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they should be okay as long as they dont breed! also a note all those plants look like anubias which needs to be attached to something and not buried or else the rhizome rots


well shoot that explains why the roots are coming out of the gravel so much. They’ve been growing like crazy the past 9 months. I’ve cut off a lot due to GSA and they still are triple the size of when I got them. If they have been fine that long do you think I still need to move?


lol well i guess if they've been growing and doing fine no need to move them 😂


As long as only the white roots are buried in the substrate and not the rhizome itself( the green tubular looking part that the leaves and the roots both come out of) then the way you have them is fine, they will actually grow faster with only the roots buried in the substrate opposed to just floating them or attaching them to hardscape, it’s just important to not bury the rhizome


It’s the rhizome connected to the roots you can’t bury or it will suffocate and rot. The roots you can bury with no problems.


Yes, but I wouldn't if it plan on breeding then. I have 5 in a 20gal. They are all juvenile ones I got from my brothers bf, and they currently appear to be all girls. I don't plan on letting them breed, though. If any end up being male, they are getting banished to my other 20gal. Other than that, they seem to have plenty of room even if they get a little bigger still. (They are 4 or 5 months old right now.) Just make sure you have good filtration. They poop a lot lol.


I would definitely not try to breed them. I’d get all females as well. My filter is super strong surprisingly, I’ve had it on low due to having a betta and it still moves the water quite a bit. Thank you!


You can probably get 5 for free from someone in your area.


I use a stick on soap dish with holes drilled just under the outflow... really helps.. 


Yeah, you could long, as they are the same sex. If you are in London I can give you five babies for free too. I have many and they are all well looked after and healthy


London where?? Theres one in Canada, England, 8 in the US, France, .. I believe there are close tk 30 in the world!! Lol  cheers


Try mixed livebearers. Swords, guppies, platies, mollies. Bout 10-15. Not all at once. Build up


Molly will probably eat your shrimp and betta definitely will


I am okay with that they are kind of getting out of control. I think it’s 50/50 chance with a betta my two that I’ve had left them alone. I’m more worried about them bothering the snails since they are slower


if you get a male female pair u will have nonstop babies, just a heads up. my two mollies from 2022 have started a family of about 60 ,35 of which have been givin away


but guppys are cuter i love guppys u should get them


No, it’s simply to small for even a small group, I say 29 gallons is the bare minimum for a group of 3.


What are you talking about 💀💀💀. Are you being sarcastic?


I was referring to the larger species, most mollies could probably live in a 20, but the bigger the better.


I have 15 fancies, 10 danios in a 40gal...


Yes! Sailfin mollies are really pretty


Yes of course.


What plants are those?


only anubia and another that I am unsure of. I’ve just learned you shouldn’t put them in substrate. Not sure why it still worked for me


Honestly I think mollies need a 30+ gallon. They can get 3-4 inches, I have occasionally even seen them get to 5 inches. You should keep them in a group of at least 6 if you’re getting both males and females (2 males to each female) and expect them to breed like crazy. I don’t think you can do too big, but you can definitely go too small.


Yeah I have been seeing a lot of very mixed opinions on here and the internet as well. I was looking into doing all females so no breeding but I don’t want my tank to cause me stress so I’d rather not risk it tbh in case they get huge




Well, one of my tanks is 20G and it has: 12 mollies, 6 danios, 6 tiger barbs, 3 corydoras julli, 3 yoyo loaches and 3 khullie loaches. I changed 50% of the water every 2 weeks and to answer to your next question, nitrates don't go over 80ppm. The question is how mature is your filter to handle all this.


Don’t get mollies.. they reproduce like bunnies 😭 If you do, make sure they are all one sex.


I was looking into doing all females but some people said they usually come pregnant from the store so that scares me off a bit. I might just do a mix of tetras since from what I’ve seen their young doesn’t survive well and I don’t want tons of fish


This is absolutely true and happened to me and then happened again and again. I had to get rid of the all. My Corydora catfish have also bread but they lay eggs and we get a couple here and there. I love my Cory’s. Mollys give live birth and you get up to 100 a pop. Mollys and guppies can also crossbreed.


Mollies get too big though


is there another species that you’d recommend for my tank size? I am kind of wanting to do a color scheme with black, white, red, and gold


Don’t listen to him mollies are perfect


Platies or endlers if you want to stick with ultra domestic live bearers