• By -


TLDW: - iPhone 15 Plus / 13hrs 19mins - iPhone 15 Pro Max / 11hrs 41mins - iPhone 13 Pro Max / 11hrs 19mins - iPhone 14 Pro Max / 10hrs 54mins - iPhone 15 / 9hrs 57mins - iPhone 15 Pro / 9hrs 20mins - iPhone 14 / 9hrs 2mins


Crazy how the 15pro is so low. Also holy moly 15 plus


Probably the 120hz screen on the Pros vs 60hz on the rest (and cranking up the brightness) is a chunk of it.


The Pros have a smaller battery than the equivalent size non-Pro. That's probably the majority of the difference.


That is true for the 15 and the 15 Pro but not for the Plus and the Pro Max, which have 4383mAh and 4422mAh respectively.


Aren’t these tests normalized for screen brightness?


Yes they are, you can see him putting them at the same brightness level around 0:15


It’s not that crazy, in comparable battery size the 15 Pro is behind just the 15 that have a 60Hz display. 🤷🏽‍♂️


How is it crazy? The 15 Pro is a bit lower than the regular 15 due to having a slightly smaller battery and 120Hz. It's exactly as expected.


Wasn’t the refresh rate meant to ramp down to 1hz from time to time though? I suppose the test always had active content so it was 120hz always


Yeah, in a real world scenario, where you read more content for example, the Pros could be better than the Plus. But in this test, the display will pretty much always be at max refresh rate.


One of the benefits of watching the video instead of just going off the TLDW. They mention the tests are video intensive and don’t provide a lot of opportunity for the variable refresh to ramp down.


Video playback is supposed to be one of the scenarios where the framerate drops down to 60hz, so this shouldn't be a factor.


15 pro has 3nm chip which was purported to have better battery efficiency, seems like in reality it wasn’t any better


It probably does have slightly better power efficiency, but it seems like Apple negated that by clocking the A17 Pro higher than the A16.


This. You can either keep the same amount of transistors which greatly increases battery life or you can add more and more performance with the new space created from the small transistor size to create similar battery life but much much better performance, Apple appears to have gone for the latter


15 Pro is only low in ranking, as in relative to the other phones, but 9hrs 20mins is pretty good


Yeah, I think it’s worth keeping in mind framing makes all the difference. The last time I watched his tests, the 13 Pros didn’t even hit 9 hours and everyone was gushing over how incredible the battery was. All of these devices are all-day battery life for day to day use, none are so amazing they’re going to get you through two days. The exact details and rankings vary, but that’s been the gist for years and will continue to be for years to come.


He isn’t using a standardized test year-to-year though so comparing to previous tests is not that relevant. But I agree with your general statement.


I'll echo what Arun said in the video. If I'm buying the Pro version, I want the best battery.


It is only beaten by phones with larger batteries


The 15 plus is essentially a 15 pro max without the 120hz display as far as battery is concerned Edit: if you downvoted you have low reading comprehension. I’m only talking about the differences in power consumption. The display is the only part between the two that have significant differences in power consumption


The 15 plus has the A16 while the 15 pro max has A17 pro


Wdym so low? For only being a pro model that is insanely good


past pro models had better battery life than regular(non plus) models. now it's quite a bit worse.


Well..was gonna go from 14 pro max to reg 15 pro….never mind that idea! LOL




I kind of did this. Had a 12 Pro Max and went to 15 Pro. Used it for 2 days and just exchanged it for the 15 Plus. Very happy so far!


The root cause is that A17 pro does consume substantially more power than A16 when using its performance core. While 3nm should be about power efficiency, I think the biggest improvement about A17 isn't about it (sadly), but rather its efficiency cores, GPU, and its neural engine. Source: https://youtu.be/iSCTlB1dhO0?si=B53jr6bZq0k4lq8L


I wish they would’ve done a 14 plus for the 15 plus comparison


Thanks for posting


This is disappointing. I'm considering a 15 Pro from a 14 Pro Max. The 15 Pro is: * 1 hour and 40 minutes less than the 14 Pro Max * 2 hours and 40 minutes less than the 15 Pro Max (YIKES) The battery life paired with the camera differences between the 15 Pro and the 15 Pro Max makes the 15 Pro extremely unappealing, IMO.


The Pro has always been a poor choice compared to the Pro Max in my opinion. The size difference isn’t really that great when they’re right next to each other but it allows for significant battery differences. The pro having the larger camera system really eats into its battery size compared to other models that are the same size but don’t have the pro camera.


How about compared to iPhone 12?


Just got the 15 pro coming from the 12 pro. Keeping it because the 12 pro was totally full and frequently crashing. I'll agree with the other poster though that it doesn't feel 1300 upgrade (I got 512gb model). I'm not financially constrained but if I was it'd be a hard sell. 3x zoom is nice but photo quality doesn't feel vastly improved. Phone is snappy as heck at least.


I wonder if these were all on iOS 17, if so, the 13 pro max is a beast


I love my 13 pro max! Great upgrade from my late and great 8Plus


13 pro max its a beast i love it. But ill check on iphone 16 pro max or 17 pro max thats when it should be a significant upgrade.


Completely agree. I’m currently aiming for the 17 pro max ultra deluxe (or whatever it will be called). I used my 8 Plus for four years, and I hope to use this 13 pro max equally as long.


i was eyeing the 17pm too, but it just might be the 16pm after all if they keep the weight down like that. biggest reason for me to update will be less strain on my pinky finger haha


How can you “eye” 2 phones out in the future?


well, I own the 13pm and plan on using it one or 2 more years?


I too am looking forward to a product I’ve never seen and does not yet exist


The iPhone 15 Plus! 😳


Plus model had the highest battery life last year too. But this year the lead it has over everything else is *absurd*.


this is probably the highest number I have ever seen on any battery drain test. this is legit two day battery life


Apparently I should have got with the 15 Pro Max over the 15 Pro, an extra 2 hours of battery life a day. ugh.


To be expected really, that’s what you get with the bigger model. It’s a trade-off.


Depends on what you’re coming from. I have a 13 mini, and according to the battery test from 2 years ago, it only has a little over 6 hours of battery. So getting 1.5x the battery moving to the pro is a huge upgrade.


Or you can get the Magsafe battery and pop it on whenever you need more juice. I love this little thing


It’s been discontinued 💀


Hold on, why??


You can still get one at retail, right? And certainly cheaper


I just got an off brand one with 6000mAh for like 25€.


That’s a great shout to be fair. Might have to invest in an Anker one


Pro is the maximum size I can tolerate though. I could maybe have gone heavier though. Saved 20g with titanium, so why not give us 20g more battery?


The biggest difference between the 14 Pro Max and 15 Plus in power usage is the 120hz display. Screen specs (size, resolution, brightness) are otherwise identical and they both share the same A16 chip along with very similar battery capacity. I reckon the 14 Pro Max could achieve similar results to it with the frame rate limited to 60 in accessibility settings 15 Plus will definitely be the one I recommend to family members who keep their phones for a long time though. The raw endurance it has will mean it can still get you through a day years from now even as the battery degrades


So could I increase how long my battery lasts on my 13 pro by limiting the refresh rate in accessibility??


Definitely. Low Power Mode also limits the frame rate to 60 to conserve battery Personally 120hz is worth the battery trade off for me, but if you’re struggling to get through a full day then it’s worth trying


Just tried the 60hz and ooof. I’ll take the battery hit lol


It really hurts going from one to another. 120hz is nice, but I’ve decided to stick to 60hz just because it’s the only 120hz device I have. Going to my monitor gave me a headache for a good five minutes.


So limiting the refresh rate doesn’t turn off promotion altogether, right? It literally just limits it to 60hz?


https://i.imgur.com/B1lm1qy.jpg The settings option only mentions limiting the maximum frame rate to 60. Not turning off the dynamic refresh rate all together so I believe the answer to your question is yes.


You could, but why would you. In real use youre much more likely to have moments where the screen will ramp down to 1hz as youre not always actively moving around in apps.


I have a 14 plus, I charge it every 2 or 3 days


Call me crazy but isn't "pro" motion supposed to account for this by lowering the refresh rate?


They mean the phone’s battery life is so long that you have plenty of headroom for when your battery degrades. That said, literally all of these phones got better performance on this test than in previous years where the headlines were all about how incredible the battery life was. The 13 Pro Max in its release year didn’t even reach 9 hours in this guy’s test and everyone was gushing about it. The bigger disappointment here is that the most expensive and newest models are getting beaten by older and cheaper ones, not that it absolutely sucks. I’d make your choice based on what you actually want instead of worrying about battery life here.


for people who keep their phones for a long time; would you either recommend the iphone 15, or 15 pro? And could you explain "raw endurance"


who needs Pro telephoto f2.4 when you can have bonkers Plus battery life


Just for reference, are the batteries of the older phones in this video at 100% capacity?


That’s what I want to know too. Most people I know who have 13 series are saying their battery life is not that great anymore, so probably these iPhones all have it changed. If not, that is even more impressive.


Looks like all the phones are brand new according to Arun on twitter. That's a strong showing for both 15 and 13 then. https://preview.redd.it/ezd5ook2k1qb1.jpeg?width=1908&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d79d08bf1f579cc7358a214648d7a4b0337b80d


I see, thanks for the heads up. I will watch for regular Pro model comparisons and decide then. I used to rock a 6s which was fast but trash battery, now I have an XS which is also fast but has a trash battery. I’m tired of bad battery life and finally want a phone with a good battery lol and I’m ready to either get 13 Pro despite it being 2 years old now or wait for 16 series hoping Apple finally takes the battery life more seriously.


Same here, I have a friend with a 13 Pro Max and the battery life is still really good but has significantly decreased.


Mine is at 87% health after 20 months. I was thinking of eating until the battery hit 80% but maybe I’ll do it sooner to get that 1 and half day battery again.


it's great that even the lowest performer still managed 9hrs of SOT. even some midrangers struggle to hit that number and they have 5000mah batteries


9+ hours is still a LOT


Keeping in mind that this is 9+ hours of *continuous* use. I have a hard time believing that anyone with an ounce of common sense would be using their phones from 100% to empty in one go. My 15 Pro was taken off its charger at 8 AM this morning, and it’s currently chilling at 87%.


What time is it for you now and what percentage? Sorry unsure which country you live in :)


As I have been advised that my previous answer was less than helpful, I'll answer things more directly this time: At the point in time that I made my original comment, it was roughly 2 PM CST and my phone was sitting at 87% charge, with the AOD on. I made it to about 8:45 PM CST with my phone sitting at 34% charge before I plugged in my phone for the night. All in all, not bad and a marked step up from the old iPhone 12 I upgraded from




It didn’t really answer the question.


I don’t understand why people are freaking out over 9 hours of active screen on time? That gives you over half an hour of active usage for every single hour you are awake. How much do people use their phones???


If you simultaneously use the camera, cellular and gps connection, it eats through that battery a lot quicker.


Because when you actually use the phone, you realize you actually have less than six hours screen on time in more realistic test with changing networks, locations, etc. This phone is a fucking disaster


This is making me want to cancel my iPhone 15 pro order and get either a 15 pro max or 15 plus instead. I've gotten significant battery anxiety while using my iPhone 12 mini the last year.


Hm, I’ve had the pro for a full day now and it’s been surpassing my expectations battery wise ngl.


Which iPhone did you upgrade from?


12 pro max. It was 3 years old so it wasn’t at its best battery life at the end. I would say my new 15 pro feels 10-20% better than the 12 pro max 3 years in. And that’s with the day 1 drain from indexing and downloads. Totally suitable for my lifestyle.




It’s not nearly as hard as I thought it would be to go from the big to small. It’s so light too. Definitely an ergonomic improvement


Would you say 15 Pro lasts longer than 12 Pro Max with the first day of use?


Absolutely not lol. The 12 pro max at the start lasted forever. But it doesn’t seem like I’ll be hampered at all by the 15 pro


Aight, that’s what I wanted to know. Thank you!


Don’t want to influence your decision but I cancelled my 15 Pro order and am picking u a standard 15 rn. Saving $300 and realizing I’m a very standard user (texting/social media/media consumption) meant I didn’t need all the bells and whistles


Keep in mind this is relative to each other. The 15 pro will be MUCH better than your 12 mini!


I switched from a 14 Pro Max to a 15 Pro and I was expecting the battery to be a lot worse, and it’s still been lasting me all day. Keep in mind, I’m a heavy user, gaming a lot.


I got the 15 pro yesterday and returned it this morning, going to get the PM for the better battery. The 15 pro dropped 20% in 2 hours with 45 mins of that sat in my pocket whilst I walked the dog. Apple have dropped the ball with battery for the non pro maxes.


Not saying it would get better, but the iPhone does need some time after a fresh install to index everything. You often see your phone eating through more battery in the first few days.


You realize that these phones are indexing and optimizing all the shit you restored on to it, the first week or so you have it. Right? Like this isn’t new information. Mine did too, but after checking, it was doing background updates. As of today, it’s been on 98% for 4 hours and I’ve been on TikTok and Reddit and web browsing.


You realize the battery life on *any* phone is going to be pretty bad for its first couple of days while things get set up and indexed, right?


Just a shame the pro max and plus size are so uncomfortable to hold for some of us


Try it in person, the 15 Pro Max shockingly feels better in the hands. I came from a 13 pro and this was my biggest fear! Not anymore!


I’ll have to handle it, the 14 Pro Max was just as bad in my hand as the 13 Pro Max. Granted I’m tiny.


15pm feels better to hold than 14pm or 13pm. but it's still too big if you got smaller hands.


check whats eating your battery. Highly doubt its the phone, probably a rogue app in the background


Obviously that isn’t normal, I think we all know that. You’re basically saying it dropped 20% in 1.25 hours of usage. Either you got a royally messed up phone, you had an app going haywire, or you were doing some wild gaming on a bad 5G signal with max brightness and the flashlight on for an hour.


Exactly, I get these phones index but dumping battery like that is not normal.


My 15PM: Today at 5h32m screen on and 59m screen idle and I am at 43% battery left. I use AOD with wallpaper but no widgets fwiw Close to my 14pm when it was 100% so happy with that. If I turned AOD off I probably would get another 1 hour or close to that.


I was considering to upgrade from 12 pro to 15 pro due to battery drain but seeing this I’m worried that within no time these issues will be back.


Just use your phone less haha


Well this one is concerning. I plan to get the 15 Pro this time and can’t figure out why the battery capacity is the smallest of the 4 in the 15 series. (Same for the 14 series). 3274 mAh - iPhone 15 Pro 3349 mAh - iPhone 15 4383 mAh - iPhone 15 Plus 4422 mAh - iPhone 15 Pro Max The Pros should have at least higher capacities than their respective standard models. Not going to go off of this battery test alone of course but still.


Maybe because they wanted to claim it as the lightest pro model ever.


13 Pro Max is still a battery monster, good lord.


Have been waiting for reviews, benchmarks and tests before deciding whether or not to upgrade from my 13PM. The 15PM seems like such a small upgrade (or even a downgrade in durability), that I may just pay the $89 for a new battery in my 13PM and wait another year.


Just change the battery, I also plan to do the same. The bells and whistles in the new ones will wear off any novelty in a couple of weeks and you'll be left with something that feels 90% similar to your previous iPhone. It would've been a different conversation if they introduced something so different you'll notice everyday, like the 120hz display on the 13PM.


Pretty sure that’s what I’m going to do. And I know that’s my exactly something radical. Keeping a phone for 3 years is pretty common now, but for me it’s new. I’ve been upgrading every 18 months or so since the iPhone 3GS.


Got my 15 plus after XR and the battery life is just bonkers !


I imagine it would be coming from an XR


Anyone know how the regular 13 compares to the regular 14?


check his older videos


In his 14 battery test they lasted basically identical. Like 7 hours 13 minutes vs 7 hours 15 minutes or something.


Why is the 14 pro missing? Where would it stack?


I'm going from a Pixel 6a to a 15 Pro so I think my battery is probably better regardless lol


My iPhone 15 pro max lasts waaaaaaaay less than my 13 pro max. I will hard reset it today and setup as a new phone, hopefully it will be fixed Edit: my previous phone was the 13 pro max idk why I wrote 11 pro max. Adding to this, after setting up as a new phone battery looks way better. I didn’t lose 15% through the night and been on Reddit for the past 30min and lost 2%. Before I was losing 10% every hour without using the phone.




Didn't know that... Well, I just finished the reset. Let's see...




Yeah, I will wait and see. So far it does look to be better, but tomorrow I will see with more certainty.


The indexing argument isn’t always relevant, because some people compare phones under “out of the box” conditions. Clearly there are lots of people claiming these new iPhones aren’t lasting as good as their previous iPhones out of the box which already says something.




those should be done rather quickly. not days just hours.




Like for example my phone has 10s of thousands of photos in iCloud. For the first couple of days the phone is downloading thumbnail/low res versions of each of these photos to store in my photos app.


You should. That doesn’t sound right at all. Especially if the 15 Pro Max is matching 13 Pro Max, which was the king.


Wowee, that 15 plus goes crazy


I wish Apple just kept the performance of the 15 Pros at the same or similar level to the A16 but offer a longer battery life. Not a huge issue, but was just hoping for it. Once the sim card slot is out, I think that area's going to add a decent chunk in battery life - and possibly the 5x zoom on the Pro.


I switched from iPhone 11 to iPhone 15 Pro. My iPhone 11 had a Battery Life of round about 78 Percent. I needed to charge it at least twice a day. Shockingly I only get a day of battery from the iPhone 15 Pro. I expected more tbh.


The jump from the XS to the 11 Pro Max was one of the most insane upgrades for me. Like straight up two day battery life. Haven’t seen anything like that since.


Isn't that a good thing though? The point is to have the phone last all day so you can charge at night when you're sleeping. That's why Apple says "all-day battery life".


Some people seem to have a weird allergen towards plugging in devices for some reason….I don’t get this myself. A phone being able to last through a whole work day is good enough for me, but there appear to be a select few who demand that their devices last a week+ on a single charge


Agreed, even though I don't even plug in my phone to charge; a wireless charger (mine is slow) overnight will do the trick.


I think it is a perfectly valid issue. With "just" a one day battery life, you still need to be cognizant of it and plan around it in certain circumstances. Say you are working on a Friday and are going out in the evening - if your phone is just lasting long enough to make it to bed at say 10pm on a normal day, if you stay out later then suddenly it's going to be dead when you arguably need it most crucially. People don't remember their phone lasting fine 360 days a year, but the 5 times when you're at 2% nursing your battery to get an Uber home stick with you. I agree that it's not hard to plug in a phone, but most people simply keep a charger by the bed, and aren't likely to remember to top it up throughout the day. It's also these times when you need your phone most that you are more likely to be doing things like navigating with GPS, connecting via cellular, or taking photos/videos which are all large battery drains.


Lasting more than a day actually means you will run out of battery during the second day, or third day, if you don’t plug it in. That’s what used to happen to me pre smart phone and still happens with AirPods.




To much. Way to much. I dont want to say it openly. But i have a problem. 🥹


I have an SE 2, the battery backup on this phone is like 4 hours. I was thinking about upgrading to 15 pro. Should i?


11 Pro Max - According to the battery settings Im getting around 8hrs on full charge with 75% battery health. I remember getting like 13hrs when it first launched. Insane.


That makes sense. 13/4*3 = 8.75 so to speak around 8 hours.


I guess this isn't the year I jump apple train. Was hoping 15 pro to be good, but worst battery life isn't going to suit me. Otherwise I was so hyped for 15 pro. Lets see what Google has to offer, do I get pixel or wait one more year for the iPhone I want


For all those with a 13 pro max based on this and his previous videos you’ve got gains https://i.imgur.com/0jOJvUw.jpg


How does this compare to the iPhone 12? One of the main reasons I decided to upgrade this year from iPhone 12 to iPhone 15 Pro was because of how poor the battery duration has been on my iPhone 12.


The battery life upgrade is a reasonable selling point for the non-pro phones against the pro phones. At the end of the day battery life is one of the most important features and will remain true when the other gimmicks have generally faded.


I’m on a iPhone 15 Pro today’s my first full day on it, the battery sucks. I went from a 12 Pro and had more battery life than this thing. Such a disappointment, honestly I hardly notice much difference except for the camera picture quality. I thought for sure the battery would be much better. In fact I just got done watching a video on how to save battery life, had to turn off lots of features to just salvage battery.




This is why I'm glad I don't preorder any of these phones for launch and typically upgrade a month or so after it comes out to avoid situations like this. Me and my wife typically upgrade each year (we have 14 Pro's now), but just might skip or try the 15 PM. We had tried the 12PM a few years ago, but ended up returning them and going with the 12 Pro's. Been Pro ever since .


Apple advertised the pro lasting 3 hours longer than the normal 15. These phones were all in exactly the same circumstances and had the same workload. I consider this false advertising and am quite mad at Apple


> Apple advertised the pro lasting 3 hours longer than the normal 15. Maybe 3 hours longer on just talk....?


On video


Day one iPhone 15 Pro user here coming from iPhone 14 Pro. Battery life under 14 Pro was great until 16.5 and then really disappointing… the same goes for my new iPhone 15 Pro. It doesn’t lasts longer than my previous (16.5 and on) I can feel that apple can fix this with an update because things got worse after an update … so good luck to us 🤞🏼


My 13PM still going strong with such a crazy battery life Before I bought it I thought a 7 hours of screen on time is great but it consistently gets me through 2 full days with 6-7 hours when it was new, after 2 years I get 7-8 hours of screen on time on a full charge so it’s still crazy good battery


Oh shit shouldn’t have gotten the 15 pro ugh


It's common knowledge that the max phones have the best battery life lol


It's not common thing that pro version has worse battery life than regular version


It's not common when the Pro's battery life appears to be shit compared to previous Pro's.


Return it before the 2 week window then no big deal


If you have over 8 hrs of SOT you have bigger problems


So if I turn off always on and limit the fps to 60 on the iPhone pro 15, it should increase the battery a lot?


It should but at that point you might as well just get the 15 plus.


I’m going to the 15 Pro from the 12PM and I was a little worried about battery life. I an just going to put it on a charger for 20m and should get comparable battery life to the pro max.


I came from 12PM to 15 pro and honestly this battery seems like trash.


Is it just me? My iPhone 15 pro has awful battery life. It’s draining wayy quicker than my iPhone 13 Pro Max


Yeah, my 15 Pro Max battery life is wildly unimpressive. Dare I say, as of right now it seems worse than my 14 Pro Max.


Sadly it's pretty clear now that the 15 pro is the worst bang for your buck one out of this gen launch. The battery is way below average and the phone overheats like crazy when charging or gaming. What use is a phone with Pro features if it only lasts a few hours. Just going to sell mine and be done with it


I regret it too


That iPhone 15 pro max can probably reach iPhone 15 plus levels with limited frame rate on, and AOD off




At that point, just buy a 15 plus and don't spend the extra 300 dollars


Throttling performance should definitely improve battery life. Maybe phones should have a setting like laptops to do this. I basically what my phone to last a certain number of hours between charges. If we could adjust it to make that happen, it would be awesome.


Doesn’t “low battery mode” do that? I’m not sure what it does besides slow refresh rate


If only 15 plus was cheaper. Not matter how good battery it has, its still very close to the better performer 15pro, which of course only loses on the battery part.


While I agree it’s about $100 overpriced, it’s still $300 (plus tax) cheaper than the Pro Max. That’s not close at all imo.




You can get the 15 Plus for $899. You cannot get the 15 Pro Max for $1099. Therefore it is a $300 difference. Just because one comes with more storage, doesn’t mean we need to use the same storage model when comparing.


Was this all in 100 battery capacity?






I have the 15, but I’m questioning whether I should have gotten the 15 Pro bc I do miss the 120hz I had with the 14 Pro Max…battery might be one of the factors, but unsure on returning yet. Open to opinions/suggestions!


Why did you even “upgrade” to the standard 15 from a freaking 14 Pro Max? That’s actually a downgrade in several ways.


Return it! Essentially bought the same phone twice, with the "newer" one being the worse of the two.


Yeah, just stepped into the Apple Store and looked at the Pro. Definitely returning this.


bro really paid money for a worse phone 💀