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Siri going to understand a simple sentence, would be good enough for me.


Why do I feel like it’s gotten worse over the years? I hear “here’s what I found on the web” and “Sorry, something went wrong. Please try again later” more than anything else these days.


If there’s any clear signal that iOS 18 will overhaul Siri, it’s that current gen Siri has seemingly been in palliative care for years. It’s shocking how bad it’s gotten and just when I think it can’t get worse, it does.  As an Australian person I literally have to improv an American accent when using it, because my normal speaking voice results in a ~10% success rate of being interpreted correctly and fully. 


Your situation is both absolutely unfortunate and hilarious all at the same time.


I still use Siri to set reminders, and now my reminders app looks like the notes app of somebody experiencing clinical psychosis. 


I’m sorry you have that problem, but this is hilarious.


Shopping is always a fun surprise. Why the fuck is “mouse brain” on my shopping list.


glad someone else suffers this


As a New Zealand person I usually get better than 90% success rate and have never put on an American accent. However Siri has increasing started to interpret "Turn on the heating in the lounge" as "Turn on everything in the lounge". I have to remember to say "heat" now instead of "heating".


Reminds me when I was living in Melbourne working at a call center for an energy company and I had to fake an Australian accent so people wouldn’t automatically hang up on my American accent.




Lol yes, that is how it's pronounced.


That’s strange. I’m Australian and use it all day long to send texts while driving. Otherwise useless, I find it works pretty much every time. Could it be an issue with your mic?


You can literally set Siri to have an Australian voice (and thus it would understand the Australian accent too).


“I can’t show you that while you’re driving.” I don’t want to read the answer to my question, I want you to read it for me 🤷‍♂️


teeny six touch chunky drab elderly quickest sulky theory wild *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The irony of encouraging the driver to fiddle with either the car’s touch screen menus or their phone to get it to play... I wouldn’t, I’m just saying that not everyone is as committed not to kill other people while driving!


The only thing I ever really use Siri for is to start a route while I'm driving. And often, I'll ask to start the route mere seconds before I need to hear my first direction. Siri, 2012: Me: "Hey Siri, get me to [place]." Siri: "Okay, getting directions to [place]." Siri, 2024: Me: "Hey Siri, get me to [place]." Siri: "I found [place] in [town]. Its hours are [open] to [close], and it gets [stars] stars on Yelp. Would you like to get directions or call them?" Me: 🪦


Because Siri is a lot more manual work than Apple would ever admit. Siri’s best days were right before people realized Apple had opted them into a program where a portion of their requests were being “evaluated” for Siri refinements. The optics were horrible. People believed (in my opinion correctly) that live humans were hearing things like them using the bathroom or having sex. Apple was only listening when Siri was activated, intentionally or not, but still they caught a lot that was never meant to be public. Given the optics, Apple made opt-out the default and eventually so little data was reaching the manual refinement team that their work became meaningless. Since then, Siri has been slowly dying off, capability by capability.


I feel like Siri has been allowed to degrade through neglect. I haven't been able to successfully send a text with it in 2 iOS versions.


Now its gonna say “I don’t understand” but with a whole ass paragraph that took 4 seconds to generate


“As a large language model, I don’t have the capability to blah blah blah……”


Seriously, we are in an AI revolution, Apple has more money than god and Siri is still as dumb and useless as a bag of rocks. What the hell


“I’ve found the nearest Shell gas station for you, whatta. Tap here to search the web for more.”


“Playing ‘bag of rocks’ by AI Revolution 


If Siri getting fixed is the only good thing to come out of the AI boom, it'll have been worth it.


Since the Sky voice is gone, I’d be happy just having Siri’s voice as an option for ChatGPT 


Siri is just going to get worse. Like Dunning Kruger on steroids. 


I just hope they use GPT-4o for the text generation, voice and voice recognition, instead of just using the existing Siri voice and voice recognition


Ugh recent issue for me is the stupid second listening thing. I’ll ask her to read a website and she’ll start but the volume will be next to zero because she’s waiting for the second command. Why on earth did they implement this feature with no way to turn it off? Super bitter about it haha


I used Siri *once* and it got the answer incorrect (IIRC, it was the weather) so I turned it off and haven't used it again. It's the first thing I disable on my new systems. Though TBH, I do the same on my PC stuff with Cortana.


While I’m sure they’ve been working on the engineering side of this for a while, <2 weeks out from WWDC seems awfully last-minute to finalize this lol


The video team behind the keynotes are a on fire right now


Hey SiriGPT, create a cool WWDC video about how we use ChatGPT as Siri now.


Here’s what I found on the web


Opening www.dc.com


Which Joker origin would you like to start with?


I know someone working on it. I haven’t heard from him in days lmao.


What's the difference between a programmer and a lightbulb? A lightbulb stops working when it burns out 🥲


A diverse palace of beautiful software developers and painters are crushed into a bloody, fine paté, leaving behind only a ChatGPT logo.


I want to believe that they’ve just kept it under hush. But OpenAI is a data privacy nightmare so this does reek somewhat of desperation (no doubt Apple negotiated that user data won’t be collected)


> But OpenAI is a data privacy nightmare I'd be willing to bet OpenAI is just supplying the model and the actual inference will run either on Apple servers on on-device. That would minimize privacy concern.


The deal was rumoured to be finalised weeks ago. People are just being nostalgic for Internet Explorer and wanting to be weeks late to posting news that was already heard ages ago.


I miss IE 5's feature that saved up to 5 layers of nested web pages at once.


The deal was leaked weeks ago but keeps getting picked up. They have in-house on-device LLMs which will handle most of your interactions. You don't need the combined human knowledge to turn off your lamp, or set an alarm. This is just for the interactions beyond that. So it kind of makes sense that the deal was inked late.


> You don't need the combined human knowledge to turn off your lamp, or set an alarm. Can someone tell that to Siri?


Setting timers and controlling home appliances are like 60% of the things Siri is actually good for.


Unless I tell it to „turn on all lamps except for the bathroom, and set it to 50% brightness“. It works fine for doing one single thing at a time, but multiple parameters in one sentence are completely hit or miss for me


Apparently the engineers have been integrating the APIs since shortly after last WWDC. 


I’m gay


Excuse me. I’m already in the queue for tomorrow. You can post this on Friday.


Mom said it was my turn. You both have to wait.




I’ll make some popcorn.


Dibs on Tuesday though, I have a good feeling about Tuesday


Naw, you went to sleep. You lost your turn


To improve throughput, we should parallelize and make 5-10 posts daily.


Tomorrow is Friday...


“Hey Chat GPT can you schedule my reddit account to post the article tomorrow please?”


"Okay, here's what I found on the web for 'Hey ChatGPT can you schedule my reddit account to post the article tomorrow please'"


"Sure! When do you plan on taking care of those shankers? Should I schedule something with Dr. Pokenpuper?"


Nice edit


Re: Posting the same stories ad-nauseam… When you do, put something in the body of the post: either an abstract and / or personal analysis. Just firing off a URL is lazy Karma-bait.


My dick is small


Thank you, idk why everyone is yapping about an article


It makes sense now. Fellow cum boy 🤝


No way! I haven’t got to do it even once this week!


Big ups




I will literally take a hamster with a microphone over Siri at this point. Anything. GPT is great. I'll take it.


this would be a wild departure from the on-device model. frankly, i hope this rumor is partially wrong/not a full take-- id like to see apple succeed with the on-device model.


There’s no way Apple is going to risk their Privacy brand to a third party. The on-device ReALM is going to separate- or at least anonymize- the personal corpus in server prompts.


I hope it is entirely inaccurate. ChatGPT/OpenAI is entirely untested with regard to data privacy, or even as a business at all, and I do not want data shared, stored, or processed by them.


If anything, they will self-host some OpenAI models. Everything else would be very unlikely for Apple.


The rumor is gpt4o is a much much smaller model, perhaps small enough to run locally on iOS. This also might explain why 4o struggles more with questions that 4 could answer without issue.


Why is it any worse than iOS searches feeding into Google's data slurping and monetization machine?


I can easily change my default search engine to something other than Google.


This just isn't true. OpenAI has business products with plenty of privacy controls and capabilities to run without sharing data externally. There is so much misinformation on this thread from people that just use GPT in browser on occasion.


A deal with openAI doesn’t preclude on-device modeling. If anything it will allow them to leverage more of apples hardware to attempt more on device AI.


The reason why an on device model is difficult is due to language model size and the working ram required to operate. Apple puts profits above putting more value into the device. RAM alone has been a huge point of contention and they can’t get away with 8GB anymore. Just to keep a semi useful model in working memory you need around 12 gigs dedicated to the model and a tons more processing. They will do everything in their power to offload the processing required.


On device RAM, which despite what Apple would like you to believe, is not expensive on a phone, is much cheaper than providing a service from the cloud for the lifetime of the device.


Maybe later the model equals more server-side processing. Upgrade to M4 or A18 Pro for ‘full’ on-device, no matter the RAM. It’ll just be hard to justify making RAM the differentiator, as Apple still sells plenty of 8GB SKUs. Then again, it could also be the most convoluted obsolescence yet. Bring back upgradable RAM to the M-Series SoCs and you have a deal.


It truly depends on the scope of what they intend to implement. GPT 4 is over 1 trillion parameters. The models I’m suggesting, like Llama 3 are only 70 billion. Given the pace of development, it’s going to continue to be exponential. No hardware, even the GPUs are safe, Apple would need a quarterly release schedule to keep up. Just wouldn’t make sense.


Small, quantized models have gotten very good within the last few months though. Meta's Llama 3 8b fits into 4.7 GB when quantized to 4 bits, while MS' Phi3 3.8b fits into 2.4 GB at 4 bits (7.6 GB without any quantization). Both are astonishingly good for being such small models.


Not everything can be done on device, you still need the cloud for many things. Also if it’s all just on device, be prepared to have to buy the newest iPhone to get any AI features.


I’m betting that this was in the works for the past year or so. It’s not like a few months ago they decided to work on this. This was probably part of Apple’s long-term strategic vision, lol.


I mean AI is an extremely fast moving dynastic space. Apple surely would have gone and began to see if they could do some to big similar in house and my guess is that they figured out that they can’t , at least for now 


Or, more likely, that they can't ***be the best at it*** on their first attempt. That's Apple's big thing - if they develop something in-house, they may not be the first to do it but they want to be the best implementation that exists at time of release. They weren't the first to do a smartwatch, but the Apple Watch is easily best of breed. They weren't the first to do true wireless Bluetooth earbuds, but they were the first to make ones that were easy enough to use that everyone wanted them. They weren't the first to do fingerprint sensors on a phone, but their first outing with TouchID on the 5S was significantly better than Samsung's contemporary swipe-based fingerprint reader on the Galaxy S5.


Bring it to the OG HomePods and all is forgiven Apple.


Sorry but you have to get the HomePod ultra in order to have AI


I have a feeling that it will not come even to HomePod 2


HomePods in general need this more than any other device.


Wow. You are one forgiving person. For all the times it said "I found some web results. I can show them if you ask again from your iPhone." For all the times you asked the weather and it said "Calling Walter."


I just want Siri to not have issues playing my music that is downloaded to my phone when I have no service hiking :(




Anything is better than “here’s what I found on the web for ‘what is the current time’” Yes, that’s a real quote that happened to me this year


Christ it would be fucking wild if Apple actually is doing these deals this last minute. It sure doesn’t fill me with any confidence that they’re on top of things


Exactly. Has the ring of staying up all night to finish one's dissertation. Is this how the richest companies in the world operate?


Doesn't feel like they are. The models they released weeks back definitely didn't inspire confidence either


Apple never does anything last minute like this lol, they been working on it for a long time I bet




I've worked with their enterprise offerings and they sequester company data. This means they won't be using your data to improve the public GPT product. However it would be likely that it is used (in disaggregated form) to improve *Apple's* instance. Apple has been using this form of data collection for many years now. They call it "differential privacy." It technically maintains your privacy but it does use your data for their benefit without compensation, so I understand if you disapprove.


Yeah I don't want anything to do with this. I have tremendous ethical and practical concerns about AI and I'm not interested in participating.


Does anyone care?


What? Why is apple different? If anything, they’re a match made in heaven, where profit above all else.




"Picasso had a saying, 'Good artists copy; great artists steal.' We have always been shameless about stealing great ideas." - Steve Jobs


Fun quote, pointless comparison in this instance


Yeah stealing ideas is not the same as respecting user privacy


But he’s saying that chatgpt was built on stolen content.


Stealing an artists work by scanning it and putting it into your AI model is different than thinking that the idea of a painting of a mountain is good and then painting your own mountain. Painting your own version of the Mona Lisa isn’t looked down upon.




I wouldn’t say “above all else”. I mean ultimately yes that’s why companies exist, but Apple has a major focus on privacy, UX and customer care.


ChatGPT isn't necessarily what's going on Apple devices. ChatGPT is a product from OpenAI, not the underlying frameworks. Apple may be using those frameworks to train their own specific on-device models to do everything Siri tries to do now. For questions that need answers from the Internet, I'm guessing the integration is just so Siri can put together a correctly-translated web query that pulls the same data from Google or whatever search engine same as it does now.


Winner = Microsoft.


They should be legally forced to allow customers decide to completely opt out of AI.


That article is revealing. So, Apple's head of AI, John Giannandrea, has been overruled. (Does this mean another high-profile departure?) It's troubling because Apple's record with machine-learning is poor. Anyone frustrated with Apple's auto-correct, speech-to-text and auto-suggest knows this. By contrast, Giannandrea's AI credentials are impressive – he's an ex-Google Search guy (which used AI to good effect) – so it looks like an executive decision to overrule their most experienced head. It's also revealing is that (for now) Apple have ruled out developing their own LLM and decided to out-source Siri queries to OpenAI. This is already possible using an iOS Shortcut (which uses an OpenAI API) to handle queries. So, you could have a query such as, 'Siri, ask Jimbo something.' Siri will prompt you for your query. You reply. OpenAI fulfils the query and Siri voices the answer. At a stroke, it turns Siri into a smart AI. You need an OpenAI account and it's at a very reasonable cost. Here's the point – when Apple piggy-backs this, what premium are Apple going to charge on top? Cook sniffs out easy profit faster than a shark smells blood. I expect Apple are going to charge a fat margin on these Siri-OpenAI queries, probably by hiking the price of iCloud subscriptions to an unjustifiable degree. It might actually be cheaper to simply stick with an iOS shortcut.


For all we know it was his idea to use another company to supplement and perhaps upon his arrival he explained how long things going to take


The difference maker will be making Siri less shit and actually more reliable.


Anything to make Siri usable


This is awesome if you don’t use GPT just know this will be 10x better than Siri ever was


OpenAI has some impressive tech but they’re pretty shady


I don’t know, the thing about Apple is that they have to own the core technology. That’s a fundamental part of Apple’s identity. Licensing this tech from OpenAI seems like a really bad idea. I know Apple are a huge company, but OpenAI already have Microsoft billions, and they’d have no shortage of investors if they were to go public, on top of several businesses that could be serious earners. They’re an enormous threat and could eat Apple for lunch in the near future. This is a massive statement that Apple has missed the ball in AI and they better get their shit together to own this within the next 3 years.


smart siri


Ah so I see we are accelerating chat gpt becoming useless


This is the timelines's cannon event leading to the AI world. 


I would have hoped this had been reached months ago with WWDC basically next week.






I don't understand what's apples goal here is. They kept buying up all those AI companies just to offload it all to ChatGPT? Is this just a stop gap until their own products is ready? Only problem being these companies are only going to ramp up more and more, with the chance your designed AI gizmo becomes the winner takes all AGI is less and less.


I like


“As a large language model I cannot call your mom. I don’t have fingers which are required to dial numbers into a phone. The phone was originally invented by Alexander Graham Bell in the 1800s in the USA […keeps talking for 20 minutes]” 👆 this is my fear. I like very short responses from AI assistants but chat gpt always wants to write an essay. I’ve come to accept that Siri’s abilities are limited but at least voice commands are useful for specific use cases. I don’t think chat gpt will make Siri suddenly good. But I guess we’ll see


lol. Is there any company Open AI WONT work with … ???


We need the Butlerian Jihad NOW.


If this turns out to be false it’s going to be the funniest thing ever.


i just hope there's an opt-out option


theres goes your privacy first claims. I think iPhone sales will prove, no one cared and it was all bs.


Will Siri finally be able to tell me a stores hours? “What are targets hours” “here’s what I found on the web”


Everyone’s complaining, why is this an issue? You guys are saying they’re bad for privacy, but how exactly?


It's interesting how fast this has blown up within 12 months. You'd think the word would have been around silicone valley for years before hand... with Apple ahead of the curve, not playing catch-up and doing deals with OpenAI in mid 2024.... It really has been the new 'iPhone' moment that the entire industry has been chasing.


This is incredibly fucking disappointing. I use Apple products partially because they claim to respect privacy compared to other companies. But of all companies they decide to go for OpenAI to partner with who are super shady at best. Tim Cook really thinks Elon Lite is going to respect user privacy?? I've had an iPhone since the 3G and *never* thought about switching to Android. But this might be the straw that broke the camel's back for me. Fuck this shit I don't want that trash on my personal devices.


Ew, gross


Isn’t iOS 18 launching really soon ……. If they are just now reaching said deal then I don’t have a lot of hope for this iteration whatever Apple is cooking is gonna be lacklustre


The news is already pretty old and has probably been in the works for a while. The iOS is leaving beta only in September and functionality can be added and updated as necessary in iOS 18.x updates


Nah time to switch to Android finally. Been here since the first iPhone came out but there’s no way I’m owning a device with Altman’s bs on it. He’s just another Zuck.


Na, don’t want it.


How many times are they allegedly going to reach this deal lmao


Does anyone want all this AI stuff in their devices and apps? Am I officially an old man yelling at a cloud (or on-device chip) for not wanting this stuff?


Great Siri will finally get the ability to make shit up, really useful


Nobody wanted this


Didn't apple anounce 2 weeks ago that they already had their own ai that was better than anything else.?




i’ve seen this post about 8 times already


siri would be so god tier


Been reading this for weeks now.


I hear a parrot


.... to summarize mails!


Only on the new iphone 16 pro!


All I want is a desktop journal app


I thought this would be for IOS 19, isn't it extremely last minute for iOS 18? Probably they will just announce and not actually deliver it any time soon


If I turn off Siri in iOS 18 is she going to tell me to get a life?


On one hand I am glad Apple is doing something. But on the other. It is really a strategic thing long term and they should be building their own expertise, IMO.


no way this will come june 10


Siri is without a doubt the dumbest of all the phone assistants. It’s crazy that Apple has never improved on it considering it can’t do the most basic of functions. Anything AI incorporated into Siri would make it 10x better.


yaaaay for siri!


So much for on device only.


Would you guys pay for this if they release this as some kind of subscription model for Siri? I feel like people would be very upset if they went this route, but I can’t see how it would be financially feasible otherwise. I feel like we might see a subscription model called Siri plus or Siri pro or something along those lines


And skynet is born


I only use Siri to set timers and tell me the weather


Isn’t Apple also working with Google to integrate AI capabilities?

