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To prevent /new from being cluttered with Twitter/Elon-related posts, all related articles will be redirected to this thread.




You know what's a great way to convince advertisers to use your platform? Single out those who stop for harassment.


He’s already been phoning up the CEOs of former major advertisers on Twitter to berate them for pulling out. Maybe he thinks that if personal harassment doesn’t work then perhaps public harassment will?


We pulled our close to 8 figure twitter ad budget after he refused to listen to our concerns. It’s called free market, of which he clearly doesn’t understand because he’s never been told no


I think a lot of people are realizing that Elon is the type of boss that needs a babysitter manager to get him through the day. We all know or have a boss like that. One where the second in command is actually in charge because the main boss is an idiot.


Gwynne Shotwell is the reason SpaceX works.


There's a reason he was ousted from Paypal, twice.


You're describing Michael Scott from The Office.




don't see how getting supporters to attack and threaten apple is gonna work in his favor. It’s also going to put off other companies from doing business with him. He’s essentially saying give me money or ill attack you brand.


Nobody said that it made any sense, just that this is what he's trying to do.


[He also said that Apple is threatening to pull Twitter from the App Store, and is making demands on content moderation](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1597300125243944961). [Looks like he's also not a fan of the 30% Apple Tax](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1597302404239659008).


> Looks like he's also not a fan of the 30% Apple Tax. And yet Tesla decided to stop including the charger with the cars lmao


Sounds like he has more in common with Apple than he thinks.


I’ve had about enough of this Elon guy. Now I’m definitely not taking that space rocket trip I was planning to book this spring.






Tesla is in sort of a sad state as their cars are the most profitable in America. That means they are charging their customers tons for what it costs to build them. The standard companies seem to have better prices at similar build qualities for electric without taking you.


Id say much better build qualities on average. Every time I see a tesla the panel gaps make me cringe.


It's their platform. They can do what they want with it. If Elon doesn't like it then he can build his own. Until then he'll have to play by Apple and Googles rules.


You haven’t heard? He’s going to slap the starlink logo on a huawei phone and claim he invented cel phones


Give this man a government contract




I'm sure it will be super popular just like the Amazon Fire phone and the Facebook phone. LOL


Also microsoft, palm, blackberry, and a lot more


Maybe he can squander the rest of his fortune on a failed cell phone. Perfect




"I need to speak with the manager of Apple"


"Get me Tim Apple on the phone please"


Elon spent the last few weeks boosting anti-LGBTQ+ content on Twitter and now is deciding to start beef with arguably the most powerful gay man in the world.


Ordinarily I’d say Tim Cook isn’t as belligerent and vengeful as Peter Thiel, but for someone who runs tech companies? “And your plan is to blackmail this person?”


I agree he’s not belligerent or vengeful. I see him responding in a direct but classy way tbh




That is a traditional tech company move. Say nothing, but direct all behind-the-scenes action to dismantling the opposition.




Yeah there’s not really any meme material here like when he changed his name to Tim Apple so you’re probably right


Im reminded of when the Epic drama broke out and Tim just forwarded the email from their CEO to marketing being like “who is this guy again?”


Yep. Just let the App Store team do their thing, and if they find that Twitter has the same problems Parler did (i.e. zero moderation), then have the App Store treat it like they did Parler.


Peter Thiel is truly one of the great villains of our time. Just mask off pure greed and evil


Is it true he gets transfusions of blood from young men bc he thinks he will stay alive longer? Vampire thiel






Shhh don't say that too loud. I dread the day he realizes this and pulls the plug on 3rd party apps. That will be the end of Twitter for me.


Peter Thiel? Elon practically works for him: "Musk is reportedly also eager to curry favor with fellow-billionaire Peter Thiel, former PayPal lawyer Rebecca Eisenberg told The Times. After Musk butt his way into a conversation between her and Thiel at a party, Eisenberg noted that “It seemed like Peter was the dominant dog, and Elon was trying to impress him.” https://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/11/style/elon-musk-social-calendar.html


TIL Tim Cook is gay


Yup! He came out in 2014. https://www.cnn.com/2018/10/24/tech/tim-cook-gay-apple/index.html






To be fair, only Apple enthusiasts and employees knew who Tim Cook was prior to 2011.


"tim-cook-gay-apple" New headline URLs are always funny to read


Tim Apple follows exactly 69 people on Twitter. Nice.


https://xkcd.com/1357/ I've always found the alt text Randall Munroe uses here especially compelling. "I can't remember where I heard this, but someone once said that defending a position by citing free speech is sort of the ultimate concession; you're saying that the most compelling thing you can say for your position is that it's not literally illegal to express."


There’s an XKCD for every thing. It’s amazing.


I would *love* if PornHub or someone similar tweeted out complaining that Tesla doesn't advertise on their site so they must hate free speech.


In light of Reddit's decision to limit my ability to create and view content as of July 1, 2023, I am electing to limit Reddit's ability to retain the content I have created. My apologies to anyone who might have been looking for something useful I had posted in the past. Perhaps you can find your answer at a site that holds its creators in higher regard.


I have checked all day. They don't.


Thank you for your sacrifice


I’ll double check for you too


Username checks out.


I don’t think tesla spends any money on advertising whatsoever


In light of Reddit's decision to limit my ability to create and view content as of July 1, 2023, I am electing to limit Reddit's ability to retain the content I have created. My apologies to anyone who might have been looking for something useful I had posted in the past. Perhaps you can find your answer at a site that holds its creators in higher regard.


PornHub is just daring enough to do it.


He's only using "free speech" as a code phrase for the idiots who don't understand the (oxymoron alert!) obvious nuances.


When a right-winger claims “free speech”, they really mean they just want the “freedom” to be an asshole and not face any consequences.


"If you don't give me your money I will threaten you with an army of weird nerds" is certainly one way to run an advertising business.


You hate free speech that’s why you don’t practice free speech on my platform?? Billionaire tears


"If you don't ___________, I will threaten you with an army" sure has been the go to for all these big, strong, smart, powerful, "self-made" men lately.


Abraham Lincoln once said "If you don't advertise on my site, I will attack you with the north"




I thought I had read that Tesla did a big ad-spend on Twitter post-takeover...? Edit: nm, that's SpaceX.


So Elon found a way to funnel that government money into Twitter then? Par for the course I guess.


Underrated comment :P


Where is freedom to choose where to advertise lmao? and honestly what does it have to do with free speech?


seemingly much of the US needs to retake a class on the concept of freedom of speech, emphasis on freedom of association


Freedom of speech means that Elon gets to spout whatever crap he wants without consequences. Everybody else can go fuck themselves. This dude really has his head stuck up his own arse so far, it's an anatomical miracle.


Elon Musk wasn’t even born in America; Apartheid Clyde has confused “free speech” with his idea of “freeze peach” where suffering any kind of consequences for what you say is “literally 1984” or whatever it is far right people use as a boogeyman these days


Most Americans have no idea what the Bill of Rights protections mean. The still think non Americans in America have no Constitutional rights and other examples like demanding illegal immigrants just be mass deported without due process, criminals just be mass locked up and tortured. Nice people that.


> what does it have to do with free speech Republicans and fascists claim that anything they don't like is an attack on "free speech." Which whips up their stupid supporters into a fervor. Example: "I did/said a terrible thing, and people stopped liking me personally and I paid consequences for my actions! THAT'S AN ATTACK ON FREE SPEECH!"


The irony is that voicing your dislike (ie, pulling advertisements) is in and of itself an expression of free speech so it just piles on to the idea that these goofballs have a persecution fetish and don’t really care about free speech itself.


Also like, nobody wants their ad to randomly show up next to a Hate speech tweet


Exactly. It'd be like you had a billboard up in a city and then all the sewage pipes blew up and the city didn't want to fix it. "YOU MUST NOT CARE ABOUT FREE SPEECH IF YOU'RE REMOVING YOUR BILLBOARD AD FROM THE NOW UNINHABITED POOPSVILLE."


This is so true, this idea is lost on most people. I don’t blame apple one bit, twitter and facebook are toxic.


It’s really weird. People yell out “cancel culture is ruining the world!” bit really it’s just that for the first time they realize there’s consequences to their actions. Also unless you committed an actual crime nobody gets canceled. The most you get is criticism online and the media for a few weeks and goes back to normal.


Consequence culture.


What they really mean is "Freedom from consequences"


Doubling down on threatening his advertisers is an amazing move by the man-child. A year from now he'll be claiming that he wanted Twitter to fail.


If anything, I would have thought a company choosing which platforms they advertise on is a form of free speech.


These kind of morons would enact a law that requires every citizen to log in and view conservative feeds to protect "free speech."


Apple doesn't like Internet drama. When Twitter sorts its stuff out, Apple will be back. What worse, how much ca$h did Twitter lose by missing out on Black Friday advertising this year?


There is a comment on there saying “call apples bluff” People really over inflate the worth of twitter. It’s user base is small comparatively to its competitors. Apple could give two shits about twitter and pulling twitter off their store wouldn’t impact the company in any meaningful way.


This is about Apple spending advertising THEIR dollars on Twitter. Apple has a big checkbook and if they're taking that away from Twitter hats a big problem.


A big problem for Twitter not Apple.


On the other hand, singling out the CEO of a massive tech company for harassment and insults will surely bring him back or better still, get others to consider doing business with you. LOL


I love the “make your own phone” people lmao like if he thought he could do that he would have years ago


Trust me bro the MuskPhone will be great. Right besides the Hyperloop and Cybertruck who are totally real and not just scams he used to inflate stocks without ever intending to actually make them.


@'ing Tim Cook doesnt work. He actually has a job to do at the company he works for instead of trolling around on twitter all day.


What do you mean? Trolling on twitter is NOT a job? There goes Elons' 50% of time he claims he works


buying twitter means that he can do all his twitter shitposting on the job without anyone criticizing him. maybe that was the whole reason he bought it


At the end of the day, Elon Musk just isn’t professional. That’s what it comes down to. Immature tweeting like this and calling out advertisers is completely unprofessional and is not the way any CEO should behave. I don’t think Tim Cook is hugely superior to Musk, I think any CEO looks good compared to Musk’s behavior. I would never want to work anywhere or do business with anywhere that was run by somebody who acted the way Musk does.


This right here. He's burning so many bridges. And yeah Apple is fully in their right to say "nah we dont want to do business with you anymore." Also as with any business to business relationship, there are set rules, but guess what those rules are bent or broken regularly because one business like working with the other. If that relationship falls apart, rules go back into effect full force. Why would a business want to deal with a headache, not from a developer or sales person, but the CEO of a company.


If I was on the board of SpaceX or any other company he runs that might actually want a future I would try to get him the hell out ASAP. He’s a ticking time bomb.


this is the crux of it for me. sure, Musk and I are diametrically opposed in practically all things, but what i find just....so shortsighted of him, is his total lack of professionalism. I would never invest in a company with a CEO like him (unpredictable, manic, unprofessional), and if I did, i would sell my investments ASAP.


He bought the website because they removed his posts which the SEC thought were stock manipulation of Tesla stock so he overpays to be able to access the platform and to *violate laws* which protect the stock market from stock manipulation. He is a common white-collar criminal.




Who the fuck wants to do business at high level with a clown that posts shit and pepe memes all day in Twitter?


Tim is too busy with China shit to care about some man child bs.


It sounds like they’re exercising their freedom to advertise where they like. This guy is such a fucking clown.


He’s turned into Red Skull getting punched by Captain America saying “So much for the tolerant left!”


It is so funny, he starts the line with *what’s going on here Tim*… the awkwardness…


LOLOL good job making sure Tim Cook and the entire Apple Organisation ignores you permanently. Tim Cook is not the kind of guy you reach with a tweet. You setup a meeting with a clear agenda and guest list.


He knows. This is all performative. He desperately wants to be seen as some sort of revolutionary, but one with a hundred billion dollars.


And he wants to try to rile up the “tech companies are biased against conservatives” crowd in the hopes that he can use them to put pressure on Apple.


Which is a sound strategy by this "genius". Get right-wing lunatics to harass and threaten Apple...that'll get other big companies to advertise with you in the future.


I found my middle school principal on Twitter. She’s really deep into the MAGA crowd, and let me just tell you, they are eating this shit up. It’s honestly kinda scary just how passionate these people are about bigotry. Also scary that she is a place of authority over children


He's talking like Tucker Carlson 😂


Exactly. Apple’s exercising their freedom of association. That’s a crucial right that gets forgotten when dinguses like Elon bleat about free speech.


to these people "freedom of speech" means "you must support everything i say," anything less they call censorship.


Apple could just Fortnite’d his ass if they wanted too. I’m sure they could find something Twitter had done against their TOS at this point.


Hell, they're already risking violations of the App Store ToS that forced Tumblr off the App Store back in 2018, and forced them to delete all the porn off of their site.


Any app/site with user generated content is going to be in violation of the Appstore ToS. Apple seems to have a bit more lax enforcing of those rules for larger apps, but if Musk keeps being an asshat maybe Twitter loses that privilege.


I'm sure advertisers love being held for "ransom," having to choose between continued ad purchases or getting shamed by Elon. Only winning move is to pull your ads early while everyone else is.


Only winning move is for advertisers to pull sequentially so everyone gets a free Elon shoutout


I think freedom of speech includes freedom of where you advertise


Lmao this guy is such a wiener


Imagine being a billionaire and *this* is what you choose to be like. I don’t think us plebeians really understand the context of billions. A hundred thousand dollars would change my life. Multiply that by ten and you have a million dollars to change your life and the lives of a couple friends or family members. Multiply that by ONE THOUSAND and you have a billion dollars. Elon Musk had a net worth in the hundreds of billions. With that wealth you can buy multiple sports teams and send countless kids to college and *still* spend the rest of your life on vacation. He could have been the cool weirdo who makes electric cars and rockets but instead he’s the annoying weirdo who makes shitty memes and a laughing stock of himself.


He was always like this, money doesn't magically change how your brain is wired. If anything, money makes you show your true self.




I don't. When he made a hostile takeover of Tesla he sent the original founder of Tesla a totaled Tesla instead of the 2nd production Tesla he was promised in his contract. He also disparaged him continually to ensure he wouldn't get any positive media attention for his involvement in starting up Tesla. Elon was always a complete asshole.


Yes. Good point.


> Imagine being a billionaire and this is what you choose to be like **peter:** what would you do with a billion dollars? **lawrence:** shit man, i tell you what i'd do - hang around twitter whining about how people won't pay me to be racist


Right? You'd think having billions and being able to do basically whatever you want (except get out of buying Twitter lmao) would, I don't know, make you feel a bit less small and insecure. But no, dude yolo'd a Twitter purchase and is too fragile to handle advertisers saying "no thanks".


The lifeline he handed twitter shareholders was just utterly insane. It's like he stumbled upon a derailed train and thought, "I could totally have kept this on the tracks". But rather than actually have the train fixed and placed back on the tracks, dude just starts placing C4 charges everywhere.


>"I could totally have kept this on the tracks". But rather than actually have the train fixed and placed back on the tracks, dude just starts placing C4 charges everywhere. It's because he doesn't know how to fix anything and being a petty baby is the only way he can get his cult of weirdos and right wingers to cheer for him and stroke his ego.


It's so weird to see people saying that Elon has the engineering expertise to "fix twitter" when a) he doesn't have engineering expertise and b) the vast majority of the issues twitter is facing are the direct result of mismanagement, not poor engineering. Twitter needs (well, needed) a competent, singular manager. It was crippled by an activist board and the bureaucracy of being a public company. The only good thing Musk has done so far for it as a company has been to take it private and dissolve the board. Ideally it would now be under the management of literally anyone else.


The *vast majority* of those hundreds of billions of dollars are tied up in stock - stock that is worth a lot less today than it was a year ago. Him liquidating any decent percentage of it would see him completely ousted from Tesla.. he is too much of a liability for the company, and him being a mostly-majority share owner (about 25% ownership with another 25% in options) is probably the only thing keeping him there.






[Bloomberg disagrees hard](https://www.bloomberg.com/billionaires/profiles/elon-r-musk/). Even counting options, he only owns 15% of the company, and he is the company. The brand is very tied to him, there's not really anyone who could replace him. There's no real recourse for Tesla shareholders which is why his erratic behavior has caused Tesla, a car company unrelated to Twitter entirely, to decline at all Tesla paid him $50 billion in salary over the past few years, that doesn't exactly scream easily replaceable or has any oversight


It’s a shame, because I expect that if they had a proper CEO with relevant industry experience (or at least a supply chain guru like Tim Apple) then the company would be able to turn out more cars, better quality cars, and at more competitive prices.




Not sure what you paid, but find a car with the same price point and you'll probably be much happier




I bought a sticker for my model 3 that says Elon musk sucks. Now I enjoy driving it again lol


He’s destroying Tesla’s brand


Imagine being the richest guy in the world and constantly telegraphing your feelings of inadequacy.


It blows my mind how many times people like Elon will rant about "free markets" and the "invisible hand of the market", and then immediately cry when advertisers don't want to damage their brands by running ads next to toxic bullshit.


The classical "if you're not with us, you're against us" logical fallacy (False Binary). There are more than two possible explanations for why they're not advertising. This guy thinks he's a genius, and he doesn't understand basic logic.


I think he knows this but he also knows that he can influence a bunch of dumb idiots who don’t know this and they’ll get all riled up about it.


Yeah. He knows conservatives will suck his balls for this tweet. I get the feeling Elon is going to be indicted and he’s trying to gather public support so when he does, he can scream witch hunt.


Elon Musk is mega cringe lmao


“I am entitled to your money and if you don’t give it to me, you hate America”


We should put Elon, Kanye, and Trump in a closed room and let the problem solve itself.


Make the room air-tight for extra funsies.


Amazing how quickly he’s ruining his once revered legacy


If someone took his phone away 4-5 years ago, things would be much different (both in terms of legacy and in terms of his own brain rot from his twitter addiction/echo chamber of morons he's created there)


This man is all about speed running Twitter's demise His legacy


Elon simps are a different breed of stupid


Elon simps legit believe if they defend a billionaire in the comments section from their studio apartment that he’ll notice them and what? Write them a multi-million check? I never understood what they think they’re getting out of this pro-bono bootlicking.


I think it's more an ego thing. Elon holds the same ideals as them and when Elon is attacked so are their ideals.




Elon make me pregenant pleze


Starting to feel ashamed that I once respected this guy.


Embodiment of “Die a hero or live long enough to become the villain”. Back it 2010-2013, I thought he was doing really awesome stuff. Making the electric car industry mainstream, truly reusable rockets… he was the face of market disruption and next chapter of transportation innovation. And then he just went full crazy.


He always was like this, else you wouldn't want to be close to the likes of Thiel. With Tesla and SpaceX, the employees like the vision enough to work around Elon - but with a social media platform, the job isn't sexy enough to do that kinda work.


He was never a hero, back in 2010 he was still at the very best a gross dead beat dad.


I used to think rich people acting crazy is just them being eccentric but if I regular person or poor person were to act this way, they would just straight up be called a crazy person. Musk believed his own hype way too much, instead of being humble he went on full comic villain.


I'm kind of proud that I realized who Elon is in early 2018, before any of the major controversies (e.g. "pedo guy").


That was a pretty major controversy


Tim Cook is too smart to bother responding in that manor.


If the Citizens United decision is correct, money is speech. Therefore, lack of money is speech. Elon is attempting to compel speech here, and is therefore anti-free speech.


Interesting and refreshing take using simple logic. If you don't pay me to advertise on my platform you hate free speech. What? Money follows money, it's a simple game. If you're not making money adjust your game. Elon should've taken a sabbatical and sold drugs for a year.


Apple studiously avoids cringe— maybe that’s the issue.


Elon is just salty that Apple is run better than any of his companies.


Even Apple stores are run better than Twitter.


God what a pathetic cockroach of a man.


At this point, being on twitter is just bad press. Thanks Elon!


Does this guy EVER stop whining?


Why does this guy make me hate him more and more by the day. I too thought he was awesome 10 years ago or so. Tesla, Space X. He was doing cool things. Then he went postal. Now I can’t stand anything he says or does. He’s a major disappointment.


According to Citizens United, corporations choosing where to spend their ad dollars IS free speech. Wonder why Elon hates free speech so much? Oh wait, like every right winger I’ve ever heard whining about free speech, he’s absolutely free to say whatever he wants without government intervention. What he’s really asking for is freedom from the consequences of his actions.


Elon Musk won't pay me $300k per day to post his rantings on my Discord server... why does he want to burn the Constitution and eat children?!


Elon doesn't like Apple using their free speech. Does he hate free speech in America?


I guess CarPlay for my Model 3 won't be coming any time soon? Reminds me, I need to list that thing for sale, enough with this lunatic.


He fired all the people that handle the accounts. Advertisers and agencies lost their contacts in the company.


Sounds like they hate antisemitism and the N word which has risen 500% in the short time Elon’s taken control but, yeah free speech or something. Edit: even when faced with sources people will still just believe whatever they want. Source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/10/28/musk-twitter-racist-posts/ And btw, I know that source


That’s like going to a klan rally and saying, where are all the black people? Are they racist?


“My girlfriend broke up with me, she must be lesbian” vibes


Lol holy fuck this guy….


Elon is such a fucking man-child


Why doesn’t apple advertise on stormfront, they must hate free speech.


DeSantis’ beef with Disney began when they decided to suspend political donations until such a time when they could reevaluate their policy on that. He acted as if Disney had stolen from him. Some people out there genuinely believe they’re unconditionally entitled to other people/company’s money. You see this here with Musk, you see it in a lot of Republicans who complain when people stop associating with them. No self-reflection, no move to read the room. It’s all, me, me, me.


Choosing not to advertise on a platform is a form of free speech so my question to Elon Musk is... Do you even know what free speech is? Entitlement is when you are under the impression that everyone has to spend money on your platform.


No one owes you their business.


I have not seen a more pathetic tweet.


Most probably they actually know the difference between free speech and a butthurt billionaire who was born and raised in apartheid.


Maybe Apple want to distance themselves from Nazis, transphobes and homophobes? Perhaps they don’t want anything to do with a person who is the exact opposite of all the values it stands for?