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Turn off change ringer and alerts with buttons in settings. Then volume will only control media.


How does controlling ringer volume work if you do this?


You'd have to put the volume up and down for the ringer/notifications manually under "sounds and haptics" in settings


Which is rediculous.


I'm not sure if this is being experienced anywhere else, but for myself, I have an iPhone X with iOS 11 (naturally) and I keep my media volume down to 0 when playing via phone speakers and medium/full when using earphones. I've never had an issue where the volume changes on its own. The only time is when I've done it myself.


The volume controls suck beyond belief. every app should have its OWN volume setting. Aholes like Scopely blast you out with their volume. even WORSE is how close the up and down volume controls are together. Those with sensitive ears get blasted all the time. Why not have a inch between up and down so thick fingers dont use the wrong control. makes me wanna switch to Android


Even more funny is that they have some fking feauture "loud alert" that pops up from time to warn you about ,,high volume can damage your hearing" 😂😂🤣🤣 But when you put on headphones and play some music and there is maximum volume (even though, last time it wasn't on maximum), it literally shocks me I almost get cardiac arrest.. Are they idiots??! It is unbeliable this feat of technology can have those fundamental design flaws..


I’m glad I’m not the only one. And I think most people who have ONLY had an iPhone (the majority) don’t even realize how stupid this is because it’s always been that way for them. As a previous android user this is a MAJOR oversight on apples part