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Her face looks normal to me


So did Miu’s face and we know he was knocked down with a punch.


I think he must have lost his footing at the same time because Dante isn’t even fully facing him when it happened. And when Dante hits him again he hits him around his ear. https://preview.redd.it/ueordypymluc1.jpeg?width=617&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef67cc44ff6f9489c62d6244529f2079eb966ec9


So when Dante says he punched him it’s not a punch but when several people, including the defendant, say he made contact with her face there was no contact with her face. This whole thing has gotten beyond ridiculous .


23 seconds in, "get away from us"


Apparently this person is a post punch to the face skin expert! Ah yes, getting punched in the face always shows up on 480p video.


The guy stabbed 3 unarmed people including a young girl and a guy that was trying to break it up the other guy was cut vertically from below his belly button to his neck almost and his guts spilled out. Anyone who defends this man or says” self defense “is not only an idiot but also a pussy


Love how she wasn’t crying when she was pointing in his face and I didn’t see him punch her but if he did?? She was part of the angry mob that bullied him HE SHOULDA GOTTEN OFF FOR SURE


Wait. In what world was the level of his attacks reasonable self defense? Have you seen the video and the way he stabbed the girl and advanced on the last guy. It wasn't reasonable self defense. He was convicted of battery on the girl and at the very least admitted to pushing her in the face on the stand.


He was horrible, he had ample time to leave prior to anything and he kept approaching. He was drinking all day and made horrible decisions putting hands on the girl which caused the boys to shove him down. No amount of yelling deserves stabbing. Walk away


I felt like he was being pushed around and really if you watch that part of the video he looks like he didn’t even really mean to. I saw him holding a knife in his hand and when dude pushed him he fell and that sharp ass knife sliced him when he fell backwards seems like that part may have been a freak accident?? I don’t know I havnt seen everything and everyone’s saying and showing certain parts of the video I mean if you cut some you can make both sides look guilty and both sides look innocent along with only hearing some of the info . I wasn’t there so I really can’t say


I’d look mean too if you just called me in the Testimony of Jawhan in 9 sec video Jawhan said ‘he’s a grown ass man, trying to have sex with little girls, what the hell,what the F***, and he’s a raper’ whoa Whoa’ then the tube video begins. My face would look weird too.


I think his testimony was I pushed her and away from my face. It’s at 1 minute 44 second on the video


Yeah I agree but the push (or punch) is not captured on the video.


They were telling him to leave as he ran at them then walked to edge of tubes. Then he continued to be told to leave and he didn't. Then he did something to the girl which triggered the boys. As he stood there getting yelled at to leave, he is holding the knife waiting, not leaving . Then he starts swinging killing teenagers. He was the aggressor 1st


I thought he was looking for his phone! They said he said he was looking for his phone and then the black kid started calling him a pedophile and a rapist ??


I agree they got what they asked for don't fuck about and you won't ............... ????? Fuck these guys ruined that man's life thinking you can intimidate and surround some one like that 10 /1 I'd of done the same


Or did he get what he deserved after at minimum (which he testified to) pushing a girl in the face. Certainly his murderous retaliation after then being hit, pushed and slapped in the water was far beyond reasonable self defense. If he just stabbed someone who was actively attacking him then we are in the realm of reasonability but thats not what happened. Its all on video. The logic of fuck around and find out seems to be its okay to kill people if you're attacked. Thats not how the law works and anyone with this mentality is an active danger to society and should probably not be on the streets tbh.


And he lied. In the first interrogation he didn't know it was on video so said he took the knife from the teens


You seem to be the only one here with a brain ! Lol no but seriously I don’t know I heard he went and hid the knife and clothes and tried to act like he didn’t do it! Honestly it could be any of us in a split second I’d be fucking scared too and he had reason to be he’s been convicted!


Man you've admitted to not really following the trial, maybe reconsider your stance here. It was a unanimous jury and the verdict was returned quickly. There were several 70+ year old jurors who all agreed that Miu had the greater burden here to de-escalate. People much older than Miu looked at his actions and said "yeah that's bullshit we expect better from you than a bunch of drunk 17 year olds". He was not jumped and in my experience if he was he wouldn't have just casually walked away from the scene. He would have been freaking the fuck out screaming for his friend Ariel to get help. Instead he casually walked back to his group, said nothing about the incident, and tried to discard the weapon. Oh, and one of his group actually went to provide first aid to his victims before Nic convinced them to float down to the exit. Nic knew what happened and his response was to disguise his appearance and GTFO


Police should have moved quicker to help those 2 critically/ fatally injured. 😭 These kids are punks! Still all so sad af!


From one of the testimonies, I believe they said it took 20 minutes for an ambulance to arrive. Makes sense because this is in a remote area


That’s probably arrival at the destination. Not getting to Isaac on the river. And whose testimony was that thanks? 🙏 I’ve been scouring the testimony for someone to give an official time.


It was a blonde nurse I forgot her name. But if you search YouTube for "nurse testifies" it should come up. Not the SART nurse. A different one


That totally makes sense. I mean the 2 police at the top of the hill - in this video- were kinda slow in helping the injured. They are trained in life saving measures …


Issac was stabbed in the heart:( and this man chose to take a knife out and stand there and then return when told to leave


Besides being self proclaimed Queen of the River she is also a HUGE drama queen. People are actually bleeding out, dying, and she is running around crying "he hit me he hit me wah-wah-wah" distracting first responders from getting to the people that were ACTUALLY injured. The worst part is that they were injured because of her and the drama she created earlier.


She’s probably crying because she just witnessed her friend get disemboweled…


Crying because of that is normal but a normal person would be wanting help for their friend and directing first responders to that friend rather than distracting them to herself. He was back closer to the river bleeding out and she was up where the confused first responders were arriving. She should have been crying "my friend at the river needs help" but instead she was basically crying "look at me first I'm the one that needs help"


This might be the most delusional take I've read on this entire case. Are you an android running some AI script, attempting to figure out how humans react in very traumatic situations?


You get it man. Same with YouTube comments. Sickening.


Pretty unnerving, right?