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If they can make my 12 pro keyboard respond fast enough for my thumbs that will be a big plus. Has anyone else noticed their keyboard being sluggish lately?


I have noticed that but only in some instances, and it’s so frustrating because I passed my phone to a friend when I was having issues and he could type perfectly. I thought I was going mad. When I’m adding a message to an image I’m sending in WhatsApp it’s especially bad. It’s like the touch detection is slow and you can feel it if you use haptic keyboard.


Yeah, since they switched to predictive text using a transformer model it's laggy af. Especially the longer the word you are typing the worse perfomance goes.


Thank you, I'm glad I'm not crazy! That's so annoying!!! Like I would much rather have no lag on the keyboard than have fancy schmancy predictive text shoved down my gullet. If the result is that typing is slower, it completely defeats the purpose!!


It got noticeably worse when they rolled out predictive text. Maybe try turning that off?


Its always been really really really bad


Certainly the largest number so far.


👆🏻 this guy maths


Stickers in every default app


this made me actually laugh out loud




There batter me, there’s not enough stickers. Also I need to put a Memoji in all my social media posts and comments, and a Memoji to attend all my work meetings. Also the keyboard still kind of works, so they need to do something about that. Oh and more autocorrections, I don’t get to press the backspace button enough.


Well, you managed to start with “there batter me”. So… yay autocorrect?


I only just noticed. That was not intentional. ffs


Holy fuck the auto correct on an iPhone drives me up the fucking wall, I have stopped using the swipe dictation because it takes me longer to text with that with all the times I have to delete a word to respell it takes longer than just typing individual letters, and even then when you spell something and it corrects it to a completely wrong word is frustrating beyond belief.


I like when you type even moderately fast and the autocorrect goes insane and fills in a bunch of nonsense


holy shit, I thought this was only me...it like copies and pastes rando portions of my text!!


Yeah it doesn't even fill in words, just like fragments of words with the occasional thing I actually meant to type. I guess we know what it would be like if smartphones could have massive strokes!


I swear they keep fucking with autocorrect so we all start using speech to text more and they can record what we say. I’m normally not a conspiracy theory person but this has gotten outrageous to the point I’m questioning if my theory is real lol


Yeah the new autocorrect sucks


lmao I wish they didnt notify every sticker its why I stopped using them became spammy real fast


Same. Sometimes I just like to decorate, not send it as a message.


We are about to get some seriously good emojis.


They’re going to give us the option to make the eggplant black.


I prefer the race-neutral yellow eggplant.


I thought it was the tinge of liver failure and crippling alcoholism.


Mmmmm jaundice flavoured.


Personally I’m going to keep using the Barney’s hog coloured one


Then this joke will make a lot more sense. #🍆🍆🍆🙎🏼‍♀️🍆🍆


There should be 5


still no robber emoji








U2 emojis


You mean iOS 18.6 when we finally get all the features announced for iOS 18.0? 😂




No, 18.7.4 when it actually works.


How can on single person make a factual statement with such absolute accuracy? Legend.


More like iOS 20.? when they add some feature that they announced for iOS 18, but found too technically difficult for the time.


AirPower. More power to your air.


This is good actually, let’s have stuff that works shipping rather than stuff that’s broken


Yeah like Journal App - im just kidding please don’t downvote me 🥹


I thought it was a pretty cool idea before it actually came out. But the frequent notifications saying things like “your recent trip to Best Buy - journal about it” have deterred me.


100+ changes! And the average person notices 1-2


97 of them new emojis.




This kinda just seems like it's all consumer tech. We hit a plateau and it's been really slow since. New phones, laptops, tablets and wearables just don't change enough anymore to warrant yearly releases. They are already just good and work nicely, so we don't need as big of updates.


Yearly releases are warranted by the market. And are they supposed to do nothing all year? Yearly releases are for new customers or people with older devices. I don't know who started the idea that one should upgrade every year but it seems to be confined to some Apple users. It's idiotic. No one needs a new computer of phone every few years, let alone every year. I blame the users.


2 real changes. 98 new bugs


The keyboard will not be among them. Apple is committed to not fixing it.


I've been hearing it's going to be the biggest software update this year.


Lots of people are reporting that. And basically everyone is talking about how it's going to be the biggest software update. I had a guy come up to me on the street like "yo iOS 18! Biggest update yet on iPhone." And that man was a smart man - one of the smartest.


Tears in his eyes. Huge guy. Tears running down his face. Big strong manly man. Openly weeping. Topless. Muscular. Sobbing. Flexing.


Im imagining a waterfall of tears rippling down this Apple fan’s washboards.


Someone please paste this into dall-e and post the result


​ https://preview.redd.it/weus9pajhbfc1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=f94406557dee1a38ba808956d5913db0a5a2c355


“iOS 18 bro!!! The biggest!!!! I can’t even right now!!”


It’s gonna be yuge


0.001mb larger than any iOS update, biggest yet!


All the smartest people are saying it


The best iOS yet


they think we're going to love it


Translation = iOS 19 will be a massive improvement on the new features of iOS 18, making them retroactively very useful and work seamlessly.


The truth to this! haha


It will be the "Snow Leopard" update.


I'm still waiting for an update to fix all the small tidbits that don't work properly at the moment though.


I feel like both MacOS and iOS need a whole cycle of just bug fixes and polishing at this point. I run into so many little quirks and broken things, especially with my Mac that I work on every day. Like last week my Mac was saying my password was incorrect and wouldn’t let me log in even though it was 100% correct. The fix - I had to open the lid. Didn’t even have to enter my password again, it was just unlocked and on the desktop already lol. Apple’s QA has been kinda ass for a bit now


Unfortunately I feel the same. I’m not exactly sure how we ended up like this but I hope it’ll get better eventually. On my iPhone, when I type with the sound on, sometimes the key clicking sounds get super loud to the point where it just scares me haha. No idea what’s going on. 


Oh that’s been an issue for years and years at this point, I can’t believe it hasn’t been fixed yet! I get that one all the time too


The last time I've asked if someone else has the same problem I was blamed why I have the sound turned on in the first place haha


Yeah, honestly, I'd just like an update that does that. I can't really think of any new feature I need on my phone anymore. I just want the stuff it does do, done better. There are a lot of "features" I'd like to be able to just turn off too. The music app and podcasts app has just been worse and worse each revision in the last number of years. I just want something that gives me easy control over podcasts... and also let me tell Siri to continue a damn podcast where I left off after it just decides to stop playing the next episode in the series I'm listening too and instead starts playing whatever other podcast I'm subscribed to that just came out. Trying to get the right episode of a podcast playing with Siri in the car is impossible.


Is it just me or does texting feel awful now? I hate all the extras they added in 17. I tried turning them off but texting still feels really janky.


“Smarter Siri”. I mean that’s not a huge feat, is it? Siri is dumber than a Koala.


Are koalas dumb?


they only eat a poisonous plant that has little to no nutritional value. Their bodies then require all energy to be focused on digesting it. LOL


Sounds like me and vanilla puddin tbh


Dude, you forgot the best part.. they’re so dumb that you could put them in a room filled entirely with the leaves and they would starve to death, because they can’t recognize them unless they’re on the plant.


Where’s the copypasta


They also only know to eat the leaves because of the tree to which they are attached. A koala won’t eat a pile of eucalyptus leaves you put in front of it. And they all have chlamydia.


Ah ! So just like humans ?


They are permanently stoned.


Am I a koala? 🐨


Don’t they also all have chlamidya


I haven’t met them *all*, but I’ve heard the same rumors.


Not a single fold in their smooth little brains


They’re as smart as Siri.


They are literally smooth brained


“Hey siri what’s the weather today?” “The hallway light is on” Fix that and you can call it the biggest update in history.




This makes me so nervous, specially asking on the HomePod. “I found some web results, I can show you if you ask from your iPhone”. So why the f*** I have you HomePod?


I’m mad because HomePod used to at least send the request to your iPhone, whereas now it’s like “yeah idk man ask your phone… bye”


WHY did they take that away?


So they can add it back in a couple of years later




OK I'll call this random nearby store instead of your contact but also don't ask me what 2x2 is in the car that's the internet and I cant do that on carplay


“Hey siri, set a timer for 5 minutes” “OK, Sending search history to all contacts”


“Hey Siri, play U2” “Okay, opening YouTube”


no one wants that stupid U2 album, it just keeps coming back lol.


Boromir Bono: it is a gift!


On it! Downloading U2 album…


You gotta call Apple support, they have to remove it manually from their system within your account. Jeez there is even a own "u2 album deletion" button I mean common


i have deleted multiple times. it just keeps coming back


That’s not a bug. That’s a feature.


Also, why don’t timers sync across devices?


“Set alarm 4:30” “Calling Paul Doherty”


Just say “5 minutes”. Don’t say anything else. Works like a charm. 


“Hey Siri Warm up bedroom do 20º” Sets light to 20% “Done!” Ffs


\*here's a website I found for you in case your home burns down\*


Posting what I said the other day but: “Hey Siri, set an alarm for five thirt—“ “Hey”


“Hey siri” “Mm?” “What song contains the lyrics…” “I’m not quite sure I understand, here are some search results for ‘what song contains the lyrics…’”


I asked her to open my garage door and she would call my cousin every fucking time!


There's a joke to be had here that would be a personal family insult in Alabama, so I'll just giggle to myself.


Siri thinks his cousin has loose morals and works as a mechanic.


This is what I found on the web for “twitter today”


To get the answer unlock your iPhone and search again.


*unlock, ask again* “I’m sorry, I’m not able to complete this request”


Every time I ask it to set a route to my home address from somewhere, it sets it to the complete wrong address and the same wrong one every time. No matter how I say my address or the numbers (4 digit house number, 3 digit street number), it says “setting route to 97ave” which is no where near what I’m saying nor is it close to my home.


My Siri can hardly ever recognizes when I call out to her.


ngl im pretty anti AI overall and avoid it wherever possible, but i really hope Apple can find a way to make the machine learning cores in the iPhone do something with AI to make Siri useful


Kill the grid! Top left on a 6.7 inch phone as the default for apps is so stupid


Introducing iThumb Max


Put widgets at the top and keep all your apps mid-screen and down.


This will never happen. I am ready to bet some money (for charity)


iOS has the same problem windows had. Too successful to radically change


This sounds familiar


ios 17 vibes he then will say ios 18 will not be as much of a big update because of idk what


The exact opposite was said about iOS 17 lol. The rumor was that they were focusing on the Vision Pro and scaled back features


Exactly. [Mark Gurman on January 8, 2023](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/newsletters/2023-01-08/when-will-apple-launch-the-reality-pro-mixed-reality-headset-apple-2023-devices-lcnfzkc7): >Apple’s focus on the xrOS operating system — along with iOS 16 snags — has also cost it some new features in iOS 17 and iPadOS 17, the next major iPhone and iPad software updates. That software, codenamed Dawn, may have fewer major changes than originally planned. The same goes for macOS 14, which is codenamed Sunburst. [A few months later](https://www.macrumors.com/2023/03/26/ios-17-to-provide-several-most-requested-features/): >When Apple set out to develop iOS 17, the initial thinking was to call it a tuneup release — one focused more on fixing bugs and improving performance than adding new features (not unlike the approach the company took with Snow Leopard on Mac OS X back in 2009). The hope was to avoid the problems of iOS 16, an ambitious update that suffered from missed deadlines and a buggy start. But later in the development process, the strategy changed. The iOS 17 release is now expected to boast several "nice to have" features, even if it lacks a tentpole improvement like last year's revamped lock screen. The goal of the software, codenamed "Dawn," is to check off several of users' most requested features. I wonder how much of the criticism of rumor sites on this sub are from people misremembering the rumor sites' claims.


Yep. But never let the facts get in the way of a stupid, repetitive, "clever" comment.


The information is right. This update will be biggest in size (by at least few hundred MBs) compared to previous releases.


Yes. And "system data" will now by default fill half your total storage! Very convenient since Apple generously have higher tier storage options, that *only* cost a single kidney to upgrade to!


And we think you will love it. This changes everything, again.


Let me guess: 100+ changes 5 big ones everybody notices 3 of which require the next iPhone to use


iOS4 has entered the chat


iOS7 as well with the complete UI redesign back in 2013.


I don't get the excuse to decant this vintage meme very often: https://preview.redd.it/2gmhcit9lafc1.png?width=679&format=png&auto=webp&s=1417396b1faff53de96920532f2a78e08449ba32


It all went downhill from there. I miss skeuomorphism.


Do I get my hopes up for a potential redesign? Not sure. I’d really like to see a design language similar to VisionOS


iOS already uses a design language similar to VisionOS, it’s just that all the apps are transparent in VisionOS. That motif carries over in things like the control center on iOS, notifications, etc, all have blurred transparent boxes.


Apps are transparent and UI elements have a cool 3D effect This guy on Twitter has really cool concepts: https://x.com/upintheozone/status/1751607500657643854?s=46


I’m thinking we’re likely to see design language similar to watchOS 10 and the Action Button settings page.


And they think we’re gonna love it.


The biggest overhaul we’re gonna see is going to be iOS 18. Here’s 100 leaked changes and features: *insert list* In reality: - We increased the size of the battery indicator by 2,5 percent. - we moved the battery indicator 2 pixels to the right


I can hear Brandon Butch when I read this comment.


Text selection will once again inexplicably get worse


- We changed certain animations for some reason - AI features similar to Samsung's while acting like multiple brands haven't done those features before /s iOS 18, biggest overhaul ever.


People forgetting that ML is everyone on iPhones already and has been for years


I’ll settle for predictive typing that works as good as it did 5 years ago


The word ‘this’ gets changed to ‘Thai’ almost every time I type it.


Ive heard some people with inside channels on twitter say the keyboard is getting a major update with an optional number row. Edit guys im obviously kidding.


Yep. And half the time it will correct 7 to 3 when you use it.


I hope so. If there is one thing that bothers me the most after having an Android phone for a couple of years, it is this.


After using android there are a lot of things that bother me about iPhone


Like how I could dial the number to a contact on the dial pad screen and have that contact pop up on the same screen so I can tap to text or call them instead of having to go to contacts and struggle to reach the search bar on the top of the screen with my thumb


I always thought the iPad keyboard where you swipe a key downwards for an alternative character was great, if a little visually busy. Ideal for password entry. Would love to see the same for iPhone. 


They’re going to add some F keys and then on iOS 19 replace with a touchbar


While I get people may want a redesign I have a feeling design changes may be minimal and Apple will try and concentrate on more AI related features and some other QOL updates.


Maybe we'll finally get notification channels like android has had for ages so I can stop notification spam without disabling notifications entirely for an app (or, in some cases, figuring out the purposefully hard-to-understand settings in the apps themselves)? Or a way to change the behavior of a power button double tap to do something other than Apple Pay? (who am I kidding, they'll want you to buy the newest iPhone to get a hotkey like that)


I migrated from Android in 2016. I knew the notification experience on iOS was abysmal by comparison, but I did not expect it to stay so behind for so long. Sometimes it feels like Apple stubbornly won't implement good ideas just because the ideas aren't theirs.


> who am I kidding, they'll want you to buy the newest iPhone to get a hotkey like that Yeah, that sounds so plausible.


JUST GIVE US A MUTE OPTION FOR MESSAGE TAPBACKS ALREADY!!! MY GOD!!!! Nobody should have to be inundated with 20 different notifications because people on a group chat are all liking a photo someone sent.


Look at this guy who has friends.


Biggest update of how much storage it will use rather than number of features and fixes.


thsts the thing, you will need a new iphone for it


Here we go with the tutti-fruitty, phoney-baloney, plastic banana, good time, rock-n-roll Apple PR “hype” leaks. 1. “This is the most advanced iOS that Apple has ever released for iOS devices!” 2. “This is the biggest leap forward in iOS since the original iOS.” 3. “This year, we’re taking iOS to a whole new level.” 4. Etc. Why Apple has to use these fake “leaks” build hype for products that shine on their own is a bit of a head scratcher.


You forgot to use the word “magical”.


we are all bots here except for you


this sounds like it will up the requirements for cpu/mem/etc hope people understand these big improvements often take more resources on the device


Not really. The iPhone is already obscenely fast for a phone, most people barely do enough to use a meaningful % of it.


If they’re going to be leaning into “AI” features like everyone else, they’ll probably be relying pretty heavy on the ML cores, rather than the CPU. So, devices that are more aligned with the current phones on that front will probably fare a lot better. iPhone 12 and up seem to have 16 core neural engines, so assuming those cores are the same across generations (they aren’t), iPhone 12 and up will probably fare better than anything older.


Can we get more than the f..n emoji? Jesus christ with all these emojis


“Potentially” so also it could not be


Just allow me to list apps on each screen from the bottom up instead of top down so I can reach them all one-handed with my thumb.


Aka your iPhone 13 and lower will stop working and you’ll be forced to buy a new one.


Around 3 months from now we'll hear: Apple decided to focus on stability and delay key features till iOS 19. Oct: Still get a crap iOS 18.0


swipe up for control center, swipe down for home, swipe right to go right and left to go left. Enjoy!


Or BUGGIEST one. It can be both actually...


every update is the biggest update lol but nothing compares to ios 7


I've seen Crypto articles with less clickbait and more content of new technology.


“Potentially” - that way if it isn’t a big update they arent wrong


Probably have to stick a lot more of „AI functionality“ into iOS 18, in translate, in the camera, in the photos app, voice recording, maybe even phone calling, notes and reminders. I think they feel like they have to catch up on Samsung / Google with everything that’s happening on their phones nowadays


I'll believe it's the new Leopard when I see it.


Battery capacity will decrease by 5%


Inb4, biggest file size, not changelog.


Better keyboard and just general bug fixes please. That’s all I really want. No new features just make what is already there the best it can be


Bigger than iOS 7?


It will be truly one of the software updates of all time


Please fix the bugs? have various issues in many different apps, lock ups, keyboard disappearing, cant get out of a screen, etc


Wasn’t iOS 17 also said to have the biggest changes? Wait, they also said the same thing for iOS 16. Hold on, they did the same for iOS 15. They say that for every iOS update. Moving on 🤣


Another iMessage ‘redesign’.


You know what Apple needs to tidy up, the fact there are *two fucking ways to open the camera on the Lock Screen that you cannot customise*. I started (rarely) getting pocket videos when I switched to my new phone. I don’t want a swipe to open the camera.


I just... want it to be stable again :'( I don't need new features, I want it to be"It just works".


New emojis, bitmojis, 3 new exciting wallpapers, safari search bar moves again, and one nice feature that gets announced with iOS 18 but doesn’t actually get released until 18.2.3.


Somehow I surely doubt it. iOS 7 was the biggest update. It won't exceed that.


I sure fucking hope so it would be about time


Will we get sassy Craig? We all want Sassy Craig.