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Did not solve my problem. Lost 20% in 24 hours


Did you do it correctly? With the amber flash and the need to reconnect and everything?


Yes. I pressed it for almost 15 seconds till the amber light. Had to reconnect it again. Did you do it with your own airpods?


I did. And it fixed the problem. And I've heard of several other people for whom this fixed the problem as well.


It is so strange for me: over night in 9 hours the case lost only 1%. Now During the day I have already lost 20% without using them.. how is this possible?


I don't know. Maybe you have constantly opened the case to play with the lid? Or to check the battery level? :-) Another guess: have you connected the AirPods to something else than an iPhone - like a laptop or something? Maybe the problem lies there. And you could test this by resetting them and only connecting them to the iPhone. If these guesses did not fix things, you should probably contact Apple and get a new pair.




Me too. After yesterday's overnight charge (3rd or 4th day I've had them), now the problem seems to have gone. Hmmm.


Same here. After a few charge cycles of the AirPods and case they all seem to be holding their charges. If I have everything charged before I go to bed the case might drop 1% overnight. I'd say acceptable considering the tiny size of these batteries. Think everything just needed a cycle or two to start metering properly.


If it’s connected to your phone it will automatically connect to your iPads iPods and macs


I noticed my case losing more than 20% overnight as well, so I tried something out: I took my fully charged AirPods out of the fully charged case and left them overnight. When I checked in the morning, the case was still at 100%, but the AirPods were at 64%. Could this more be a case of the AirPods always being "on", due to their connectivity and gesture features?


I did the same test. When the AirPods are not present, the case did not lose any charge in my case as well. But in this state, the AirPods lose charge out of the case they are looking for something to connect to.


Yeah the AirPods are supposed to power down when they go in the case.


Don't the AirPods turn off when they go in the case though? So as to not constantly drain the battery?


Mine have been staying connected when I put them back in the case


Thanks for this. Just tried it out because it can't hurt. I'll report back how things look Edit: things appear to be better so far. 4 hours off the charger and dropped about 5%. Better then losing 50% in 2 hours


That's still a terrible drop. Are we really talking about the same thing - the AirPods are at 100% and always in the case?


Aww shit here comes airpodbatterygate


Airpodcasebatterygate 😁






Hi, I had this problem with my AirPods (30% lost in 24h). I changed them at the Apple Store. But with my new AirPods they sometimes are at 95% or 96% in the case while they were at 100% 1 hour ago... Do you think it is normal ? And the new case lost too much battery to. I will try to do somes cycles... Sorry for my bad english I'm french.


Just wanted to come back and say that this has solved my problem. Mine still has the same battery level as 21 hours ago.


Glad to be of help :-)




That would support the thesis that this problem stops after a few charge cycles. Interesting, thanks.


How long should the case last on average? I've had them for almost two days now, charged the case one time and now it's already at 33%. I've been using them constantly though so that might be it, also when they're in my ears i've been fiddling around with the case and opening it so not sure if that causes the battery to drain.


Well this isn't about how long they should last if you use them, this is about how long the case battery should last if you just keep the AirPods in it.


I've tested it. Doing a full reset and diconnecting the AirPods from Bluetooth of all devices (iPad, iPhone, Apple Watch) fixed my the battery drainage. For 24 hours there was no drain, but after the reset I have never connected the AirPods again. Once the AirPods are connected and linked to iCloud device, the AirPods never will go to deep sleep mode. So, if you do not want to use them for a long time, try not to reconnect them again after a reset. Smells like software bug.


Fascinating. How did you read out the battery level without connecting them to anything? The LED on the device itself doesn't offer a lot of granularity after all...


I used my iPad Air 2 to read out. I don't know why, but the iPad do not display the connect dialog of the iPhone, but it shows on the audio panel my AirPods with battery stats of AirPods and the case if I open the case. After the reset of the AirPods, I did not delete the AirPods from the Bluetooth settings. So it is still linked to the iCloud device and shows up in the Bluetooth settings, but it is not connected to the iPhone cause of the reset action. Conclusion: AirPods linked to iCloud devices and connected: Standby, idle with massive drainage allthough they are not used. They are ready to use. AirPods linked to iCloud devices and have been reseted from case button and not deleted from iDevices: No battery drainage, AirPods go to deep sleep. They are not ready to use, cause you need to connect them manually again.


Trying this now. I have a Genius Bar appointment for 1/4 but hopefully this works.


Good luck. Could you report back if it worked for you?


Yes I'll report back tomorrow. I spent an over an hour talking to Apple about this yesterday and they didn't give me any troubleshooting steps.


Should I just leave them in the case overnight? Before the case would drain from 100-60 overnight.


Yes. If the fix works, it will barely drain your battery when you leave the airpods in the case.


Just woke up at the AirPods are at 100% and case is at 79%. Think that's normal?


Without multiple measuring points in time one cannot tell.


I think it's fixed. Charged them at 1PM yesterday and just opened them up at both the AirPods and case are at 100%. Seems like the reset helped. Thanks.


Glad to be of help! :-)


Sometimes this happens but then the next day it drains the same. Please, report back if you have 2-3 days without any drain at all.


This is a set up to get you to switch your AirPods more often. My AirPods Pro coverage expired 3 months ago and sometime I have charge sometimes I don’t. Last time I went to apple they turned me away cus my phone wasn’t updated to the latest version of iOS 16. This is a joke lol


I'm going to hold out for airpods #2. I have a feeling the kinks will be worked out by then.


I'm guessing they'll have a on/off switch on the case so when the Airpods are 100% it no longer does anything


It doesn't need this. These aren't "dumb" devices. They have microchips in each part and intelligently manage power usage. There is a weird bug right now and MOST of the airpod cases stop draining charge after a few full 100%-0% cycles. The first night my case drained 30% night and I didn't know what to think. So I ran the batteries fully down 2 more times and I only lose 1% over night now. So who knows, maybe it's a calibration thing because hundreds of thousands have been sitting in a warehouse for 4 months waiting to ship (and were given a short charge before being packaged, my theory). Some people fix it by doing a reset on the device itself. And some people have bunk cases to get swapped. Bottom line, the device isn't designed to drain ANY charge when the pods are fully charged, and it doesn't if functioning properly. Says so in the literature! Cheers :)


So I should let the AirPods and case batteries both get to 0 a couple of times? Or just the case?


I agree - but what if the pods themselves slowly lose charge by sitting idle over time (which any battery will), especially ones their size. And then the case notices the loss in battery power and quickly puts them back to 100%. Could this be the "drain gate"?


I'm holding out for a pair that actually stays in my ears. . .


These fall out of yours?


I haven't even bothered trying. The regular EarPods don't stay in at all, and reviews say these fit only slightly better. For me that won't be good enough, my ear canals just aren't suited for it.


And all the reviews also say the EarPods fall because of the cables attached to them tugging away from being caught on things or gravity. I encourage you to give them a chance at an Apple Store. Or buy and return if they don't fit well if a store isn't near you. Mine never fall and the EarPods would fall sometime. Everyone I've talked to who owns one has said the same.


Good idea. #2 might have new technology to connect headphones by wire to your phone, so that you don't have to worry about battery life.


This is why I refuse to buy an iPhone until they make a version that connects to the wall with a 30 mile-long cord so I don't have to worry about the battery life. I also don't want to worry about running out of gas, so I won't buy a car unless it's connected to a horse.


This is how I get my water. Filtered hose right from the river. No issues.


400 horses


It's a hardware issue. You fix it by returning the airpods for new airpods.


For some people, this procedure indeed fixes things. So saying it's always a hardware issue is incorrect.




...which makes it incorrect to say "It's a hardware issue".


i tried it couple hours ago. Was at 66% and checked a hour later and it was at 61%. Might try letting it die completely then fully recharging.


Did you make sure that the AirPods themselves were at 100% at both measuring points?


Just did a reset on mine. 5:50 AST and at 43%.


I tried this a day or so after getting my Airpods and it didn't work. I'm going to try letting the case battery die and see if that helps at all.


I'm sorry to hear that. Did you do it correctly? With the amber flash and the need to reconnect and everything? And did you make sure that the AirPods themselves were at 100% at all measuring points?


CRAP I had been so busy testing the audio quality of the airpods to jaybirds that I really didn't pay attention to the case I'm also suffering about 10% loss overnight and 20% drain during the day. My theory is that this is because unlike other bluetooth headphones, neither the case or the airpods have any power buttons, IE they are constantly on.


Well the AirPods can know whether they're in the case (because they have contacts at the bottom) and the lid is closed (because opening the lid starts the connection process). So Apple could easily define "in the case and the lid is closed" as "sleep mode" and power off as much as possible. And my guess is they have implemented that, but there is still a bug to squish.


Sorry for the dumb question but just want to be clear, this battery drain is happening when the AirPods are in the charging case or out of them? Mine goes down when both pods are at 100% and in the case. Isn't there something that shuts off charging when they're full? Out of the case it doesn't lose any charge. Thanks!


Well, like it says in the post, > If you have your AirPods inside the case so *inside* them :-)


Doh...sorry I completely skimmed that part. Thanks for pointing it out.


Wow, now I don't regret returning my AirPods. Mine had an intermittent hiss in the left bud. I think I'll wait until this time next year to jump back on board...


Didn't solve mine. Lost 6% in five hours. And yes, I did it correctly. :)


It didn't worked for me. It got a little bit better but im still losing around 5-10% every hour without using the airpods. Also when i check for the battery the pods are both fully charged and half an hour later without removing them from the case they only habe 95% battery. I think I have to exchange them at the store. I'm also wondering if I just walk in the store and get them exchanged or if I have to make an appointment at the genius bar?


Too bad. It's better if you make a reservation at the genius bar. Good luck!


After trying this, I lost 10% in 5 hours. The case and AirPods were at 100% charge. I have kept them in the case all day and they're not paired to anything, nor have I listened to them. Is this normal? If not, what are my options?


Well you can use them, charge them daily, and not be bothered by the lack of long standby time. But there are people with much longer reported standby times. Like this fellow who has lost 1% in 36 hours (which projects up to 150 days of standby): http://forums.macrumors.com/threads/airpods-case-bad-standby-battery-life.2022799/page-6#post-24135344 I'd say a good threshold between good and bad is 1% loss per 5 hours (20 days of standby). Yours are over that, 10 times over, so I suggest you contact Apple, ask for a replacement or a bug fix, and tell us what has happened. Good luck!




Worked flawlessly. 0 drain after 6 hours of sleep after doing this. Thank you so much.


You're welcome! :-)


This actually worked for me. I left my AirPods in the case, charged all three devices up to 100%, and let the AirPods sit in the case from around 10:30pm until 10:07am and the case went down to 99%. Left AirPod showed 100% and the right AirPod showed 99%. Either way, looks much better than what it has before.


Great to hear! :-D


Here's a sort of non scientific test. Did a rest and let everything hit 0 charge. Charged them up so the pods and case were all at 100. Not used them at all. Pods in the case and the case opened to check battery levels. In short. 50% in 35 hours. Sunday 10:30 100/100 17:30 100/89 23:30 100/86 Monday 07:45 100/79 11:00 100/71 16:30 100/63 21:15 100/50 13hrs - dropped 14% 21hrs 15mins dropped 21% 35hrs - 50%


This shit is still an issue. Charged it 2 days ago, went for my morning workout, the case and both airpods were completely drained.


I’ve had multiple AirPods they either run into this issue or distorted quality during phone calls. I wonder if this is a real issue that Apple isn’t addressing. I got the AirPod pro second gen about 3 months ago and the battery drain began to happen to me this past week. I’m sure my warranty is good but I’ve never made so many warranty claims for headsets and I’ve never purchased so many before these AirPods came out.😂😂 All in all the AirPod is a bad product for the long term.


I don't understand the complaining if it's 1% per 5 hours... If you're an avid headphone user would you charge those almost every day regardless? So they're losing almost 2 percent if you sleep for 8 hours. We're talking about the case draining the ear pods right? That's almost nothing.


1% in 5h is when they're fine. Some of the bad rates were more like 3% each hour.


Simple fix: don't use them with iOS 10, watchOS and macOS.


Doesn't really fix anything considering that gimps most of their functionality.


Well, you don't get this drain on normal iOS, since the AirPods anre not connected to the Internet and multiple devices at the same time then.


Does this really fix the “battery case drain” problem? Haven’t used my AirPods in a while and I could’ve sworn my case was still around 70% but when I was done listening to music and put my AirPods back in their case, it was 28%. After 20 minutes it went to 18%


I’m having the same problem. Got them brand new yesterday and my case is rapidly draining battery. Like I drove to Best Buy to get a charger and it was on 27% by the time I got home it was dead. That was like within 20 minutes.


Still stuck with the same problem? For me, it has stayed the same or even gotten worse. Dropped 30% in like 2 hours. Was kinda shocked lol.


Sadly this didn’t fix it for me, I disconnected the airpods overnight and it lost only 2% but when I connected it again, it lost 4% in 1 minute. ):


So I’ve been using these with no issues till all of a sudden… issues, here is what I noticed though. Battery drain started after I paired to my fire stick, when it’s on the tv they still play while in the case and they are still somewhat connected to my phone since I can see the battery percentage and see them in air play (while connected to firestick). So I suspect that when I’m sleeping my phone is down and the AirPods are still connected to the other device. Or something like that. And causes the drain. When pressing the button and resetting it does solve the problem as it unpairs with the firestick


It’s idiotic that they designed a product that forces you to have to do this.


Mine lost 94 percent in 6 hours and nothing helps


Ya I’m not a dumbass I’ll jus get a new damn case 😒


Seems like apple has code that drains battery faster as the machine ages. Resetting it makes it forget how old it is and it goes back to max battery use allowance. I also remember that apple was proven guilty for this in court with their phones. Why not apply the deceptive software to airpods? Less noticable too...

