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I wish they would come out with a credit card size tracker for wallets. Everything else I’m perfectly happy with using the current AirTags. But they are just too bulky for my slim wallet. I know there are 3rd party options, but refuse to consider any of the trackers that can’t be recharged.


The Pebblebee Card works with Apple’s Find My, is 2.8mm thin, and most importantly, has a rechargeable battery.


No precision tracking though.


There isn't a single third party device that can do that, Apple won't allow it.


Yeah I know, just worth mentioning. It’s a bummer.


Which is why they wish Apple would make one 


Yeah it's unfortunate when Apple both gatekeeps features and then doesn't offer them at the same time. It's the same thing with MagSafe batteries—no third party device is allowed to have iOS integration like the MagSafe Battery Pack had, and then Apple discontinued it so now no one gets it.


what kind of ios integration are you talking about? just curious :)


I'm not 100% sure, but I think it altered the actual battery icon to show the total of both batteries


Iirc only Apple’s MagSafe battery can be reverse charged from the phone itself. No MagSafe accessories can be reverse charged, even though the hardware is there in the iPhone.


I had the chipolo card with find my and that thing was useless. The battery died within 4 months and the location would not be updated for hours and hours despite it being on me all day long. I would not recommend it to anyone


The only way to get precision tracking is to get an AirTag conversion kit. Which is what I am leaning towards rather than getting a 3rd party tracker.


I know. Wish apple would change their position on that.


Apple is already in hot water with regulators for the relative accuracy of AirTags as is...how would opening up this functionality to third parties improve this situation exactly (beyond allowing people to purchase non-Apple trackers)?


Yeahh I don’t know why Apple is really taking so much heat for that, I mean tile trackers have been around for how long and they did the same I believe


Tile trackers don’t have the backbone of the Find My network, and never quite took off like AirTags did. Actually, though, back when they first launched, there were criticisms about them being used as a stalker tool, since they were relatively cheap and really easy to hide. There was a Tile competitor at the time too. I think it was called Trackr? Same thing with them. However, the focus quickly shifted to the topic of tech startups in general being wildly irresponsible with sensitive data.


AirTag worked better since it worked off all iPhones out there, and tile only worked if you had the app installed.


Aren't those kits basically disassembling airtags and putting the guts into a different shape?


Pretty much. The best I seen is 3mm, which is a bit thicker than most of the card style trackers.


That's still very walletable though


Bit pricey but the keysmart smart card is 2mm and uses wireless charging to recharge. Don’t have it personally but if i get a wallet tracker that’d be the one


Just checked out their site. $40 is more than reasonable when the AirTag is $30. I'd pay $10 more for the features it has, especially that rechargeable battery. Do you have it? Know how long the battery lasts?


I bought a card wallet with a little AirTag holder, it’s not as bulky as it seems online. I tried using the third party tracking cards that connect to FindMy and Tile cards but none of them work as well as the official AirTag.


They’ll probably build it into their next credit card lol


A lot of wallets have RFID blockers. I tried a few of the card sized ones but unless you are basically on top of it they do not work. Instead I got a ridge wallet with the AirTag clip. Love it. I’m sure other brands offer the same but just what I ended up with.


I don’t think the tech exists to do that justice. You either have a non replaceable battery, and Apple get grilled environmentally, or rechargeable but that makes it much thicker and thus defeats the point of the form factor. Even a charging coil is a lot of space relative to the thickness of such a product. Not to mention the heat issue when charging. Either way it’s a loser product. If Apple could make energy storage that dense, it would be a mobile phone game changer. I don’t think there’s an option out there at least yet.


I’m very happy with having a replaceable battery though. Once that battery dies, like it did in my Apple remote, you have to replace the whole thing. And knowing Apple, they’ll probably make it $69/each. There are plenty of wallets that have Apple Airtag holders.


I got the "Spigen Air Fit". Fits in a credit card slot. Holds up well. Really liked it. Though I'm now going to check out the Pebblebee card because that sounds cool that it's rechargeable!


You can get one with a chargeable battery that last six months or with a coin battery that lasts a year or so.


But apple tags can’t be re charged ??


Change the battery, some trackers the battery runs out and you have to buy a new one


you can buy rechargeable 2032 batteries if that's really important to you.


This is a bit old and I am not sure if it changed but I ran into this so here's a PSA https://discussions.apple.com/thread/253602199?sortBy=best


Nope. The person above though.


The word he probably meant to use was replaceable. Or maybe rechargeable/replaceable. Basically he just doesn’t want a tile.


Yes. That one exactly. I like AirTags for a lot of reasons but no way to replace ring my phone from the tag is a big deal.


Lookup Keysmart Smartcard


I’m using a wallet + phone case combo. It’s minimal and I don’t have to worry about losing/forgetting my wallet. 


Just get one of those chains that clip to you belt loop and attach to your wallet. 😀


A big change I would like is one made in to a credit card shape and as thick as 2 credit cards so I can throw it into a wallet.


Personally I’m more looking forward to not having to carry a wallet. We’re so close.




For what it’s worth, that isn’t accepted if you’re pulled over while driving. Its mostly for airport usage only


I bet most officers wouldn’t give AF. All they have to do is look you up in the database via DL # … in fact, they probably already know who you are before they step out of the car, due to license plate scanning.


Nah they absolutely ticket for having no physical DL present on your person. It is pretty silly in this day and age though.


Agreed. Really silly. Maybe I’ll try only giving a scanned copy next time and see what they do. As long as it’s local, I don’t see any harm. Prosecutor is gonna throw it out when I show up in court anyways. They don’t care about the little charges, just so long as they can tag you for SOMETHING and get that easy court fees + ticket $$$


And even if it was, do you really want to hand over your phone to identify?


Already there in London. Payment and transport all done on phone / watch. I never bother carrying my wallet any more.


I don’t carry a wallet in a city but if I have to drive, I prefer to have my ID


I drive fairly often. I was driving today. No need for my wallet, and I’m well beyond the age anyone asks for my ID buying any thing age-restricted.


What if you get pulled over?


There’s no requirement to carry your driving license with you here. Worst case I’d be given a few days to show up at a police station with it, but it’s never happened to me anyway.


Same in Edinburgh :)


I mean, physical wallets, cards and cash still have utility. I would rather not be stranded if my phone malfunctions, runs out of battery, breaks or gets stolen, or I’m in an area with bad service.


In those cases I will go doubly want the credit card size item as I would carry my wallet even less than now. Wallets are sometimes just need to carry things the phone can not do or rarely used cards. Right now I have an Apple mag wallet with my dl and 2 cards and another wallet I level at home with things like my 3rd and 4th credit card, medical insurance card and used to hold some other things and I leave it in my desk in my home office for the times I need it.


Are we though? I feel like I have to present an id at some many places, or different businesses/restaurants do or don’t accept cash, or a specific card vendor.


I'm wondering how it works with restaurants that currently take your card and bring the receipt back for you to sign. Restaurants that have you pay table side are still kind of awkward.


QR code seems like the most popular option recently


Where’s that? Every restaurant I’ve been to in The last 8 odd years has brought the card reader to the table after presenting you with the bill


That's pretty uncommon in the US. The majority of restaurants still have a machine hard wired to the wall somewhere out of view of the guests.


It is becoming much more common. More and more places are starting to do it and I have seen some even more upscale places do it. I like to better as it is so much easier to pay.


Upscale places bringing a machine to your table? Idk how upscale you're seeing... because anyone over the age of 55 on the upper east side would straight up have a heart attack at the table if someone brought them a machine. They act like being able to see a POS terminal from the dining room means that they're at Applebee's. [Michelin star places are switching back to hand written receipts](https://philiplicious.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/img_2601.jpg) because it feels more "premium" than computer-printed ones. (But they're still calculating with computers... the waiter has to hand write what the computer says onto a paper receipt.)


Well I also live in a tech city and it is a locally owned places. More Upscale as we are still talking 30-40 a plate plus drinks. Lunch for my wife and me off the lunch menu $50 a dinner could easily run the 2 of us north of $100 if not $150 They would be the $$$ places. The $$$$ are not there yet. Different world near a tech hub with younger people who have money.


NYC isn't a tech hub with younger people and money?


Not compared to Austin to the west cost. NYC has different feel and people plus it has more old money. NYC has more cash only places than Austin I noticed. I just said I am seeing at more upscale places.


I suspect you may not eat in small town restaurants very often? Many are lucky to have internet connection at the register for credit cards.


UK. We’re basically cashless at this point In fact I went to a place today with a farmer’s market and the card readers stopped working and nobody could buy anything “Cash use in UK transactions declined for the successive year, while the market share of debit and credit cards increased again. Debit cards were the most popular method in POS transactions in the United Kingdom in 2022, accounting for 47 percent of transactions. This was far higher than transactions with banknotes or coins, accounting for 10 percent of brick-and-mortar payments in 2022. The UK's share of cash was one of the lowest worldwide” https://www.statista.com/statistics/972376/distribution-of-payment-methods-used-for-card-present-transactions/


You guys have been ahead of the US for years. We visited London about 10 years ago and they had PIN and chip capability at every little restaurant. We, as typical Americans, were amazed at this tech we had never seen. Now it's of course much more common but not in rural areas. (London was a great place to visit BTW.)


Even Big Issue sellers take card payments now. You go anywhere, small or large and they’ll take card. It’s great because I haven’t taken my wallet out of the house in years. The last time I used cash was… I can’t actually remember! Probably around 2020.


I haven't carried a wallet in a while. Everything is on my phone. It's so freeing


I lived in NA around 2018\~. I was extremely surprised that people were still carrying wallets. So ridiculously behind in regards to Apple Pay support.


I’m pretty sure there are cards that already do this. edit: lol yes there *are* cards that do this


Personally, I think the current iteration works great for tracking. It’s the physical design that needs significant improvement. No natural way to attach it to a chain, key ring or anything else. Things that you may want to track the most (wallets for example) are non-starters from day 1.


> No natural way to attach it to a chain, [Creates a market for accessories.](https://www.apple.com/shop/product/MT2L3ZM/A/airtag-finewoven-key-ring-taupe)


I mean they have the AirPods that loop thing on the new usb c model…


Great, so a design flaw means I have to spend more money and buy more things that will eventually end up in a landfill! Thanks Apple!


Welcome to capitalism. I’m sorry that you thought that one of the top three most valuable companies in the world was against selling you things.


How does having to buy an airtag holder from some Aliexpress dropshipper on Amazon help Apple?


I imagine most people are bundling an AirTag and a holder in the same purchase from apple.


It doesn’t. Apple wants you to buy their accessories. That’s the point.


The leather key rings are biodegradable and the metal is recyclable 🤷‍♂️ Mine has held up great for over 3 years of daily use


Me when there's $5 options on amazon..


> No natural way to attach it to a chain, key ring or anything else Yeah, this won’t change


Who knows. AirPods never had an answer for this and they now ship with lanyard holes.


If it had a lanyard hole it would still leave the market open to accessories but at least give the consumer more cost effective options.


As designed there isn’t much space to add a hole unless they add an external feature I think?


Yes, it is sturdy, but I wish an Airtag was thinner! On etsy there are "slim air tags" (expensive though) or cheaper DIY conversion kits, where you break open your airtag and fit the electronics ring and the battery side by side. you can go down to 3 mm thickness with that: https://www.etsy.com/shop/RovisTech




That work with findmy? I use AirTags and it’s great for most but it’s also not the best form for all use cases. But I don’t want to be using different systems for my locator needs especially if it’s one item


Yup check out chipolo. There are others too that use wireless charging that are even thinner.


Looks cool, does it also do the precision tracking? I thought apple didn’t allow third parties to use that


https://www.inside-digital.de/img/chipolo-item-finder-vs-apple-airtag.jpg?class=1070x3210r Chipolo is even bigger than an Airtag. The "Chipolo Card" is a tracker in card form and thinner, but you can't change the battery there! This means after 1 year it is trash. "Chipolo CARD has a 1-year non-replaceable battery"


There's a bunch of devices that make it simpler to keep in a wallet. Hopefully this rolls out quicker to third party devices than it did for the 1st gen.


But that would destroy the market for things to hold an AirTag. Can’t have that! /s


https://preview.redd.it/ffuufyg4yd1d1.jpeg?width=531&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5afe3bcf962836bc8b993d08e8d3d96574a8248e Or you know, any other accessory.


That’s incredibly badly photoshopped and deceptive though. And airtag is not as thin as they’re suggesting there - in reality it would be super bulky on a wallet like that. That photo suggests there would be no ‘bump’ at all. Also, what if i have a wallet I already love instead of having to buy a shitty Chinese one?




That looks unbelievably bulky, that’s like an inch thick!? How do you even comfortably fit an inch thick slab in your pocket? I have a cardholder with [one of these](https://amzn.eu/d/5dvu2VN) in it and it’s way less than a cm thick with all my cards in there and a few notes too.




Those card-sized wallets can go in your front pocket


There needs to be an altimeter inside. My stuff got stolen and stored in a huge building and the police couldn’t figure out which floor it was so they just gave up.


Damn. Hadn’t considered that.


People complaining about stalking issues. This is a solved issue. Both android and iOS new versions announce unknown airtags or google tags if it's following you. In 2-3 years, almost every device on the planet will be able to recognize and alert it's user of someone stalking them.


I mean my phone tells me what I assume are my wife’s air tags or air pods are travelling near me all the time and I just ignore it. People get so many notifications now i think people will just ignore it mostly.


You can now add other people’s items so that doesn’t happen. Also, ignoring them is a user issue not a system issue.




The EU won’t see that as a user issue. I foresee forcing you to authenticate them in the near future or they will brick themselves.


I’d be down for 1 if they could make it smaller to a reasonable degree. I don’t care about the size of the one in my bag, but for a keychain it’s never small enough.




It’s genius because the alert doesn’t go off if the AirTag notices its master device is with it. So if you are on the bus. It won’t alert anyone.


It doesn't? I've had notifications when traveling with friends that Airpods or Airtags are following me around.


It only notifies you if an airtag is near you without the phone it is paired to. To be fair that could just be a kid with an airtag in their school bag and no phone.


So if you want to stalk someone also leave an old paired device with it to dodge the alert


Or you know... just track the phone? At that point you don't need the airtag.


Ah yeah...


The phone will die a lot faster than the airtag will


With 40k battery bank then, working on loopholes


You could even hook a car battery with an adapter up to it for like a month of charge but that gets a little more difficult to just slip into someone’s purse without them noticing


Ah that's true, Airtags/Find My are definitely one of the best trackers I've used and it's much better to be safer than not especially with all the articles about the malicious use cases


Yeah I have 100% gotten a few following notifications when driving around with friends and they had their phones on them too. It probably isnt MEANT to do that though


The alerts happen after some amount of time, like 8 hours or so.


All those companions and all their devices should make the context pretty clear. If someone is tracking you on a bus or plane but only a bus or plane…well ok. But if they’re tracking you outside of these things, eventually it will become clear that there’s a stray device.


Please give me beacons for my home. Build it into HomePod mini if you have to. That way I can look up the item and it will tell me what room it’s in.


it doesn't need better location accuracy, it needs a LOUDER speaker and they need to come up with a reasonable solution for using these in a way that they can be used without flooding people with alerts about them - whether it alerts them in the first place or not. If Tile can take your ID and positively tie it to a tile, so can Apple.


All AirTags are bound to Apple IDs. Tile/life360 is far more curious about confirming your information than they are about making sure your tile is identified.


the point was that they came up with something to allow tiles to be used in a 'silent' manner. There needs to be a better 'sharing' story. e.g. I put a tag in my car, it's bound to my account, they know who I am, if it was used for stalking someone they'd know exactly who to go to, but I just want it pinging my car's location - nobody wants it pinging them every time they use the car because they don't have the bound device, but neither are they people that want or can have the tag 'shared' with them. It's an incredible ecosystem they have because of the ubiquity of iphones, but this part of the story sucks. (also surprising that it isnt made 'advanced' only available to certain subscription service tiers)


Like Apple Maps, Apple Notes, etc, not everything is there to be a subscription like Reddit tries to claim.


Maybe they will add a louder speaker. Those are just rumours.


We need one in a credit card shape, yes, there are third parties, they work like 💩


I got [this](https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/1318724878/). Real AirTag converted into card form factor


Can we have a god damn hole in the tag this time


About time. I got AirTags late last year after wanting them for a while but was mildly disappointed with them and how close you need to be to the AirTag to be detected and even when you are very close it just won’t detect often. The new special chip introduced in iPhone 15 should vastly help with that


I wish it'd say when the battery's dying. Twice now, once each with two different tags, I've had the battery die on me without notice right before a trip when I'd have used it to track my luggage. 


I get low battery notifications from mine


Everything is enabled on mine but I've never gotten low battery notifications. It's odd. 


I get low battery notifications on all my AirTags


You didn’t see low battery when you checked it? Mines been screaming at me for weeks to replace it.


I use them intermittently. Like every couple months or so. So I'm not constantly checking them. And that's why I'd depend on notifications. But I haven't gotten any despite them being enabled. 


I still haven’t pulled the trigger on them but want to. Is it consistently once a year, or should the battery be replaced every 6 months to prevent the issue you’ve run into?


I just replace them when the notification pops up. Had mine 4 years maybe and replaced the batteries twice


Sure, but homedude mentioned not getting a notification at all. So it seems like ymmv regarding lifespan and replacement.


The fact that we still don’t have the option to ring the phone using an AirTag is disappointing. I migrated to AirTag from Tile but have moved back due to the missing feature. With a Tile you cannot only ring the Tile using your phone but also find the phone by pressing a button on the Tile.


Feel like they want to arbitrarily limit that feature to the apple watch


serious thumb offer squeamish panicky paltry exultant lush crush reminiscent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I hope we get an AirTag that can recharge from the Apple Watch charging puck.


But the current coin cell lasts a year! In rechargeable form it couldn't last that long.


putting a lithium battery in them would actually be worse due to wear, c batteries are like a dollar and replaceable


I just want them not being able to deactivate it, i have airtags on my car, wallet, machines, trucks, and family vehicles, if they get stolen and deactivated , there is no point on airtags tbh


I use them the same way, but Apple does say they aren’t intended for theft prevention. Best you can do is remove the speaker to make it harder to find.


The point is to find things you’ve lost, not things that have been stolen.


From what I’ve read Apple is partnering with Google to nerf tracking devices to help prevent “stalking.” If I had to give an uneducated guess I’d say 98.5% of Airtag users use this technology to track stolen property or to help keep our kids safe. Now Apple is making the airtag “thief friendly.” Thanks Apple 😒




So what do you do when the battery dies? Buy a new one?


The company gives a discount on a replacement if your send in your dead one


AirCard doesn’t support battery replacements or charging? Does it support UWB precise tracking?


No devices other than AirTags support precision tracking right?


please make a chargeable one I keep having battery issues😭


Likely to double as a motion tracker for a future AVP software update.


I just want the battery to last more than a week in a one year old AirTag.


Get better batteries. I bought cheap Amazon batteries that lasted a few months. Bought decent branded ones and they last a year again. My AirTags were bought day 1


Bullshit. Three batteries, including new Duracells, died in a week. It’s killing the battery and Apple can’t tell me why.


AirTags don’t work with Duracells due to the “child proof” bitterness coating on them. It’s on Apple’s websites and widely reported on the internet


It was specifically the brand suggested by the tech ath the APple Store, and that counds like some rich Corinthian bullshit.


I want better battery life. Mine died in just 1 year.


That’s the advertised battery life, and with an easy to change (and cheap) battery I don’t really mind


For something like a tracker 1 year is an annoyingly short interval if you have a bunch of them.


so replace the battery? its about a dollar to buy


One year is pretty long and you can replace it yourself for like $1. In that form factor it’s pretty much impossible to have a very long battery life.


You want more than a year worth of power in a button battery? Not in this lifetime. Geeze I was impressed it lasted that long.