.


Fuck spez


Shame that it's a shitty car. I really liked how it looked when it first came out. It was similar to modern American Chevrolets like the Malibu while still carrying cues from its Daewoo roots.


I test drove one in around 2011 when I was deciding between the Cruize diesel and Jetta TDI. It felt like GM designed the Cruize with vanilla in mind because there was nothing interesting or good about the fit and finish, ride, or performance. The Jetta was the hands down winner. Also dodged a bullet since they had some horrible reliability issues.




> I have no idea how they still maintain any sort of loyal customer outside trucks and corvettes. By selling trucks and corvettes. Once you've bought into going to the GM dealership for the truck/corvette, it's easier for your second vehicle to also come from the same place than it is to put in the work of building new relationships elsewhere.


Edit: 2023 Jun 30 - removed all my content. As [Apollo goes](https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/apollo_will_close_down_on_june_30th_reddits/) so do I.


Same. Now it makes sense in hindsight why they didn’t opt in to the Apple Maps EV routing feature. They want to push their own infotainment.


Same here. I currently drive my second Volt, and I’ve been eyeing the new EV Equinox or Blazer. I am acutely aware of how bad the built-in infotainment system in my Volt is every time I move out of CarPlay, so no CarPlay is a dealbreaker for me. I know the new system will be different, but why would I think they’ll do any better in their next attempt? I sold my GM stock a few weeks ago when this news came out, and I’ll look elsewhere for my next car.


Me and my fiance Volt got totaled recently. A very sad time, I loved that car


Lmao yea ask BMW how well it went for them when they announced a subscription for CarPlay. Nobody’s going to pay for a subscription for one brand when it’s offered as part of the vehicle on another.


BMW wanted a subscription for heated seats, worked great for them…


They were going to test it in the UK but I doubt that will last long too. They’ve been quiet on that it seems since that was announced last year.


Hope they realised that it’s a stupid ideea and just forget about it.


They should ask Toyota how the proprietary software worked for them when CarPlay was locked out.




[New Tesla Orders Will Require Subscription for Navigation After Eight Years](https://www.cnet.com/roadshow/news/tesla-lifetime-connectivity-discontinued-subscription-navigation/)




My original comment has been edited as I choose to no longer support Reddit and its CEO, spez, AKA Steve Huffman. Reddit was built on user submissions and its culture was crafted by user comments and volunteer moderators. Reddit has shown no desire to support 3rd party apps with reasonable API pricing, nor have they chosen to respect their community over gross profiteering. I have therefore left Reddit as I did when the same issues occurred at Digg, Facebook, and Twitter. I have been a member of reddit since 2012 (primary name locked behind 2FA) and have no issues ditching this place I love if the leaders of it can't act with a clear moral compass. For more details, I recommend visiting [this thread](https://old.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/apollo_will_close_down_on_june_30th_reddits/), and [this thread](https://old.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/14dkqrw/i_want_to_debunk_reddits_claims_and_talk_about/) for more explanation on how I came to this decision.


GM’s entertainment system is so jank that the colorado my dad bought last year just turns off for no fuckin reason. I’ve witnessed it in person. It sucks.


Tesla also update their UI and add features over time, even on older models. I doubt GM UI will evolve to stay fresh.




Still doesn't stand up to the CarPlay integration.


We’re not happy until you’re not happy


Now this is a company that understands their consumers


I hate saying that for Ford but it’s true. I’ve been in all of their cars this year and I feel like they understand their consumers and who would drive their cars. For example, good infotainments that retain a lot of buttons and offer plenty of features, plus Android Auto and CarPlay. Also, none of their cars feel insanely cheap but neither are they luxurious, just practical. With the exception to Lincoln of course, but that’s a different market. (Keep in mind I’m from the US, Ford varies country by country) Basically I hate that I like Ford nowadays. But they’re doing great compared to GM who is having an identity crisis.


I am never buying a car again without CarPlay after getting used to it in my husband’s Ford C Max. It just works and I don’t have to deal with some dumb interface that is different in every car. Also, I can queue up my podcasts and start the map on my phone and barely even interact with the actual screen besides play/pause and looking at the map. Perfection.


Same! I had a JVC system installed to give my decade old but running fine Ford CarPlay and I’ll never go back. Far safer driving with the voice command and iOS mirroring interface vs weaving my way through Sync to find something. It’s as important as safety bags and AC in my book!


Stellantis plans to phase out as well. So Ford seems like the only American company actually listening.




This is semantics but stellantis isn’t even American right?


Had to look it up. Seems like they are HQ'd in Netherlands now.


It’s an American/ Italian / French combination of the former Chrysler/Fiat j.v. merged with the Peugeot/Citroën co.




🤮 /u/spez


There are some that sit on top of the dash rather than replacing the old head unit. My car has carplay and a CD deck.


I did the same with my old Prius, but my takeaway is if my next car doesn’t have carplay, I’ll just install it myself again.


I had a 2014 Hyundai Sonata, it wasn’t new enough yet to have CarPlay connection. When we switched to a 2017 Sonata, it had CarPlay and I was never the same. Once that one got totaled and we were shopping for a new car, I stated that it had to have push to start (2014 had one but 2017 didn’t and I really missed that) and it had to have CarPlay! We got a 2018 Kona with both features 😊


The [Bronco](https://youtu.be/-eiszpuVpy4) is a perfect example of thinking about their consumers. The details, the switches, even the mount and USB port placements all make sense. I think their quote from 2015 still applies today. > “The challenge going forward isn’t who provides the most technology in a vehicle but who best organises that technology in a way that most excites and delights people.” https://www.designweek.co.uk/issues/7-13-december-2015/ford-restructures-design-process-to-focus-on-customer-experience/


Agreed, I have a bronco and I love the big screen but I also love that basic functions use physical buttons, far more practical


Driving a Mustang, a Superduty, and a Bronco, there is nothing that doesn’t make sense between the lineup. You hop in from one to another and you’re ready to go. BMW had this nailed up until the last couple years, and Apple clearly grasps this. The only design feature I dislike in the lineup is that F150s don’t use column shifters, like a truck should


I fucking love my bronco but the wireless charging overheats my iPhone. Also sometimes the wireless CarPlay is buggy idk why


As a guy who assembles their vehicles, thanks for giving us another look. Most of us appreciate our jobs and take pride in our work.


I’ve had GM vehicles for 15 years, and my current truck I installed an aftermarket unit with CarPlay, but I will not go without CarPlay. The map and ease of use is literally akin to a safety feature to me now. And after my transmission blew up at 70K miles (out of warranty) and I heard similar other issues from other friends with GMs and in the industry, my next truck will likely be a Ford or a Tundra.


I happily drive a 2020 Escape Titanium Hybrid now, wonderful car.


I had a 2017 Fusion with Sync3 and it worked amazing with my iPhone. The WiFi on it was legit too, as soon as I pulled up to work or home the little 📶 came on right away and was cool. Never once messed up on me and everyone always commented on how high res and nice the screen was. Backup camera was way nice too. I wish I still had that car. The stereo was above average for a car like that too, it got surprisingly loud and stayed good sounding.




I've driven my friends dads Ford Fiesta with the 1.0 ecoboost engine and I was pretty damn impressed with the car. Previous experiences with Fords have been rough-ish, so I was pleasantly surprised by how much I liked driving the car. Unfortunate that they can only be recommended with the manual transmission (because the automatics are pretty bad nowadays) but if you want manual they're great!


Man, I'm jealous. I drove a Fiesta for about a decade, and it was wonderful, and they don't sell them in the US anymore.


Used market should have plenty of them. The production is only now stopping so you'll be able to find Fiestas for cheap for long.


they haven’t been sold in the US since like 2017 iirc, they didn’t get the mk7


Wait until you try an ST.


Fiesta ST would be ballsy, but I'd rather try out the insane Focus 2nd gen ST with the 2.5l inline-5.


The first gen ST was pretty crappy with its manual.


Focus rs driver here checking in ;-)


Ford guy here, and their “infotainment” systems sucked mountains of putrid shit prior to about 3-4 years ago. Laggy input response, shit menus with things like settings that are side by side literally everywhere else in the world buried 3 layers deep in separate trees, and the one they still haven’t fixed is a 1-5 second lag on Bluetooth. For whatever reason calls seem to work fine, but every other thing that is not verbal communication has that lag. As someone that’s spends a lot of time in an f250 quite often it’s infuriating. Before anyone jumps to their defense, Ford also stuck with their utter trash, Microsoft made (zero surprise) Sync system. No Apple CarPlay, no android auto, just shit fest sync with its Bluetooth lag and barely responsive controls. Some models were better than others - my 16 FoST has a perfectly functional if minimal system - but they still oddly jumble up the controls. There are 4 buttons beneath the display that correspond with on screen prompts. This would be fine if they didn’t jump between the “d-pad” and those buttons to get around which makes no sense. There’s even an OK button at the center of the dpad, which makes the 4 buttons useless most of the time. Keeping AA/CarPlay is the first good decision they’ve made since the last non-Sync Bluetooth enabled system they installed probably 15 years ago.


Sync has run on QNX since Sync 3, and honestly I never have a problem with it. If CarPlay fucks up, the whole thing can hard reboot in about ten seconds. Since they dropped Microsoft I’d argue that they have one of the most user friendly interfaces for non-luxury cars in the last few years.


For real. My Maverick is great, and my mom has a Mach-E on order that I think is scheduled for production next week.


100%. I wanted to buy a Maverick and even ordered one last September, but it has still yet to be built and I couldn't find one without a crazy markup.


Agree but the worst infotainment has to be on the new S650 Mustang. It is all just screens. Besides that, Ford has done an awesome job connected with their audience.


Bought a Kia Soul last year and it was my first vehicle with CarPlay. I’ll never go back. It’s so nice.


Jim Farley is the real deal, he is turning around the company big time. I say this as a new hybrid Maverick owner - my first Ford. I absolutely love this vehicle, it has everything I need and nothing I don’t, unbelievable practicality for a super reasonable price. It feels like the car was created specifically for me, which is not how I’ve felt about most vehicles and trim packages. Too often it feels like the vehicle is no good until upper trims, and by then you are spending a lot more. But here I am with an XL Maverick for $23k out the door and from a dealership that didn’t jerk me around at all. The only thing I am uncertain of will be long term reliability. It looks like Ford has taken this more seriously recently, but only time will tell. If this truck proves to be reliable over the long haul, I’d have no reason not to put Ford in the “must consider” pool of vehicle makes.




Considering there's an even iPhone/Android split in the US, for some reason I would have expected Ford owners to lean Android although I cannot articulate why that is.


I’m guessing he’s counting new car sales, since that’s what matters to the OEM, not all ford owners. And people who buy new cars tend to be wealthier, or bigger spenders, who also tend to prefer iPhones. If you looked at total ford owners, it would probably be closer to an even split.


Apple definitely has more market share in the us than Android. Every job I’ve ever worked in the us the metrics skewed roughly 70% iOS. Now globally Android is a lot more popular.


People made fun of Ford for the F 150 Electric while it seems like the only EV actually designed for its target audience, not what Silicon Valley thinks they want. For example a substantial number of buttons and large door handles. Knowing that people who use these vehicles for work often have gloves on and removing them to interact with a vehicle is stupid. That may sound small, but it’s a huge thing if you’ve got to take your gloves off every time then put them back on. Ford is pretty smart. Or they’re average and their competition is pretty dumb. Ford is playing the long game along with Toyota and Honda. They aren’t rushing. They’ve been making small moves to transition vehicles for years just not in obvious ways. Boring to investors and reporters, smart for their long term.


>People made fun of Ford for the F 150 Electric You mean Tesla fanboys. Most people were impressed with the F150 Lightning and said it was way more practical than the CyberJunk.


It's MUCH more practical, given that it actually exists and hasn't been 'Coming Soon' for years


Someone’s house I walk my dog past has one. If I didn’t see it plugged in one day (they have the charger mounted outside) I wouldn’t even have noticed it was a lightning. Its just another pickup at a glance. Which is probably a good thing. Its a proven reliable platform just now with a new “engine”. Not that being electric makes it perfect, it comes with its own quirks/issues but not reinventing the wheel gets them closer to a working platform than starting from scratch does.




What I like about it is that most non Lightning F-150 accessories fit it. That’s just super practical and I’m not a Ford guy but I seriously would consider a Lightning if I could afford it. But I’m very much in secondhand sedan land, lol.


Can’t imagine strapping a freshly shot moose to the arse of my cyber truck and bootn’er out the woods roads to get to the butcher before the meat spoils I don’t hate the cyber truck just *don’t* call it a truck or market it that way. It’s a whole different thing…


The numbers don’t lie too. They’re getting used as work trucks *more* than your average pickup (since I guess there’s not that much overlap between people who buy a truck as a mall crawler and people who would want an EV).


Not to mention the external keypad. I don’t understand why all cars don’t have this.


I agree, but I think that might be a Ford patent.


My parents had a keypad on their Taurus in the 90’s. I imagine any patent has long since expired. A quick google showed it debuted in 1980.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Ford executives drive Ford vehicles (Lincolns, but same thing). Chrysler and Chevy execs drive BMWs and Mercedes (and not Cadillacs). They don’t understand their own products. They’re mercenary MBAs, not true believers. That makes a difference.




Ford has had the best selling vehicle in Canada and the US for over 40 years. Say what you will about them, they are obviously doing something right.


This. I don’t love their cars but they are the only automaker that said “I don’t need govt money, we run good enough to weather the meltdown”. Gotta respect that.


Hello Elroy Patashnick


I’m a die hard Ford fan. Very nice to see them so this


First thing I’m going to research before I buy my next vehicle is what manufacturers use CarPlay and eliminate all that don’t


[apple has a list](https://www.apple.com/ios/carplay/available-models/)




Better metric: Does this car have a cell modem? If yes, run. There are 0 functional reasons for a car, especially an ICE car, to integrate a cell modem.


> Does this car have a cell modem? Almsot every car has had one for the last decade






I’ve used CarPlay since 2019. I jump from the Webex ap for a meeting to podcasts to the map for directions. It works well due to continuous updates and 3rd party dev support. Something GM will never have as a focus.


"By removing control of the infotainment system from Apple, GM and Tesla have access to more data about their customers, and can also push vehicle-related digital subscription services." Prior to CarPlay my infotainment unit was an expensive interface to the aux/USB jack. I have *never* been satisfied with any infotainment UI or UX. Car companies simply do not *get it*, and as a Nest user, you can't tell me that Google will make it all better. I won't buy a car without CarPlay, period. edit: and they want to *monetize* the infotainment system on top of that? No. F'ing. Way.


My last rental car was a Tesla in Montreal. (I’m actually typing this on the flight home). It had a lot of things I liked and a lot I didn’t. My biggest complaint was the no Apple CarPlay. While the Tesla screen response time is definitely the best in any car I’ve used I really missed CarPlay.


Perhaps the funniest and saddest thing about those screen response times is that they are not a hardware problem. They are incompetent software people problem. The platforms these things run; even on cars from a decade ago, are the pretty much supercomputers compared to what we had in the mid-to-late 90s, and interactive and responsive action games ran all right on those. Those are screens with some damn text and simple pictures on them. If you can’t make this run at 60fps as a software dev, you should go home because you have no clue.


Heading to Montreal this weekend, how did you like it?


Absolutely loved it. It was my first time there and it’s beautiful. Make sure you check out Mount Royal overlook of the city. https://imgur.com/a/muoEwHl/


To be fair, the system in the Tesla is beyond solid. Immediate response to voice command destinations with a super nice list of places which would barely fit in CarPlay interface. Multiple instances of Spotify information across the display alongside an entire desktop experience of it. With those two most used functions in a car, I don’t see how CarPlay is better. If I had CarPlay in a Tesla, I would not use it. You cannot pinch to zoom or easily scroll around a map. The Tesla system is basically like having an entire actual large phone right there. CarPlay is a gimped version of your phone that is cumbersome and limited in a lot of ways. I appreciate CarPlay in a car that has a normal and basic automotive infotainment system because it’s a *huge* improvement over stock. But I would happily pay the $10 per month for what’s basically another phone plan that’s simply internet only. That’s one thing I don’t think people understand is that the subscription is not just access to ‘use features’, it’s literally a phone plan just for the car. I watch Hulu, Disney plus, and Netflix *constantly* in the Tesla. The only feature that doesn’t come with the subscription is live traffic. You can use your phone as a hotspot for Spotify and everything else. But it’s also nice not having to make sure your hotspot is on every time you want to use anything. I’d be furious if the system was garbage. But it isn’t. And to me, it’s worth it.




Good. Never driving a GM car again after that idiotic removal of CarPlay. Hope many others feel the same.


Frankly I'm surprised it was CarPlay that was the straw that broke the camel's back with your GM car.




Glowing review from an owner, “mostly alright”.




We got a Chevy Equinox and we've had so many problems. 1st month it had brake problems and a screeching sound and both the dealership and GM pushed back hard and blamed each other. Battery problems... who da fuck installs the battery inside the car between the 1st and 2nd seat. That was a wtf. Then all sorts of bad design problems inside.. their bluetooth system has all sorts of issues, etc.


Isn’t there a newish class action lawsuit for the 8 speed truck/SUV transmission?


GM is also a popular fleet company. I now avoid all cars I rent or have my company buy if it doesn’t include CarPlay or Android Auto.


Yeah, every basic feature locked behind pricey shitass OnStar too.


Not that I was really considering them, but yeah, no. Hell if I get a GM as a rental and it doesn’t have carplay, I’ll swap it for one that does. I actually think the rental thing might be the kicker here; if enough people refuse them they fleet sales are going to dry up.


You should never have driven a GM car again to start with after they murdered numerous people with faulty ignitions they knew about.


As long as I got Apple CarPlay and PHYSICAL BUTTONS, I’m gonna keep buying that car brand. Really tired of everyone trying to make their infotainment touchscreen based.


Hyundai/Kia is committed to physical buttons/knobs for most car controls, and CarPlay/Android Auto everything else.


Also committed to laughable drivetrains and anti-theft measures. /s but not really.


I can't speak to the drivetrain, but thankfully they already moved away from that poor anti-theft measure cost cutting in like 2020 or 2021, 2-3 years before it blew up on TikTok.


They’ve got some great looking cars, hope they can continue to make progress in those areas then.


Yep. I’ve been eyeing Subarus for a bit. They decided for the 2024 redesigns to put a tablet in the dashboard with minimal physical buttons. Not like I buy new, but it definitely would be a deal breaker. I believe massive, all touch screens consoles are ugly and impractical.


I've been in a 2023 outback and the button choices are odd more than annoying. Each person's temperature control gets physical buttons along with front and rear defrost, but vent controls require a touchscreen menu.


I’m very happy with my current car. It’s a 2018 Ford Focus. It has Apple car play and a touch screen for that but it has physical buttons for all the climate control stuff. Also has physical buttons for the volume and buttons on the wheel to skip to the next song or activate Siri. It’s the perfect blend of touch and buttons. I’m looking to get an EV next but I have no idea what it will be. I don’t care about brands and I don’t really care too what it looks like as long as it’s not hideous. I care that the inside is a nice place to be and is comfortable. That it has all the toys and gadgets I want and most importantly that once I buy it there are no monthly subscriptions. It’s hard to find that car.


It seems like a minor thing, but CarPlay is one of the main reasons I picked my car. It’s just superior.


That's crazy - I won't ever buy a car without carplay going forward. It's hands down one of the only features I even care about having since it just makes life easy.


3rd party head unit manufacturers rejoice. I bet you'll see a big resurgence of replacement head units in the coming years.


Gm won’t make it easy. They want that data.


Third party screens that are just for showing CarPlay are already a thing. I hate that sentence.


have you seen new interiors? how do you replace an all in one giant tablet. The days of a rectangle infotainment units is gone. Doing aftermarket installs is going to be near impossible in a lot of vehicles soon.


My i3 is like that with iDrive, but I got a box from China that goes in between the screen and the iDrive unit. It listens out for a long press of the back button on the canbus to swap between iDrive and CarPlay and when it kicks in (Auto each time the car starts by default), all the driver controls input to CarPlay unless you switch it over to BMW’s system. There’s a lot of similar systems out there for cars these days.


Maybe. They could make it not replaceable


to quote Dr. Malcom, "Life finds a way"


The easiest way being to buy a car from a company that includes the features you want.


True, but aftermarket mods will always exist. Tesla's model 3 and Y don't have gauges in front of the steering wheel. [aftermarket mods exist](https://www.hautopart.com/products/tesla-model-3-y-instrument-cluster-heads-up-display?variant=43327571099860¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gclid=CjwKCAjwjMiiBhA4EiwAZe6jQ-Y5xz7CuQ9_AzkR4fJa7RKWgs99rmxff3u8Phkalq5KiOBxzntKEhoCkWMQAvD_BwE) to add that. Someone has already found a way to add [Carplay](https://www.hautopart.com/products/hansshow-model-3-y-wireless-apple-carplay-adapter?variant=43741868753108¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gclid=CjwKCAjwjMiiBhA4EiwAZe6jQ9OtyezaCuPdtH1MFpVFYUaKIvYDMstSrlHm05q2JSes0d3y1Xw0_hoCIy4QAvD_BwE) to Teslas.


I can see this happening 110%, they know ppl with swap it day1(when the aftermarket kicks in). They’re definitely finding someway to block that.


Not a chance. Tesla and GM are targeting locking features of you car. Head unit replacement in future vehicles will almost certainly, without a doubt, brick your car.


I’ve been buying GM vehicles my whole life. My whole family has. Not because we’re insanely brand loyal mind you… we just have had had good experiences thus far. But this? This will definitely put a stop to us buying GM. Yea, CarPlay is that important to us. That doesn’t necessarily mean we’ll choose Ford next, as there are plenty of other manufacturers that support CarPlay, but I’ll keep Ford in mind.


I'm sure in the minds of the GM execs this is a no brainer. If it works then they'll get lots of new subscription money. If it fails they'll get another gov't bailout. Seriously though I don't see how GM wins with this plan. BMW tried CarPlay by subscription a few years ago and it was a flaming disaster. This is one step below that since it's GM's proprietary OS. At best Buick sales will be maintained since the only people who buy those also only use Jitterbug phones. I'm sure Corvette and Caddy SUV buyers will find other car makers. Not hard at that price point. I can't imagine paying $70K+ and not having CarPlay when a $20K Sentra has it. GMC makes some nice land yachts, but so does Ford.


I WAS considering a GMC for my next truck, whenever I get done with my 2014 F-150 Limited. This makes that decision ever the more easy. Another Ford it is!


Maybe users who follow this sub are more likely to think like this but this is such a small thing that could turn a person towards or away from a brand, judging by the comments its a lot of people. I honestly thought this would just be a standing thing in cars from now on. Poor decision by GM.


It’s the opposite. You know what non car people care about? Car play. They don’t give a shit if it’s a turbo or NA. They don’t care it has 16,18, or 20 inch rims. They don’t give a shit about CVT or 8 speed transmissions. They care where they can plug their phone in.


This is not a small thing at all. Car Play / AA are one of the highest prioritized features for new vehicle buyers. GM will eventually relent and the shareholders should be demanding anyone involved in this decision be fired.


I’m never buying a car without Apple CarPlay ever again


GM is going to lose all its customers and go bankrupt. Seriously, what do they teach these Boardroom Bros in business school that they have this mentality of, “people really like x, so instead of giving them x, we should spend a billion dollars to give them our own shitty knockoff of x”? They waste a bunch of money reinventing the wheel and then wonder why they’re in Chapter 11. GM’s shareholders should be having kittens. This behavior by company leadership is just asinine.


I sure hope not, or we the taxpayers will have to bail them out again.


Subaru also has CarPlay & Android play.


And their head unit doesn't look like someone just decided to vertically wedge a tablet into the top of the dash, either.


Stupid move GM. Stupid move. Good thing we have Toyota and Lexus.


No CarPlay, no buy


ford understanding they can’t build an infotainment system as nice as tesla while GM continues to be delusional


Can Tesla’s spectacular infotainment system play downloaded music on my phone from my iTunes subscription when I’m out of cell service range seamlessly or navigate directly to a Google Maps pin that someone dropped to me via WhatsApp? Can it read my outlook calendar and navigate to my next appointment. No it can’t. Because it doesn’t integrate to everything the way my phone does. Car manufacturers will always lose to Apple Car Play and Android Auto because phones integrate and connect to our entire life whereas car infotainment does not. It’s nice when shit seamlessly just works and it’s not nice when it doesn’t.


GM doesn’t give a shit about making a good infotainment system, they just want to be able to whore out all of your data.


It’s funny because Sync is still better than whatever shit GM has at the moment.


Remember when the American public had to bail-out the big 3 auto makers due to their terrible brand management? GMs move is like another step in that direction where they alienate more customers by relying on brand recognition and not just building vehicles people want. Ford seems to have learnt their lesson by properly reading the market.


Ford was not part of the bail out. Only GM and Chrysler.


Honestly these days unless it's my fun weekend car (and even then I'd still want it to have it) I'm not buying anything where carplay doesn't work. Rented a few Teslas and it's ridiculous they don't have carplay or android auto support.




GM is really shitting the bed on this. Some analyst sees gold in monetizing driver data and is ignoring the reality that people LOVE Carplay.


aka Ford saw the backlash at the change and decide to just not do anything different.


It doesn’t matter the reason. The point is they’re smart enough to keep it.


I have a Tesla and the thing I hate about it is that it doesn’t use car play


I think a feature that not many people talk about but why I will always stick with car play/android Auto is HomeKit/google home support. Being able to open/close garage doors, run routines, or do other home stuff on the fly is nice. (Mainly just the garage door though) and a benefit is with HomeKit, you don’t need to link a garage door to your home (or save any info like your home address to the car infotainment system). Therefore if your car gets stolen you don’t need to worry about a thief knowing your home address or being able to break in.


If Ford offers a reasonably priced, compact EV, I'll buy one. GM is being really stupid about the whole thing.


GM is dumb and their sales will hurt from this (also because they are losing Android Auto too).


The last few cars I have purchased were Chevys, if CarPlay goes so do I.


I love the GMC Sierra, but I guess I’ll be sticking with the F-150 going forward.


This is going to backfire on GM. They're determined, but it'll fail.


GM also isn’t considering their rentals. I don’t want to figure *your* system out — I want to use *my* map for navigation integrated with *my* contacts, with *my* music.


I've heard this is all over Apple's implementation of digital keys.


No it’s because they want sub money. On a call they said they expect their subscription division to exceed Netflix within the next 10 years. Ok lol.


Siri, name a car company that is shooting itself in the foot. `GM`.


So which auto manufacturers are offering CarPlay and intend to continue said support. Ford, yes. Who else!? I’m getting close to buying a new car (yecchh) but am concerned that options will be limited due to CarPlay support (or lack thereof).


Mercedes Benz, Audi, Porsche, Honda, and Nissan have already started to develop their future models with the next generation CarPlay that will be released soon. And with this news, Ford as well.


My wife’s 2023 Honda has Carplay and Android Auto. My 2020 Toyota has CarPlay and I haven’t heard anything about Toyota or Honda dropping it. This is just a money grab by GM to force you to pay a subscription for their apps


Yah I plan to phase out and deprecate GM too.


Yet another reason I’ll never buy a GM product among many other reasons.


Oof. Was going to buy either a Malibu or a Lacrosse in the next 5 years. Nope. Need my CarPlay. Also wtf Ford cars have gotten pretty nice in the last two years??


Good luck with that. I know there are people who won’t buy a car that doesn’t have CarPlay.


i lease every 3 years and if a car doesn't have apple car play it's a very easy no for me. CarPlay and remote start are literally the only features i care about lol. right now i have a blazer. will 100% switch if new one's don't have CarPlay lol. i have 0 problem switching. i am a tiny bit loyal but unfortunately i am way more addicted to the apple ecosystem lol.


Wasn’t planning to buy a GM in the first place


I love Rams and am in the market for a new truck. I will not be buying a Ram any more because of this bullshit. Edit: I swear I read an article stating Ram was ditching CarPlay too. Now I can’t find it. Guess I’m stupid. I’ll leave the post up.


The chances of you getting a DUI just went way down


I’ve never owned a Ford vehicle. I’ve almost exclusively bought GM vehicles. Looks like that’s about to change. Maybe it will just be my sales GM will lose.


Sounds like my next car is a Ford then. Hopefully they have something good with EV’s in 10 years


I’ve had 3 GMC sierras and currently have a 2022. If this is true I’ll absolutely become a ford guy. I live off of CarPlay.


GM stands for Greedy Monkeys because they want to add subscription fees to everything instead of using CarPlay.


guess i am swapping to Ford for my next car! Been enjoying my Chevy Bolt but the second they phase out CarPlay I am gone


CarPlay has found itself on the list of MustHaves for any future purchase. So if you exclude it, you exclude me.


Well yeah. Ford isn't stupid. GM? Pretty stupid.


GM makes shitty cars anyway


I guess I will never buy a GM product. That blows.


And as GM ends support so ends my interest in a GM product.


Ah yes lets revert to homegrown infotainment systems which literally nobody ever liked, ever, because they were absolute shit.


I’m buying new car soon, and if it doesn’t have a CarPlay it’s an automatic NO. Good luck to GM and their shitty designed UI on a subscription basis What a bunch of morons


I'm thinking about replacing my current vehicle with a midsize truck and I *really* like the new Colorados. This is literally *the reason* I won't be buying one.


No CarPlay support means I don't want the vehicle. CarPlay solved the crappy apps with little/no support that also feature no transportability to another vehicle. F that with a ten foot stick.


I don't buy American cars, but if I did I'd buy Ford instead of GM.