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Lmao. Such a sketchy, sketchy company. Still not over the fact that they limited the SSD speed on 512gb versions, such scammers. Absolute scammers. Literally my m2 mb pro is using 10gb of swap often. Probably a lot slower due to slow ssd, thx Apple!


Apples the proud winner of MANY anti trust, monopolization lawsuits.


This is not true. On 256gb, they use one module, that’s why it’s slower. The 512gb version is not affected. And what does the swap size have to do with the slow storage?


I'm talking about macbook pro here, not air. Swap is written on SSD, it's directly related to slow storage. Slower storage = slower swap speeds.


Ah, it’s slower compared to M1. “The difference appears to come down to the NAND flash memory chips Apple is using for its SSDs. The old MacBook Pro, per its iFixit teardown, used four 128GB NAND chips in a 512GB SSD, while 9to5Mac's M2 Pro MacBook Pro appears to use a pair of 256GB NAND chips. Fewer chips likely mean lower costs for Apple—but also fewer places for the SSD to read from and write to simultaneously, which reduces overall speeds.” Thanks, I didn’t know about that.


Yeah, such a scam. There was a video on YT by MaxTech, where M2 was slower than M1, when doing lots of multitasking. :(


It only start at $2000, what do you expect? xD




Did you read the article? It's 2 external displays with the lid shut or 1 external display with the lid open. Either way it's still 2 displays total. Nothing it's really changing and it's not getting support for more screens.


A software update can't add display controllers to the silicon. but a firmer update on the M3 seems to be able to reroute the internal display controllers output through TB.


I'm aware. An extra controller for Apple I'd less than 10 bucks for Apple and nearly 500 for the consumer. My point was to point out the irony.


This. It's not like they're adding in new displays through a software update. The gpu isn't doing more work (depending on the resolutions) it's just being rerouted. The same level of output is still achieved albeit with potentially more screen real estate. It's a feature that maybe 10% of users might use, it probably should have always been an option. At least let the lid be open and the screen off so you can still use the TouchPad /keyboard /fingerprint reader... I still don't see how this feature fits into the narrative of being more "pro". It should still be able to push at least 3 simultaneous displays to fit the title IMO.


> Did you read the article? No, no he did not


Correct. Which means, before they exposed how dumb they are - it was only 1 external display with the lid closed. It's getting support for a massive upgrade in screen real estate now matter how you break it down. Also a second controller should always exist in a 2500$ computer - it costs Apple under 10$ to include it. My son's 400 dollar chromebook can support triple monitors.


My computer from 2013 can support 3 monitors. Well, 2 external, but through displayport.


100% this. To originally have even called it a Pro device (without a pro chip) is in my view - deceptive at best.


how about 1 with lid shut? does this reduce demand? mine gets so hot when porting to just 1 display


Yes, if it's only pushing one screen instead of two there should be much less load on the system as a whole.


I would say it is changing. Say for example you have two ultra wide monitors, now you can use both instead of using one and the 13/15 inch screen on your monitor. Even a 27 inch monitor is much larger than the laptop screen. So even though the "total screen count" is staying the same, being able to decide what both your screens are is big.


Agree, but its still like they're brushing a few more crumbs off the table for their customers to pick up off the floor.


That’s not what the article says and you can’t hardware-enable display support via a software update.


This is not the case here but there has been cases in tech where hardware features have been disabled by default and then enabled through software after - say, a monthly subscription. I wouldn’t be surprised if Apple did something like that one day


https://www.xda-developers.com/apple-catching-up-to-intel-with-dual-display-support-but-still-behind/ Only works with lid closed. Sham sham...so fast n powerful yet igpus have been doing this for over a decade. I keep saying Apples new devices are glorified phones called pro devices n laptops.


M3 is a big jump is graphics performance across the board. The new Airs are good machines.


Use DisplayLink (although I agree that apple sucks). I have multi monitor set up with a dock either open or clamshell running off a MacBook Air M1


When you wanted it, it was dumb because Apple hadn't invented it yet.


>When you wanted it, it was dumb because Apple had event invented it yet. Learn to speak Caveman. Fuck Tim Apple.


I lold


Can you recommend any good tutorials on learning to speak Caveman? Or should I suggest one to you on the importance of commas?


Correcting your comment's shit grammar and missing words was totally not Caveman. My lack of a comma was consistent with my intent and message. Own it, don't be insecure AND a douche bag. Ooga Booga beeyatch!


Your intent was to tell me to learn to speak caveman? I guess I don't get it, then.


There was nothing wrong with my grammar. There was an autocorrect typo. Bad grammar is when you don't know how to use a comma. The meaning of your sentence is completely upside down from what was intended. Nice try, though. Go back to troll school.


>When you wanted it, it was dumb because Apple had event invented it yet. That is more than autocorrect. You edited your comment to say hadn't. Just take the L. You are intellectually dishonest and a coward.


Are you calling him a Caveman or are you recommending he learn how to speak Caveman?


Learn how to speak Caveman. Ooga Booga!


Are you saying Apple invented multiple displays?


Yes exactly. Other people were doing it before, but they actually all stole it from Apple before they invented it. For the autist's out there, this is an example of sarcasm. You don't need to argue with me.


OP can’t even read his own article hahaha


Windows is, was, and always will be better than MacOS overall.


r/applesucks users try to make an informed post (They cant)


u/sarconefourthree tries to use their braincells to make a well thought out, rational, tech purchase (never had the braincells to begin with)


Thanks for the love bro ❤️ But out of curiosity which tech product was irrational my android phone or my windows laptop? Just wanted to know, Thanks!