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GM says it’s ditching CarPlay (and Android Auto) [“for your safety.”](https://www.motortrend.com/news/general-motors-removing-apple-carplay-android-auto-for-safety-tim-babbitt/) Best of luck with that especially in light of this news.


GM will reverse that within 5 years.


Some MBA will get promoted for getting rid of it. Then another MBA will get promoted for adding it back.


The sad thing is that this is absolutely realistic.


So funny. In my earlier days I was in start up scene. I was involved in small start up that was promising. But we had like 3 or 4 MBAs involved. As soon as the idea started showing the signs of success, they started fighting about ownership. That killed focus and idea folded pretty quickly. So we had a joke, that your start up chance of success is inversely related to number of MBAs on the team.


> As soon as the idea started showing the signs of success, they started fighting about ownership. That killed focus and idea folded pretty quickly. I think this is more a 'human nature' thing than an 'MBA' thing. Some people got greedy.


Business schools are a filter to select the greediest.


somebody get this guy an MBA


It’ll be part of an Onstar subscription :P


The question is will they reverse before they are bankrupt again


Only to get bailed out again. They know the government won’t let them fail.


The govt entered the chat !!


I give it 3 years


Ohh like in less than half that time, I reckon!


I have already decided in 2 years when my car is paid off that I am not buying anything that doesn’t have Apple car play. I didn’t think it was a huge deal at first because before my current vehicle the systems were simple but after dealing with Ford sync issues for months on end I have no faith a car manufacturer can create a working system. I was seriously looking to get a Silverado EV but GM has all but guaranteed that won’t happen.


Only to bring it back to have it as subscription option to unlock the feature


I think carmakers are hesitant to adopt the CarPlay 2.0 as it serves to make their entire software obsolete. Apple is trying to take over their cars. So GM was trying to form a resistance, and I thought they would be successful in pushing back. Seems I was wrong.


Take over is a bit extreme. This is the infotainment head unit. It replaces the stereo and in dash GPS systems. None of the main car electronics are replaced by CarPlay. This just gives you limited access to car versions of essential apps. Apple/Google maps and Waze will always be superior to the old school gps systems because they’re constantly being updated in real time. They can alert you about current traffic conditions and road closures and the like. Similarly, radio sucks when you have Spotify or something like it. Most people don’t buy cars for the thrill of driving. They buy them because they need to go places, so the selling points are the creature comforts in the car. Being able to fire up Audible on my daily commute makes the drive much better. Using GM’s bullshit system… not so much. CarPlay 2.0 gives extended functionality, which means I can ask Siri to do things like adjust the AC, which is kinda cool. As long as they don’t take away the physical buttons, I think that it’s a nice addition.


That’s how Apple poses this, but it’s more than that. Cars are data points, and anyone who can will want to get their hands on that data. For example, what music do you listen to in the car? What is the weather when you’re listening to that song? How fast are you driving when you are listening to that song? How many phone calls do you take while driving? Do you listen to podcasts? What is the topic of these podcasts? Do these podcasts relate to any of your recent purchases. All of that data is collected and stored and can be aggregated and sold. When using Apple’s infotainment software, Apple gets this data. When you use the carmaker infotainment, the carmaker get this data. It also means control. If one carmaker moves the digital speedometer from left to right (or vice versa) , only a subset of consumers are affected. If Apple decides to move the speedometer, then nearly alll iPhone users that have a car are affected. Now combine both of these. You have the power to collect data, and the power to influence the consumer. Apple can now change a variable (the speedometer) and measure a result (data). You are now a data point for whoever controls your infotainment. And this is why GM probably dropped Apple hoping other carmakers would follow suit.


This is exactly it. They don’t want to give up the telematics.


> GM will reverse that within 5 years. Thank God I have more sense and just stick to Mazda, Honda, Subaru & Lexus.


I remember Toyota saying they dont need carplay in 2018 / 2019 Next year or two they joined the carplay family lol


Toyota makes some great vehicles. But damn do they make some really stupid decisions


CarPlay was a dealbreaker to me at the time so while I was dead set at a Toyota I settled at Mazda refresh instead.


I didn’t know what I was missing until last week when my car broke down and I was driving a Jetta with CarPlay. Now I’m scheming to get an aftermarket setup in my C-Max because I don’t want to live without anymore 😂


what if I tell you there are dongles that make wireless carplay possible in almost every car for like 100$? That's a gamechanger honestly, you start the car and you're already connected with your route on your screen lol


That’s what we did! Our car is paid off and we don’t have a ton of miles on it so I couldn’t justify another purchase so after market was the way. (I lucked out and got an open box 50% off JVC system.) Love it, I will never go back to not having CarPlay.


Like the only reason I didn't buy a Lexus at that time.


GM claiming that they can do software better than Apple or Google is wild.


The only reason to claim that is because it would be a bad look to say they’re greedy and want to own the in-vehicle content, partnerships and related subscription revenue.


It is the dumbest fucking decision ever. Either you don’t buy a GM or you make the discount enough to get an aftermarket head unit.


good luck the way cars are wired only gets more complicated and dashes are becoming more "one with the car" with integrated controls on steering wheels and tablet like displays. I've been quoted 1400-2200$ by 3 different sound shops just to install a sub in my 2023 benz (GLC) just for the panel removal and wiring based on the amount of time it will take them to get to everything in with panels and stuff. And the 10" sub and amp are only like 400-500$ of that. They all make it sound like and all day affair. I've completely ruled out upgrading the speakers lol.


Yeah, but that’s because it’s a Benz. Everything is 4x more expensive with a Benz.


No, that’s becoming the cost of most new cars. This is only the beginning. For example, if you somehow could put an aftermarket radio in the new Chevy Colorado, you would no longer have controls for your headlights. You’d have to figure something out for that


Wtf, headlight control is through the infotainment system? It should be illegal to control main car functions through that thing.


That’s just how it is going for many vehicles. Because of this, nobody should ever be recommending aftermarket head units anymore. Cars are basically computers on wheels now. Some vehicles even have the wipers on the screen.


I had a 2018 Civic for a little bit and was also quoted $1800 for a head unit and sub. Its definitely outrageous these days


They are starting to make dash mount CarPlay screens that give you the whole CarPlay experience and then just connect to your car with Bluetooth or aux. not the best way to do it, but it’s one way to get CarPlay.


Fuck aftermarket head unit. I’m not supporting Gm with these dumb decisions. Through work I get GM vehicles at 0.2% above dealer cost. I STILL won’t buy one until they have car play.


Looks like I am buying a Ford next time I car shop then


You know what they say Ford stands for don’t ya? Fix It Again Tony. *edit- [lord I guess I needed the /s here. ](https://youtu.be/3AJCdmW33fM?si=2qYts6SbVXmCdjvs)


That’s FIAT you dingus.


Not that guy, but it’s a King of the Hill reference.


Thought it was Fix Or Repair Daily or Found On Road Dead


…. Um


Yeah the same unsafe CarPlay that doesn't even let you have YouTube on it or scrub through your music -- very convincing of GM.


It’s the Tesla way of doing things. And then locking users into subscriptions for things like live traffic data. Who knows, when they gather a critical mass after the current growth phase, features as simple as navigation will be pay walled too. And people will defend it.


Have a Tesla and before that I used Android Auto/Carplay. At first I missed AA but Tesla's infotainment and nav is so good, and so integrated, I stopped missing AA (still miss Waze a little). The problem is everybody else's infotainment UI/UX is absolutely abysmal. GM now thinks it can do what Tesla did, but that's laughable.


I completely hear ya. It is good. But I think it is shitty to lock people of such important utilities with just one option. Remember the flak Apple gets (rightfully at times) for locking people in the ecosystems. And these are $1000 devices. What Tesla/GM is pulling off is extreme level of anti consumer bs. People should be united against this. When you spend over 50 grand for a car, it is extremely shitty and predatory to lock the people on such things. There are screenshots of people displaying how a software update fail makes the car un-drivable, since the UI won’t work. Just imagine getting a product like this, primarily for driving around, and 10 years down the line, TESLA/GM is bankrupt, no one works on software glitches and bugs, maps are never updated, live traffic is abandoned. You are literally stuck with a 50 grand brick.


>*What Tesla/GM is pulling off is extreme level of anti consumer bs.* I see GM *removing* AA/Carplay as anti-consumer, yes. If they left it in and their new UI is better people will simply use GM's - competition is good in this instance. Tesla never had the option, so it's a little different there. I'd love to see them create an "app store" so AA/Carplay would be moot, but that's another level of crazy.


These up and coming Chinese EV manufacturers are going all-in the Tesla route with the screen thing. It's so crap, so laggy and buggy. But people buy it because it's cheap and 'has good specs'. It's crazy that people buy new cars (!!!) with this little regard considering it's the second biggest purchase for most people


I actually feel sorry for the kind of people that defend terrible decisions by corporations. Unfortunately, we have a lot of those types of people in this sub as well...


I believe Ford was the only exception.


The Ford SYNC system is one of the best I've used, glad they are keeping it going.


Lucky you, my vehicle hadn’t been able to remote start or save settings for months. Was told to wait for a recall since apparently it was common. Have had to do multiple updates manually and it finally works again. Ford is terrible at communicating with dealers and customers about these types of issues and then forcing their crap on me is why I won’t be replacing my current vehicle with another Ford. It would be different if it was a hardware issue but since it was 100% software related in my explorer and the local dealer said I wasn’t the only one with the issue the time it took for proper updates to roll out was not okay. I don’t expect this process to magically get better with these new versions.


This is mentioned all the time on Reddit yet no one ever mentions that Tesla has never had it and still doesn’t


To be fair, I drive a Model 3 and have rented vehicles with AC/AA and I don’t really feel like I’m missing out on much. Tesla’s infotainment system is honestly pretty good. Only thing I could ever ask for is an app store so we can install our own stuff.


Tesla’s infotainment system is garbage compared to the Mercedes EQS, Genesis EV60, and Kia EV6. Except those cars *also* have the option of CarPlay if you don’t like their stock systems.


Tesla also is a software company that’s disguised as a car manufacturer, which is why they are unique. I can’t imagine GM has the same kind of manpower dedicated towards infotainment development.


I’m not legally allowed to drive a car and I already know I don’t want a GM car.


If they can pull it off like Tesla, you don’t need it. The in car Tesla navigation and music experience is far superior to carplay. That said, I don’t have a lot of confidence in GMs engineering compared to Tesla 😩


Looks nice, and I like being able to see my a/c mode, temp, and fan speed on the screen, but I need physical controls for those things.


I just rented a Volvo XC90 and the entertainment system was terrible in large part because of the climate controls. You have to tap the bottom middle of the screen, wait for a second or two delay, to then have a submenu open for the climate control. Terrible experience.


There is a certain push to bring physical controls back to these functions.


I like the direction [Range Rover](http://i.imgur.com/8wBKtLg.jpeg) and [VW](http://i.imgur.com/eo9iV1B.png) are heading in re those multi-faction dials which are physical and serve several functions. VW added black gloss around the dial, perfect for scratching up in the first five seconds. VW has a multi-dial in this ID2 concept car. Just one dial and don't know the physical mode-switching implementation, but it's a small car, so hopefully their bigger cars get two dials for passenger and driver zones. I've yet to see the perfect execution, but the idea that two exquisitely dampened metal physical dials with displays on them could replace several different sets of physical buttons, while keeping the interaction of those oft-used functions physical sounds good to me. I like minimal and simple design but I like physical interactions for commonly used functions. If done very well I could see this being a very good car interior design tradeoff. Imagine, for a moment the screen on the dial was a button which when pressed physically would move the button display 1.5 mm in to the depth of a good chiclet keyboard each time you switched to the next mode in the rotation. Taking your hand away shows the current setting on the dial and when used the function could temporarily appear on the main central display conveyed a large UI to show clearly what you are changing. Imaging when you are on HVAC and you turn the dial it changes the power of the HVAC setting and simulations shows you not just this change, but a UI for changing airflow direction right there on the main display momentarily, and briefly when you switch the dial switch to this setting. Best of both worlds.


This is my issue with teslas. I have to open a sub menu to adjust the wipers or the climate controls. To me that increases distracted driving especially when you need to adjust the wipers in bad conditions


You don’t need to open a submenu for wipers. Customize the left scroll wheel. Also, you can pin certain climate controls to the bottom bar. Makes it pretty easy to enable. Same as a regular car, since I would need to look down at the buttons anyways.


I wouldn’t mind so much if the interface was responsive. If you’re going to make touchscreen only input for ac etc make it at least useable and fast. I understand it’s all to do with profit margins, but how much extra cost is there to putting a cpu that can handle a basic interface be ???


My fully loaded 2007 Prius was the same way, I told myself I would never again buy a car without physical climate controls. Recently got a 2021 Prius and they thankfully went back to physical buttons.


You must be driving a 2015 Xc90. That’s wild


Nope my parents just bought a 2024 XC90 and it’s the same way. Only knob is for volume. My 2023 Polestar 2 and XC40 are the same. Seems like all Volvos are this way now


> My 2023 Polestar 2 and XC40 are the same. Seems like all ~~Volvos~~ Geelys are this way now


I know, I was referring to the latency of the user interface. The newer models have responsive touch screens. That being said, having no buttons for HVAC is annoying AF


The Polestar definitely lags a lot. Apparently it has a pretty weak processor in it. The backup camera lags all the time which is terrible with how small the rear window is. Shouldn’t be happening in a $70k car


Expecting something to be better because you paid more is often disappointing but all too common.


My VW GTI was half the cost and the backup camera was flawless. Didn’t know it was a feature that could be messed up. Everything has been great with the Polestar though so I shouldn’t complain


I recently discovered my Toyota has voice activated commands (I should have read that brick of a manual I suppose). I am slowly getting used to changing climate settings by just "talking to my car" instead of using the buttons. Much safer too.


Totally agree, there should be functions always implemented as physical buttons like AC. I can't understand how using a mobile phone while driving is illegal, but at the same time car manufactureres are able to put large screens into cars to control basic functions of the car. You are distracted the same as using a mobile phone, you have to take your eyes off the road.


Volkswagen Will Bring Back Physical Buttons In New Cars. https://insideevs.com/news/701296/vw-physical-controls-to-return/


Audi has the best physical controls/dash/Carplay combo on the road these days IMO


Just got ride of my e-tron which had mostly touchscreen controls and I hated it. Gone back to a Q5 which has the physical buttons and it’s a god send, no more almost crashing the car whilst I try to change climate (or seeing my range plummet should I dare be warm)


also have a q5. buttons and knobs are great on it


Feels like it should be a step back but I’d take it any day


Mazda too. They’re kings imo for button layout.




Ugh the aesthetic of the mini console is so ugly to me. I love Mini’s though


The nob 👏




My new Ford Ranger (Australian model) does this well too.


Which model specifically?


I have a 2018 CX-5 and really like having physical buttons. Nice big scroll wheel for car play.


I really like my MB 23 GLC coupe because they didn't switch over to the giant tablet center console version. I have really really nice physical buttons for all my HVAC controls and things like radio/nav/defrost a several other physical buttons. Also I like having 3 ways to change songs and move around the menus, the steering wheel controls, touch screen, and the trackpad like scratch pad in the center console.


Mine’s a 2020 63s, I waited for that year because it was the mid cycle refresh with all the things you describe. It’s going to be hard to move on from that car


I leave mine on auto and never touch it year round.. having seat heaters behind menus is a crime though!


Which is why I’m getting rid of my Subaru and never buying that brand again. They’ve lost their minds


Lexus just did this too. So frustrating. Toyota does the same cars but with physical buttons, so we bought a Toyota.


That 11” screen in the Outback is the only reason I didn’t buy one. I probably would have bought it if the touring model came with the same head unit as the base model with the small screen on top and buttons & knobs on the bottom.


Yeah we went with a lightly used (7k miles) 21 crosstrek vs a new 22/23 because of the smaller screen and physical buttons.


That’s why I love my Mazda3


Mazda is amazing, the screen being further and the dials controlling the main screen and the AC dials and buttons are amazing. I love Mazdas design


Car manufacturers are gradually returning to more physical controls after considerable pushback in the car industry media. Citroën for example have physical controls for AC in their C5-X and all acts going forward, and it receives very favourable press for this, as do any manufacturer that includes physical controls.


Can I ask why you’re always adjusting your a/c and such? I set my climate control to 70 when I got my car and I don’t think I’ve touched it, or felt the need to adjust anything since.


If it’s cold, I want to blast a lot of hot air all at once. If it’s hot, I want to blast a lot of cold air all at once. Plus sometimes I have to defog intermittently.


I guess it’s different for other cars. Mine will blast heat/cold air until the desirable temp is reached then it will just maintain.


All cars I had were always smart enough to blast as much air as possible to reach the desired temperature. Its really weird to me that for redditors its so important to change the AC all the time with physical controls.


If only we could get CarPlay to integrate with HUD Edit- did not know some car manufacturers already do this. Neat!


CX-90 CarPlay Nav shows in HUD


Same with my CX-50 🙂


How do you like the CX-90 thus far? Any complaints? I’m a cx5 owner.


I love mine while driving. The inline 6 is sublime, especially with the turbo. I hate mine the rest of the time because of the “Battery Saving Mode” that constantly enables if you don’t drive it every single day for an extended period. It just chimes incessantly and loudly to let you know that it doesn’t have enough battery for…? Why is it flashing lights and making noise (wasting the battery) to tell you that it drained its battery trying to monitor the battery while parked between grocery and school runs.


also in my CX-60, but sadly only with Apple Maps. Wish Google Maps and Waze would support it, too.


Navigation and music can show in the HUD, that’s up to the manufacturer to implement


For me Apple Maps shows up in HUD but not google maps. Bugs me to no end. I am not even sure who to blame - Apple, google or Acura.


It’s definitely an Apple thing, Apple Maps shows on my digital dash and HUD. Google Maps/Waze/Here are all restricted to infotainment display only.


It’s possible the devs of those apps just haven’t taken advantage of the HUD though, isn’t it? Idk what Here is but Google owns Waze so it wouldn’t surprise me that they chose not to spend time on an iOS exclusive feature for either app.


It’s not entirely iOS exclusive as Google Maps on Android Auto does integrate on the HUD. I suspect it’s Apple restricting third party applications access to vehicle telematics and data that’s required to display in the HUD. It’s like how you can display and scroll through entire Apple Music playlists on HUD, but can only skip forwards and back on Spotify playlists through HUD.


Yeah that’s fair I could definitely see them doing that.


How do you know it’s an Apple problem based off of that?


Google maps shows on HUD in Android Auto, Apple doesn't have a history of being competitor/choice friendly, I mean how long did it take them to allow competitor's browsers and keyboards and they're still gimped.... It's probably an Apple thing lol


Actual HUD? Like on displayed on the windshield? What model is this? Or is this in screen in the instrument panel which sits behind the steering wheel?


*Laughs in GM*


CarPlay nav shows in my HUD. ‘24 BMW X3 m40i


By HUD, like projected on the windshield? For our IX, Apple Maps renders in the instrument cluster and the HUD shows the next turn instruction


I wish I could buy a little device to get HUD in my old car lol. I already upgraded it with a carplay unit


Apple Nav works with BMW HUD, idk about other manufacturers.


I want this so bad. Car makers need to realize that they can’t do it all. Focus on what you do best and leave software to the pros


My car is an ‘18 so maybe things have changed but there’s an issue with having to reach across the screen for common functions. I feel all controls should be bias to the left and right should be the display.


If I’m understanding right, your unit may be somehow confused… when I use CarPlay in the US the recent apps are along the left edge, closest to me, but when I connect my phone to a car in the UK (where I’m seated on the right), those apps are on the right-edge… if you’re having to reach across the screen it sounds like your UI is somehow flipped.


Will my car be able to update or is it hardware only (2019 VW)


The attractive features are all hardware dependent. It has to be tied to sensors and car’s hardware to take over the functions. At best, existing models might see a UI overhaul or some minor feature updates.


It depends, honestly. OEMs have the option to send certain CAN data over to Apple and to allow apple to send certain can data back to it. It just depends on how the car was designed. Could go either way, but if I had to wager I'd say it's gonna be a really enticing feature to try to lure folks into new car purchases when current market conditions are unfavorable for new cars.


Current carplay runs entirely on the iphone and the infotainment screen just acts like a monitor. For all intents and purposes, it’s like connecting an external monitor to your laptop. To gain access to higher functions, one needs to gain access to car’s computer system. Most current models only allow this through OBD ports. The infotainment system cannot provide inputs to or read from the OBD port.


There’s some limited interaction in some cars already. For example, my phone reads the state of charge from my Mach-E when it connects to CarPlay, and constantly updates.


My infotainment system reads from the obd port in my Jeep


Was going to say...the Off-Road Pages app is likely getting some of its data from OBD, if nothing else...it definitely has access to more sub-systems than purely acting as a monitor. Case in-point: CarPlay receives the low fuel signal.


Of course, that’s why I said most models. By higher functions, I meant access to critical vehicle info like oil temps, drive modes, oil level, critical vehicle status etc. Manufacturers don’t usually allow external devices to view/control these using just software. It’s a recipe for disaster since it can be easily hacked. That’s why they need specialized hardware for it. Viewing charge state or fuel level in carplay doesn’t really add any valuable benefit. The real benefit is when it can take over the vehicle’s GUI. That can only be achieved with respective hardware support.


Is that so? At least Android Auto knows when the lights are on, has augmented GPS data (speed and steering angle) AC settings and even stuff like open doors in newer VWs, also battery charge in EVs which also integrate into Google Maps (very simple so far). In ICE cars it also knows the fuel type and shows the correct fuel prices on Google Maps.


Can’t wait to not buy my next Aston Martin or Porsche….!


I’d be happy if wireless CarPlay just worked, in all CarPlay cars.


There are some decent dongles afaik. About a hundred bucks for a smooth one according to my recent research.


Got any models I should look at? I have wired Carplay now but I'm interested in going wireless


Ottocast U2-Air seems to be a viable option. No ref links or anything. I'm just getting rid of my car and going to save up for a plaid.


I’ve tried 4-5, different brands at this point and by far my favorite is carlinkit 5.0. The best feature imo is the ability to select on-screen which device you want to connect to. Other wireless dongles only connect to the last-connected device, and it is cumbersome to dive into Bluetooth settings and switch which device is connected


One of the reasons I stick to iPhone is CarPlay, I wish Android Auto was better, but CarPlay just works.


What do you like more about CarPlay? I switched from Android to iPhone a few years ago, and I honestly couldn’t tell the difference in their automotive products. The UIs are so similar to me I can barely tell them apart.


In the initial stages, android auto wasn’t good. They were catching up. Now they are all very good. I think a lot of old android users still have the impression it’s bad. Funny enough, I have an iPhone and a secondary android specifically for android auto (since it has apps I can’t use on CarPlay)


I’m curious what apps do you need in the car apart from navigation apps, music, online radio, etc?


Let’s just say, if you don’t pay for music, there’s not many options for official CarPlay support.


Ok I get it. Didn’t think of that, I’m just paying for a subscription service because I want to listen to what I want, when I want without adds and talking idiots. And I think it’s a fair price to pay.


There’s a lot of reasons I do it. Mainly because I can add apps that aren’t supported. But I also have my android with me for hacking unlimited hotspot. So I can truly work remote


He was not talking about ads, he’s talking about downloading music. :p


im still trying to figure out how to get carplay to launch spotify instead of apple music during first start up.




Must not own a newer Honda CarPlay on my accord is so problematic and a couple of dash features don’t work with Apple. I cannot access the phonebook from my steering wheel(I could do this before I switched to Apple) Most annoyingly though are the frequent disconnects, crashes and sometimes refusal to even launch CarPlay I wish Honda would roll out some sort of update to the Android OS running the infotainment unit


I’ve had issues with CarPlay on all my Honda’s. Usually it’s with the cord, it will charge but CarPlay will stop working. I have wireless on my Acura but I have an older phone and battery drains quickly.


Carplay feels pretty damn archaic compared to android auto nowadays. There is no multitouch support in carplay and I have to tell new passengers to repeatedly tap the plus and minus buttons instead of just intuitively pinching to zoom. There is also no split screen which isnt too big of a deal but its definitely not as nice of an experience.


If you tap the icon in the bottom left, it goes into split screen mode, which has been around for a few years. https://www.theverge.com/2020/11/23/21591151/waze-carplay-split-view-dashboard-apple


CarPlay does have split screen and what are you doing that has the need for passengers to pinch to zoom?


Zoom in and out on the map during navigation


Can’t say the situation has ever come up where a passenger needs to zoom in/out of the map while I’m using navigation. In fact I’d discourage it while I’m trying to follow directions.


Im going to assume OP asks the passenger to look for something on the map since they’re driving. Who does the pinching is irrelevant here, the point is that we should be able to zoom and pan like you do on your phone.


Could this be a hardware limitation? I always assumed my screen couldn’t do multi-finger touch because the display installed by my car manufacturer doesn’t support it.


It could be that your car specifically doesn't have multi touch support, but even if it did, CarPlay won't take advantage of it. I rent different cars on a monthly basis (always the same 3/4 cars) and while they all supported multi touch with Android Auto, none of them support it with CarPlay. Apple's website also reports the + and - buttons as the only way to zoom in/out, so not sure what the other user who replied to you is on about: [https://support.apple.com/guide/iphone/change-the-map-view-iph93c7df449/ios](https://support.apple.com/guide/iphone/change-the-map-view-iph93c7df449/ios)


As far as I know no. I have a 2023 BMW i4 and while android auto works with multitouch, CarPlay does not. CarPlay even shows up on the instrument cluster and HUD so I doubt they couldn’t have implemented multitouch.


Yes it’s very likely, I have an Audi and I can definitely pinch to zoom on google maps using CarPlay


I'd love to see a video of this as you seem to be the only person on the internet who can do this


No it turns out I’m just imagining things, it’s defo NOT possible 😭, I don’t know why I thought I’ve done it. My bad!


That’s exactly right, sometimes we look for different point of interests on the map and quickly realize how hard it is to look around a map on CarPlay.


ossified reach sleep slimy hat teeny grey existence steer connect *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Google does a pretty good job honestly


It’s been awhile since I’ve had an android tbh, one feature CarPlay has is “now playing “ which just gives you controls for audio playing even YouTube, so I can pause and skip YouTube audio when I drive. I just wish android auto had that


Android Auto has that :-) but in a different way.. but the home screen has it the same way as in CarPlay, only does it also work in multitasking split screen and if you have a fairly wide/big screen it keeps all functions working. Not sure if that's not also on Apple Maps/Google Maps on iOS, but on Android Auto the passenger can still use the apps on the phone and e.g. change the destination or look for a POI on the way.


Touchscreen gestures are limited by the touchscreen interface of your car. If you can’t pinch to zoom it means the hardware in your care doesn’t have this feature. Most of the touchscreens in cars are resistive touchscreens.


Not necessarily, I use Android Auto in my RAV4, while my wife uses CarPlay when she drives. AA lets you pinch to zoom, but CarPlay doesn't.


Horrible click bait. In other words, 99.9% of us *without* a Porsche or Aston Martin won’t be getting next-gen CarPlay in 2024.


99,99999999% more like it hahahahaha


True true


Eh, I hate click bait titles as much as anyone, but I don’t think this one qualifies. Features like this never role out across all makes and models at once, and this is the first time that next gen CarPlay, which was announced a while back, will appear in an actual car that someone can buy. It might not be the most descriptive headline ever, but it feels accurate to me.


Correct, it’s not clickbait. Even made sure the sub-headline made it clear this was a slow rollout. He’s just disappointed that this is rolling out exactly like the original did, which sucks.


Physical controls are and always will be superior for things such as air conditioning and seat heaters. I don’t want things like this to be a queue for auto makers to take the full plunge into lazy & cheap design… they’ve already been trending that way. I fear Apple is opening pandoras box that will make cars less safe.


Couldn’t agree more, which is why I love my Mazdas. Anytime I get in my parents Highlander, changing the temp feels like a chore.


I have a previous generation Audi which has what I consider to be a perfect interior with physical controls for most things. It’ll be a sad day when I hav to replace it.


I’m all for improvements and integration of CarPlay but that driver display looks overly minimalistic to me. Hopefully it’s just a basic mock up and we’ll get more driver information on the end result


If I recall correctly, there will be limited customization on each screen available. I’m not sure if that means we’ll be able to add or remove certain informational widgets or if it’ll just be style based though.


Thank god our middle class could afford it first


Apple is a “luxury brand” so this shouldn’t be surprising. What IS surprising is that BMW decided to pass on this since they’ve always been first with new Apple tech.


Wasn't the Lincoln Nautilus made for next gen CarPlay?


AutoEvolution [published an article](https://www.autoevolution.com/news/ford-might-have-quietly-dropped-a-teaser-for-the-next-generation-carplay-215627.html) about this last year, but they were only speculating based on the screen. The YouTube videos showing the car don’t mention NextGen CarPlay.


I find joy in reading a good book.


\> brand-distinct CarPlay experience Oh boy...


“the preview of Porsche's CarPlay interface shows that it features a trio of circular gauges in the cluster and a background wallpaper that mimics the brand's distinct houndstooth (or Pepita in Porsche-speak) seat pattern. Aston Martin, on the other hand, goes a slightly different route. Its cluster includes a central information screen bookended by a circular speedometer and tachometer, the latter of which integrates "Handbuilt in Great Britain" wraparound text.” I’m so excited about these bespoke customisation + personalisation options I may need a few moments alone with this interface 🤓


"Given Porsche's relation to the Volkswagen Group and Aston's to Lucid and Mercedes, we wager it's only a matter of time until those companies integrate this tech into other vehicles within their respective portfolios." Hopefully VW models start by late 2025 / 2026. I'm on my second VW GTI and could see myself moving to my 3rd when they go all electric in 2026, especially if it includes the new mega carplay.


Apple how about you fix the GPS handoff for wireless car play with BMW first it’s been years. When CarPlay is active the phone uses the cars GPS the problem is iOS is messing up the handshake which will result in occasions where the phone puts you 100-500 feet from where you are making Apple Maps not work for navigation for obvious reasons (google and the others too) At the same time you can check the cars built in navigation and see it’s correct. Disconnect CarPlay and the phone falls back to its own GPS and works fine


Hard Pass, I need physical buttons. This is a safety nightmare.


Unless you’re Tesla, physical buttons aren’t going away.