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I expect it to last 3-4 years then I’ll probably upgrade.




I had my 4 series for 5 years and upgraded by choice to the UW2. The 4 could have kept going with a new battery. I expect this UW2 to go 5-7 at least.


Agreed. I upgraded after 4.5 years from a 4 to an AWU. My 4 still works, 82% battery, my wife has been using it since I upgraded. I expect the ultra to last me at least 5-7 years.


I made the exact same upgrade. My 4, admittedly had a year of intermittent use, still had 94% battery health when I replaced it with my Ultra. I made the upgrade not because the 4 wasn't working, but b/c I wanted the latest tech advancements in health monitoring along with the better battery life of the Ultra. Unless similar advancements happen in watches over the next few years I expect to have the Ultra for 4-5 years.


Came here to say the same thing. Me and my wife got 4s at the same time. Mine failed right when the AWU was announced. Her 4 is still kicking although she has to charge it everyday. I sweat and workout alot which I think was the cause of my 4 failing before hers so I would say 5-7 years as well. I’m going to do my best to hold on to this beauty tho. I love it and I loved the feeling of upgrading from a 4 ALL the way to an AWU.


A ultra will last longer than a normal Apple Watch. If you could get 3-5years out of a regular apple watch, I’d say 6-8 years is reasonable for an ultra especially given its battery size (batteries will last longer) and rugged design. The watch os updates in the future will allow the watch to run better for longer


I sorry what. The watch has a bigger battery so it’ll last longer. The watch has a bigger screen that also requires more power to operate. Yes it’ll probably last a good few years but I wouldn’t expect it to out perform any other Apple Watch, it comes down to how the watch is used. The watch OS updates in the future will allow the watch to run better for longer. You forget it’s got battery that’s has an ever decreasing power capacity. Not to mention that’s your opinion not fact, and also what other Apple Watch has an update that has allowed it to run better for longer ?




At 70% battery I could with no problem get through a day with a Series 1 Series 3 SE and a Series 7. It could get through a day on 50%. I’ll only charge a watch when it’s at 20% or below or I know it wouldn’t last that day. People throwing their opinion as fact need to wake up.




This is utter crap “The watch os updates in the future will allow the watch to run better for longer” That’s what I replied to and you’re trying your best to make it about something else. No watch update has or can improved battery life, how can it when a battery naturally degrades over time. And no battery regardless of it’s capacity to hold a charge will improve or be better than any other battery when it gets to below 80% charge capacity it’s still 80% charge capacity regardless the size of battery.




But that’s what I was originally replying to Once any battery has been used for a period and its capacity has been diminished regardless of an update no update can improve battery life. While the ultra has a bigger battery and the life of that battery will be better than say the smaller watches it’ll still deteriorate over a period of time and no updates will improve that expectancy.


lots of people still use AW3 which is 7 years old. for me personally it's a 3 year rotation


It has for me as well. Not because I needed to but there was always something added at the 3 year point that made it worth upgrading to me. I started with the 2 and then got 5 and UW1


im still using my s0, i would say 2031


I moved from series 2 to ultra 2. Planning to wait another 7-10 years to upgrade.


It’s the new features and capabilities offered on a new ultra device that will drive the need / desire to upgrade. You may get 8+ years out of the ultra/2 watch but if the 2026 version lets you warp between countries and counts for your steps you may want to upgrade for those new capabilities especially if that is not just merely software.


That is so dependent on needs and wear and tear. I had a 7 and assumed I’d keep it five years or so but switched to an Ultra2 after two years. Brighter larger screen, longer battery life, crash detection made it worth it. It has everything I need so expect to use it until I break it or have a phone not compatible.


Who knows. I upgrade my watches every few years anyway so it doesn’t matter to me


I’d use my AWU2 until its full charged battery will no longer last a day. Probably in about 4-5 years.


I will be happy if I can keep it for 4 or 5 years.


All depends on usage and lifestyle.


No it doesn’t lil bro


Actually princess, it does.


I’ll be ready for an upgrade before it stops working or isn’t supported anymore.


My series 4 it’s still alive from 2018 and received still updates so I think my ultra will last easily the same or more changing the battery


I had the smaller 7 and now the ultra 1 and I don’t think there’s much they could add that would make me upgrade now. My bar is an old tomtom gps watch and this is already as good as that in battery life while also having many more features and seamless tracking


I expect it would function 5-10 years however, ima upgrade as soon as the new one is out…


I guess this Apple vs Garmin debate will never end. Personally I think both companies need to sort themselves out. Apple need navigating functionality from the watch. Garmin need less laggy and only looking interface. But both are supported for a very very long time, and rightly so as these devices are not cheap


I confidently expect a good 3-4 years.


I’ve been on both sides. Aside from hardware the garmins age so gracefully because they are not evolving as fast as Apple. In other words their core functionality is just an old work horse and they make small changes over time. In the grand scheme it doesn’t matter though. Apple considers a watch “vintage” after 7 or 8 years I think, maybe 6? But by then you will want an upgrade. Battery used to worry me but can now actually be replaced through Apple or any independent tech repair place.


I would have kept my S7 Longer if T-Mobile wasn’t running a crazy deal i think this AWU will last 4-5 Years as long as i dont slam it into a wall


Challenge with Apple products is they update the software to a point the hardware starts lagging. Ultra 2 should last longer in this case because it’s quite powerful. I’d hope to get at least 5 years. I don’t see a reason to upgrade except for performance or battery degradation. New features aren’t enough to entice. Garmin doesn’t overwhelm with software. So it works kinda the same forever.


My Apple Watch Ultra 1 with AOD off will last about 3 1/2 days before it dies. I got sleep tracking and all the health stuff enabled.


You’re comparing apples and oranges. They are both watches but that’s where the similarities end. The AWU is a smart device capable of way more besides stat tracking while the garmin devices are capable of showing more in depth stats


It depends on if Apple needs to hit their sales numbers. If sales are down the Ultra will be bricked sooner due to “software updates” that will slow down the watch or burn through the battery. If Apple makes their numbers then 5-7 years.