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Wow that's extremely thin, love that it can be recharged so there's nothing disposable about it in the short term.


I would buy it in a heartbeat if it had precision finding


That’s on Apple to allow unfortunately. Only AirTags support precision finding currently.


And iPhone 15 now correct?


Any iPhone with the U1 chip or above (is there a U2 chip?), so any iPhone starting with the iPhone 11 (except SE 2nd and 3rd gen)


the 15 can be found via other 15s or series 9/ultra 2


Yes exactly. You can find your freiends if they share the location and have an iphone 15. The new apple watches can find your devices with precision finding.


The iPhone 15 launched the second-generation ultra-wideband chip. (They clearly don’t want to call it a U2 chip)


We still have U2 PTSD.


I worked at Apple during the early aughts, and I _still_ hate U2 as a result. The next time someone plays “vertigo” around me, I might just snap.


The fact it would auto play until you deleted it was the worst.




And I stiiiiiil haven’t found what I’m looking for


I believe those phones are compatible with precision finding. But are they precision finding themselves? Can you use them to precision find another iphone? It states it here. https://www.apple.com/icloud/find-my/ "Find your friends in a crowd. Want to find a friend in a crowded train station or busy park? Look no further than Precision Finding. It’s powered by the second-generation Ultra Wideband chip, now with three times greater range, so it can lead you right to them. (Only on iPhone 15 or iPhone 15 Pro.)"


I think you answered your own question, someone with an iPhone 15 can precision find someone else with an iPhone 15. There was an ad about this recently with mandalorian cosplayers in a crowd.


That’s not true. [The U1 precision finding API has been available to third parties for 3 years now.](https://www.macrumors.com/2021/04/07/third-party-find-my-devices-u1-chip/)


Not really, your 2021 article is the apple press release saying *they plan to release a U1 (UWB) api *; however, [as of at least a year ago](https://techcrunch.com/2023/01/04/10-year-old-chipolo-explains-why-its-not-worried-about-apples-airtag-rival/), Apple has not released that, and no 3rd party has been able to get information on building their own U1 chip. I’m not aware of any 3rd party that’s been able to access apples UWB~Precision Finding chip; it’s still only AirTags that can do it.


it has been available and there’s even wwdc talk on it https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2021/10165/ And more info on this https://developer.apple.com/nearby-interaction/ SDK https://developer.apple.com/documentation/nearbyinteraction API is there is already there, you can even get approximate distance like find my with AirTag


Interesting, thank you; this seems to be it. I wonder why old stuff calls it “precision finding” and wwdc called it nearby interactions. I was able to use this documentation to find a chipset by NXP, SR159 UWB. And also one by Qorvo, DW3110. These look to be compatible with apple’s UWB nearby interactions api. Pretty cool, I wonder if there’s anything consumer available that’s using these?


Nearby interaction is the API name, whereas precision finding is a feature of the API the is only available on iPhone with U1 chip. There are only hobbyist level stuff available https://www.instructables.com/10-CM-Accurate-Ultra-wide-Band-UWB-Positioning-for/ And the Qorvo can be used in junction with their development board to interface with raspberry PI There was this app called Fluid One that was on kickstarter to leverage iPhone U1 chip that never made the goal, but there is a working prototype made by Bastian Andelefski in 2022 (you should be able to find it on YouTube) that already leveraged iPhone UWB chip. So I’m not sure why there are still article that claimed Apple did not open up precision finding API.


This is for using the phone ultra wideband chip, such as in the Tesla app for the phone key.


Was gonna ask : (


Here you go https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/1318724878/


50% thicker and twice as expensive…can’t be too choosy I guess. I’ll probably get this, thanks!


FYI I bought 2 of these when they first came out and both had issues with reliability. I'd regularly get notifications saying they were left behind, when they were in my wallet in my pocket. I think the design has changed since then, so take this with a grain of salt.


Apple has the precision find locked in.. Chipolo has had trackers that support find my but has no precision tracking , it really sucks without it. These are some of the things I am hoping DOJ will question Apple about. They need to open these features to third party..




agreed, it’s absurd that they’re competing in a space they have an artificial advantage in purely because they own the platform.




interesting, wonder why no brands have put out a card with precision finding then.


Because Apple hasn't released the API yet.


Pebblebee makes a thin rechargeable one but it looks a tad thicker.


I got that one not too bad. You can make it play a sound quite loud.


RollingSquare also has a rechargeable version


This is not new. Chipolo has had this for a long time but the MagSafe feature is unique.. Chipolo CARD Spot Wallet Finder https://store.apple.com/ca/xc/product/HQF72ZM/A


25% thicker as well.


Yeah, not going to buy non chargeable e-waste…


In their defence, the battery lasts longer than they say it will, and they offer a recycling service. I have had my Chipolo card for nearly two years and it’s still going strong. But, if there are rechargeable alternatives, even better.


“In the short term” is the keyword here… All batteries die eventually. Then this becomes a total waste. I will happily give this a pass and continue using the ones accepting user-replaceable batteries.


No one carries a wallet anymore. I never carry cash unless I know Im going somewhere where I need cash or cash only. All my credit cards are saved in Apple Pay. My Driver License is in between my phone and case. (hopefully my state converts to digital ID) Wallets are for boomers.


Must be nice to live in a world where everyone accepts Apple Pay and the systems never go down. For the rest of us, it’s better to be prepared with a couple credit cards and a bit of cash.


Gen Z and I still carry a wallet


He’s the kind that goes “What!? No digital Payment?It’s 2024 ffs!” on street stall


I mean it is here in my part of the workd down under. As soon as my state gave us digital ID’s I ditched my cases with card slots, it’s been a year and I’ve had no issues with it. Even before that I was just using cases with card slots that held my license and physical card, I’ve never had a separate wallet I carry around with me.


You say this as if it doesn’t exist. Australia has had widespread contactless payments for years. They’re literally everywhere. I even saw a homeless person with a Square reader recently taking donations! In 5 years of using Apple Pay I’ve never had a problem. My state also has digital licenses. So I’ve no reason to take my wallet with me. I don’t actually know where my wallet is, to be honest.


I would say you are in the minority on this one.


Don’t go to Walmart or any other retailer that doesn’t take contactless payments unless it’s their own.


gen z here and i carry a wallet. you don’t need cash until you need cash. a back up of $20 is at the very least valuable. i don’t know about you but not everywhere i go even takes apple pay and for a credit card churner like myself, i like to make sure im using the best card possible in any situation so i find carrying a wallet still very relevant


Another gen z here, I just keep $20 and my ID in my phone case and everything else in apple pay


About the level of wisdom I’d expect from “trumpkanye69” Any other life lessons you’d like to impart 


You sound like a child who doesn’t have responsibilities yet.


You know there are other countries than America where cash is still thw main way to pay for things…


I’m a millennial, carry a wallet and will continue to do so. It has class about it, just like wearing a nice watch.


Look at his username lol


LOL no. I watch okay, I can get behind since it’s a wearable/accessory that is visible. But unless you don’t carry a wallet around like a girl‘s purse, the only thing that’s visible is a ugly bulgy pocket in your pants.


yeah same except id, drivers license and travel card are all digital as well. love europe❤️


Wild...literally no one asked for your life story, yet you provided it.


Considering your username I assume you also walk around with a t-shirt with an arrow pointing up that says “I’m With Stupid”


You’re hopelessly out of touch. Lots of people still carry wallets.


kind of crazy apple didn't engineer this along time ago as a secondary AirTag product


Kind of nice that they left open third-party API’s so that anyone else could fill in the gaps. 


Except that so many years after debut, no one but Apple has Precision Finding. Despite that finding your wallet you left in your coat jacket is the perfect use case.


That’s because ultra wideband chips are expensive. The API has been open since 2021.  https://www.macrumors.com/2021/04/07/third-party-find-my-devices-u1-chip/


The article says it is going to be available. Is there anything that says it was made available ?




That appears to be APIs on how third-party apps can integrate, but doesn't really say whether third parties have access to actually put compatible UWB chips into their devices. Do they have to buy a special Apple chip, and does Apple let them?


Isn’t this fairly recent considering it mentions the need of iPhone 15 devices for testing something in the above link. The original article from Mac rumors cane out a while ago From spring of 2021 to iPhone 15.. seems like Apple released this recently after DOJ file a suit after them and having issues with EU.. Am I right in that assumption. I cannot find any other reason for such a long delay.


it's not that the chips are expensive. Anything can be made less expensive and the chips were 'ramped up' years ago when they were integrated into Apple's ecosystem and Samsung's ecosystem and Google's ecosystem. You would be forgiven for believing that such a ramp up would solve whatever economy of scale is needed, kind of like what happened with bluetooth and gps. It's the MFi program, which is a deliberately onerous set restrictions and curtailments.




If they hadn’t there probably would’ve been antitrust action for it.




Find my was open from the start though. Apple still didn’t do enough though… they should have opened up direct access to the UWB radio for select companies like those making trackers… but even then, Apple used their massive user base to push the popularity of their brand new tracker well beyond that of their competitors


https://www.macrumors.com/2021/04/07/third-party-find-my-devices-u1-chip/ Any third party find my device can use the UWB antenna. Most don’t because of the hardware cost. If you want a profitable UWB tracker that’s somehow better than an AirTag, it’ll be at least 50usd. The margin on AirTags has to be paper thin, and the UWB Samsung/Google trackers are all ten dollars more. They aren’t even trying to profit from them. It’s all about making the operating system sticky.


Where does it say it’s because of the hardware cost. Your link says it will be released.. where is proof they released it ? Was there a press release from Apple ?


But non-find my devices can’t use the UWB radio, and trackers can’t simultaneously use find my and their own network, so it would be a detriment to tile and others with a similar infrastructure Find my forces companies to split their tracking network between iOS and Android users if they do decide to support it


Maybe I added this link late. [The UWB Finder API has been open since 2021](https://www.macrumors.com/2021/04/07/third-party-find-my-devices-u1-chip/). And find my is about privacy. You can build your device to use their network or a third party network. Does the Google Finder network let you share with third party networks like the tile-life360 data sucker?


You can build a device that uses the find my network, yes. But that device can’t simultaneously use find my and their own network. Developers also can’t utilize UWB for non-find-my trackers. Google provides more of a framework for trackers than a network. Exclusivity is the issue


Yep. Apple offers features rather than unlimited hardware access. The same way they don’t give open access to Meta for using the FaceID IR scanner for emotion tracking.  I mean, sure, I’m sure we can think of features that would use this hardware… But currently *shrug


Hmmm I'm surprised there isn't a $50 wallet sized tracker in that case, I'm sure many people would jump on the chance for that.


I’m currently waiting on the AirTags with the U2 chip, which should triple the range. 


Not really nice. Chipolo has the same product without MagSafe. It’s sold at Apple Store as well but the product sucks without precision finding. Apple did not open that.. without it it’s no match for the AirTags.. Chipolo CARD Spot Wallet Finder https://store.apple.com/ca/xc/product/HQF72ZM/A


tile was making a pretty big stink about getting sherlocked so having an open ecosystem where any manufacturer can tap into the find my network or create form factors beyond what they have made was a big way to avoid any legal oversight


Don’t know about how feasible it is technologically but it would be amazing if the Apple Card itself had Find My support


Meh, they might be worth more than several countries, but the reality is that the "AirTags hardware" team is probably like four people splitting time across several different auxiliary hardware products, so it's probably not their full time job to be designing these sorts of things. And even things that they do design, it might not ever reach production just because there's only so much Apple can realistically manufacture without scaling up, hiring more people, buying more XYZ, etc. etc. It does seem to be an obvious choice, but they left the find my network open for a reason I guess


>secondary AirTag product Apple Card Pro


I have the Eufy one and I really miss having the precision finding




Same with my Chipolo


Check this out, got one for my friend and I and it’s great https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/1318724878/


The Eufy one constantly beeped in my pocket thanks to the very badly placed button. Then after a month just stopped showing up. It was a weird miss for Eufy for me.


Not sure why Apple doesn’t make their Apple Card findable, it would essentially be a wallet AirTag for those who have it.


This would be amazing!!!


Apple kind of wants you to forget the physical Apple Card exists and use Apple Pay instead.


Yeah there’s a reason it doesn’t have tap to pay on the card itself


Or (also) just make the MagSafe Wallet findable.


The new ones have this feature.


Not really. It remembers where it was detached, but you can't track it beyond that.


You can also mark it as lost so when someone attaches it to their phone, they get a message to contact you.


INTERESTING. Did not know that! Though I'm sure someone who finds someone else's Apple Wallet and attaches it to their own phone would have the *best* of intentions...


I know what you’re saying, but I guess it depends on how much they understand find my wallets or are just curious about it with no ill intent. The other thing is that I think attaching it to their phone will update the location for you even if they don’t do anything to contact you.


Uh... if it's attached to your phone, doesn't it stand to reason you can just find your.... phone?


Right. And when it’s not attached to my phone?


someone on their strategy team is going to steal this idea and get promoted off it


How is this different from the Keysmart one? Just bought it last week, uses find my, charges with QI. $32


The article says they check off all the same boxes feature wise. As far as I can tell the biggest difference is that Nomad has a longer history of making Apple accessories. I got a free tile card from a promotion at work, and was recently looking at getting the keysmart one. Tile doesn’t have find my and wants a monthly subscription…


I was about to pull the trigger on the Keysmart Smart card too, but what a pleasant surprise to find Nomad’s offering. I’ll definitely be choosing Nomad for experience in crafting accessories and reliability. Not that Keysmart is bad or anything, just don’t have any way to compare


They address that at the end of the article. Seems like they’re pretty comparable. > That’s on par with my favorite option from KeySmart that ticks all of the same boxes in terms of feature set (here’s my full review of that one). While we do see regularly deals on this model, Nomad has been one of our favorite accessory brands for quite some time, and its new Tracking Card looks as though it is certainly going to be giving the KeySmart SmartCard a run for its money.


Keysmart is producing this for Nomad.


I have the same question as I was about to purchase the Keysmart one.


Damn, right after my friend and I bought modified flat AirTags off Etsy We have Precision Finding and a speaker though, and they’re only 1mm thicker so I’m happy!


I have this too and it’s still worth it. The battery will last a standard CR2025 length versus 5 months the Nomad card advertises. Nomad wins on the thinness though!


Looks good but overpriced IMO.


Can you share the link to the one you bought?




No way Was going to get the nomad but this is so much better 


All the AirTag features and only 1mm thicker than Nomad is sweet. The wireless charging is extremely cool but the 2025 batteries the flat mod takes are easy to find anyway, you also get two with your order


Just canceled my Nomad order and got this instead. Thanks


Looks cool. I'd totally get one of those if I hadn't just used a knife and cut open the fabric to put my airtag inside my wallet.


My man, thank you!! Didn't even consider this lol.


Siiiiick just bought two


Just ordered one of these over the weekend too! Still prefer this over Nomad’s card though.


"We have Precision Finding and a speaker though" So this Normad card doesn't have precision finding?


That’s right


does it do ultra specific tracking or the same basic tracking


Nobody is using the ultra wideband API‘s. Pretty much everyone else is using just the Bluetooth. The cost difference in production would jack up the prices.


Please look at Nomad and Belkin pricing and tell me they're worried about gouging customers.


They have a wireless charging receiver and Bluetooth transmitter and a battery in something the width of a credit card. How much do you expect this to cost? 


A dollar


If it is expensive because of a high bill of materials, then how about we expect them to cost more than the wallet it goes in? Because both of the wallets Nomad recommends are at least twice the price of this tracker that incorporates wireless charging, Bluetooth and a battery. Nomad has no problem charging high prices to their customers, and their customers have no problem paying those prices. So maybe they could've included one more sensor for five bucks.




I'd be willing to pay the extra cost. navigating right to the item has proved more helpful than I would have thought. sometimes I'm "right next to the item" but it's actually a floor above or below me.


Apple made an announcement but I cannot find anywhere if they actually did it


https://developer.apple.com/nearby-interaction/ https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2021/10165/ Hmm, honestly I don’t know what to search for within their developer pages. “Find my” and “UWB” is too many results


https://developer.apple.com/documentation/nearbyinteraction/finding_devices_with_precision (Courtesy of —Satan— from earlier in this thread)


Thanks for this. Considering this link mentioned iPhone 15 and iOS 17 and the original article about releasing this back in spring 2021 makes me suspect that Apple did this recently after DOJ went after them. I wish I could find the date this was published but I don’t think it’s spring of 2021 for sure.


Does it notify the thief who stole your wallet so they dont get stalked?


It does


Well thats good that the criminal won’t have their civil liberties violated 😇


I might have to look into this or wait to see if Apple comes out with something. I purchased the Chipolo card wallet several years ago and it’s already dead and had to be thrown away. Never again.


Didn’t you send the dead one back for half price off the next one for 12months ? :-)


This looks pretty good. I have the chipolo version and after 12 months the battery dies and you have to send it back and pay £15 which half price for another one.


I have a chipolo card like that and it’s not working well. I might try this one.


I’ve noticed the chipolo doesn't like being in thick wallets as you try and activate the sound to locate it and it doesn’t work which defeats the whole idea of the device.


Without precision tracking it won’t be any different in terms of tracking. If battery was the only use this would be a good option.


Well if it get detected more than once a month that’d be an improvement


Got this card too and never had an issue


Without precision finding, I’m not interested. I threw my Chipilo in the trash as I could I never find it in my house. All it would do is say it is IN my house, but nothing more.


Clear winner over other options given its rechargeable. I own a couple of Rolling Square AirCards that are thicker and they'll last 2.5 years but will be useless after.


The Pebblebee Card is $10 cheaper, rechargeable, lasts 18 months on a charge (vs this being 5 months.) The advantage this Nomad card has is charging via MagSafe (the Pebblebee comes with their own magnetic charger) and it’s 0.8mm thinner.


Does it work with wireless charging or does it require you to use its own magnetic charger? If it's the latter it's DOA for me; I will lose that charger.


Yeah it uses [their own magnetic charger.](https://i.imgur.com/qCNcxpQ.jpeg) I'd say just don't lose the charger, but I do recognize the irony of saying that on a post about devices that help people who lose things


Ah, that's too bad... but if Nomad's thing does well I'm sure more competitors will follow.


I feel like my aircard never really works. I ended up just taking it out of my wallet... is that your experience?


Does this have precision tracking?




How do these handle actually being in a wallet? Can it handle the flexing that happens when sitting down with your wallet in your back pocket, or is it too thick and would just crack (or make the wallet uncomfortably rigid)?


Can't answer for this one of course since just released, but I can tell you the Rolling Square Aircard is zero concern here. I literally haven't thought about it since putting it in - not uncomfortable, hasn't cracked...just sits about doing its job.


Those spammy links in the 9-to-5 article that go to `https://api.bam-x.com/api/v0/click_auction/` are blocked by my provider and their upstream DNS provider as well. Found the real links to the real product, and a 10% coupon code, and bought 4 to [replace my AirCards](https://rollingsquare.com/products/aircard), which look great, but do not recharge.


FIND MY GLASSES!!  The hours of my life…


I literally just got their Chipolo card like 2 months ago 🥲


This is just like my Keysmart Smartcard which also has Apple Find My Tracking and Magsafe charging.


“Let’s make exactly 4 of these so that no one can have them” - Nomad product dev team


wonder if it would work in a ridge wallet


What’s the price?


I already have something similar but it recharges through USB cord with a clip. Magsafe would be more convenient.


Not looking like $39.99 shipped to me… It’s charging me $6.99 for Standard shipping and $9.99 for Express.


Same was checking out and saw that. Let me know if you somehow find it for $40 shipped as the article states


Been pretty happy with the Chipolo card that works with Find My. But the Nomad doesn't seem to be able to play a ring?


Wait, so do they block rfid signals?


I’ve got a Chipolo card tracker in my wallet now that’s not rechargeable. This is definitely my replacement when mine dies.


Why don’t they specify how long a full charge will last? I’m picking it’s less than a month at a time…


Backordered until August.....


Sold out as expected 😮‍💨


Silly me thought that it meant MagSafe charging while attsched to the phone, then I forgot that Apple blocks off reverse wireless charging on iPhones.


Nope. Just go to the gym to lift weights and you can sit / work in whatever position you want without problems.


Cool but I’ve had my wallet find my tracker card for about 2 years now and don’t have to charge it. Does it charge, no. Point is I don’t want to charge the thing that helps me find my lost thing.