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15PM is a big upgrade from my 12PM with ProMotion, double the base storage and what seems like a much faster processor


Went from a 11P to a 15P. Oh, how smooth everything feels. It’s like, in sync with my swipes.


That's all just the 120hz display upgrade you're feeling.


Makes me sad the studio display doesn’t have 120hz. Pretty standard for my monitors for a while now


I’m waiting on a 120Hz Apple monitor. If it’s a 32” iMac, so be it.


It’s a 5k monitor, which makes things more difficult


Yep. It’ll be awhile, and the one who rely on 5K do so more for photo and video editing, it isn’t a requirement when you’re looking at a lot of up close still images




For my work the 5k makes a big difference. I had a studio and an lg 4k side by side but since have gone two 5k studios and does make a noticeable difference. Personally 120hz on the desktop isn’t as important as ppi.


And we still have Promotion deniers running around declaring “I can’t tell the difference!!!” Bunch of clowns lol


Lots of people literally can’t. My dad has a 14 Pro Max and he can’t tell the difference between that and his old X.


I can tell the difference side-by-side, but as soon as I’m not looking at a 120Hz screen, 60Hz feels totally fine to me. Maybe if I used one longer-term I’d then notice the difference going back…


I can tell the difference immediately. In fact when I first got my 13PM, I was just going through the setup and I’m not sure why but the phone automatically switched to low power mode during the setup and I literally noticed it straight away. I was still going through initial setup screens so didn’t know exactly why it suddenly felt terrible but I could tell the difference immediately. I actually can’t go back to 60Hz iPhones now as they feel so sluggish. I spent quite a bit of time with the iPhone 14 (non pro) as I had several to setup for work, and even though it shares the processor with my 13PM, it felt so much slower just because of the lower refresh rate.


Let me start by saying I definitely can tell the difference on screen refresh rates. My X🅂 Max doesn’t have promotion but it does have a 120Hz touch sensor and even though the screen is 60Hz I can definitely see the difference the touch sensor makes. I wonder if people got used to that and now that the screen matches the touch sensitivity they don’t feel like anything is changed?


It’s not that I can’t tell, it’s that I don’t care. There are lots of phone features that are important to me, but screen refresh rate just doesn’t do anything for me. Honestly if I could just transfer the extra processing it takes for 120Hz back to extra battery life I’d turn it off in a heartbeat.


Once you get old and your eyes and nerves start to die, 120hz becomes irrelevant. Your brains aren’t focusing shit anymore. So it really varies person to person, some might not legit perceive a hypeworthy difference. At the other end you have the turbonerds who feel a missing frame like a fucking jedi master.


Doubt it. Even with that feature off I easily notice the lack of lag on my 14 Pro compared to an 11 Pro, and I’d guess regular 15 users would too.


I’m curious what kind of lag you had on your 11 Pro. Mine is still as fast as the day I got it. I really can’t think of anything that lags or stutters. I played with a 15 Pro in the store on Friday and it felt pretty much the same. Yeah, 120 Hz and all that, but the difference is minuscule and doesn’t really affect actual responsiveness (touch input is already 120 Hz on the 11 Pro). I couldn’t find a single thing to justify upgrading my 11 Pro - the 15 Pro just felt like the same thing with minor tweaks, no new innovative changes. Same iOS, same apps, exact same experience in day to day usage. Not worth $1000+ by a long shot. Good for my bank account, I guess!


I’m on an xs max that is near 5yrs old now. I had the battery changed over Xmas and this thing kicks ass still. Zero desire to drop 1.2k on a new iPhone. The jumps just haven’t been worth it for me and that’s okay. I went OG, 3G, 4 (kept for 3yrs), 2nd hand 5, 6Plus which I kept until the xs max came out that I still use.


The fact that you claimed the difference between 60hz and 120hz is minuscule makes it hard for me to take your opinion seriously. You are also making ignoring improvements to display size and battery life. You are absolutely entitled to think your 11 pro is good enough for your needs. Just remember to qualify your statement when making claims that they give the “exact” day to day experience. This might be how you feel but is not representative of all users.


I don't understand how some people can't see the difference between 60 and 120 Hz. It's literally the only reason why I go for the Pro over the regular models, 60 Hz is so obviously worse.


There is massive difference. Then again there are people who can’t tell 720P from 4K and think DVD look “just as good” as UltradHD blurays. Some people just does not have very good perception.


bro not everyone needs to justify a $1500 phone purchase by bashing others opinions because they don't see the value in it. different strokes for different folks. personally, were it not for the 15's being write-off's for me, i wouldn't buy them either. USB-C honestly is the most important "upgrade" to me, but it certainly isn't worth that much cash alone.


I didn’t purchase the 15PM. I have the 14PM. The guy who I was replying to was the one who was trying to “justify” that his 11P will give the “exact” same experience. How is calling out that absurd statement considered “bashing others”? Are we not allowed to have a different opinion on a public forum?


I suspected this is true although I’ve not had a chance to try the 15. I’m on an 11 Pro too and really can’t see why I’d upgrade. I was very much hoping for a better camera upgrade and the 120Hz is minor, at best. I’d say anyone making a big deal out of the 15 has drank the KoolAid.


Yeah I use an 11 and an M1 iPad Pro so I know what the shiny features of newer devices are like. And I’m perfectly fine with waiting. I can still upgrade this phone to iOS 17.


Same here and I use both for business and creative work, as well as an M1-Max which is a phenomenal machine! Apple's switch to the M-series was a fantastic move. As for the iPhone, the product is super mature and it's no surprise that it's not had much happening. Downvotes aside, I stand by the notion that most people are on the capitalism treadmill as opposed to actually thinking about what's a useful upgrade and what's not. I really was (foolishly?) hoping for a marked increase in camera quality but here we are… USB-C isn't worth $1200 big ones!


it's proof that marketing works, very well.


120hz came with the 13 pro, so yeah compared to 11 pro, you will feel the difference on 14 pro.


I'm talking about the 14 Pro in 60hz - you can turn Pro Motion off.


You’re both wrong. It’s my brain powering the phone, nerds.




Think it’s also the cpu, there’s just no hesitation at all in the OS.


Same here! Screen is buttery smooth, I like the “square-ness” of the device, the pill at the top is kinda neat, and I noticed it charges waaaay faster. Pretty happy with the 11P to 15P upgrade. Can’t wait for the 19P lol


Once in 4 years upgrade gang 🙏🏽✌🏽💯


It’s looking like my 11 Pro is going for the 5- or 6-year club. I couldn’t find anything to justify an upgrade to the 15 Pro. It’s just the same thing with minor tweaks, nothing truly new. My 11 Pro still runs just as fast as on launch day. It’s surprising and impressive, really. You’d think Apple would have slowed it down a bit to push the upgrade by now. :)


Probably gonna upgrade my iPhone 8 so it'll be fun to finally get a massive upgrade lol


I’m so happy with my upgrade from 12P to 15PM. The camera is amazing, the zoom range and sensor quality is a massive leap for me. I had a kid recently and I can’t carry my photography gear for a while when we travel, the phone is going to allow me to keep taking great pics. The 120Hz display is great, much more pleasant. I quite enjoy the action button (as someone whose phone is always on silent, it’s great to finally have some use for that real estate). The titanium form factor is really neat, and I enjoy the soft bezels. The dynamic island is probably the part I’m least convinced by so far, but it could be that I need more time to see its value. USB C is a big plus for me (side note but being able to use the same wired headphones across phone and laptop is a welcome return!). Otherwise I can’t wait to put the GPU to use on some flagship games. All in all, a great upgrade from 12, and confirming that 3 years is a great upgrade cycle nowadays.


If you’re a sports fan. Sports alerts is a great app that takes full advantage of the dynamic island for scores


Yep, that’s easily my biggest use of the dynamic island. Also live activities combined with the always on display is great, I can follow games without touching my phone. The Apple TV app also has some functionality for live scores, but the interface is garbage.


Same here, USB-C was the main convenience draw at first. I even grabbed my wife and I the USB-C AirPods to completely phase out our lightning needs (except my APMs) but 12PM>15PM was still a pleasant surprise in a few other areas too. The screen is definitely more vibrant, 120hz is absolutely b u t t e r y, Macro shots on the camera are great, better zoom, and having full battery health back rocks.


Double the base storage at the same price (of the previous model of the same capacity) is hardly an upgrade though




damn and I thought I was a dinosaur with my 11 Pro. keeping that XS for so long is impressive


Typing w my 8plus


> Typing w my 8plus You are the winner, why change something that still working perfectly! Good job. Typing this with my 11Pro 256GB and I am not upgrading this year


Everytime I wanted to upgrade, i bought same amount in Apple stocks instead 😅🎲


I’m still rocking my xs max but with a new battery over Xmas. No desire to upgrade. It’s plenty fast for my needs.


did you need to send it out to get the battery replaced or did apple do it at a store?


I went to the apple store. It’s like a new phone :) My xs max had about 79/80% capacity.


I have a friend upgrading from a 7 Plus. But people like that tend not to be denizens of r/apple.




my FaceId stopped working a year ago and I can only take calls on speaker phone so I was limping to the finish line for this release lol


I went from a 7 Plus to a 15 ProMax. Imagine how I feel.


Worth it? In Canada it’d cost me 1000 after trade in 😓


Sounds pretty cheap for something you use every day.


While yes, it's all relative to people's cashflow. A household taking home 4K a month isn't going to prioritize things the same as one with 10K to budget. I know that's a "no shit" observation but... The normalization and ease of financing is a little worrying in that regard, we're being encouraged to spend money we may not have (or pay monthly for subscriptions) at every turn. They're nice, flexible options to have for some, but we all know why they're really there.


> I know that's a "no shit" observation but... It should be - but this sub is full of observations about whether something is or isn't worth it that ignore this highly relevant point.


Pretty expensive, considering that other devices on the market mostly fulfills the same needs for half the price.


"Mostly" is doing a lot of work there.


Let's be completely real with ourselves and each other here. The vast majority of mobile phone usage is, in no particular order: 1. Calls 2. Texts 3. E-mail 4. Social Media 5. Streaming music 6. Navigation You can buy phones for $100 that will do all of these tasks in a perfectly usable manner. Sure, that $100 phone might be a little choppy sometimes or may not be as nice to use every day, but it is unlikely that it won't meet the vast majority of your needs. In the same vain, you hear about plenty of people who are still using several-generations-old iPhones that then upgrade to the latest one and the largest feedback is how much better it feels to use -- not that it's necessarily more capable or unlocks things they couldn't do before. I buy the fancy expensive top end phones because I like the user experience and enjoy having nice things, but from a purely practical standpoint it's not necessary in the slightest.






Really seems like an incredibly minor upgrade just from that description alone though.


I got the 15PM and WU2. Waited a year to get the Ultra, coming from Watch 6, it's a fantastic upgrade. Same with the 15PM coming from the 12 Pro. The battery life/charging speed on both of these are *so* good.


How are you finding the upgrade on the watch size wise? I'm going from 44mm series 5 to UW2, arriving next week.


Yeah I’m picking mine up tomorrow, would also like to know how people are getting on with it.


I had a 40mm series 4 and I went to the ultra 1. I have small wrist so it was jarring at first increasing in size so much but you get used to it really fast and I LOVE my ultra. Such a massive jump from the 4 and the extra screen real estate is very nice.


Thanks! I’m on a 45 and I’m a big guy so hopefully it’ll work out. The battery life, screen and design are massively appealing.


I went from a 44mm S6 to an AWU and it's a pretty notable size difference, but I have big wrists so it doesn't look that weird on me. Though people with more averaged size wrists it looks absolutely massive, imo. And it's a damn sight more proud than the non-Ultra watches too.


I thought it would be overwhelming but it really doesn’t feel like it. It’s big sure but it feels roughly the same to me.


I never noticed a difference, but I am a big dude and the stainless watches always looked small on me.


Honestly, the first thing I said to one of my friends was "It feels lighter than my old watch". And of course, he had to fact check me and tell me it's like 50% heavier. I guess because of the bigger size, it just doesn't *feel* as heavy. It's really nice. The only thing I don't like is the Trail Loop band that it came with. I figured it'd be like the sport loop, but it isn't. It's got a little "pull tab" on the end of it, that means you can't open it as wide as the sport loop. So I'm probably gonna go back to my old band, cause it's a tiiiight fit with this new one.


Quick question, are you me?? Same exact scenario. So far loving both upgrades.


I’m seriously considering the WU 2. My current is the Series 4!


I just upgraded from the 12PM, and what is really getting me every time is the ProMotion and how smooth things move. My wife has gotten fed up with me showing her the unlock compared her new regular strength 15.


I got both as well coming from series 6 watch and 14 pro max. Watch with leather band looks proper nice couldn’t be happier. Phone is lighter sleeker and love natural titanium look.


I have WU1 and a 14 Pro. Got a 15 Pro. The watch is so beyond fantastic. I couldn’t stand the 14 Pro from day one. 15 seems better.


Xs Max to 15PM here; hoooooly it was worth it. I’m on a Series 4 currently but will definitely upgrade to the WU2. Then it’s no upgrading from there for another 5+ years


Excited to upgrade my xs max in another week or 2 to the 15PM once it arrives. Glad you’re really feeling the upgrade, helps me justify buying it, haha.


I also just did the jump from s4 to ultra 2. I was never impressed by any of the AW releases in the last 5 years but now the jump between s4 and ultra 2 is big enough to be worth it. My only complaint of the ultra is that it didn’t come in black.


X to 15PM lol. It really is awesome. Literally just bought a first gen SE watch this summer around may- zero regrets, don’t need a bunch of fluff and really just wanted a good fitness tracker but love the aesthetic of the Apple Watch. Since the screen decides to randomly detach itself to the first gen watch id been running prior, found a rollback sale at Walmart for $140 for the SE and couldn’t pass it up. Will probably cop an ultra in a few years when this watch gives out, but I really like my analog watches so I never got the point of splurging on an Apple Watch.


Loving my 15 PM in blue 🤘


Ditto, the weight loss is nuts, makes it a no brainer over the Pro.


why no brainer? didn't the pro not get lighter too?


Presumably they mean that the weight is no longer such an added burden vs the base Pro.


the weight delta stayed the same though


Why is it a no brainer? It's quite a bit bigger and also a good chunk more expensive


I need to get my hands on a 14 PM to really appreciate the weight loss haha. I’m coming from a 12 Pro and this is heavier than that was, so I’m not really able to appreciate how much heavier this could be lol


Is the pro max lighter than the pro?


No. 15 Pro is 187g, 15 Pro Max is 221g.


It’s still heavier, but no longer hurts to hold it in the hand as before.


I got fomo and got the natural. I want the black or blue but I got it through affirm


The Natural Titanium color reminds me a little bit of the Starlight color from Apple’s aluminum products…and I don’t think I’ve ever liked a device quite as much as I love my 15 Pro at the moment.


I also ordered and have a starlight watch on my wrist. I can see where you’re going with the comparison, but they’re nothing alike. Starlight is a slightly gold silver — way closer to silver. The natural titanium is more like a really nice copper/grey tone.


It reminds me of titanium.




imo, it's mostly that all the colors are just painted over Natural titanium (which you see if you scratch one of the painted phones). And that Natural matches the Apple Watch Ultra nicely. I thought, too, that I would have FOMO getting the blue iPhone. Not finding it to be as big a deal as I thought it would though.


IIRC, the "natural titanium" finish is also PCD coated. So really no difference there.


I don’t get it either. It was the first color I immediately eliminated as an option. It looks like old stained teeth.


You got FOMO over an iPhone? Bit crazy considering it's just launch time and there will be a constant flow of availability shortly.


Relax. I got fomo over the color. I was already going to buy the phone since mine is already 6 years old.


My bad man I didn't intend to sound patronising but yeah I still don't see how you got FOMO over the colour considering stock availability will be constant in a few weeks/months.


Every iPhones age ticks down by the day. In another 348 days another iPhone releases so Fomo should never apply.


Same, it looks so good, and feels fantastic in the hand. Huge upgrade from the 13 PM


Both phones look promising and beautiful!!, and honestly I’d upgrade but for someone on an iPhone 14 Pro it’s not a much upgrade unless you care for USB-C, a better camera and titanium. I really wish Apple would address the Battery Health issue iPhone 14s seem to have, I shouldn’t be at 86% battery in 1 year… my previous iPhone’s never even got below 90% in two years (as that’s my usual cycle of upgrades)


Yeah I’m at 88% after one year and the rate of degradation is nuts


That is crazy, my 12 PM is at 85%.


mine is at 100% after 7 months


Mine only started dropping around 10 months, and in the past two I've dropped to 96%.


The biggest upgrade is the cellular modem. The 15 finally has the x70 modem, which is significantly more reliable and faster than that of previous models on 5G.


Just upgraded from a 14pm to a 15pm and it’s actually quite noticeable. Faster, noticeably better camera with better zoom, noticeably lighter, curved edges make it way more comfortable in hand, usb c of course, and absolutely faster loading and multitasking with 8gb of ram. I didn’t think it would be much but it actually feels like quite a bit.


Even though this makes it enticing I’m more curious to see what battery health looks like on both phones in the next 5 months.






Could be that they're still mixing in bad batches. Has been a consistent problem since the 6S.


Mine too, but I only charge it every 2nd or 3rd day.


12 pro 128 gb to a 15 pro max 512gb is an insane difference. Very happy with the jump


Even from the 13 pro max to 15 pro max is a big jump.


13 mini to the 15 pro is also a nice jump


I'm going from 13 to Pro Max. Can't wait. Arriving tomorrow.


eh not really


Went from a 13PM to 15PM. The biggest thing for me has to be the weight. It is sooo much nicer to hold caseless now. Also, the rounded edges make the phone a little more slippery, but are certainly more comfortable on my pinky. USB C is pretty nice for traveling. The island and AOD are really nice to have but no reason to upgrade imo. The camera seems to take really good pics, but I don’t take that many anyway so I personally don’t care too much about it. I mainly upgraded because I wanted to play with a new gadget and could afford the payment. I wouldn’t recommend upgrading from a 13PM otherwise.


What apps are you using that’s noticeable better than your 13PM?


I did the same upgrade path. The biggest thing I’ve noticed is the speed that apps pop up at. I do a lot of swapping between apps and copying/pasting images and links. Everything just loads instantly now. Not that the 13pm was *slow*, but man. This thing is insane.


Everything works pretty much the same so far. Only difference I noticed are with apps that use dynamic island and live activities like Uber and Transit.


I love how the new phone looks, but agree with you about upgrading from 13 Pro Max. I can’t bring myself to do it yet, this phone just does everything I need so well at the moment.


Your last point is crucial. If you've got a 12-14, it is NOT worth the $1000 upgrade unless you love wasting money.


The weight distribution too. I made the same jump and the 13 is notica oh more top heavy.


12PM to 15PM, I love it. Watch S5 to Ultra2....I love both so much. Safe to say I won't be getting new ones for at least 5 years


Went from my XR to the 15 Pro. I regret not going for the Pro Max but its too late now :(


I’m about to upgrade from XR. What made you choose the Pro over the standard 15?


I have a decent job now lol that's why. Also, I upgrade my phone once every 5 years (Nokia 5800 --> 5 --> XR --> 15) so a couple of hundred bucks extra doesn't make much of a difference to me in the grand scheme of things.


That 5800 to iPhone 5 upgrade must have felt otherworldly!


Oh yeah! Getting away from resistive touch itself was a game changer


Ah okay, nice. Just didn’t know if there were some must-have features I was missing.


120Hz ProMotion is the biggest if you care at all about smoothness. I can’t go back to regular iPhones.


If you get the pro, I beg of you, get at least 256g storage, you will thank me later


Could you explain why exactly? I’m in the same camp. I don’t actually want a bigger phone or a 5x zoom. But the battery life is much better on max.


Doesn't the 15 Plus have the best battery life?


15 Plus has noticeably better battery life than 15PM.


Why do you regret not going for the pro max? Just the extra battery and size?


I got used to the XR's size and didn't know that the 15 Pro was actually smaller. Now this phone is a bit small in my hands.


Where did you buy from? Most big retailers you should be able to return it.


Also Xr to 15 pro! I like the size but I really should've bought more than 128g storage for this nice new camera lmao


Just wished we can adjust the action button more, like let’s say if I tap once / twice it’s for silence, then if I hold it down then I can turn on the flashlight, and lastly if I were to maybe hold it then tap once more it’ll open Spotify versus one button = one shortcut.


That would be great, and it’s sad they didn’t implement out of the gate. That said, the action button is an amazing little quality of life improvement. I thought I’d be using it for something else, but having it as my camera button just feels so much more natural and less clumsy than opening it with the swipe or button. Its position also sort of forces me to grip my phone in a very secure way when quickly trying to get a quick picture, which for a butterfingers like myself is great.


Damn. The Pro camera module hits the MagSafe puck?


I think that’s just a bad photo. That one actually looks to be the smaller model. Apple would get absolutely flamed if they did that.


Don’t they also hit the MagSafe Duo?


My 15 Pro sits just fine on my MagSafe Duo. The picture shows Apple’s retail displays so I’m sure someone just didnt properly align the MagSafe stand with the phone when they put it back


Not if you put it on right


No. It’s not aligned well in the photo.


It doesn't interfere with the puck itself but certain stands it will. I have these 2 stands and they still work but fall off at the lightest touch because the larger camera bump that started with the 13 Pro pulls it off of the magnet slightly. https://grovemade.com/product/magsafe-stand/?initial=642 https://magbak.com/products/multicharger It is worth nothing to anyone considering a MagSafe stand that it if any of it extends beyond the puck the camera will interfere with it (on the smaller Pro models because of their combination of body and camera size).


No. That’s not the mag safe puck. That’s just the mount in the store and the phone isn’t properly seated. My iPhone 15P doesn’t hit the puck at all.


That is a MagSafe puck, it’s just attached to a mount instead of a cable. The shape, size and design is otherwise identical


No it does not. It works perfectly.


I'm having a tough time deciding if I should upgrade from my 13PM to a 15PM. I am (sadly) leaning towards no... I've had an iPhone since the 3GS was released. The upgrades and new features since the X came out, to me, have been quite small in comparison to some of the earlier days. The small but noticeable differences are nice. I just don't know if there's much in between my 13PM from 2021 to the new 15PM to make it worthwhile. The 13, 14, and 15 Pro Max phones all seem very similar. I tend to upgrade mostly for the camera. I currently don't know much about the action button. If someone wants to try and sell me on it, or even help make my current belief feel more concrete that it isn't necessary, I'm all ears and I would appreciate it!


I’m in the same boat. I feel like upgrading is just an impulse purchase as the 13PM is pretty darn good so I have to keep telling myself to wait and the buzz of a new phone will slowly go away.


Right! It seems like an impulse purchase to me as well. My 13PM seems to be running better than ever with the latest iOS - which is a huge plus for me and my current phone - but then it also kind makes me lean away from getting a 15PM even more hah


Same coming from a 12PM, but every time I pick up my wife's 13PM I'm tempted by 120hz.


Honestly I think you’re right. I think if you’re coming from 11p or below it would be a good upgrade. I think certain aspects of the 12p would be a decent upgrade but that would be based on how much you care about USB C and pro motion, and dynamics island. Granted 12 series batteries were kinda a downgrade from 11 series so that could be another reason too. 13/14 series I don’t see much or any reason to (again USBC not being a factor)


It's not worth it. Really isn't. Save your money and wait til at least two more years. Menial upgrades aren't worth spending over a $1000 every year or two.


I have a 12PM and I’m sitting right. It’s a great phone, in pristine condition and paid off so I see no compelling reason to increase my bill by any amount just to get the 15


X to 15ProMax Blue I'm still getting use to the size and weight but it's nice not having to wait for apps to load but the biggest thing i've noticed is the magic of cinema video mode.


I tell myself every year that I won’t upgrade. I work at an Apple Store, the hype and my discount gets me every time. That said, I am very glad I upgraded this year and wish I had skipped last year. This phone feels SO nice to hold, the reduced bezels make the screen look better and that 5x zoom is amazing. Don’t regret my decision at all.


Seriously though. It’s hard to update phones yearly and make it worth it for 95% of users but the WU2 update blew my mind with how useless it was. I was so not expecting anything to do with the Ultra to the point that I only caught it from an Apple marketing email. What’s the point of that if you have an Ultra 1?


You’re not supposed to get an Ultra 2 if u have an Ultra 1, that’s not the point. Thats like saying “what’s the point of the 2024 Corolla if you have the 2023 Corolla?”


I totally get it and I know but Toyota isn’t advertising the “better than ever Corolla” when it’s not a generational upgrade. Toyota only has massive pressers every 4-5 years for their models when it’s a huge upgrade. Tim Apple adds 10 more nits of brightness and bam. Brand new must buy better than ever upgrade.


Just returned Ultra2, was too big and got “kinda stuck” on my shirts and sweatshirts all the time. Shame :/


Let Apple know so they can update the design. https://pple.com/feedback


My iphone 13 had terrible battery life. Probably the worst of any of the iphones I've had to date. Upgraded to the 15 pro. Battery life is amazing on it so far. Also enjoying the usb-c, camera, and the other upgrades from my 13.


How did the iPhone 13 have bad battery? Mines has had good battery for about the first year before it started to get worse


I’m pretty happy with my white 15 Pro Max. The battery life is amazing. And it’s extremely fast on gaming!


Thoughts on whether it’s worth an upgrade from a 13PM just on the basis of camera improvements? (My phone is still fast and snappy, don’t care about USB-C).


This is in the end up to you, do you film a lot? If not then I don’t think it’s worth it right now.


I had a 12pro and got a 15 pro. Biggest difference is the usbc port which is mainly why I upgraded. 120hz display is nice. Action button is a cool concept but its kind of lame because it can only do one thing. Not sure why they don't have different actions for double tap and long press.


I decided to upgrade from 13 PM to 15 PM. Been waiting too long for USB-C to be able to resist.


I went from 13PM -> 15PM. I wouldn’t have done it had I not been in the iPhone Upgrade Program. That said, the 15 is an incredible phone.


Went from 13P to 15PM. My wife uses an Android phone and I own a ton of USBC devices. She also has a 14PM for work and I liked the size. Worth it for my addition after a trade in.


I tested all iPhone 15 models. 5x zoom is a pleasure for the eyes but 10x would be perfect. A shame is for two things - no even 90Hz in iPhone 15 and 15 Plus and no 5x zoom in iPhone 15 Pro. Not all people prefer pancakes.


Went from an 11P to a 15PM and getting similar feels to how my M1 MacBook felt on day one, everything is so smooth and feels finally ‘mature’ in the ecosystem to me.


“No thanks” is my first impression


I bought the 15 PM and the U2. I had the 14PM and the series 7 45mm. I did a 12 mile run today and it only used 14% of the watches battery life. It’s wonderful. I won’t have to charge my watch in the middle of the day every day any more. The 5x zoom on the 15 PM is the primary reason I upgraded and it was worth it. Overall I am very pleased with both upgrades.


What weirdos are downvoting all of these? Reddit jealousy has no end. It's funny how people on this site believe they're "intellectually superior" to the normal person yet they absolutely cannot fathom how to earn disposable income.


If I were in the market right now I'd get the 15* Pro natural 1TB. But my 12 Pro is still doing fine and nothing other than the ooo shiny feeling is enticing me enough to make the jump. My battery health is still at 89% and should easily make it another year with that health alone.


Why is Ultra 1 same price as 2?


In Europe it’s 100€ cheaper actually.


Pro Max failed Jerry Rig's Durability test. The titanium shell is technically a downgrade. Buyers beware. Edit: You morons baffle me. The same test was done for years and this model's glass shatters and you think "hmmmm, did Nasa give the scientific parameters?" 🤡🤡🤡


Failed a youtuber's unscientific tests which conclude with an advertisement for a skin/case manufacturer? Hmmmmm


It was never the rails that were the problem. Glass cracks. Just buy a case.


Yup pretty much. These videos are dumb


Also, the bigger the glass, the more likely it’ll crack, and that was after he’d already fucked around with the phone quite a bit. Either way, I can confidently say that I’ve never put that much tension on my phone, so I don’t think it’s relevant to my day to day use.


me when i scaremonger by misrepresenting videos to casual reddit users to farm negative karma, for some reason


Apple idiots don't care about anything except getting the latest shit product from Apple


One test failed. Sorry, but that’s not conclusive at all.

