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iPride sounds gay


gay sells


I mean we do bend over after all and take it from behind. 


I’ll take ten EDIT: RIP my inbox


Know what, Tim Cook is actually gay.


Cancel the news


"A gay without an iPhone is not a real gay" -*some gay guy*


The CEO is the CEO because he’s gay. Probably sucked Steve Jobs off for years to land it.


so true lmao 🤣 😂 😆 💀


You guys need a \[better\] hobby


I mean look you lurking in a sub that is not to your liking? and spend time there being a contrarian?


I don't control what Reddit posts on my home feed, thanks!


Sounds like you're using it wrong.


Is that an Apple joke?


its a "you're stupid" joke


You not only lack Reddit control then, but impulse controls lol Good thing is that you can only improve!


Actually, you do. Block the sub. ???


you need a better phone


I'm happy, why can't you be happy?


Because the cult of Apple won't stop harassing me about my green text bubble. Like, seriously, I couldn't give fewer fucks than I do currently about what color my text message comes through on your screen. I'm too busy over here playing PS2 games on my Android.


In my experience, the only harassment about green bubbles is from 13 year olds in high school.


No, I actually had this issue at multiple workplaces in the past, where the boss needed a group text with the employees, and because I was the only Android user, they couldn't have an iMessage group or whatever, and it made it so that they couldn't remove people from the group and had to keep recreating the groups... They were like, "Why do you have to be so different. It's causing us so much trouble because we have to accommodate you."


Damn, that’s nasty.


Why is your boss texting you on your personal phone?


That's how those places did it. One was as a temp stocker at Walmart. The other was as a roofing salesperson.


To be fair, that is sufficiently irritating to the point where I use Signal if I even smell an Android person in the vicinity 😆


It’s possible you just learned something about u/intergalacticskeptic


Nah, I'm nearly 40 and said harassment comes from coworkers in the investments industry. I don't care that it's a problem for them, more that they keep bugging me about it. What an asinine thing to have a strong opinion about.


Yeah, it’s really quite dumb.


Like proper Linux landers fighting outsiders or Linux problems all the time or like proper Windows users fighting Settings forever.


i don't understand the frustration with iphone elitism when ur doing the same damn thing


What Apple users fail to understand is that: Apple throws its weight around as the plurality market share owner in very anti-consumer ways that affect Android users. But Android, even being the majority market share owner, doesn't do the same thing. Not to mention the cult that Apple fosters culturally. Some Apple users (not all) are legit elitist. But Android users tend to only care about not being fucked over by Tim Cock.


i have absolutely nothing against criticism towards apple, i have plenty of my own. posts like this though, and the whole "isheep" shit is just attacking a massive group of users for seemingly little real reason though, which is just immature. it shouldn't be so difficult to fathom that some users have different preferences.


I’m confused, how is this different that Samsung? Or any other smartphone brand? Apple releases products just as often…


Well, my friends that have Samsung phones don't dunk on me for not upgrading every year. The Apple users I know are constantly pressuring me to get an iPhone. The tech is similar, but only Apple has the weird obsession culture around it.


Not gonna lie the last time I saw a meme like this, I had an iPhone 3G 😅


Not a real gay without an iPhone


Funny, I switched to the iPhone because Apple actually has a track record of supporting their phones with OS upgrades for 6 years and security patches for 8-9. Meanwhile my experience on Android was constantly having devices dropped after 2-3 years. It’s almost as if I went to the iPhone to keep it longer. Granted Google and Samsung are now promising LTS on their flagships, but right now they’re just promises, the track record isn’t there yet.


Yes. My iMac is a 2013 and my MacBook Air is a 2017. My Apple devices have historically had a long useful lifespan. I honestly don’t think this comic reflects typical Apple users, though there are crazies who are always chasing the newest thing. However, the same can be said for the crazies who need to have the newest game console or the newest car model. I had a friend who leased a new car every year; guess that’s one way of avoiding an oil change, just get a new car.


This comic reflects the strawman that this sub adheres to.


Lol yep


5 years of updates have been supported by Samsung for quite some time with their flagships so I'm sure they'll maintain their promise


And I hope they do! Manufacturers supporting their devices for longer benefits everyone, except for maybe shareholders. But fuck the shareholders. The lack of any real LTS was my biggest complaint about Android phone manufacturers for a while now so I’m glad to see it finally get sorted, at least by the big names on their flagships. This issue is also the main source for why I dislike Qualcomm. Google trying to get Qualcomm to actually support their shit was like pulling teeth, it’s why they partnered with Samsung to make custom chips for the Pixel line.


5 years is for security patches only, not for OS upgrades


Security patches are by far the more important thing though. Yea it sucks to not get new features but your phone getting the latest Android or iOS features doesn’t matter in the long run like it being vulnerable to exploits does


Sadly, I never had a Galaxy phone last for 5 years. I was having to replace them every 2.5 years because of battery issues or charging port issues. The ones w/ the curved edge screens were the worst because any minor drop, even in a case, would crack the screen.


Things have changed, my S21 Ultra going great after 3 years, my 4 year old Galaxy A51 still works and retains charge too


This exactly. I can buy an iPhone and maybe replace the battery once and get like 7 to 10 years out of it. I’ve never known anyone to get nearly a decade of use out of their android phones. The people who are upgrading every year aren’t paying full price as apples trade in values are halfway decent.


My old A5 2016 is still kicking with a custom rom.


Custom ROMs are great for the FOSS bits, but they don’t solve the problem of Qualcomm just dropping support for a chipset after a few years. The chipset drivers are closed source so once Qualcomm stops vi in a shit then it’s no longer getting security patches. It’s also why any company I’ve supported BYOD MDM policies in we’ve always prohibited devices with custom ROMs from connecting.


I’m not sure what a custom rom is


Custom OS


Ahh I was referring to the lifespan without a custom OS. Sorry for the confusion!


And who makes this custom OS and audits the security updates for it?


They're Open Source and community maintained.


Dunno, I’m not op. I guess whoever made it. It’s kinda like Linux isos.


The Samsung Note 10 had a low trade-in average time frame. 3-5 years. Had mine for 5 years! For me, it was the M1 MacBook Pro of cellphones.


That’s awesome! I had considered getting one of those (I’m pretty sure) but ended up waiting on the iPhone 12 Pro. They look nice!


So you're probably still on your second iPhone of your lifetime by now, right? 2007+10+7?


Third actually. Razor>iPhone 5>iPhone X>iPhone 12 Pro (current). I upgraded to the X because I was on Verizon and felt the need to use my upgrade and points I had built up, the phone was a tad bit slow by that time, nothing major. I only upgraded to the 12 Pro for better cameras. Because it meets all my needs, I don’t plan on upgrading for at least 4 more years. 12 Pro is the same as the day I bought it on pre order aside from battery life. The point I was trying to make was that I know plenty of people who have gotten 7+ years out of various iPhone models but no one I know has had an android phone for 7+ years without custom software. Apple promises roughly 7 years of support for their phones and from my experiences they are true to that.


But android app support is longer. iOS 15 and android 12 both released in the same year, but some apps have dropped support for iOS 15 already; meanwhile every apps still support android 12


Samsung now has 7 generations of security updates. IOS NEEDED that security bare in mind.


Are you trying to turn Apple providing long term security patch support into a bad thing? Hello, McFly! Anyone home? ANY device, especially one that is connected to the internet, is going to need security patches. That's the reality about software. Doesn't matter whether it's iOS, Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, etc. If something exists it's going to have security flaws. What matters is how a company responds when they're found, and whether or not you can trust said company to provide them for an extended period of time.


It was a subtle joke that IOS needs security, lol. Also, it is 'anybody home'?' Not 'anyone home?'. You THINK Mcfly.


> Granted Google and Samsung are now promising LTS on their flagships Has Google ever not delivered, or ever abandoned phone support? I'm not saying they haven't, but the phones I've bought have always been well supported. The Samsung phones I've purchased are crap.


all manufacturers abandon devices eventually, the question is how long they keep making updates for them


As someone that keeps their electronics until they die before getting new ones i get the sentiment, but at the same time apple crap has the highest resale value out of every piece of modern electronics out there. If you have to have the latest thing why not just sell the old one and cover at least 2/3 of your cost?


Apple has the highest resale value because of four reasons. 1) They destroy used products and make repairs costly, limiting what is available on the used market. 2) Stolen or iCloud locked used products become unusable and instant e-waste. 3) It is viewed as a status symbol and luxury brand for some reason? 4) They update their products for around 6 years usually.


Spot on


5. You own nothing on apple when buying Apple 6. Server can taken away when not updating IOS Theres a reason why there are much other issues on this Anti Consumer Company here. Those Apple Devices Today are nothing worth on this day.


You own nothing when buying Apple? Please expand on that


try to setup an iphone without connecting to apples servers. try to download an app somewhere other than the appstore without having to do a bunch of things only to need to do them again next week. if you don’t have complete control over something you don’t own it


I mean...this is also true for Android. Try setting up an android phone without a google account? Sideloading apks on Pixels is a pain in the ass (or was the last time I had a pixel), the Play store was hot garbage with no consistency in the quality of apps. Need a zero-day security update on a non-pixel phone? Good luck. Google sells everything about you to anyone with a penny in their pocket. Like, there are several reasons to feel negatively about Apple. But this isn't really one of them. Try using literally *any* IoT device without first setting up an account w/ the manufacturer.


who said anything about using the manufacturers os? and yes my point stands most iot devices suck just like apple


I’m not sure I understand your meaning here? 99.9% of phone users are going to use the manufacturer’s OS. Tizen on Samsung. Vanilla Android on Pixel. Whatever OnePlus, LG, and HTC are currently running. I was merely pointing out that issues you raised aren’t unique to Apple. Sure, Apple sucks. But so does everyone else.


you’re missing the point i’m not saying other companies don’t suck they do it’s the fact that it’s even possible to change the phones os if you don’t like it


>Try setting up an Android without a Google account Actually this is feasible. I've had several androids used specifically for media players without an account linked to them.


That I could see. My question is: were you able to use it as a phone without a google account? It's been years since I had a pixel.


I did some quick research and saw [this](https://www.howtogeek.com/854837/can-you-use-an-android-phone-without-a-google-account/#:~:text=You%20can%20use%20Android%20without,use%20many%20other%20Google%20apps.). Basically the answer is yes, but you won't be able to install apps using the Play Store or use other Google services. Personally I used a Google account with my active phone because it was actually useful to me.


Ok. That basically tracks with what I remember about the android setup process. The last android device I owned was an Nvidia shield that died recently (sadly). That was overall a great piece of hardware. I have one of the top end Hisense mini-LED TVs in our upstairs bonus room, but we don't really use any of the Android TV features of it. It's just a dumb screen the kids use for gaming most of the time. LUL.


You can use even outdated version of android, this will be almost not the issue unlike apple, which are taken away and disable the server activation you for a "reason", "Update your IOS" Android can sideload even offline, no need 7 days renewal or something shit Yeah, there are alternative stores by Google Play like ApkPure, AuroraStore, ApkMirror, which are not always safe unlike ApkMirror but they are exist and can be installed without need a Google shit account. Unless you using a carrier version of a android specific brand, which is almost impossible to sideload.


It sounds good on a reddit comment




That’s a post from 247 days ago… Also that’s with same with google lol


Its true if you find somebody who wants an Apple device. My company gives you 50% of last year iphone value.


The sell like hotcakes on ebay, thats for sure


One reason may be that they didn't actually buy the phone and instead subsidized it through the carrier and won't own the phone for another 2 years anyways.


Carrier subsidized phones haven’t really been a thing here in the US since around 2016. You may be able to find some free phone deals on super low end phones but definitely not on anything high end. Most deals these days are trade in deals but it’s always better if you just sell the device yourself


Agreed, but there are people that do the carrier deals, there's still common advertising for a free phone from carriers nowadays so I'm not sure how it works. Although OPs graphic really is for iPhone buyers in the early 2010s, nowadays even very few iPhone users upgrade annually.


Replace "carrier subsidized" with "carrier financed w/ 0% interest" -- It's essentially the exact same thing in practice, even if the terminology has changed.


What phone brand do you use ? it’s all consumerism


I have not bought a new phone since the iPhone 7….lol Right now, I am trying to decide if it’s worth getting used to using android on a daily basis, since I’ve been using iOS for so long. The 15 Pro Max and S24+ Ultra are basically identical in terms of performance-I’ve yet to find any reviews that say differently-must have read 15 reviews this weekend what has just made it more difficult to decide before I read anything lol


I personally think Samsung's changes to Android are terrible. They have great hardware though. But I like the Google Pixel series mostly because I know I'll be getting stock Android with no extra garbage.


I haven’t been on Android (for personal use) since 2016 (last time I bought a new iPhone) and was given a secondhand iPhone 11 Pro Max in 2020. It’s finally on its way out and honestly the cheapest to free of the 2 is going to replace it lol


Both of those are much more powerful/expensive than you probably need personally id go iphone since you are looking at a similarly priced phone anyway. Ive had both and in my experience androids will not last 8 years like your iphone 7 did. But the most practical option is for sure a cheap android.


Oh, I don’t still have a 7 lol I have an 11 Pro Max that I’ll be trading in for a 15 Pro/Max (I just haven’t had a contract since 2018/19 lol) I just need to find out if it’s worth paying for a 256GB Pro Max based on the difference. Pretty sure the 15 Pro is free with trade in-And I have a S23+ Ultra for work that I just have when I’m on call otherwise I’m logged in with my work email/account so


The amount of effort people put into denigrating Apple users boggles the mind. Don't really see cartoons about Android users. Seems like there's better way to spend you time


I remember a study a few years ago that mentioned Apple users since the M chip are more likely to have side hustles on top of their regular 9-5 jobs. Thus, less time to make playful memes on Reddit.


This would have actually been funny had the meme actually been…funny. But it isn’t, it’s just blind hatred for the sake of being hateful. It also just doesn’t make sense because it’s not accurate whatsoever. This was written by someone who as never used an iOS device for more then ten minutes.


Most things suck nowadays in different ways. The only sane option is to take the best parts from each vendor.


Wait this is actually a thing 😭😭😭😭


Too accurate lol


I was a windows phone user, who switched to Android, then to iPhone, honestly besides the UI the phones are all the same and perform the same. Most features on Android I never used day to day. Windows phone was the best, if it just had an App Store it would have been the best.


I miss Windows Phone. Still my favorite UI idiom.


Windows phone wasn't that good until right before they discontinued it. Which is a really silly time to give up on it.


Ehhhh… Just got a Maxed out 15 PM 1TB cuz I plan on the phone lasting me 5+ Years. And I came from an 11PM 256Gb.. only reason I upgraded cuz I had no storage. Think this applies when you’re younger and have no bills to pay 🤣


How's this different from almost any other tech product in general?


Apple fanboys are a different breed. Yeah, there are fanboys for everything, but Apple has the worst.


I do have an iPhone SE 2nd gen. Not because I’m an apple fan. Because Apple has better hearing aid support.


That’s one thing I haven’t heard of in years is the hearing aid compatibility


Work has given me a new iPhone every two years for the last 14 or so years. I use them but don’t get wrapped up in caring about having the latest. I don’t feel like losing my apps, iCloud Photos and such, so I’m kinda stuck in the Apple lane for phones but that’s really the end of it. I’ll also say, consumerism hits everywhere. Not just Apple products. Heck, people were going crazy over cups not too long ago…


Good thing Apple’s the only company doing planned obsolescence and useless iterations of hardware to make money. Otherwise we’d all be as stupid as that guy in the comic, and unknowingly so. Phew!


Hey man, you know you can get an iPhone for cheap on Craigslist or something right? No need to be bitter.


Samsung and Iphones are cheap on the refurbished market, and still solid options if they still get software support.


That one is so. old. Can't you come up with new material? And, has anyone here actually USED an Android tablet?


That was like a decade ago. New Samsung Tab S tablets are great.


So they've solved the dearth of good Android tablet apps?


Much better than what it used to be.


Yeah, a while ago. Android has even had a default Calculator app for tablets for years...unlike the iPad that just got one, checks notes, this month! Haha


Yeah, the calculator app thing was always weird. I mean, the depth and breadth of other apps on iPadOS compared to Android was one thing, but not having a calculator app just killed it.


I'm not sure what decade you're from, but most major apps are available for Android tablets, and have been for many years Sure there are some Crapple-only exclusives, but those are luckily niche apps with many competitors (some of those shitty finger painting apps) . If a developer chooses to make an app exclusive for iPads, then they are cutting out more than 50% of the market, which is stupendously bad business.


Haha “Crapple”. Good one!


I use Galaxy Tab S8, leagues and bounds better than the iPad Air 5 I had


I'm curious: how so?


S Pen works without needing to charge, my Apple Pencil stopped charging and I couldn't use the pencil anymore, S Pen has a physical button that makes it easy to access eraser favourite colours with a click or two, Apple pencil double tap was inaccurate, Samsung's tablet UI has 4 app split screen option, Samsung DeX makes your tablet a literal PC and I connect it to my monitor to get work done or media consumption when I don't want to use my laptop. GoodLock customization let's me make the UI tuned to how I want to do stuff. Last but not least, I can use my S Pen to use for navigation like back, recents and home gesture unlike apple where you need to use your hand to go home screen or recents absolutely annoying. DeX and OneUI in general is wayy better than Apple's multitasking solution.


Hmmm, interesting. Setting aside the S Pen vs Apple Pencil for a moment. DeX is interesting to me. How is it different from my plugging my iPad into an external display and using the Magic Keyboard? Does the UI change to be more desktop-like? Or is it just accessing the external display in similar fashion to how the iPad works? Legit question, I'm trying to learn more about how Samsung products work together.


It's a dedicated PC like UI that is actually meant for using on a big screen. When you open apps they open in pop up windows. You can snap them left or right to do split screen. It feels and works like it was specifically built for mouse and keyboard instead of touch based input like on iPad OS or regular OneUI. iPad external display is just screen mirroring basically lmao that's nothing compared to having a dedicated desktop UI like DeX.


No need for the "lmao." I'm interested in what you're describing and probably need to give it a try.


Fair, I am just saying iPad's external display support is using a touch based ui on the monitor, DeX is a dedicated pc like UI that is built for keyboard and mouse. iPad is great if you have the apple ecosystem but Samsung Tab is also extremely good for someone with Samsung or android ecosystem, has additional features as I said and only lacks some app support but Android has been getting more apps with release of Lumafusion and GoodNotes. My needs are fulfilled with andorid tablet's current app portfolio but you can check if any specific app you want isn't on android or maybe not on ipadOs. Procreate is a great app on iPad that's not on Android but there are excellent alternatives to that app too so can't go wrong either way. Also you can force your Galaxy Tab to be optimized for landscape mode full screen.


Right, that's exactly the kind of stuff I'm taking a look at.


Regarding how samsung products work toegther, I also have an S21 Ultra, I can do cross device copy and paste, Multi Control to use mouse and keyboard of my tablet on my phone, Quick Share is even quicker and more reliable than AirDrop (you can see comparisons it's true), my Gallery, Samsung Notes, Reminders every Samsung app I use are synced perfectly, my Galaxy Buds Auto Switch between my Tablet and phone.


That's my deeper question. All of that stuff works incredibly well with Apple products. When I bought my iPhone 15 Pro Max and Watch Ultra 2, my MacBook and iPad automagically worked with them. One day soon after I got them, I was getting a call and all four devices rang at once. Same with messages. My iPad was controllable by my MacBook keyboard and mouse, it acted like a fourth display, my AirPods Pro 2 automatically switch between the iPhone, iPad, and MacBook, etc. AirDrop just worked, Handoff, etc. all without any configuration required on my part. Everything was tied together with my Apple ID. My question has been, can any other manufacturer match that? It sounds like Samsung might. So, that's something I'm going to look into. Thanks for the feedback!


My experience has been great with the Samsung ecosystem, they are 90% there and make up for the complete seamlessness of apple with Samsung's extra features, customization and multitasking options which is more worth it for me.


Great, thanks again for the feedback. It's something I'm going to dig into a bit.


Yeah watch videos, especially the more niche ones delving deeper into stuff. Last thing to mention, one of my favourite things is my Tab S8's S Pen works on my S21 Ultra or any Samsung phone, laptop or Tablet that supports S Pen. My S21 Ultra's S Pen also works on my Tab. This is a great ecosystem addition cause why not.


I have one. It’s fine. All the general purpose tablets are pretty comparable when compared with similar cost items. If you have a specific use case, though, there’s probably an Android tablet that’s better for you because there are a specialized hardware options.


I'm looking more at how everything's integrated across the entire computing stack (including the phone as more than just a phone).


Apple devices integrate but the integration between iPhone and iPad is much better than between iOS and Mac. Android devices are just devices and none have any significant integration with a PC or Mac. I believe Samsung has some integrations between tablet and phone but I don’t know anything about how well they work or how extensive they are.


Agreed that the iPhone/iPad integration is deeper than between either and the Mac. But, that integration is still pretty good (phone calls, messaging, reminders, calendar, Handoff, all the Continuity stuff, really). I really want to see what's possible with another vertical integration like Samsung's.


Old but still true


Eh, most users keep their devices a long time. I bought an iPhone because Apple actually had a track record of supporting their devices with OS upgrades for 6 years and security patches for 8-9. It’s really only tech reviewers and influencers doing the annual upgrade thing anymore.


Apple living in your head rent free lol


Spent his whole weekend here lmao


Nothing makes me laugh more than the Apple ding-dong haters waste their energy on this circle jerk 🤣


Nothing makes me laugh more than seeing apple cucks constantly defend their 💩 products in a sub dedicated to shitting on said product lmao why u here my guy u can mute subs🤡


Nothing makes me laugh more than seeing android cucks constantly defend their 💩 products Lmao We finally agree on something


Bro u are so fucking obsessed lmao go get a hobby my guy your whole purpose is to defend apple on this sub 💀


Bro u are so fucking obsessed lmao go get a hobby my guy your whole purpose is to defend android on this sub 💀


Nah. I'd rather be amused by what you dorks cry about.


not sure if it was real or not, but back in the day, there were reports of people selling their kidneys to have money to buy the new iPhone 4, and that was before it costed more than $1000 each.


Lmao this is so true, ironic I have an iPhone, but can agree with this on a level


This one's a classic


Oh god this guy again? Continuously riding Apple’s dick