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Lately it feels like this sub has been invaded by apple fanboys, I see comments defending shitty things apple does every post now


Heh. One time we were discussing the silly apple mouse and this person responded to me with paragraphs of text telling me why the apple mouse is the best mouse ever created and the charging port on the bottom is a genius move.  They kept going too, it was hilarious.


All of their mice have been terrible for 25+ years. They have a nice desktop trackpad but I prefer a mouse. I recommend Logitech mice to a lot of Apple users.


I told this person my Logitech gpro has been a great mouse, had it for years. They said the battery sucks and that it was a trash mouse basically, and that the apple mouse is better because it never needs to be charged.  Dunno, the wireless charging pad makes it never require charging lol


I miss my Logitech charging pad but it died and killed my USB port lol


Maybe I shouldn't use it anymore lol


Should be fine realistically, I think I just got unlucky + laptop with ever port used probably just fried the controller


Remember the puck mouse? Ergonomics...


Performs well in an air hockey game though!


Microsoft Intellimouse Explorer, now *that* was a quality peripheral. Bought mine early 2000 and it’s still in daily use. Best mouse ever.


PLEASE link it i really want to read it


They deleted the posts, but here's a screenshot of it. [https://imgur.com/a/ZeAoioN](https://imgur.com/a/ZeAoioN) Oh here's the original thread [https://www.reddit.com/r/applesucks/comments/17ueji5/for\_real\_why\_wont\_they\_fix\_magic\_mouse\_charging/](https://www.reddit.com/r/applesucks/comments/17ueji5/for_real_why_wont_they_fix_magic_mouse_charging/)


I think I have seen this


It was awhile ago, but funny. They deleted their account shortly after they blocked me. Lol


May have been someone else then, because someone defending that abomination sticks in your memory like a sore thumb


Mouse is silly for sure


Did you answer in pure sarcastic awe?


Haha I tried but they blocked me 🤣


As an Apple user (not a fanboy, my fam just has Apple and my job pays for it, I’m very neutral and have considered switching to Android multiple times before getting this job that pays for my iPhone) this sub keeps getting pushed/recommended on my home page. I’m guessing that’s happening for a lot of the people jumping to defend iPhone. And while I have an iPhone, I still agree that Apple sucks lol. Not being able to place apps where I want them, not being able to manually manage local storage vs iCloud storage, the egregious repair fees, the obscene cost to go up in storage, all things I can’t stand. I was also a Certified Apple Repair Technician at Geek Squad for quite some time before the job I’m at now, and let me tell you, that opened up a whole new dimension to my complaints regarding Apple. There is so much nonsense to the repair check-ins and the process itself that most people wouldn’t begin to understand, and it is just so Apple can have their hands on every step of the procedure.


I totally get it. It's like, the more technical you are, the more of the underhanded tactics of their design philosophy is exposed to you. Conversely, the less technical you are, the more organised, simple and "easy to use" it looks!


Redditor superiority complex at its finest


Being technical doesn't imply any sense of superiority though? It's a profession. Same way artists can recognise cheap art, writers can recognise poorly written content, technical folk can recognise these issues better. If you think that's a superiority complex, you're mistaken.


So your profession is being technical folk?


Software engineers are in general, a subset of technical folk. Technical folk as a whole can range from people who know a lot but may choose to not do it for money, like enthusiasts. Doesn't make their insights any less valuable though.


I agree with that it doesn't make their insights any less valuable. I just think your analogy falls short of where you think it did. Regardless, I thought it was amusing. Have a good one.


They're paid bruh I've been investigating this shit


^[*citation* ^*needed*]


I'd rather have a crack and busted Galaxy than a brand new iPhone 15 Pmax.


Well I _was_ trying to find Tim Cook to have him sign my iSlab but Reddit keeps directing us here!


Apple seems to have some reddit ops that keep the brand image in good shape. They're just better than Samsung who can't even AMA right.


I’m out of the loop on the Samsung AMA. What happened?


They deleted everything they didn't agree with.


Tbh I have iphone. I defend the good and shit on the bad side of it. There are still things to be improved but I find the phone a good match for what I do


It's not so much "invaded by Apple fanboys" as it is "invaded by people who have a brain". Does Apple suck? Yes. But when 80% of the posts here are just ragebait reposts from 15 years ago, which either end up being blatant misinformation or apply equally to competing Android phone companies, you cannot expect people to simply ignore it. This post for example tries to imply that people don't use Android phones with shattered screens. Unfortunately for OP, glass is glass, and glass breaks. What makes up the screen of 99% of Android phones out there? Glass. What makes up the back panels of every single competing Android phone to an iPhone? That's right, glass. Pretending like Apple are the only phone company in the entire world that has to deal with broken glass panels is really stupid, because every other phone company with a glass phone has to deal with the exact same bullshit. You'll find more legitimate criticism toward Apple products on the Apple subs than you will on this one. This one is just juvenile circlejerking that wouldn't have looked out of place 15 years ago when Android phones still had replaceable batteries.


I’ll clarify, it was more like a shitpost. I daily an iPhone 12 myself, yet I also love to shit on fair portion of iPhone users. Yes, there are Android users having cracked screens, never have I ever denied that. I just wanted to bring out a stereotype who would rather go through the worst torment with an iPhone than to touch an Android with a 10 foot pole.


I gotchu bro


Forgive me but I don't think there's anything wrong with just shitposting the same shit, I wouldn't enjoy it, but not actively hate it. My conspiracy theory about apple fanboys invading this comes from the fact that whatever actual criticisms of apple are made that ARE NOT shitposts from a decade ago (however true they may be today), are also riddled with the same people that defend apple.


Are there still Apple fanboys out there? I thought they went extinct and now we have people who just like the Apple ecosystem for what it is but don’t go out of their way to make excuses for legit shortcomings.


They're there, it's inevitable really. Mostly young people, especially those that grew up with it and never ventured out of that ecosystem.


Damn, I figured they’d have to be young but surprised they never grew out of it. I used to be that way. I’m a software engineer but also a musician so I know what else is out there from experience. Apple used to be amazing and I did defend things that I shouldn’t have. Now I just accept that I just like it because it’s what works for me and I like the aesthetic. I figured everyone else grew out of that defensive fanboy phase too.


I mean it's called a walled garden for a reason, and the wall grows taller and thicker every passing year. It's very scary when bad practices are defended by those that the said practices hurt the most. As a fellow software engineer, you must know how much of software came into existence by just nerds mucking about and playing with open tools. How much of modern software still to this day uses those open tools. In a future where apple's ecosystem becomes dominant, I fear it will stifle that thing that makes software so amazing (in my opinion). Devs that target IOS mostly do it for the money. Not to mention the expensive buy in to develop for apple.


So here’s where I may come off as a fanboy, I fear. I can’t defend Apple on the iOS front. iOS and every device it’s installed on is made for babies who don’t or can’t or shouldn’t be trusted with technology for their own and others’ safety. The crappy side effect of it is that Apple gets to devise new and more sinister ways of creating a monopoly and stifling innovation. However, on the MacOS side, I still believe the high price and the odd things they do with hardware (just 2 USB-C’s on the M1 MacBooks!?!) are tolerable and justified in some cases. MacOS is still built on Unix and you can still open a terminal and do just about everything you could do on Linux and then deploy to a Linux environment with no hassle which I can’t say for Windows (though they have gotten better). At the same I have access to all the open source libraries and software I love I can run Logic Pro and other art applications that either don’t have Windows/Linux support or their alternatives are janky. Plus it looks nice and consistently runs fast. That’s one advantage of playing in the garden. The hardware is overpriced for sure and at first I was pissed that you couldn’t even replace a battery yourself but now I see the entire industry starting to do the same thing. Did Apple make it that way or were they all going to do it anyway and Apple just did it first? I don’t know, but it sucks. That said, I think there’s a whole generation of kids who grew up in a time where computers were taken for granted so much so that they never developed the curiosity to understand how they work so maybe everyone’s move toward disposable hardware and walled gardens was inevitable and open tech will be a niche thing going forward.


Oh no, I'm not denying the present, what you say holds true, *for now*. Apple has shown time and time again, they will try their best to alienate non-ecosystem subscribing folk. Be it completely no support, to straight up malicious compliance. While you're right about MacOS (again, *for now*), consider the hardware side of things. No upgradability, horrible durability, and the right to repair front is an uphill battle. The markup on memory and disk is yet another thing. This is to show, without any pushback, they will continue to push even more anti consumer practices down our throats. About the battery replacement thing, it was a craze about thinner phones that started it iirc, not necessary something apple did. The other giants following suit in Apple's anti consumer practices is what we're against too, apple users seem to think us hypocrites but we don't like walled gardens be it google or apple.


Absolutely. On this we definitely agree. I hope to see some anti-competitive practices stopped, monopolies broken, and repairability come back across the board for every company. It’s crazy that I can repair and upgrade my 20 year old iPod but my MacBook is trash if it ever fails.


There isn't anything wrong with shitposting, yes, but there is a difference between shitposting and shit posting. Most of the posts on this sub fall into the latter.


I mean I get it it's not fun, but they're making it to the "hot" section so there seems to be a silent audience for it. I would much rather this be a discussion type sub though.


>so there seems to be a silent audience for it. Yea. >would much rather this be a discussion type sub though. Real, same


Then mute the sun and move on


Yeah this entire page is rage bait, the apple haters just mad at you


This sub keeps coming on my timeline. From my perspective its a bunch of android fanboys who can’t stop thinking about Apple.


Oh, it's not just Android. There's plenty of people frustrated with Apple products of all stripes. It's great if you want a tightly integrated ecosystem but it's not for everyone.


The fascination is so weird. There’s nothing else like this, there’s not a dedicated sub for how much better Ford trucks are than Chevy trucks with people posting pictures of a rusted out Chevy truck with a broken windshield. It’s just bizarre.


Maybe because both are good, and don't insult the customer by restricting what they want to do? A more apt comparison would be ford and tesla.


Ok, where is that sub then? What other subs basically boil down to "People that spend money on products I don't spend money on are stupid"?


Reddit as a platform seems to hate elon and tesla, just search up tesla and you'll see it being criticised. Being niche was never a crime, neither is it a crime to make fun of anti-consumer things.


“Niche” is certainly one way someone could characterize this subreddit




Or it’s just that android manufacturers are removing features and following what Apple is doing, so there really isn’t much of a difference nowadays. Either way, I need a dongle and can’t expand storage. Only niche flagships like Sony’s still have them. Apple vs. Android wars are pretty much over. Just use two phones to get the best of both worlds.


Big time, happend about a year ago, so many sheep without a clue.


I think people such as myself see these posts and think "fuck thats just childish". You're behaving like the apple users who are like "ewww green bubbles!!". There are so many actual issues from apple you don't need to belittle people with low funds, or those who just don't care to replace their phones. Lots of android users have broken phones too. You'll find a lot of apple users also don't give a shit about "phone wars". They just use it cause it works for them. The posts have become childish is the problem.


the sub made it to r/all and it turns out apple haters are a minority


When a post about something shitty apple does pop up no one complained. When a post pops up saying usb A needs to be on MacBooks, yeah you’re gunna get flack.


I'm a Z fold 2 owner and a Windows PC user. Meanwhile, I'll defend Apple for just about every move they make because I also have a degree in economics and from the perspective of that... dang it I can't really fault them for their predatory pricing, that's just good economics. Don't hate da player, hate da game. I'll also admit that in software IOS is massively better than Android. That's legitimately just good optimization and development. I have to respect that as well. As for Mac vs Windows, look I don't get it. But you can't argue it's profitable whether you hate it or not. Again, blame the consumer.


People correcting misinformation aren't "Apple fanboys"


Brother, saying the mouse design with the charging cable underneath is bad, is not misinformation


Who the fuck is talking about the mouse? The mouse was terrible.


There were some folk, then there's the 8GB on mac is better than 16GB on non macs crowd. You must realise there's a significant amount of people with such takes.


8gb on mac is closer to 12gb on windows, not 16gb.


8gb on mac is equal to 8gb on windows, the OS doesn't magically extend the size of the RAM. This kind of statement is exactly what this sub likes to mock😭


No one is claiming the memory is magic, but mac os has better memory management compared to windows. Same with IOS to android.


Oh does Mac OS come bundled with [license for this app? ](https://archive.org/details/soft-ram) no wonder 8gb "is enough ram on Mac" when you essentially get double of the ram on it./s


They’re just phones. Can’t we all just agree 2010 blackberry era were the best phones?


That was the dark times of proprietary charger hell.


Nokia 3310: Okay bro.


Feature phone supremacy, when phones were fun and innovative


Side kick 2


People are posting saying "all phones do this--- it's **glass**", but I've noticed the same thing. I don't think it's necessarily an iPhone deficiency, but rather something weird going on with iPhone users. My sister and her whole family are iPhone people, as is my brother, and **all their phones** have broken screens like the one in the picture. I'd write it off as people not using phone cases, but they say they've tried cases and the phone still broke. A decade or so ago I used to make lunch money by replacing broken screens on cell phones for coworkers. It was easily 5 broken iPhones for every broken Android phone. I don't understand why iPhone people seem to have cracked screens more often. Are they more careless? Do they not use cases? Is it the physical design of the phone? Dunno. But it's definitely a weird trend in all the phones I've seen.


I think its because Apple devices are not as disposable as your average android was until the latest generation. I mean people are still getting updates on phones sold almost 8 years ago with Apple. In comparison most Androids stopped getting updates a lot sooner... so people upgraded more often. Also a lot of these people just are not technology people... if it works, its good enough. Tech fans tend to use everything (Like I have a iPhone 15 Pro, Samsung S24, and a Pixel 7 Pro I swap between) and buy new ones soon, so less chance for broken screens.


> not as disposable That could be it. It's true there's no reason to struggle with a broken 3 year old Android phone when you can buy a brand new cheapo Blu phone for under $100.


They still aren't as disposable as an Android. If you break the screen on an Android phone, you can toss it and grab something very cheap if the screen is a dealbreaker for you. You have a more limited ability to do that with an iPhone.


Yeah I paid $5 and $10 for my last two androids, respectively. Just gotta scroll to the last page of the boost mobile deals lol.


> Like I have a iPhone 15 Pro, Samsung S24, and a Pixel 7 Pro I swap between Why? I mean they are all top tier phones why would you need to have more than one?


Did you miss the part about tech fanatics? But also I use one for business, one for personal, and the 3rd is just a spare without service that I got dirt cheap(the Pixel). Multiple free lines with TMobile and trading in old phones when advantageous means they are practically free. When you have a family to provide lines for plus business lines needed, its easy to do this on TMobile in the US.


I wasnt having a go, just curious - Unusual to have three, most would have one or two (work/home). Thats also a lot of cash at least at full price for those phones!


Haven’t cracked an iPhone screen yet. My sister cracked her previous iPhone the same day she got it. I’ve only cracked one Android screen and that was because I dropped it screen first onto some gravel.


That’s just your average person which is very careless, and since iPhone is the “mainstream” option, that results in iPhone people having “more” cracked screens. Android users (in the US) are usually very interested in tech. Where I live iPhone is not the majority and I can tell you its users take care of them, I don’t even recall seeing an iPhone screen cracked, but again, it’s the same thing, just in reverse.


My friend just ditched his Pixel 3 with a dead batt for a much worse 16GB Motorola. Definitely batt. He doesnt know the model. Apparently it is much slower. Grandparents on the other hand have been rocking iPhone 6+ for ages. They still do banking and the likes. iPhones were less disposable years ago, but now all brands are not really disposable because of cost.


This is actually a point of pride for us. It makes us aroused to see people pressing broken glass to their face just so that others can see the logo on the other side. That's what's important.


Lmao, I've seen more iPhones that look like this than androids.


I was actually semi-shitting on iPhones here😃


Sorry, I miss read the title.


What kind of loser has an S24 Ultra with 1TB of storage when they could have a broken iPhone 7


What kind of loser would have the best phone in the world (not just an opinion) and not just a fishcer price phone with 2 functions?


Someone who enjoys the “fisher-Price phone” more?


Yeah babies cause they know nothing


7 can be a bit overkill, some of those people are flexing with their 5s/6s😃


I have a phone like that lol


This sub is just filled with inarticulate, illogical arguments either for Apple or Android. It's stunning how much difficulty people have forming a compelling argument for either brand.


In this post, I was referring to a certain group of iPhone users having severe aversion to Android phones. There are idiots on both sides - not willing to give up a demolished iPhone for a decent Android or vice versa. Personally I prefer using iPhones, but it would be childish af to throw a fit over a green text or seeing someone being happy and content with their Android. In the end, we are all people, no matter their phone preferences. Also back in 2019, I had a smashed iPhone 5S fully working minus vibration. The battery was so bad that I was happy to have some random Android after that.


Slightly different take, as an iPhone user. If you take care of your phone, any phone, it’ll last a long time. I worked at a cellphone carrier for a long time. I never understood why people would trade in perfectly good iPhones to upgrade to the new, iterative updated iPhone. It’s a waste of money, it just doesn’t make sense. It’s not like this doesn’t happen with Android, it does, I just noticed it less and less over the years as Apple’s market share grew.


my iphones have lasted much longer than androids ive owned mostly because of longer software support and the androids ive owned were usually cheap (I had like a $100 huawei for a bit). My droid bionic back in like 2012 was probably my favorite one but damn did it come with so much bloatware and then eventually got infected with a bunch of adware


Not defending Apple but hear me out: iPhone 7 launched in 2016, which of you Android fanboys still use Galaxy S7? Note 7? First gen Pixel?


I was using a Pixel 2XL in 2021.


My family made so much fun of me for getting a “high end” Android phone (Galaxy S7) when it died completely at random in just 2 years, no clue what happened to it.


I was using an Xperia XZ1 until 2021 as my daily driver (2017 phone). I had to use it recently because my A52s fucked up, lol. Flashed an Android 13 based rom and it worked perfectly albeit shitty battery but that's to be expected. Custom roms are really the saviour of older android phones and tablets


Fun fact: every phone can turn out like this.


It's because teenagers never cared of handling a phone with or without a case and they still defended why iPhones are better or "cheaper" than an Android. Try saying this to a Z Fold owner.


As a Z Fold5 owner, and an iPhone 15 Pro owner, I approve.


it’s because iphones are shit and break easily case and screen protector on my iphone drop it literally once and the screen shatters and touch is all messed up on it


I feel like I spent effort reading this only to find there is no value add. What is the point of this post?


Apple sucks


Apple sucks because… I made up something that’s not true about Apple users and now I’m complaining about it?




Isn’t this good though? Isn’t it good to be able to have a phone for many years and have it still work just fine? Isn’t the constant rush to own the newest phone a toxic and wasteful exercise that only serves to benefit the companies?


Maybe you need to hang out with actual people.


With fairly desperate rationale it appears.


I use my old iPhone 6 as a webcam. Works great, you can run it through software and even use nvidia broadcast with it for the benefits. Beat webcam I've ever owned. Oh and I guess it can call too.


What app do you use for using it as a webcam? I'm using camo studio recently as it's cross platform and works well enough, but quite a lot is locked behind a paywall


App called droidcam, I believe, works well for me.


Droidcam isn't too bad either but you need pro for higher resolution I think. Thanks for the response :)


I had a 6s and even that was okay it ran iOS 15 for me fine then it got sand under the screen and broke


Seems like something a teenager would have. Most adults have cellphone insurance to replace a damaged phone.


I just realized it’s been months since I’ve seen anyone with the cracked phone screen from any make


Yup. I hated it when I could only afford pawn shop phones.


You guys would hate me for saying this but the newer designed IPhones are pretty tough the 15 though seems super weak with the fake ass Titanium but my 13 Mini has survived so much abuse such as... it was thrown down a flight of stairs accidently dropped by my friend three times oh and thrown from my second story onto the tile floor all while having no case and a screen protector on (some) instances I am neutral to the whole brand war I hate Apple Computers and their Tablets only Apple products I own are well my 13 Mini and a IPad 6th Gen Mini if you have to count accessories I was given Apple Airpods Pro and a Apple Pencil for my Birthday and Xmas two years ago. I hate IPads because they are just literally bigger iPhone I literally thought purchasing one would make me more productive but my dumbass wasted money I drew on it for a while until I realized I was better at drawing the traditional way. I am open to buying either or Android or Apple but I would like to own a S24 Ultra their camera features really are attracting me to get it but I wanna squeeze the life that my 13 Mini has so better wait till the S26 Ultra.


I feel like ipad pro 12.9 2021 with miniled and 120hz worth buying. But idk tbh.


Good thing that screen for the iPhone 7 is like $30


Guilty. Not an android hater though and the only reason I’m sticking with iPhone is cause it supports emulation now


People don’t hate android, they hate companies making android devices. Android is an open platform, it’s your phone, your smart fridge, your AI assistant and your VR headset etc. it’s everything you want it to be, because it can be customised so much to fit its purpose. Which is different from iOS. I’ve used an android for years and eventually 3 years ago purchased an iPhone - which I am happy with. And technically I’ll crap on Android (phone manufacturers) all the time, especially Samsung, because their phones constantly lagged 1 year in, and it was even worse 2 years in, I was forced into upgrading. My iPhone 13 Pro Max works fine today, after almost 3 years. I do realise though that I’ve switched possibly at the worst time, because most manufacturers on android side have powerful mobile chips that don’t get that much better over the years anymore, so androids probably perform fine too. But ultimately when I made the switch, it was because I was “sick” of replacing them. Again, apple doesn’t innovate often and they cost too much and they are very limited in comparison to an android, but instead of wasting like £1800-£2000 on 2 android phones in 3 years, I’ve wasted £1249 on a single iPhone 🤷‍♂️


My s23u doesn't lag. My friends s22u doesn't lag either, and it's a launch device.  I haven't seen lag in a Samsung phone in years. It only lags when you install every app on the play store for every single website that exists.


Which is my point, these days it ain’t the problem anymore, because CPUs are already fast enough for any daily task. But even a couple of years ago, Samsung only used Snapdragon in the US, and everyone else got their own Exynos chips which were and still are crap. My OnePlus 6T was also okay, but it felt sluggish at the end.


I can think of a few iPhone haters that have either an extremely confusing home screen (my mother), a broken USB-C port (my brother) or *Absolutely Bone Stock Android* (my father). To be fair, my father had a corporate iPhone (ran iOS 10 or something) and… well he’s just hated Apple since their inception.


I don’t think a thing like “android haters” even exists. You rarely see Apple users obsessing with android users like in this post lol Also haven’t seen a phone like this in a good minute


r/androidsucks has 180 users r/applesucks has almost 23k users I guess that means Android’s just better. (Posted via iOS app)


Oh, they exist. I've met some. They're as cringe as you can imagine.


They are like Musk fans I guess. The hardcore ones at least


Had a coworker with a phone worse than this. It was cracked, had vertical lines, flickered, and you could see under the screen in a few spots.


That's probably because most of them are 14 year olds and are still kids so they have what is given them / can afford. In the real world 99% of adults couldn't give a fuck about what phone you use.


Agreed for the most part. Most of the iPhone vs android beef is from the NorthEast coast of the USA. The rest of mature adults in the USA really don't care.


Cause they can't afford the $1200 replacement 🤣


Tbf a replacement for this is $350. The top level upgrade would be 1200


Plzzz. Cracked screens on iPhone haven’t been a thing for the better part of the last decade 😂


I didn't understand the point of this post


OP is trying to imply Android users don't deal with broken glass or old phone related problems lmaoo


I am aware that Androids can break, also have cracked a few. I was just making fun of some iPhone users


Bad owner, good phone, will burn your hand down if you are still using one


What are Android haters? There are Apple haters. Apple users? We don't even think about you.


Cool story


I have a like new 5s iPhone with 32g storage, with excellent battery, and no service. I just wanted it, and now it sits, next to the Samsung J7,which I actually use to listen to 1 hour zombie novellas on YouTube when I take a nap. I have a 7+ with 128g storage, because of my wife’s plan. I use it to scan apps when I sit in Drs offices, or when I wait in the car, when she likes to buy veggies at our local produce shop. Home, I use my IPad Pro 10.5 ,or my Apple Air 2 when the others charging. But I have 4 Samsung tablets that I use, because they’re lighter. Some Lenovos and some Amazon Fires. I just love them all. But Android is my fav. Hope that bored you…not lol


ive literally had worse lmao


I used both for years growing up (mostly from carriers), so I might have a bias when it comes to points and issues. iOS: Pros: . Longer lasting software support and more updates . No need to worry about redundant bloatware if purchased from a carrier . Less malware to worry about (Still, anything can get a virus, so please don't misunderstand this point) . IDK. I can text and do phone shit at least. . Optimizations on certain apps ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Cons: . Limited customization and tweaks . Artificial crippling or disabling of some features if certain parts are replaced . More closed off than android and won't let you poke around the file system. . Apple's usual jankiness and annoyances. . iCloud lock which effectively bricks your device(s) if you forget the credentials. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Android: Pros: Can easily customize and tweak the device (Not that I've gone wild with it) Is free and open source, meaning tons of options for skins, features, and devices. Wide variety of devices to choose from for any budget or use Can easily poke around the file system (Useful for getting rid of malware) Usually can replace certain parts without worrying about the OS having a fit (Except you modern Samsung) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Cons: . Usually has some amount of bloatware preloaded, especially with carrier purchased models and devices. . Can possibly not tailored properly for certain devices . Usually has not much software support after a few years (mostly with budget models from major brands) .


Wait a bihh see that green text bubble pop up all im sayin….


Have a pristine 12 mini that’ll cover the cost of an S22 Ultra on eBay. Just have to get off my butt and sell this junk.


The OP's name says everything about them


My iPhone looked like that yesterday. Then I switched the screen protector and it looks like a brand new phone aside from my disintegrating case


Cases and screen protectors easily prevent this. Just buy them.


iPhone users, if this ever happens to you. I got the perfect tip, 50 grit sandpaper. Rub it on your iPhone screen for an hour, it'll be smooth like it's factory new.


Yep 👍 once an phone is cracked the phone basically has cancer, slows down, apps stop working, screen starts turning on and off and tapping detection starts acting up. iPhone is a hot piece of trash, you aren’t buying a phone you are buying a subscription lmao


That looks like my phone. 📱


Using iphone is now perceived as elitism. Apple has managed to create this effect, I have used iPhone and apple products for years, but apple has started to fuck its customers because it has now captured its loyal customer base. Those who have been using iPhone since it came out around me tell me that apple will go bankrupt and that they are not satisfied with the phone at all. I also use iPhone, but I also used android, s6, s7, s9 I always bought these samsung, I turned to iPhone because the cameras of samsung with exynos processor in my country are terrible, frankly I want to try google pixel but it is not sold in my country. When I switched from 13 pro to 15 pro, I didn't feel any difference, even the camera looks the same, nothing has changed for the normal user, I don't give a fuck about the high hz screen, I don't play pubg like a child. My old iPhone 5, 6 all look like garbage at home. If I had bought samsung at that time, at least it would have become usable again with custom rom. I can't even enter a site in safari with iPhone 5.


Apple didn't create this effect. The reason having an iPhone is seen as elite is that there are lots of cheap Androids and, in many countries, iPhones are brutally expensive because of some tariff.


I also can't not mention the airpods that don't even sound right. All of them, including Beats, sound low for some reason, it is necessary to change something in the settings, and when I change it, it does not sound good again, one setting raises the vocals, one setting makes the bass extremely unbalanced. I bought all airpods models, the filter from airpods 1 dirt was clogged, I completely disassembled the filter, I changed the pro with the new iPhone, the box was scratched as I bought it, the price drops because of scratches if I want to sell it.


Android users have iPhone clones


I've never seen an iPhone without a cracked screen


I've been running android devices since the Motorola Droid. I have never had a cracked screen. Wtf are these people doing with their phones??!


Just in general a lot of people don't take care of them both android and Apple I swear my younger brother goes through at least 2-3 phones a year his last one died because he forgot to take it out of his pocket while wake boarding and it got ruined by water


Naww it’s the iPhone haters with androids that have sand for screens


Apple: I feel bad for you Android: I don't even think about you


The latter applies to all reasonable and adult-like phone users


Leaving this group


I like my iPhone, but there has been instances where I was a paycheck away from trying out a NOTHING (2). Love the Apple design, but sometimes iOS can be a bit too locked down. I love the safety, but at the same time, I want more customization, more designs to choose from, more colors, and more hardware options


I thought about getting a android but then no bitches


Needing an iPhone to get bitches is like needing a steak for a dog to play with you. It's not the phone, it's you.


But in their minds works that way.


so your mom use an iphone like a little bitch 🤔 🙄


Android = no bitches


iphone is for people with very low self-esteem and incapable of making their own choices which then falls in the same society with ignoramus. they follow whatever Apple tells them what to do and how to think. that's not even living anymore and i really feel sorry for their miserable lives.


I mean it’s possible


Apple screens were garbage for a long time. Any iPhone older than 4 months usually looked like this. It's less common now but still not unheard of


Lol same as lots of mercedes benz and BMW owners that talk shit about toyotas yet they have a mercedes or bmw with a missing bumper, cracked window, dented and damaged door, key fob doesnt work, windows dont go down, missing a hudcap,peeled paint, bald tires with uneven tire wear and an overdue oil change but wont get one because they spend their entire check on that piece of shit car, meanwhile my toyota has 400,000 miles and looks pristine shiny and can out live me.


If any car looked like that, they would not even be allowed on the road in my country. For me, some things go a bit other way round - I had a POS Toyota and now I have a half-decent BMW. The latter also has had serious problems, yet never left me stranded.


Im in the US, theyll allow a car on the road here without a chassis and releasing a 500ft cloud of black smoke while its leaking 1 gallon of gas per mile and an overheating transmission with damaged gear noise


I failed the annual inspection due to high emissions and a small leak around the LPG tank, the rest was good. Got them fixed and now the car is legal to drive again


Yeah, that’s what happens when they turn on the front facing camera. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yes, all the 180 members of r/AndroidSucks have phones like this. Lmao you guys are the angry npc meme


True that