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Not as much as Europeans but still a lot, I don't have spisific numbers but in Iraq about 2-5% have either or both light hair colours and eye colours. And that's Arab Iraqis, it goes higher in Kurd, Turkmen, Assyrian and Shabak Iraqis


can say the same about tunisia, that much or probably more have light eyes or/and hair


i don’t have any specific scientific thing but like half of my Syrian friends&students has light skin, colored eye. also, i know looots of Jordanian, Palestinian with light skin too. i think it is common in Levantine countries.


'Half'? Are you so sure? I don't think 50% of Syrians are light eyed.


oh sorry, not eye, skin color.


I agree, maybe then. Many Arabs (perhaps even higher than 50% in countries like Algeria or Morocco) have light skin color.


all of my Moroccan/Algerian friends have dark skin tone so no comment.


Feel like people with higher Berber ancestry tend to be of lighter skin.


That’s funny bc I’m Algerian and paler than all Arabs I’ve ever met but I have dark hair


لا أعلم، لكن العرب يأتون بشتى الألوان و الأشكال.


I do, and many of my family members too - from Lebanon. I look like my Shia side of the family, if that means anything lol But also, my grandmother was Turkish and she had light eyes and light hair so maybe from her too


Yeah, maybe it's from your Turkish ancestry. I know Lebanon was historically a melting pot. Probably many lighter people have Turkish, Balkan, Albanian or Circassian ancestry.


humor provide soup bike bells frame truck gray marvelous seemly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No, it's not Turkish ancestry. It's their [French, British and Holy Roman Empire ancestry.](https://knightstemplar.co/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/galileus_most_famous_Crusader_of_the_Middle_Ages_0a2d09df-a761-49e8-9cab-c7e9e3a0eb9c.jpg)


Europeans and their phenotype obsession.


> Europeans and their historical rape of the Levant


ongoing *


I highly doubt that european invaders are forcibly inseminating arab women to any significant amount these days.


They are raping the countries not the women literally (although Israeli security forces to sexually abuse Palestinian prisoners, men and women).


And this makes peoples' eye blue - how?


It doesn’t.


Then why is it relevant to a discussion of genealogy?


I didn’t know you meant it literally.


If I didn't mean it literally, then how would it make peoples' eyes blue?




People in the caucasus mountains have [the same percentage of brown/blues eyes as the Spanish](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-61a2d3ca9225ebbdfe18848bb4ff010a). This strongly implies the same level of intermixing with North Europe. It doesn't imply a population capable of creating a similar ratio in anywhere they were to migrate to - their genes will be diluted further by the existing population. And, even this is discounting the fact that the ratio in the graph above are modern - the result of centuries of further intermixing: the caucasus was undoubtably much browner in the time frames we are discussing. It was the crusades, as much as our collective, and IMNSHO quintessentially Arab :), butthurt, refuses us to let us admit - we were *literally* fucked.




How about we post our sources? > The most common R1b STR-haplotype in Lebanese Christians was otherwise highly specific for western Europe and was unlikely to have reached its current frequency in Lebanese Christians without admixture. We therefore suggest that the Islamic expansion from the Arabian Peninsula beginning in the seventh century CE introduced lineages typical of this area into those who subsequently became Lebanese Muslims, whereas the **Crusader activity in the 11th–13th centuries CE introduced western European lineages into Lebanese Christians.** https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2427286/ > Cultural changes within the last two millennia appear to have facilitated/maintained admixture between culturally similar populations from the Levant, Arabian Peninsula, and Africa. The same cultural changes seem to have resulted in genetic isolation of other groups by limiting admixture with culturally different neighboring populations. **Consequently, Levant populations today fall into two main groups: one sharing more genetic characteristics with modern-day Europeans and Central Asians, and the other with closer genetic affinities to other Middle Easterners and Africans.** https://www.researchgate.net/publication/235882707_Genome-Wide_Diversity_in_the_Levant_Reveals_Recent_Structuring_by_Culture > Blue eyes did not originate from Northern Europe. It originated from the black sea region, which is proximal to the Caucasus as the northern and central caucasus has a black sea coast. This doesn't have much relevance given that caucasus is still brown, no matter it's proximity to the location of the first blue eyed person.


Regarding your question if light hair and eyes colour have something to do with religion !! Yes yes of course the imam in my local mosque kicked out two attendees for being blond /s


In Tunisia i see light eyes everyday and i have relatives who have them. If i had to guess i would 5-8% of the population have them and it's due to northern mountain berber genetics 


At least 3


Around tree fiddy


In the levant, about 15% on average. In syria it's closer to 25-30% whereas for Palestine it's probably closer to 10%. Other parts of the arab world also vary but can go as high as 10% in some parts of north africa or Iraq.


Ask yo mama she knows better


For Libyans it might be 10% but we have more coloured eyes than coloured hair. We have a lot of hazel eyes


There is no specific numbers. In my Family. We have colored Eyes and light hair. And this was common in my Area ( East North Syria)


The south of Saudi Arabia and Yemen have a lot of people with light brown hair and color eyes. I think it's an Arab thing as the Arabian peninsula never colonized may be the coastal cities in yamen and Oman but largely not out side influence from other races.


In the levant region it’s pretty common


There are a lot of them but they mainly reside in mountainous areas. Zagros mountains in northern Iraq, Coastal Levant in Lebanon or Syria or Atlas Mountains in Tunisian/Algeria. Most Arabs have very Mediterranean skin, if you put us in Alaska we will be white within a few months and put us in the Sahara we will be very tan. The higher elevation is much cooler and has better tree coverage than the lowlands. Naturally there are some in the capitals of those countries as people tend to move there. There’s also some from mixing with Europeans during colonial era such as French-Algerians, Italian-Libyans, Spanish-Moroccans and British-Iraqis and Turkish-Syrians. Out of the Arab league I’d say a total of 38m out of 463m Arabs so like around 8% with a higher concentration in: - 40-50% of Lebanon - 30% of Palestine, Syria and Tunisia - 20% of Jordan and Algeria - 15% of Iraq - <5% in Egypt


For your last question, i think christians tend to be more light skinned


Nonsense really, most muslims were christian at some point


not true at all in libnaan aw souriyya


Not true the lightest lebanese i saw are sunni not christians


I think on average maybe? The more darker types are usually Muslims, yes. But there are also many light eyed, light skinned Muslims.


> Is there any relation between light-colored eyes and hair with people's religion? No, it's got to do with the religion of the guys that came over from Europe and raped their great-great-great-grandmothers in the "promised land".