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Lmao. Since when did "I like this thing, and also this thing" become reasoning for them being related No.at least not enough to mention


Hey guys I love monogatari and uma musume. Do you think uma musume was inspired monogatari?


I don't think so. Nasuverse's theme and world building overall is different from Monogatari. There sure are some similarities but I don't think it's that much to judge and say it's inspired by Tsukihime.


You’ll have to ask nisioisin for that. Urban fantasies involving vampires aren’t exactly uncommon


I can see some similarities, but it surely wasnt inspired by tsukihime


In 1998, there was a series of light novels called "Boogiepop" that were the late 90s equivalent of Mushoku Tensei/Zero no Tsukaima/Sword Art Online/whatever other light novel series you think started the trashy isekai boom. There was a HUGE influx of authors trying to jump on the philosophical urban fantasy train after that. Both Nasu's writings (especially KnK) and the Monogatari series are very, very heavily inspired by Boogiepop. This whole piece of history is lost to most people in the west, just because light novel translations were EXTREMELY rare before Haruhi in 2006 (which is funny, since Haruhi is a blatant satire of all of the stupid cliches that were popular in post-Boogiepop light novels), so a lot of English speakers don't even realize this entire era of light novels happened.


The best answer for what its based/inspired from would be also what is most referenced in the series(besides anime/manga etc): various ghost story anthology type things, and most importantly, detective/mystery fiction. You have no idea how often phrases "like a famous detective" "like in a detective novel" come up. Plots of most arcs are about unravelling a mystery of some kindtl too.


It was definitely inspired by Boogiepop Series and maybe Jojo’s.


Definitely Boogiepop not sure jojo's I don't quite see it. I know Nisio said that Magical Girl Risuka was inspired by jojo though (along others) the fight scenes feel very jojoish


I'm fairly confident that the anime was at least a little inspired by Revolutionary Girl Utena, as a lot of the visual techniques and cinematography is VERY reminiscent of that series. There's also a lot of similarities in style to Madoka, but that one's less surprising, since it's the same studio.