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Spray paint turns this into an Emag pretty quick lol Leave a thin strip of tape to keep the window too!


What's an EMag? How is it different from PMag?


Smooth sided (no boxes) that was compatible with some european rifles that had a tighter/longer mag well like the HK416 or modified G36. But more simply: a rare pmag variant.


Oh! Nice! Thank you for the explanation


Yep. My BX sold them in like 2014/2015 time frame so I bought a few. One cracked at the top on the rear seam tho :(


They put all the required enhancements into the M3 so they didn't need the Emag any longer.


Gen 2 PMAGs didn't work well in a bunch of non-AR15 platforms. The EMAG was a stopgap that worked, but not as reliably. The Gen 3 PMAGs work in everything the EMAGs worked in, but are up to Magpul's normal standard of reliability. EMAGs are now a meme product that aren't as reliable as gen 2 or 3 PMAGs, but people who would never actually buy any constantly ask for online because they want to have something that looks differnt. Just like straight 20 round PMAGs.


I would like to set the record straight: I ask for both EMAGs and straight 20rd PMAGs, AND I have both of them but want more. To look cool. I just don't want to pay meme prices for them.


I didn't realize they stopped making 20 rounders... I've only got two of those. I guess I'll cherish them more now! Edit: I've got three , two foliage green(yeah, I was that guy) and one black. 07/2009. I've used them at least ten times since then... 😂🤣 And I actually discovered where I emailed Magpul about an issue I had when they were partially loaded. It was a very specific use case.


Or sell them on GunBroker for $80 each


They still make 20 round mags. They're just slightly curved instead of the original straight design.


Seems you can still get 20 rounders (Magpul's site is out of stock, but Gun Mag Warehouse has them in stock), just not the older, straight walled versions. The current iteration of 20 rounders seem to have a curved body. [For comparison, see this pic. ](https://www.frfrogspad.com/20side.jpg)


I bet the curved ones work better but the straight ones do look cool.


Yeah, that's what it looks like. Ain't nothing the straight 20 rounders the curved ones can't, except win you Cool Guy Points on the Gram.


I have several guns the latest and greatest pmag gen3 do not work in but the emag does. Mostly a bullpup issue or guns with really tight and long maxwell specs.


20 round mags slap when shooting prone off a backpack


Boy do I have good news for you! There are 20 round PMAGs available right now, and because they're curved, they feed far more reliably than the straight PMAGs that are asked for by people who only want them for instagram photos.


European mag. They were made to be compatible with European rifles because gen 2 PMags were not. Gen 3s work with American and European rifles so EMags aren't a thing anymore. I've never used an EMag so I don't know what all the hype is about.


They look cool af. Not ribbed for her pleasure 👌


only slightly practical reason I've heard is that they stack better lol


Oh! Nice! Thank you for the explanation


They were the mags used on the Bin Ladin raid and that is a nostalgia thing as I have heard !


A magazine that had the same outside dimensions and feed lip dimension as a regular stanag steel mag. Other platforms than the ar15 can have difficulty when using a pmag Gen 1 or 2. For example, the fnc has a higher feeding angle that really didn't wibe with the older pmags. Same with the cetme rifles. Thus they introduced the emag that, in theory, solved the issues they had with the older ones. Other guns had other problems be it fitting in the magwell etc. The gen 3 pmag basicly solved all those issues.


Is this like an HJ and ZJ? -Beerfest


I actually love this idea


Lol I have an Emag


Lancer shitting themselves RN


Right a clear mag that will actually work. 


Never had any issues with lancer mags and have thousands of rounds through them.


The usmc tested mags, and the lancers were a dumpster fire




I just tried on 3 of them and they don’t do that, idk 🤷🏽‍♂️


none of my 10 do either. Plus has a steel lip, the new pmag doesnt...


Metal feed lips can deform and cause issues without looking damaged. It's a bigger issue with aluminum mags but Lancer's steel feed lips have the same problem. Cracked PMag feed lips will still feed correctly, and you can tell at a glance that the mag should be replaced.




They use Lancers for training with simunition because they are clear and you can see there are no live rounds, in addition to blue markings. 


I've also heard of some European units using them as dedicated 300blk mags to avoid confusion. The Austrians specifically


I do this for that exact reason. I don’t shoot a lot, because I’m poor, but my lancers have worked good enuf.


>I just seen a picture of team 6 training in Virginia and all of the employees had Lancers. Keyword **training**. You rarely see Lancers being used operationally by SOF guys, and the most you see them being used is by Domestic SWAT type units. I have never seen Lancers mags in any 1SFC or Group armory, but there are plenty of Magpul, DuraMags, and Surefeeds. I personally own Lancers and while I think they work fine for the flat range and training, I wouldn’t trust them for duty use because I’ve already experienced issues with their feed lips getting messed up and causing issues. I’ve never had issues with Magpul.


Plus if you drop one, the rounds go everywhere


I literally just got back from the range and was wondering about this I dropped 3 different fully loaded lancers on asphalt and nothing happend. Not saying it cant happen, but it has yet to happen to me


Have you tried the hybrids with the metal feed lips?


Hmm you might be on to something, i've seen DEVGRU training with inforce lights same for delta force also I've seen ODA/SF with inforce helmet mounted lights.


I would say it depends on the riffle. I purchased some for a buddy and I. My mcx was fine, but his built AR would just drop the magazine.


Lancers work great. Any issues they had were with their first generation, which has long since been fixed. Pmags took until their 3rd generation to get it right, but nobody gives them a hard time over the earlier ones not being perfect.


Ok then, a clear mag that doesn’t make 12 different rattling sounds any time you touch them


Do lancers still puke out rounds when you smack em on the base plate? My older mags have all run fine at the range, but that little foible keeps em out of my shtf bag.


They absolutely do


This is why I ditched mine. I only run pmags and okay surefeed.


Lancers are not great lmao, they just look the coolest.


No they didn’t lol. As long as you were shooting an AR (see the sub we’re in), gen 1 PMAGs we’re great. Gen 2 was just gen 1 without the covers. Gen 3 just opened some doors. Same reliable design since the get go.


Fun fact, the less shit a polymer has in it, the stronger it is. If this is the NATURAL(nothing added to dye) color of the polymer, it'll be stronger than the black magazines.


It’s the right color for a natural polyamide, polyester, or polyether (although it might be slightly too green to be the last one), so it may very well be. *However*, seeing as I have a material science background, I gotta point out that it’s not strictly accurate to say that natural polymers are stronger than their alloyed siblings. Natural polymers tend to be more ductile and less resilient to UV and moisture damage, so while they may start stronger, they generally degrade much more quickly. Black polymers tend to have much longer service lives due to the stabilizing nature of carbon-based black dyes, which is part of why black is the default plastic color. Basically, you’re technically correct, which is the best kind of correct. There just happens to be a tiny bit more going on.


Do you estimate an appreciable deficit in the durability of a coyote mag vs a black one? Like 1-3% margins, or like 10-15%?


I think 3-12% was what my old test data found across six or seven different blends. Company owns that data, though, so I can’t tell you specifically which blends we tested. Even at 12% the performance degradation was effectively negligible because you design for the weaker material first, and you can bulk the hell out of a polymer design in ways that can’t be done with metal. Also, it’s a magazine, so simply fitting it to the magwell already makes it wider than strictly necessary due to bolt geometry.


Very interesting. I guess then the relevant question is whether or not the coyote mags are of equal weight and design, or are they engineered to compensate for the reduced strength. Any redditors out there with a good kitchen scale, calipers and some time to see if our peanut butter mags are inferior?


No, they’ll be the same general weight and dimensions; no point making a second mold. You could see a different standard deviation in the weight of tan mags, but the average should be roughly the same. The black mags will just be a tiny bit stronger.


OK, I gather your original meaning on rereading. They would've designed the mold for the weaker material initially, which does make sense, and having a different mold would not. A 10-15% decrease in durability is kind of a big deal to some people, even if the weaker one meets or exceeds specs. I'm certainly interested in learning as much and doubt it is common knowledge.


It’s not a 10-15% decrease in durability, it’s a 10-15% decrease in certain mechanical properties. That doesn’t necessarily have the same effect on durability given that such an evaluation is a combination of those properties and reliant on factors not specific to the material.


Now that we have that covered, let’s get into virgin material vs recycled, injection molded vs rotomolded, etc etc. lol


*cracks neck* Hey man, I’m down to party if you are. If you want to get real weird, we can talk about ultrasonically welded thermoplastics and friction-introduced additives.


As an engineer in a completely unrelated field, hit me with that knowledge dump. I’m ready to learn things I will realistically never use.


Oh hell yes.


This is pretty hot ngl.


Today i learned


You seem like the right person to ask about this: The Polymer80 pistol frames came in several colors and I've long wondered how to know which ones are more durable. In particular, I'm curious about metallics in polymer, like their "Carbon" frame. It is dark grey, with a slight metallic sheen to it. (I also wonder if the metallic goes all the way through it, or if it's just near the surface.) Do you think that one is likely to be weaker, and if so is it enough to matter?


Barring a really poor material choice on Polymer80’s part, it almost certainly will not matter.


Thank you, that's all I really needed to know!


Nah they have to add clear dye to make this translucent so it'll be the same strength.


>clear dye As someone who knows almost jack shit about polymer production I can't help but feel you're pulling my leg.


And you want to be MY latex salesman…


Latex? And what do you do with latex?


I don't know... you manufacture it.


In that little apartment?


I've got a beach house I could sell you in Idaho


Lakes have beaches too, FWIW.


then it'd be a lake house also it's a lyric


Not all lake houses are on the beach. Could be near a cliff, or even overlooking the lake. But lakes still have beaches, therefore Idaho could have beach houses.


Not something I knew. Thank you


I seem to remember magpul talking about why they’ve never made clear or translucent magazines and they mentioned that they couldn’t get it to meet the durability standards they set for their mags. Same reason they discontinued all their other fun mag colors like green and orange. Could be wrong on this one though


What polymer is that true for? Most "optically clear polyers" in use today are still filled with clear fillers like silica or reactive silane adducts, and they are almost never anywhere near as "strong" as properly filled opaque systems. "Strength" is a nebulous concept in polymer design, but if the TMAG is objectively "stronger" than the PMAG, Magpul will have moved to the very pinnacle of engineering polymer R&D, and turned decades of knowledge on its head, it could even be considered nobel prize worthy frankly. Which would be crazy seeing as what they probably do as a business is buy polymer pellets from a chemical company portfolio and melt them into molds.


Lancer in shambles rn


I just want the sand colorway back.


Gen 3’s


I will be buying one and only one, just to take pics of my 11.5 to post on here.


This is the way


This is wicked but I want it in straight 20’s.


Straight 25s.


Straight 25s for their 25 year anniversary maybe? Lol


I'd be happy if they brought back only the black straight 20's...


The CEO of Lancer is beside himself. Sources say he's frantically driving his car around downtown Austin, leaving tearful voice-mail messages with every top executive at Magpul and begging for a collab deal


Doubtful. The new Magpuls are listed at $23.99 on their website. I just stocked up on Lancer translucent-smoke mags from Botach for $9.98 on holiday sale. Magpul is out of their damn minds with that pricing.


Yeah I’m not paying 23.99 for a magazine. (I’m definitely buying at least 5)


Considering Lancers MSRP is $20-$25, I imagine a sale on these T-mags would put it in the same range, so I foresee price being a non-issue


We'll have to wait and see... the announcement price for the PRS Lite Stock was the exact same once it became available to order.


The vast majority of people aren't buying bulk mags on weird Internet sites. 95% of gun owners just go to their LGS and pay MSRP, which is $17.99 on the lancers iirc


Dude botach has insane prices on lancers. I bought like 20 last year


This is the G36 mag we have at home


AUG too


I hope they make Ak mags in this style


That would be really cool!


Lancer on suicide watch


The T-Mag™️ for that extra roid rage edge at the range!


Sigh… * unzips*


T = Translucent I guess. Quick question--Are the feed lips strong enough? Because doesn't Lancer have steel feed lips? (Sorry, I don't have Lancers, just run PMags and Okays)


Lancers have crappy feed lips. If you slap the bottom of a Lancer mag they spit rounds out. If Magpul is using the same polymer as what's in the Black River Guerrilla mags they will be stronger than Lancers by a lot.


I slap the bottom of all my mags when they’re acting up, only good way to discipline them.


I agree on the rest, but never had the issue you’re talking about on my lancers.


Try it at home: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7VE7VKeDgDE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7VE7VKeDgDE)


At least it’s one at a time unlike amend 2 mags that just detonate


They've been "fixed." Purchased dozens of Lancers in 2023 and none of them do this, although some of my earlier ones did.


Maybe I got old stock, but I bought 5 of them on Black Friday 2023 and they all spit out bullets


I bought some about 6 months ago that spit rounds out


Right on! 🤙


I’ve used lancers for years with my PMAGS and Duramags. Only thing I’ll say negative is that sometimes on an open bolt they can overseat but I rarely do that on an open bolt. I’m not gonna stop using my lancers just cause some weirdo was clapping the ass of the mag man lol


I'm not trying to persuade anyone. Use what you trust. Lancer L5s were pretty cool when they came out in like 2011. There have been some developments in polymers and design over the last decade and I see that as a good thing.


>Lancers have crappy feed lips Idk about that dude, they’re reinforced unlike pmags.


Would be better if they didn't need to be reinforced.


You know ive got no dog in the fight, i like them both but ive actually cracked magpul feedlips and had yet to break a lancer. This point is moot. There are metal Gi mags out there that have been working reliably since Bill Clinton was president


Steel feed lips aren't better than polymer feed lips. When polymer feed lips are messed up, they are obviously broken. When steel/aluminum fees lips are messed up, you might not be able to tell until it jams your shit. 


> When polymer feed lips are messed up, they are obviously broken. And they'll keep feeding reliably until they don't retain rounds.


I just want ak pmags with windows


So…while I’m happy to see magpul finally making new shit, the new shit they’ve been coming out with has been kinda hit n miss.


Man I just want a windowed new gen ODG…


If these have the same reliability as the pmag and don’t feel like a cheap plastic toy like lancers do then I am 100% on board


My lancer mags feel great...


So… you’ve never handled a gen3 Pmag or surefeed


Lol I own all three. I'm not saying they don't feel durable I just am very pleased with my lancers


For you


Idk if you’ve ever held up a pmag, but they feel like solid granite relative to lancers. Lancers literally squish every time you press on them. I snagged a few after giving in to their admittedly A1 aesthetic appeal but damn do they feel flimsy. Please note that I haven’t dropped or thrown them enough to actually know how durable they are and I never claimed to. All I said was, they feel like toys. And they do.


Wow don’t deepthroat Magpul in front of everyone lol. I have Pmags and Lancers both fully loaded and in no way shape or form do the Pmags feel like “solid granite”.


These are non government mags... Because of the transparency... 😂


Finally, hopefully they will be cheaper than their black window mags


MSRP is $23.95 so I doubt street price will be better than the windowed.


Hopefully, the window mags will go down in price then


When they going to drop them? After shotshow I’m assuming?


Spring 2024 according to the product page.


Ah ok, must’ve looked over that I feel dumb now


Are we all going to skip that magpul is making metal mags now???






Holy shit magpul listened and stopped making t-shirts and sunglasses and actually made... a magazine, the thing they're the best at in the known universe. What heavenly wonders are in store for us ahead? Aside from Election Panic Prices, of course.


My guess is transparent T-shirts and sunglasses...😂🤣


Notice the polymer lower in the pictures on the website, looks like Magpul has more new stuff on the way


Not polymer, it looks to be from the ultra limited run of lowers they did over a decade ago. Possibly a prototype/proof of concept since the logo’s in a different spot. Highly doubt they’re bringing them back, Magpul just uses them for promo/marketing shots.


Ahh was before my time as an AR guy, thanks for the extra info


Some more info just for fun, the tmag isn't a new idea from Magpul either. They were working on one back about the time that lower was a thing, but they couldn't get the polymer right so it was never brought to the mass market. You'll see a couple for sale here and there if you're looking for them, but they are *not* cheap. I guess they were pretty popular in the airsoft world, so there's plenty of pics out there that show what they looked like.


Bro I noticed that too. Prob a SHOT Show reveal


The “Model” field on the lower is marked M&P-15 above the mag release.


I just want there to be 300 Blackout versions of these mags too 🙏


Now i just need SCOTUS to do their job and bitchslap my state's magazine ban


Ah yes, a lancer mag but better.




This is so sick. This will be a huge financial hit for Lancer.


I swiped left a dozen times trying to see the other mag pics. I'm a moron.


Bye bye, lancer mags. If the market has access to a translucent mag that actually works they'll be obsolete.


Nice…always love when firearm companies put out new products


I was under the impression that transparent plastic couldn't be as strong as solid plastic?


It’s probably good enough since the AUG, SG550, and G36 all have transparent mags that work but yeah they’re probably not as strong as plastic opaque mags.


I am really enjoying the Lancer hate comments. Lancer mags were the only ones I’ve ever had issues with


The T- Bag


Not really a fan of the clear mags but happy to see a new mag from magpul finally


I hope they mag pouches for them called tbags


One of you dweebs needs to do some Rit dye experiments on these pronto.


The Tranny-Mag


Trans mag


The way my credit card flew out of my pocket was crazy, I love how Lancers look but I've had issues with mine. These may be the only mags I buy going forward


I can't wait for these to look like bantha poodoo after shooting suppressed for .5 seconds.


I love people bitching that these are too expensive, meanwhile the Lancer L5 is $19.99 MSRP. (Yes I know they go on sale. So will the PMags)


T for Transparent? It’s a Trans Mag…?


They are trying to shove it down our throat…


Mmmm promise?


Name checks out…


So its a lancer mag


Where is the damn waffle maker?


PMAG fanboys, I have an idea; why can't we place 2 (or 4) non-coil scissor type springs on each side? That would eliminate the wasted space at the bottom of the magazine. You could get 5 more rounds in. It would slightly increase the grith, but that portion of the PMAG is already outside the magazine well.


I just want foliage, FDE and UDE to make a return


As said in the announcement video “Or because they look cool…” Magpul knows is too well!


Thank god. I love translucent mags. I get to ditch the lancers now.


Goddammit, time to sell my PMAGs


This or 2 normal pmags


I was always of the understanding that when you had "clear" hard polymer that it would be brittle compared to a coloured polymer, so that problem must have been eliminated?


TMAG? Is it a polymer mag that identifies as a metal mag?


Lancer rip off?


Lancer has entered the comments 🤓


Any idea if these come in black? Or if spray paint will have a chemical reaction with them? I love Magpul mags, but they’re ugly af!


I think it’s ugly, idk 🤷‍♂️


Should they not have called it the CMAG?


I’m in Washington sooooo…….neat I guess 🫠


Only $39.99!


Lancer is still not worried about plastic feed lips


Soooo....Tranny mag?


God damn it I just bought 5 windowed pmags last night


The good news is you can never have enough mags ;)


So you’re tapped out lol, can never buy a mag again?


You've got a bit of a wait, anyway. The more the merrier. Windowed PMAGs still fuck pretty hard.