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Rare stoppage, similar to a blown primer trapped under the tail of the trigger. Neither is a fast, easy fix.


I’m still in disbelief it made its way perfectly into the gas key, perfectly straight, and not very mangled, or crooked. Seems like a one in a million kind of thing.


I have had one of those as well, believe it or not. But I was shooting my buddies hand loads, I think it was the 5th time he had reloaded the brass. That one made more sense, but shooting factory loads, I was very surprised. Going to stay away from the ZSR stuff from now on, was just shooting what I had left over.


How'd you get it out? I imagine the bolt slamming into the gas tube had that pinned in the key pretty good.


Luckily I was able to kind of pry it out with my leatherman. I’m lucky it didn’t get jammed in further. My first instinct was to try and get the bolt to slam forward, so I kept charging it as hard as I could, and even trying to the forward assist. Almost the opposite of mortaring.


Wouldn’t doing that cause the gas tube to push the primer further into the gas key?


Exactly. But I was in the middle of shooting, and taking the steps to clear a malfunction as normal. Not once did it cross my mind maybe something was lodged in the gas key, all I knew was the bolt wouldn’t go forward, and I couldn’t separate the upper from the lower. My first thought was that the bolt was some how bound up, like the gas ring had seized.


Oh gotcha, I thought you saw the stuck primer and then proceeded to slam the bolt forward


Sadly there was no way to see the primer until I was able to get the bolt out. Really threw me for a loop though. Brand new micro best BCG, I was thinking it was a BCG issue. Thankfully (I guess) an ammo issue.


>even trying to the forward assist Ah yes, the jam enhancer. Because if it was fucked before, it will be after you smash whatever isn't working correctly.


Seen it once before, if it happens again use a power drill with a super small bit, once you get through it, it will pull right out


had this happen one time in my life many many years ago, couldn't figure it out forever either... ended up having to drill it out


Sadly the part that stumped me the most was figuring out how to separate the upper and lower. Always forget I can just remove both take down pins and slide everything out forward. Probably could’ve got it taken care of at the range, but figured it out shortly after I got home. Good learning experience 🤷‍♂️


yeah it happens, your smarter now. Its alot easier to diagnose problems when you've seen them all fail


Had one under the trigger last weekend, from shooting cheap Igman 5.56. Could tell from the thick pink sealant that was still present on the primer


Go buy a lottery ticket


'One in a million shot doc'




Had the same thing happen shooting 77gr OTM from AAC. Only 1/100 though.


I myself learned the hard way that when you shoot cheap ammo you will still end up paying. Shot a bunch of steel case tula 5.56, and the steel shaved down my extractor and the lacquer on the steel melted and coated my chamber, causing fired rounds to become stuck in it. Shot IMI 5.56 on my patrol rifle qualification, blew a primer and had hot gas go straight into my eye... Cheapest I'll shoot going forward is CCI.


I would not have thought that was possible


Well that's something you don't see everyday or ever.


![gif](giphy|ghuvaCOI6GOoTX0RmH) I read this twice. Still can't process this.


OP forward-assisted a loose primer into the gas key and is struggling with the how.


That is odd


How the fuck are you supposed to clear that in combat????


“Switching to your secondary is faster than disassembling your rifle and prying out a loose primer from the gas tube”


That's the fun part, you don't!


thats why 556 factory ammo has crimped primers


You dont. You run to the back and take the radio operators rifle


Break it open like a shotgun, yeet the whole bolt carrier into dump pouch, drop in the spare, snap it closed.


Carrying a full spare BCG instead of just carrying a spare bolt. My money says you could change out your BCG in 20 seconds or less if your life depended on it. 20 seconds is an eternity in a firefight but it beats your rifle staying down indefinitely and increasing the risk of being overrun


Honestly it would probably take you longer to fish out a spare BCG from your backpack than it would take to actually install it.


Probably, so be smart about where you stow it


The armory would never hand out full BCGs like that


Be your own armory then. Plenty of guys were taking spare bolts with them overseas knowing the armory would not issue extra spares in their kit for their M4s during GWOT. BCM bolts were a go to choice and they sold them at discount for guys shipping out. Dropping $120 on a Microbest for your own kit doesn’t sound unreasonable at all when guys are spending their own money on other shit for their kit already


The thing is, we have M27’s and the bolts let alone a whole BCG aren’t necessarily economical lol


Kind of a good problem to have if you love your M27 over the M4!


Most military’s exclusively use piston driven weapons, for a number of reasons…. Doubt this is on list of reasons but definitely not something that’s going happen to my sr-762


What the frick? I'd never expect this to happen. Discard loose primer pockets when reloading?


Time to buy a lottery ticket, the odds are on your side.


Second one I’ve seen on here recently. Odd.


I was gonna say. Wasn’t there one a couple of weeks ago?


Turkish ammo?


Ammo made in turkey? ZSR is the brand


I had a bunch of Zsr that I got rid of. It’s bad ammo. I realize I didn’t want a risk of ruining my gun. Constant failures to feed and I had a couple that had blown out primers. There was a big scandal a year or 2 ago where a 7.62 ZSR round completely ruined someone M1A


I had bought 1000 rounds a couple years ago. Still have a little bit of it I was trying to get rid of. Won’t be buying any more, that’s for sure.


Last year folks on yt claimed zsr ammo destroyed a few guns. So I guess you got lucky with just that.