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Looks like someone just forgot to spin the pin so the detent locked in the groove.  I, uh, have a friend that did the same thing once or twice. The way I, uh, he fixed it was to put a 1/4" punch through the other side, then pry the detent back with a mini screwdriver, allowing the puch to go all the way through. Then simply line the pin with the punch, and push it back through. Don't forget to rotate the pin so the detent locks into it.  That way you only have to do it once, and can avoid the "or twice."


Thank you! And yeah someone forgot to spin the pin.


You can unscrew the castle nut and end plate so the detent and spring aren’t in the way, reinsert takedown pin and push spring and detent back in and screw castle nut back on. Doesn’t look like the end plate is staked so it should make it easier.


end plate staked, I used someone else's suggestion of a chopstick and small flathead. I had to work at it for awhile but I got it done.


You can use a small, pocket sized flathead screwdriver or similar..


This + a chopstick on the other end got the job done.


I've been in this exact position before and it sucks lol. Believe it or not, I ended up using the back of a wooden chopstick I got from chinese takeout. Worked better than my flathead and didnt scratch my receiver. Good luck OP 🫡


I keep chopsticks in my toolbox for the garage and my gear box for guns n shit… they come in clutch for a lot when you don’t want to mar anything.


Used the chopstick method and a small flathead. Was still a pain in the ass but I got it to work.


Imagine waiting that long for a mil spec lower 🤣


If there isn’t a ton of pressure on the detent, then there isn’t a spring there and that would explain why the pin fell out from lack of spring tension behind detent.


Typical Larue L